Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1954, p. 7

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W0 wm my mm1 will lhc Inlug mud nu Hmvvr Imw and mm rvrxy munm mm the InchHM mm mm rnnskh mun Mun um an lmlh mur xhnw mm Innmm Mn Her nmu Scullwluuuh rn mm 0mm mmuh leiulimh Imrrml an Mx crumnu rmu Gmlph mu null Mrs Juhll Clmk lmHurlnl Svrlrlury Ilm how wm luhl In Unllrd Ihurrh Human sumo Mama nurmmu um um nhuw huw wm Iulrl In 11mm Human Schrm nurmmu mu ler mulrly uunllur lm nummm HIy mm llw Inml mum wun nu pulnh nm vllll wrm hrnullh cullum Im In nmm lmrlluulunhh mm lLIrxhu Vulu nnd Anme mm by bus llr hrlduu In ullrml Hm umnlul mul In at lehlcl In mid spnnsur 1le dlmicl Iluwcr mow In llvv lhmlvr ON WEDNESDAY All DESPITE VIIIIY IIMNY HA Hll GRANADA MARLON BRANDO INTHE WILD ONE WEDNESDAY THDDSDAY PDIDAY SATDDDAY CONTINUOUSSHOWSSATURDAY230pm AnVEHTllRESPEcIACLESAVAGE WE THURSDAY mm man lost MAM IONG or Maumlxs mun luv can 70 It It All In ANN ADULTS IIIWINE 7c TIAx INCL ADULTS MATINEES 500 TAX INCL ClllLDREN ALL muss 25c TAX INCL The Barrie Horliuulluml Society For MovicMcrryGoRround Tune in CKBB alt 540 pm Daily GARDEN NOTES ll mm wr mm lur whlrh Hwy 11 vnlmnv ml Ilmll ur Hm IAM hlmnu Ihuw wml lu ML llnnlulllr will HIT N0 INVASION USA Horus or 111s FIRST WIIH THE BEST INBARRIE LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY llu lhu nlu pllm 5mm lay lhc and Inn mwun In vlrKlnu nr Hum Human ML nan Mu mm by Mn 1mm Ilnrr mum mqu llllrclur and Mr FMlnu or 1m lhnnlnllluo mun wm rlulul mummy lmmnur lhl nrmgmwnl Imlll mum mm vnn mm urn In 11 mm Ilrlp In mun mququ nun nmnrn nlfnlm Hm mm mum mul qu myvl IllIhlvl llnwrr Vluw mm mm mm In cunuuuml ulll lm mm lummmn num Hlmlulllu my mg llmllnll Iww um Ilmulvl mm mm In Innllnl Anuus ollnmlrll nl whi mu Hun Ilnulfllrlllvn mnlul In 1mm but JOHN CLARK prescnlcd banks to all 30chch In50M and he also xnvc ml huudlmlfl prlus he and his win mu made nmnsclm TillZ DUSINESS MEETING was rlmlnxl hy Lllklricl dlrulur lLrcy Hutu nl Orlllin who icclncll well plmsnl with he lumuut un mlth uuy MHllkIHI lnrludllm Mr IIHIII who urflrd ull mlvlhl lu lnnku nu dlhrl lu hrluu ll mw Cun mllmm lulu lhllr work Mr Clank whn umunulllnl hu Wink hclnl dune hrmmly Oulnrh by II llw lmrlltulhlrul mchuu nntl Mr Uuumow who umu maul 1mm nll llm nuclrlhl mmunnu lmln nuw mmm man Hull am hnmnvrmrnl um um llm muln 1le nmly nll mun 11 anurlly mw nu mmqu lluwrr muw mum mmm nmmuuml um mm lhmv wm mm mm and mm Vrtpm mlrly mmmn mm mum no mm 21 uml lar 1m uuIr Ihuw Wrdnvuluyy mm In rr lull In nmnll lIll mtlrflcn In an Iqu duvnuml Thrn mmm wcru ulvm hy rrprrmxlnllm 1mm nll llm mclrlhl llllvmllnu lmln nuu nynrlx Hnflwutl UNI lvk mplnvrlnrnl IIIHml mm llm muln 1le mnll nll mlru lllr mnjurlly ADULT ENTERTAINMENT OUR INCH ONGIIAIUlr THERE FULIUWIHG HHUHI all ENTERTAINMENT Vrtpm sway mmmm Mnulxl no mm 21 uml unr uuIr Ihuw erhwuluyy mt ulmlluH culled WEI ALSO LATEST WARNER NEWS EVENfl Twelve Ilrlllsh lcnchm hr vnngunm 138 who wlll lunch In srlmol lhraualmul Saskohc Wnn llls year llll llnlltnx Inccnl 1y by Cnnndlun Nallonnl Hallway wurlul mlln lur um western pm vmcc my nrrlvcd cnrllcr nbonrd lho Cunard llncr chrzluJ In an mm In rcllnvc 1c suvnc ahnrlngu mmth hal has pre vnllnd In lhul pruvlncc ovrr lhu 1m 1m yum lhu luncle brim brouKh from Hrllnln ll vncunrlu Luxl ycnr lhu pruvlnco wn nhurl nn ulllnnlcd 500 warh Cunmllnn pmvmcc hn nmmum llmnmh Hu tocpcrmlvu MIMI of mu Illunrlmonl ul Edu cnllml In Snsknlchuwnn Tuder Frllornunn Ind In Snuknlchcwnn Srlmol Truslcu Aumnlluu II culllrl 1n MI COME hi yvnr Ind LO Judge lur llu mum wn Mn Iuylur fillclnly Hay lu whnln wn MD Inuth lmlchlvd 10f his llnlu and mm All mm or ml munn wlll lip dlllrlhulrd In UK wln llm nl DVM pm lullowlnl l1 lluwcr nhuw In lrlnny lnrllh all Amy PLEASE WAIJH HH Cumllm livrnu Ulllmn unrlllnl lml lflllhlll III Hnnln um nlvlLL mullr Iyy muludlnu MIL all ur Mm le510 British Teachers Arrive in Canada Thu uxxrlrllmnl he bIKKlIl re klnd tunducltd by nnmlmu unmlmr mm Imumh mu mun ym Alu ulnuu unmmw mm puumll nl ml yrr mlen FRIDAY SATURDAY Nlllllll 10 ILIZAHE FROM $5200 IN STOCK IlliAln Wllllyli IUll WAIT HINOHI Oll DUUIILE lllllAHllyl MODELS FROM $4050 HIJ UH Poll You VUIIK CLUTIIIH CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm WlLl TODD PLUS GAY FESTIVAL OF CARTOONS ON THE SAME IOllllll DIILT PROGRAM TAILOREDTOMEASURE SUITS MENS TAN BI HUNIAH HT IV BARR to by salesmanship wurlhy ol bothr Cause plll nwr lhB slum IynlLm In Iduxbumnuh lu Junc Him In Simeon and Pull Duvcr whrrn he cnxhnd cheque will local bank on In Ilrcnulh MI nccnunl which he had lurmcrly In Cnpnrr CH and also Artuml clnullnl uml olhur not nn lalsr nrckncr um wurlhlrM chrquu In lhc same month In OHan he Mcuml more mrrchnndim nnJ hm lnkln Inhan llm YMCA lhnrc nlul lrtnuulnl lhrm 25 anonln dld not tcmvn nml II July he oblnlncd cash rnlll ll mu lllllbtr III lhc Ford Mel nnvl hml lhrll chnrurn nnnlnll Mm Ilium III also Allhlllud mutle ulisc lrmn lhrrc bmlncu mm In Turnllu Chnrlcd with driving an ngh way Do in Vcspra on Aux with out due care and mention Roy Ruxborough RCAC School Camp Borden pleaded qumy The husky ucnnxcr who has been wearing Barrie Flyurs sweater with Junior cm and large In all his cum appur anccs Barry John New had actually never even lrlcd out wuh the local cam necnrdlnz Io rccord here but had cvldcnll purchiscd nu swcnler wnh the cxpecmllon at making the learn hlcr He Incas 10111311 Hal churns or mud and also pm lcnce slnce cumlng wulhurn Onlnrln ram his home In Copper CH1 and an Wednesdays unmar nncn baton Mailman Foser he pleaded uulhy to and was can vlclcd on 10 hose and rc mnndcd ln cuslody unlll Aug 18 WhIln unhor lnlnrmnllon cuml rclardlnl many more IIm Har chncns roubles bcmm In Barrie In lluly with lhn cnshln wurlhlrss chmWM lwn on In llnynl Bank Ind olhcn with prlvnlu pnrllu some ofwhum have asked mm In charge bcwhlrpwn ML hud nl Mamie Gordon Foster presdcd wfith Crown Attorney Thompson 2nd Mishnt Crown Analnay Livingston Cpl Lee the munldpal ol flcewa In charge with 55 Bannymfllc Ind Cpl Hock ridze 1315mm HQ Adjournment number casts were ad ourned or various rcasonsln cluding the hearing of charge In connectiori with me in the Bradlard urea which will bgheard In Brndlord on Aug 31 charge dangurou driving laid by PC Roberts against Henry Rabsun waS adjourned to September Dazed For Moment Evidence 01 PC Boyd OPP was that the soldier had been driving west on that highway about 350 mm and evlde ily doz cd ior mnment slruckja guard ml which was slighiiy vnr inur ice to the north and three uiimr posts were struck at point ai mosl seven miles 1mm Barrie The accused was very straight lnrward said PC Boyd and noti lind the police in once The us ual minimum iing was imposed $15 with costs Slim Th car by Mm urhnm llm Dn lrlcl mu ham llvu num lulqu hm On all charm In Iqu mm and runnndcd one wrck lur Innhnrv and mum lnvrallinllun kn Iml Illlnlllul mnny lllUll Illulcrl Ilmllnr nnlum The accused was very lnrward Sam PC Boyd Ind the police in once ual minimum line was $15 with cost $1450 was damaged slightly To charge drlvlnx 0n July In Essa whllc hl ability in drive was Impaired Joseph Good plead ed not lullty and calm two wu ncsscs but their evidence did not slrcnlthon hls case PC Scragg who lald the charge stated that at 53 am an lhnl date he had nutlccd the nccuscd drive up to snack bar and Ms dump nuck seemed in siop with several jerks Whun Good stepped put his conditiml wn fllsg gby lht oflmnr nngl Ddcncc was that Good had been laking labial or the Iron mun or gout with which he ls lroublcd and claimed um hey bad same 011ch upnn his walklng but did nalprovc th clcnrly conviction followed with In of 3100 pm costs $5 Not Flycr Than From Curl Anemgted Rape Charged with nllnmptcd rap on Aug In Vespra Charles Clankm was remanded for one week Rug In or um For the present ball was not allowed He is dulcndcd by John 0mm Defence Weakcnad nIm 1le ull mmlwm ln mum uu nmmml rlnlhlnl mm In wuqu guy nLJuIyrfIL 11 L10 Ilrnvlrvl nullly They um All llnluvlwu mm mm and mm mum and mu new Inchlllrd munx Immu WEDNESDAY AUG ll ii Mcérnénrwrhnr was wilh IlaMd on Ircvluun ccnvlcllon II Ihu Mme nnlure and ltd for lcnlmce unlll Aug Was Not Present Charges were lald by PC 0x ner who slaled that the boys evl den sleep nlljay ind run he slr at night suh had been sold to local man Daniel Ther rlcn or 51 but he claimed that lmde paid the dollar on yr vluus debt Rebelson and no lur he sulehlch wns vulund at over $30 Tm lhrce youlhs were luund Eullly Mallhewx had one prcvlous cnnvlcllon and Iuspendcd scnlvnce All were rcmandndln cmlndy or weak and thelr case wlll be considered by ank Dlngman chlct prohnllon olllecr Joy Riding Sentence Twu young mtmbcrs 01 hr nrmtd Iorcvs who had boon con vlclcll Dr Jay riding Jnmll Slim lcy Carroll nnd Alexander CL Carlhy were each given two monlhl jnll Another ccnaxcr Raymund noblnson 10 pleaded guilty brcnklng and onhv Wllh Ihcfl nl Slmcuu Mulurs on July 31 and nln lu Inkan car mm the garage whlch In hlld drlvcn lhufl d15 lnnrc mm the Knmlc and became lnvnlvcd In an urcldcnl wlm $100 damuuu bulnu dons rlurgc nuulnsl Jilmll Low cry Iur huvluu Im 0pm holllu Ilquur In Ill car an July II In Um lnld by Chnpnul whu Md luvrsllflMrd nn nrruhn near hnhric ml llluhwny II III derd Inr hlu cllcnl an Amer lcnn by Juhn Hold parrlllrr who rnltrrrl plrn mm line lulu cnsln ruullrd HIHHHI charm ngnlnal Mlclh wl Mumlly lnr hnvluu In Ilncr UNI llunx llKhllllfly lfllll by PC Ilny Hulwxlg nllfl In unl rheckml Io cur of lhr nullwl 0n llluhvuy 000 nn July nl 1123 pm muvlruuu Iran Inc In 315 mu mu um quanllly Ala cnuml he lxuullln Max Grahu of Gulhrie was up polnled Bulldl Inspector or the township of ore last month when the ownshlp council tollnwmz trend at the 11mm adopted by lawalo control and keep up to zamfaclory standzrd all thldln within the municipality here assessment shirts and Suit bu all hild bcln recovered with the exception mg shirts Barn in the family home when he still resides Mr Graham is descended 1mm one at those Scot bh ilmliin which formed the main block at early Om selliem and few pcnpin are in hater position in summarize the change that have taken place in the town shin within living memory Be sides residing there nilhis liie he has been inwnsnip mesa since 1935 and tax coiiector since 1942 He recalls that his first assess ments were made during the win lnr months using horse and cutter since 0qu were nut plowed and using the eyeball system at pro perty appraisal Today assessment is made in the months oi fine wea ther under the equalized assess ment system with manual apprais al adopicd in 1950 Fértly thruugh he changeover In hssmmcnt methods and part ly lhrnugh development prop my the local assessment has grown during Mr Grahams len urc 01 office mm $1000000 to $4 ODMOU and continues to rise ueadny Actually am building units have been disappearing in var ouspartJ of the nwmhlp or some years as holding had In be in creased In the days of oxen was cansidcrcd necessary or farm tnconlaln 50 acres to con stitute profitable unSL when lhc home replaced the ox tarm cr needed at 1035 100 acres hllc lrI lhls age at mechanizaun ll profitable holding shuuld be I50 The effect at this trend is shown In the record that In Schnal Sce Uon No just north the town no no less than 27 sets farm bulldtngs have been removed through disuse stncc plnncer days Same and all nunmsme we It proved to be low sandy for cul llvnuon and much this in nor lhern Oro is going Into reforesta Han Breaking And Enny NAME BUILDING INSPECTOR ORO COUNCIL ADOPT BYLAW FOR CONTROL OF BUILDING Charge Vagrancy med In cur In Ulr CNN yum Ir Aug nl 5130 Im by 13 Chum Jnuk Hamilton plrulxm nu aulhy In vanmy HM and Inlllwl llml Iln lud In 51 1mm Inlmtrr Holland anlllll on vacnllvm and hll mum ll Alhclln IIIM lur mm AUGUST 18 I954 Dunlap St rMulcomsons Insurance Hgéncy Conn slum Au has been some Ins through those arm GIhPTfiarriv Examiner lmldenh un hppon my Ilmo Inywhpn lnelnnlnl on may worn unmuud your hunt um Item the Inrouil nl cull chmn lull wlfll llnhlllly Imm mu ANYTHING MN llAllEN AND SOMETIMES DOHHI Cuumlm drllndcd by Mr lllylrs pulled he Ml The ruck was owntd by lulu mulluer On con vlcllon hu Wu Ilnrd 81 plus 50 um lhn lruck lxupuundml or lhrce munllls Charles Coomb pleadcd Kullly upcmung truck whllc his drivers license was under sm Dcnslon on June In Mcdonlc The charxc lald by PC 11 Chnppal who stand 0m Coumbs had been dvlnl 50 and had cruwrl rd hlm almost OH road This was nl 0J5 on llllhwuy D2 On chum Ink by ChitI HIGH InnlsHl lnllcu Kcllh Julllulnu wna an plus 50 Hr havan beer In plum umur lhuu rcshlrntc on July 10 In In HM chuxun ml mm munMud fur the prusrcu Hun No one is born In Om any more said Mr Graham In men Honing hls own birth in the fam ily home It is another inlerut In trend of the Hch lha Oro births now take placu In Barrie or OrHlla hospltals nut one blth having been rugislcrcd in the township nnw fur several years Slmcoe coumy rcsldans have long lhnuzhl 01 On mostly Scullish and has been tradition allylenrnl In Mu pallllcs 15 Mr Grahams onlnlon that Mic characteristics have become to large degree lubmerzcd by um lnflucnms As 0111 bulldlmz lnspccmr pur sue hc dutlns of ma new omen cancclvahlc lhn he may nc casiunally ponder the arrange ments under which Ihc Graham ham was built many years an The builder agreed to hulld lhu ham cc wldc aha cast $1 or cnch on ll length The barn bclng ea ch long cruc on cost bcllcvc or nut $66 day to check on his It was found that lhe alluntlon wns somewhnl different and he was lncd ID with costs $5 or live dnyL Entiy With The PC SWLtl he want llrnch lammm muam Dr llowlrn In ll chnuc hrrnklnl and cnlrrlni wllh Ihrfl lulll unlnnI Duvlll lluruln who amnnllnx In evldtllfl hm luulvl puncan whm hr mlvrcxl lhv nth Mn Mclhmnlvl opulml Um lock wllh run uprnu Ind cum Mmul In ram anr lw Irlwlml nml look In munry buck In lho awn Ho clnlmrd In hnvc hrm In vnmllnn Hm Much llul hul LIan llrlnklm Nu wnl mnundnl umll An or cnluu Exclusive its many summer msidcnts Oros population has sulleer slight decline laxesv however as everywhere are up In 1942 Oral tax levy was $42000 in 195l 385000 and last year $131800 Mr Graham explains Inat much 01 the increase is ac counted or ln educational and social service expenditures Drovo Whilo Suspended In Place Other Slugs In Tolnphono changes It has been made up in varluus waym 0m has seen 1L summer places develop extensive ly and now wilnesslng another smking develnpmcm in us laur accommodation In the second concession along Highway 11 Just above flu tcxmlnus of ngnway 400 are to be found group of restaurants and muteLi complet ed 01 nearly 50 that are the equal of any such In the prnvlnce In at this snnHun where kind has sold $8 to $20 fool frant ngc has been referred in nu Oros GuIdEn MIl Anmhrr Wm up way Um Anhur Krrr chnrlnd II PC Bwvul wllh Imudulvully mlni mm In upole mu Inphunr In ALEX GRAHAM pm 313 Evldcnu by Jnmc lrwln was that Ranch driving truck had backed out or umc on he nuxlh sldc ln mnl he wllncsa whn had lunwd lo ll suulh Shh and Hal wus nluwcd up when Munch slmlghlcncd 12M hm swunx back lnln anmhrr lrlw on he soul and zuvu nu sham The nlllccr hall lnvrsllunlml Ult accident which unsmd and umul Irwins vehicle on In Mullh xldc and the truck on cast buuurl 12mg man Jinan allmm pmdlcv ncm and llu wnl mummud to Ann 10 um Chnrlcd by Chin Elan Innlslll wlm allan lo urn In In right nllnw mom fur nn umcr vehicle un July 21 on counly mm In lnnlslll John Roach pleadcd uullly Climaxlng series txrcpfionn yonrnflcrycnr production records which Included warld champion ship Monlvlc Colleen Abbckcrk has now qunllflcd for Gold Seal ccrllncnlc ur Longtlmu production which 15 awarded lo the few oul slandan anslolns in Canada place coin was scan by hgng company Lrgpluycc vflp laid Inlnrmauon 111 worship denounced such ncHon In mum terms and Imposcd me 550 plu costs $20 or one momh Gold Seal For Alliston Holstein Fail To Turn Out SHOWS NIGHTLY TONIGHT THUR FRI SAT IMPERIAL THEATRE THEMAN BEHIND THE GUN BIG ALL COLOR SHOW MAN WITH MILLION Loulrd Jull mm Hull III CullenIon ll helwnn hllhwny ll Ind hllhvuy THE HIGHWHYMHN LAST TIME TONIGHT BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON CMiTOON STARTS THURSDAY IIIMIIIRH TlmllllN VANIIAIII1NIDIIX WM PMNT STARTS MONDAY AUG 23 HURON RUIIKRT IOTIHK CARTOON and whlch in lhclr lilcllme product over 175000 lbs of milk Colleen has an actual clam lactatlon lllc nme total 177851 lbs mllk con lalnlng 7717 lbs at average lest IMJu huncxm One her cards was made on lwlcc ay mllklnz and balance on lhrcc Ilmcsadny mllkinz Cnllnnn was purchased by McCaguc Allston the dll penal sale the Mount Vlcturln Inblcln herd In 1012 80 Hudson Ilcighls Quebec Shchn upon her lllcllmc since lhcn In Cnguus Glcnunun herd and has became known In one the area cnws at the IIolschnFrlcslan Section ZPages to l4 broad I5 Dunlap HL Phone 5201 Bea UI HIST For Insurance of ALL KINDS STEVENSON INSURANCE canon NEWS AUG l8l9 AUG ZOZI cown

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