Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1954, p. 3

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vim legion Square Minesing Playofl Wen Downey 051 Out on Conlrol Sudden Death Game of Edgar Second Place Actually it wasom Man Con lrul who beat Mincsings Wen anncy the surprise pucmn choice for this scrics as he htld Leglcn hats lo more Iivv hlls Iamwncy walkcdsix mgn but our these were converted nlo runs tribute to leginns power in me Clutches Bamc Legion squared men pLnynu with harddought 63 win over Mlnulnz on he lallcrl diamond Mlmda night bui there 15 Halo comlort Icr hem the hex score as they come up to he lhlrd game in Queens Park to nighL Cause an the other hand had his near perm cnmrol as he held Mincsinn lo six his and three runs mu or them unturned Only in the seventh did his maslgry slackcn as he gave up three Ne rkm Dixuns Barrie Greer ACES Orillia Mcrchanu Elmvnln Edgar Tnppcm Bard CGE suddendeath 1an wns neces sltalcd bolwucn Barrie Gmcr Aces and 0mm Merchants to de cide sccnnd spot in the final Ipnnue standings the Barrie stlrict Ladics 5anan League when both mms run than final games on Monday night Third Game Tonighj 110111 trams mm hard pressed 10 win ACLS cumln rum behind bout Edgar 1110 and OrilIia nurning 51m 44 margln um um 1131 111n1n11 when Elmvnlc 1911 apart lll allow the Murchums l0 coast hmuc 11 103 win msu nan Hum Hun Guy vhu arms Lisle 1m his burn by fire on he even in Aug Besides um barn vnluud 54 no lhc loss Included 30 mm 700 bUShCL when new nummng machine hammer mm mm pig and one horse nuxxumnrp Tn suddendun name is slut take place Thursday on hc Edgar diamond Following nus prayon mange muus or best three series be tween th first and lhlrd place trams Ind 1m same between me Aucnnd and mmn with bustoi five mm surivs 5mm It Grillh nm Iln 1n Unuvr ll vrr fl 5m 141 3mm Undvr lln ram In Gnulc Grnde Grade luihlllllNlH OI IIMKIUI um Illnlrhl tun Inurn huw in Dr rmuv nulvr lrlvrrn by lnklmz nhurlnhurl mums In the thntl nmhllv mic drlvlnn ullnlc ulmvn lhla week nl Ihn Hum fluh Cunnan rnn nln of lhln lrnclnrlrnllrr unn uler drlvrm vlulll Imlc mmlllln ML allnwlnu luyrhtmhyaln nl llnmw or mlvluu In lmn out Irncllon Hmo llnlnnrv pvuwllon nml IHIIM llenulln ulvn muller nu MHIIIML lhvlr Ilrlvlnu upllludn nml pull mu wenknrmm nr which Ill luwnmm mm 111 nuulv In lqu Inknwln nnhly IlAflllllI DISTRICT LADIES SUFTBALL LEAGUE llnal Standflngs 1Iys Milxkll $2M Sow quulcd by Flrs Conpcnllve Pucker at Onlnrlo Dlrrlu AUGUST IX 1951 HUGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY uxur anum MARKET PRICES IIH Ill llul Nuke IIHTKI Will Be ai Lions Carnival llu was nlmve Saws 3m Won Lust prlrn cessive doublts and single or two rum rally mac wax sparked by his arch rivaL Wen Downcy Cause registered six nrikmuu la Dawncys four but gave Bill Adams rec pas to the base llnes as batsman Perry was leglonx minute man at bu Mn 11 slngle double and twq walks in four trips to the plalu and whh two runs baued in Hardscres doubie in the seventh scored Hines and Popp whn had walked The lnlercsl of all wuan golf ers in the County Simcnc will centre on he Barrlc Cauntry Club this week when the local ladies are playing host to me cuunly aollcrs at lhc annual Slm coo Caunly ladies golf tourna menL The luCa club is hu scene For Minesing Ken Glenn bal ling in the landfill 5110 was on base three times in nu AB on single double and an error mgion Mincslng LEGIONKettle ss Popp Hmcs 3h Perry lb Hardacm Gefucla 2b Cause Shcwchuk r1 Thompson cf Counly ladies Golf Tournament Here This Week MLNFSINGGlcnn Glen Adams Harry Adams 39v Miles 2h Win Dawncy IV Em Adams lb Beilby 11 Luck cl Wen Downcy your The number entries his yenr ls rather smaller than usual willl only 33 gnllcrs compcling mm the Iour lawns Barrie with IE ladies entered has the largcsl rcp resenmian Four golfers mm Collingwocd will be compntlng and more are six onlrles mm nd nrld seven enmes mm Mrs Corby who has the county cup for the last years will be dulcnding chumpionshipnxaln Orlllln The qualllylng round wIll start his ullcrnnon at one oclnck vllh lhcbcst 18 players going Inm the championship lllxhl Thursday murning The next 16 player go Ink lhc first Illght and more will also be consolation round Eighteen hulcs will be played Thursday mornan and Thursdav Mlcrnoan as well as Friday in and Friday nttcmuun whgn 1the finals will be played mu Thursday nu 1mm won Inlorlnlnod by nu mm um um Ilzly mum cluh mm mm gumu unwiler dawn nvnrhy coursv winre lhny wu mummy wrlcunwd hy mm humssrs mu mmmnmx nnm llm club mum muow mu llu nllrrnnnns plny Mrs Frank Huyvs Hairlr wax wlmur llu Irln or the nlno hula IlnyL whllr Mm John 0th Hnrrlr wnu ll lnw gum Mn ulmhury Mid Mix Mnnnhnu In lnlnl 15 uxpcclcd um mm will be number at Inkrusted spect nlcrs from the nlhcr lowns on the inn lay as well as local lnlcreslcd Knllors The nulullown players mu cnlcrlalncd at lea each day and Iunnh on Thursday and Jay The social cnmmlllcc lhc 10ml mm mtxun under the cmch crship Mrs my Young will be in charge ha ms 11 Um Tnml luw gum nu low 11 wnn hy Mu Unk ma Mm Mnrun In rum wun nu mnnd lnw un club housc The wuvk nnrr the county munmmmx Um plzlyufls or Ihc local club chumpiunshh wlll uualn mum lnlvrcs around me mmc Counlry Club 1m mam mu nnw duwn lhc suml nnnls Mzs Curby wm pluycfl wuh Mrs 5mm lhu up MamL and Mrs Rny 5mm mu Mrs John Ouuh wm plnyufl ln ulhrr muckol the lournamcnl every Iaurm taken lhrc her Allislon lead OLA Playolls Bthree Games Tuesday Game musmn Acnlums wnm three games up over Efadlnrd Celery Kings bemrc large crowd in Al nsmn last night when they romp cd off mm 16 win in their OLA playduwn series ruugh and umblc all the way AllLsmn lcd 54 at the 0nd of mu first quarter 65 at the end 01 the sncund and 116 he and of he lhini The gume was featured by some spectacular scoring luau Har ris Alllslnn and Gwyn mde each scoring five goals while in he mm period Gray at Allistop scored two goals with in space 01 eighl sncnnds giving him total 01 lhrcn he nighk other scorurs or Allislon were McKenzie James Halls Gillespie and Hammond with one each and thlan wuh twu The femaining two Bradford goals were scored by Collian mg Tym Twelve penalties were evenly divided hclwcun he cums wim Hammond an Allismn import Irom omna drawing the nod three times Bradfords Opportunity Founh game at lhe series will be played in Bradford on smur day night and his will nflurd hc Celery Klngs umir hm chance break inlu the win column Nu less than five Fergus playch on he Allislnn raslcr will not be nvailabln for 1th game because of the ngthd Gamns which take mm in their name own um any Tues are and Mc Kcnzic Harris Hulls and Russ Em Ttu nnh game nuudnd will be played ln Aliulun on Mundny nmm Mrs JV CuxuIzunl hm hm Ulll ln ILHrh In Wllk Mrs Cunnnlum mu nuumu hmm nllrr smnmnn hi or will In Ilnlihmlnn Saturdays Game llllslon Alhlclics look 20 game lead over Undlord Cckr Kings in Ihulr bcsIulscven sur 105 in lhn Ontarin LHEIUSS ciallon immmcdiam plnydowm WlHI hardougm wxn Ill nmumm 1m Salurday night mama underdogs ln Ihu son 1115 threw scare mm the pch urlul Athleucs when hay shmuAl llllo 441 Ind in HIE nm quarkr bul Alemn liud it up before the slnnzu ended nml were nnvnr ln scrmus lmublc Intuner Wllllnm mm Iuu unulr Juhn my mid mm xluhm ulclIy mun unluvwm Hon Iux um Jack Cnus scum wo ouch lur Hmlflunl Illl Cluhln and Harold Gwyn lilLh adding alnlllt Sh me lcnrhnu goal sumr or he Alhlllics wuh mm mm mums hltlng llcc nnd Mun McKenziv wm with null Mm Wholnn IHIl Gmy Ralph Glllcaplu Jim Ham and Elmer Hum wllh um um Hump MITIIUI Hum llw Illvlllllll mm kr Incku llwy llvwlulul on mul mlrly Knuuml mm In Hm HIP IIIVHL Ivmmlmy VHIMI knu mum ymxwly Barrie Greers vs Owen Sound PWSU Playoffs Burl Greer Am Ind lhemulm Invol ed In unwind uhzdule this wele flu may llnd than playing MY II In nmu In the week and multh two Inn In an In Enlared In 1hrPravhchl Womnl Sollball Union they have bean drawn IIIsl Owen Sound for best014mg ser let 111 Hi pm wlll be playecHn Owen Sound tonight an ucond In annl rnk nan1e ll oclock Saturday Inclnoon third um Maury It tenuflvely set for oclock Saturday even Inx Im gunman Park Drillla has nut emum tum In m1 lulu nveml players luv bun signed by name inclualn pltclger whn might become very Im pomm um mm gum mm MR IIIVIHION HI IRNIH NT III II lmk Mm nuhldr um um Ilr rnmlllllmllll purllully nrw llnm Dangerfield Molors 51 DODGE SEDAN BOND HEAD mmtoc may mm Illl lluy Wllh uldlllmrn AI $1095 MM IJMIII lulu um mw Imnpllal lu lnr mwmllun PROFESSOR ROY SHIRE applies arm luck around Frank Thompsons hqad In me THE ABOVE PHOTO shows Frank Thompson applying an arm lock on Shire which had the Prdlessor begging for mercy WHAT HAPPENS NOW TO FLYERS ml le LI nlumrl mm er HIUu lluml mm lImlu ull lhu muh llIul NW NW mm Lur nun uIImml nu an pu llll ANGRY CHOW nilumpl lo throw ring ups Sher but urn stopped by the mm In hmvllu nIIIHH Ml un Mumth Wresllqrs in Action at Barrie Arena last Night vlnlnu ILIl uml Iml Illulur In nnw mum um ullnuulhmz mm mpumllnlr nlv mum pllnh 1hr lIml Inr Mr In my nuw 1mm lhnl urnm ullnumlvr mm lluunclnl 1m nny Wmmllnh Inlv gum who mum pllnh 1hr llyvrs Klnlm um um vrnl nuly Mr In my llw mlmy any marl Mm wuuhl Immlv lllr v1 mmlzly gumm In Hm lar Ilruv lmv qu Funlk lllnklnul HImum ml vInuuhluu mulmly lhl DIM Knv lhatl xlw nnuulnl nuanlm mrnul umxullm mm up main event the proresslonnl wresmng match at the Barrie Arena Shire won the bout utter Thompson was counted on or the ring when he went alter Bobby Wallace the professors manager ushers Emmi hx rumllhx Ill Im mm In fimyulvs Hvr slnnm mv llw mum IInIIU nl lmmmlu 113 IIIHIIIWH WMII thIIInIlInII lnllmv liuulmL 5011 HI Iml MUIIIYHHIHI Ilt qumuL qul Nulllwrn lrllnlul nnrnsu llIUNN mm Iny mm Iuhhnld out mlll Amzm 11 In dwhluu lu UHIJIW hum Um hnunv lIIlIA null IIIax out llw TH BMHuE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 18 1954 Edgar dreinrst binod in lhc first hall the seemId with two fun on hit and two errms only to have Grccrs come right back th our bus and four runs In the second half 01 the innings From then on Greets rode along mmmnqbly 1he drxvcrs scat until the seventh when Edgar ex 1pmde or five runs and went lead 10x Greers Nose Edgar 1110 In replay lizgm lame rained out earlier In the season Greer Aces mud out Edgar by an ll 10 score at Queens Park on Monday qlgm However the Grccr mam had enough pawc came back with the necessary lhrcc runs an eighth and stand off the Edgar threat in the lap at the nlnlh For me Acts Wilson had lime hlts including triple Campbell hit home run and single and Lennox had two singles Marg Cough pmscd into servlce the last mlnulc had two Limer sin glcs and smmd the winnlng run on Wrights nllcld out basicu Edgarcmnhcr was he PURE TOMATO TOMHTII JUICE YORK GOLDEN CREAM STYLE HEINZ KETCHIIP CLARKS FANCY CHOICE CORN EASY TO SERVE YflflK BOLOGNA SOFT ABSORUENTI CHRISTIE CHEESE FLAVOIIEI BllZ BISCUITS IMHNDIE TISSUE 011521 Rlchmcllu Salad Vllyhlr Splced Dee PICKLES IHCIIMELLD ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS COLA 001 Elm DRESSING 8mm LOAF Rosa rand weet Watr LEAN MEATY FINISH WELI HHMMEI HIP HHUHT CUT AN IEAMEALIIII Ill NI PEACHES mnncnvm mum BED GRAPES lib2 ILL1N MMKNII POTATOES GREEN mamas Lomsmun YHMS 212 Ilm Lllulln Tl mIy llhlly ml mlunlay Aug In In mvm AM MT nomNIuN umnr llrrh Alum OLD SUNNY Sill1 DRINKS PflflK SHOULDERS BACK BACON WILLIAM IIHIISIIY RAN PORK BUTTS Pfll MAST 100KB HAM LYNN All ANDAIII PRIME RIB BURST GHHPEFRUIT JUICE MA ll PEACHES at Jul 12 0L Tln IIIUNKI Emu END CUTS BY THE PIECE NGEIL ALE LEMON III 34¢ 33mm llltnrled 30 VINEEHB Richmelln 21 suczs CENTRE CUTS OH SLICLD rmlurl IntI halting nu at the game wilh home run and our singles In five Ver 10 the plate Bergman her buttery male hit triple The game was also featured by the base running 01 Parker Greer centre Holder and the heldinl Allen right fielder 101 Edgar Miller had 17 Itdkcouu GREEK ACESParkmanwflam Lennox 55 Lamb lb Miller mpbgn 31an 1b Reid EDGARBoblmkl 2b Douglas Swanson ES Caswcll Berg man Delaplanu cl Gllllcs ll errcst lb Allan r1 Mari Gaugh 2b TFTIF Pchuced by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada limilcd as public service Richmelln Chum mJ 11 OZ BOTTLE 48 oz Tm SPECIAL 20 OZ TINS 01 Tm 12 OZ TIN OZ PKG 12 021le 27 20 at oz pkg PKG 50 15 Tm 901 wnL SPECIAL Tim 25c 5185 25 35c 45c 65 79c 25 29

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