Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1954, p. 5

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Va The qualifications are the mat ter wllh which he pub in Re oral will be mos unnamed There Is needed Complme rc rVnmplng of the mannar In whlrh he business of tho townshlp been carried nul This cspocjalh applies lathe meetings at councli There should be an agenda pm pared and this should be adhexcu 40 Manors discussed In com mfllee should be bmugfil mwnrd mm publlc meeting and dealt with openly for puhllc knnwledge vullm Iluvlonn Vlnlnn Mr and Mn Oclnvn Inrllmn rum Wur Mn nml Mm Krunnly Kmuwnlr Mm Max Hum nml thlldmn Jnnnln qu Ilyymn Tumnlu Mr null Mn Hm mwnuu nnd xlnuxhlrr Hvrrrll Mr mu Mn AHUH IIrII ank lulu leNX InllIrl Imr Lmnnn lrnLly nu Sunday Mrs Lrnnrml Tuny leilul Iwr mm Mr nml Mu 6mm Imu Tluuwfny Llln lelmh xlnyinu wilh hlr xlulcr In lelr Black ar lureu Lrnnnrd Tracey nml HnymnmL Ilmmle And anl Held wvnl In rnnflvllll Ir lhl slork car film un Sunday Mrs Hnnnnh chlcr vlsilcd er Ilarhnr Mls Duhblu Burke was myan nuuy Lowery or low days cfnrc returnan In Qurbcc Flu Yum In Tlnanh Allcr very slrcnunus hmO nonlhs lu Lowerys hman Hxxlm In lhls wvck wlll hbmlc heir Ilvc yrars In Can ln WM UH Aux my IckLLl XI 11an nbanrd HIL quilnnlu An advertisement appearing 1n this newspaper requested person lnlercstcd applying the Fashion clerk ln Slate thelr qunlulcalluns and rnfemncvs and to have appficalloqs In by Aux 28 the dunes to mmmrncu an Supt 15 The sinlnmun made at lhr Heeling 01 lhu Belle Collar Hunch Ls Assuclallon that nnnrly every 10 MW hall second hulldlnn all ll which was occupied by another nmlly lands in comparison wlih he llnmlllcn district munlclpnlily whlch removed hillldlng from lnl whlch dld nni cnniorm wim bylaw by ihe drasilc method bullduzinx ll down Thule ls bylaw In lnnlslil whlch pruhiblls lhe mciion at more lhan one hulldlnq to lot or from inc oi cupallon of such as dwelling However lllllc has ham la nlom thls bylaw slnCL parly whn was bcinli prnsslil in change garage mnlle lnlu llvlnx quan érs and ust ns accummodnllnn pruughi up bus load or voters Io help clue counclllur Who wnuld have ihls pressure rc mnvnil rThc nctusaflon lhal his own lhlp was the most mnllcluusly nvDrncd Should lcalt be mndlv flu ullowlng Hm Incident ln porlcd In the press from Ham lon wny when pnor ratepay gra Mule mrccrnomcd cabln was nnt lame enough to confurm mm the 111w and Was smashed to bits wllhuut so much as court order There are rtlmars that when the levy for thls years rates was set lhesn were not confirde by motlon passed by councll If this were so it Could mean that the whale taxatan as levied thls you was lelt In an Incomplete Wm by council and had to he finally arranged by an uttlclal The ur rnnxlng ol the levy charged the ratepayers of the village at struurl for street lighting when quesllnzh ed by rntepayur was admittedly lelt to the clerk to ndlust and no reason seems tn have Dccn ulter ed why these rates vary greatly as everyone benefits equally by the street llghtlnz The SHEKBS atan that this matter was entlrcy up to eummlllce who made the canvass to get the lights Installed ls slmply passlng the buck This committee lluvu never been con sulted on the levy nor were they consulted when cnuncll made nrl nllownnee of $100 to cover work or replacement at burnedout bulbs Not So Drastic Roan vmam Drucu Tmcry Ix now Hvlnx In 11 new hnuw Cnlwrll Aum nmlun wmklml Hm rumlnllun of Ms nrw homr gmcm buildlnu mm up uler will 11¢ lnrxu lmlHHll rnllvd villus Wm Work run 11 numm nppllmnll lnr Position Advertised Dunqoxfiold Moloxs III Ml DWIIION IIIAIJIDIUI HT Dill ll HUY WITH CONFIDENCE ul pm mm In My mp tlIIlnulnl nulva Illm wvy nw munp Hulll ullh mu unly mm lrlu unm 53 PONTIAC SEDAN LIMITED llmn Counlyl IIunl lhlrr Innisfil Notes COLWELI 31 L03 Lm mud suuch mm un Gun Exm rocclwd run inc Mllan and was lunk ovmluc was uulm dnnuumus Mrs In nnll rucuvcry Jabs nn Dnrlons tobacco farm 15 greater lhnn cvnr Lemrs and plum calls mm ullmvcr Cnnndn nn comm 1n mny Show Dianna nnd Mury um Dmlnn ntllndld luvrly baby shower rur Mrs Fullunl ulvnn by Mrs Jnhnslnn whusc rusldunco on Highway 00 flHlIliIII munmwm loving memory fluhrrl Murphy who lmssvd nway Aug 1053 in wcnry hours and days or pnln nu lmubled nuth are pm And nur mum hvnns vv know He msmgnd mm mm mm WILSONWu wlsh to express nur heanfclt hunks 11 our neighbors and mme Im lhulr many an kinrlnvs= md Gymna my in um 10va or am bulnv ml nwhm 15 nov Mr Luck or 1m man wunls Donald 1nd Emily 95 nvlhglyriimcnnmlx 19y wire and family 95 CARD OF THANKS IAINAl lhl Royal Victoria Hos piml Harrie 0n Mundny Allg 111 1931 Mary Ehzabuth Eain dear mother at Dobbin Dianne and David bDlmed daughter 01 Mr and FrLd ancy of Barrio dual 101 James and Hurmun of Cookslown Mrs Cori Spears 1Minnicl Ivy Mrs Mar Munrn Lila 01 Ear rie Alrs Frank Mucha 1Eval Goraldlon and Mrs Jack Wil =nn Lnurm Whitby in he 71h your Hosting me Jan ncl Iuncral Humu Barrio Fun om sonch Wodnusday Aug 1H at pm lnlcrmcm Cnuk= lawn Unnod Church Cemetery BRENNANHAMMOND On Monday Aug 1934 at 10 oclock at St Marys Church Harris by Rev Dunn Clair Beulah Anne ammund daugh 01 Mr and Scott Senfnxlll UXIL lu William Brennan nr Barrie om llnsmlal Harrie Aug 17 1954 In Mr nnd Mrs Ross Ronald Shun SL Barrio son NOBLE Al lhc Royal Vlclurin Hospital Barrie Aug l0 1954 to Mr and Mrs Noble 183 Collier SL son POPEM the Royal VlLlqun H0 pilal Barrie Aug 17 1954 10 Mr and Mm lama Howard Pnpc an Bwlc nson elm crd Alan ROBINSON and Mrs Alvin Robinson 337 CodringlonSL Earrlc are happy to announce he arrival lhclr son James Charles flrl Aug 17 1954 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie hmlhcr Dr John Juan and Jerry 95 SMALEA he Royal Vlclona Hospital Barrio Aug 17 054 In Cam and Mrs Snmle JABC School Camp Harden WALDENAt the Roya1 Victoria Hospnal Barrie Aug 1954 to Mr and Mrs Carl Walden 21 France Nnrlll sun John Dnyld FELDMANAi the Royal Vlclam Hosplul Barrie Au to Mr and Mn Ben Feldman st Vlncen SL name In son KRULAl the fluyll Vlntmil Hm in Barrie AU 17 13 lo and Mrs John Krul RR Strand sun MAYESAM uzmuwm 0m on Aug 11154 In Mn and Mn Marshall Mayo lnee Vera Hast lngs Burlington sum MncDONALDAl the Royal Vlc aria HosplLal Barrie Ann 17 1954 In MI and Mrs Ruben MacDonald RI Barrie daughter RONALDA the Royal vmmm Llull Those Pullcis and Turkey mm up yrs mu 1m llvv mum 1mm mm mm vnullrnl yrwuulu hnmI hmm vnu rmuuA rmnzrm wunmm 1me nm mud HINHH mmuiml pmlllly wmm rv nu um mm mu ma rnm xl Min Hum sum IN MEMORIAM TIIII HOME IIU AND MIHE UNI 95 BHHHIE FARM SUPPLY N0 ussmn HOUIUJ Slcvlu Donnvnn mu Dunovnn has bun uulle vc n11 hunc Inr nnmly MARRIED DIED IZCTIVII Royal Vlnlarla laug 17 195 flunk lSlnymr Sum hl Ir Ilm my In Mun for many xIVldrms leuwnmy um Tlmnllmfln whrn ll wan IIIV nuunrm by rm Cnnullinn Nullnml Rallwm mm Hwy nu mullin mu nmmInnnu um mlcnun UH IhrltuIfnlllHuwuml Imlluh hv CNR Proposes Cut Part Line Beelon Branch MTlill VISIT MIDHURST Reinrcslry Stutlon and the Seed Extracting Plum at Angus last week the visiting group of Am erican masters were entertained to dln ner by the Province Ontxulo at Clans mans Big Day PnlnL Those the hand table who nru seen In the group ubuvu were Adumsnn superintendent Mld hurst Reforestry Stnllon nt rlght Zn £311U1553 AMERICAN FORESTERS from various parts of the Unit ed States visited the Mldhursn Reforestry Station and the Seed Extracting Plant at Angus last week Theyvisited the plant Angus on Wednesday morning and then went Il 20515 loss to Buy lhe Besl an an $455 Uniied States Forestérs VisifAngus and Midhurét uli Nullnm mp mmlllw mcdun lh Imlmh ht FE twvun Crrumnrv nml Alllsmn ll mnlml um his nva would hvl Uu hmth Avunlnn va im Llslc and mu wim Mll any rail sorvln III 111 lmw lutn nu hullmlhm leI luv vm leImd nu lwn mm In mm Cnmmzwnnd ml Cumm ml mun me Allmnn hul Nul 1m ml numll ls lukan nu lnxlul anlmll lhnl wilhum lhluuuh llnr Hum nu would lrl Inst1 mumr ur mm llm mun uil xuluu Im Irmxll mm mm any such nhzmdnnnum vitz Torontohnept oi Reiorestntion L4 Neir Wisconsin federal forester CL Bailey chief iorester Depti oi Reiorestntion Ontario nutty iederul administrator of forestry USA Frank Néwmnn division al iorestcr James Hodge Department oi Conservation Michigan Peter Addison rc giunnl director southwestern region In Immmluu In lvnrmrlll uh nul mlenu mm um mu Illnu mm nlu DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR llnvr mm mm luur tank Ilmullllnl In puulm all In ll mm and Inllrllhlg nu llULlI IHIIH ML BOflP lllli IJHVIHT lllll7 IUNHIIIIJ Ill AN Ill ONHHHIIIN Phone 2429 259 INNISFII STREET uur mum wnvrflrd ull mm ll 200 ullun Auk Iml III llll $26000 or all lllo luwns and human ulonr 1w only Allismn hm an anmnlr mil swim and me Alllslun nml Dunlrnnn nn 1mm pmvlnclnl hluhwny Al htmm lnumr vvhlclrs huvu nkvn um Hm hulk we mlsclluur nml mum tnrrlrr srrvlcc In lhr arms clmlnu lhls lim wnuln mums hunkhlp wlnlvr llmmhs Hlrrll nl Ahmlvun lmmw include Uw chmlvr In HH ally In 1171 to Mldhurst during the nitcmoun They are seen here looking over me nursery at Mldhurst where descrlpuon of the station was glvenby Adamson Superintendent mlm chmlvr luwn nnml Tornnta Wedding Mr and Mrs George Coulls landed the McEachcranricsu wedding In Toronto last Saturday 0n Trlp Tn vm Mr andMrs John Dyck Barry and Aaron whn are on mnlov trip Ia Victorla Dc mpnn we weather while they were crossan the pralrlus last week Attended Plcnll Miss Dari Mason attended slut picnic at Alannquin Park Samrday VISIUKIK Cousin Miss Carul Stephens Barrio Vlslflng her cousin Elalnc Schnnd len Detroit VIsliorn Mrs nux Robinson and boys Dctrolt an visillng er week wnh Mr and Mrs Currie Sutton 0n Vacauon ML and Mrs Fulton MncMnr run Hammon are spending heir vacalion with Mrs Jame Oruck Cnnksvlllc Vlslim Dutch and Janie Gihsnn at MIDHURST Ao mMul Ind and RefMgr Come for Busy PeaMe Am III quirk IIWt In Nah unl with an lolly romnlnul foraTul In you In mm um womlrvhll nl In undying nlmhnmunwing pm my luv lnny Mm nlvunl Am Nu lm ulnyin nun mp Inky napolnm Cuh lurk MINbur IIIuvn uouN Irrllng Ill ru Paneling omit Avflwlnd hqu cl CutCul umlu ulna wllh Cowhi panama aomma co LIMITID On Sunday 5cm Mldhursl mum Church annxvmary vlcos wlll be held Rev Luck Flrs Baptist Qurch Barrie will be he speaker boscph Domain and friends of Tornnm vlsilud hr Rnbbins amuy on Sunday Mn Nellie Monte Toronto spent weekend her home here Mr and Mrs Wflllam Jenkins and amfly nl Toranh spen the weekend with Ben Ferris and Irene nnbert Anderson operator at the CNR Don Station In Toronto visited Norvnl Robbins on Sun Ilcal E51110 mind reported Hen Ferris has sold his horne an Alliston pur chaser and Thnmns Jerry has sold his humo to Mrs Slean Kuuch ll expected more sales wlll alluw in the near mum There will vim the Sunday Aug Golfleil Wedding Mr and Mrs Watson Kerr Alliswn will be at home to melt friends and nnlghbors on the occa sian 01 mm golden wedding an nivcrsary on Aug 29 1mm W0 ln flva in the allcrnnnn and 730 In 10 uclunk in the evening Conksvlllnlnre spendlng weeks vncnllnn with their cuuslnx Wayne and Lynda Russo Mr and Mrs Alben Gibbs To mnto rpm Sunday at their p11 unlal home here Mrs Melville Hulmer Juan and Dan at Enrrlc visllcd Shirley Donna and Norval Robbins on Sunday Mr and Mrs McLean and tart ily of Ivy visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordan and Mrs FIth an Sunday Mr and Mrs Donald Wilkinsnn and family at Toronto spent Im weekend with Mn and Mn Wilkinson Baby Girl Afllve Congratulnliuns to Mr and Mrs Ross Dniley on lhg nrrlvnl of baby girl in the Private Pailent Pavilion Toronto General Hns mm Mr nmi Mrs Knilh Lemon and mmin or pine Berg visited Mr Basil Jenkins spendan toy days In the Musknka dislrlc mum mm WEDNESDAL win 1954 STEWHHD WANTED SUNDAY DUTY ONLY Apnroxlmntely mm lo 530 pm Dulles to cnmmrnu an at helnre sundny September Apply flanla Examlner flux Toronto lelton EVERETT Church News he nn church ser United Church on LII Mrs Lynn Torah spent wneks vacation Wh Mrs Wllklnson Ind Mn Cecil Wilklnmn on Sun Has11y Aug 11 at pm Ind Friday 20 al pIIIAuctlnn sale cnnflnunus for the late Sam Malay at Barrie Fnlr Grounds Terms cash No reserve Jerry Cnu Auctiongcr 9495 Anplltnllcns will he recelved by the undersignud up 1n Aug 20 Im the posillon cl caretaker at Beth osd Schunl Salary 525mm per year Parllculars obtained mm EDGML srumagrg chnuu Apyllcallnm or the luslllun Cluk Sealed Applicatluns plainly marked as In conlcnla will be xe cclvud by We undurslgnud unlll 12 oclock Saturday August 23th hr the posan Clerk for ma Township Innlsfll Slam qualm nlluns and Rive rchrnces Duties In commence September lilh may SLQAN Mn and Mn Henry Chequeue vmlad lends In Dundalk on Suflday CLIENTS wanting for God farms your buildings are the nail fined and the price flammable Contact Timon Hagen Broker RR Newmnrkct Phnne Bradlord 1522 39391 none AUCTION SALES Trent lhe rs lndlullon trouble and nvold lanes erkel square In Turkeys Chickens INNISFIL TOWNSHIP mm lvlml hul lhnisfil Township School Area No Donl Fool wilh BLHCKHEHD FARMS FOR SALE mr imam or um MIKE BARBIE FARM SUPPLY CARETAKER Pu IHIA lAEKHEAD camel ehfirchm 70m 33 1min Clerk 935597 Innla

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