WOMENS HERALDED ATHLETE WILL TACKLE LABATT QPEN Bab Dxdflckson Zuharhs who last week shattered mm simkes all men par at Tam OShsmar will tnke cut 11 Scarbnros Ta ronloh champmnshlp course on Aug 23 The Laban Open Ken Murray LAbalt laurnamem manager nnnnunced today um the Babe and nnothnrtop woman guHer wlll play two 19 land Xng men players coming to T0 mum at Canadas biggest gall event Women are barred by IGA rifles 1mm playing In the ourAday tournznnom llsulf Bahe nnd lhreesnmc will play their match on Monday On Tuesday leun 31 Hockey League players will V1 lor gull hannrs in another pry Inurnnmem event Al the same llme some 50 the wnrlds best pros and nmmeurs will be warm lng up on Scanbnms tricky course for erabk at the $26500 Laban pursc in the allowing aur days play The Babcs panncr will chly be Patty Berg lhnugh Murray could not conï¬rm this today The 1115 me that Babe Didrickson played In Toronto was In 1948 when she sho mans par 70 here That scascn Monmnlshc played with Bobby Locke 5nd 5110 record 99 to betler lhu Snulh Alrlcnns score Locke who wnn Canadian Open and so the cnmpcï¬live course re card at Scnrbam In 1047 will be back In The Laban Open Wheth er he will be one of the twu top men Inthe much with the Babe has not been delermflncd Unparalleled among women golf or and one cf lhc worlds great nHrnund nlhlclcs Babe Zaharlns at 39 has mgalnedpcrhnps lm plnvcdnlc game hnt won her U5 and Ermsh womens churn plonships bufnrc Hines nlmost ended her spun mm Less than year nnd half since she under went surglry or crlllcal cancer condition she ls playing In peak Iorm again 1n the third round at Tarn OShlntcr last week she par ed seven strokes of womens par for the course never on boglcd mens par 333fl This bumed by one shake her rywn compelillvu course record or 70 Tnm Oshunler Only few weeks allCr her op eration last year me Babe teamed wiIh Henry Mnml CPGA champ 10 H2 Jules um and Damien Gaulhlnr In boilball match at The LabalLOpon Kn MDnlran Her own score In um match wns lust three over mens par lur Summer lea The former Olymplc sm slarlnd taking gull honors ln194l in her nullve Texashe smc thal hm produced hnl dozen the worlds top golfers In lhc 1932 Olympic games Babe Didrifluun so three wurld records 80 mvlrc hurdch 1130 seconds Javelin 143 feet high Jump ll 53 ï¬nches She won me Tex15 Womens Open three tlmcs 19104546 lhc Wtshun Open or WDTMH our times 11040444550 In 916 she won the US Nnlunul Womens Amateur and thernuxl year wLn abroad In Win the Brlllsh Lndlcs Chnmplnnshlp lhu Hrs Americnn In do 50 Turnlnx prurcssumal Hm Babe won the US Womens Open In ME and again In 1930 No new comer to Tam OShanlcr She had our lmu won the World Cham pbmhlp Aladlosl here 1911950 51 and lwlcc below mkc he allAmcmnn ladics even 50 In lDï¬l she set women world record with 72huln Econ mama Ha Mimu rho DRINK HE WILSON nunomg NIAGARA IOAN 10 moot MONEY EMERGENCY Dunno 500 no lupinml II no mu con la yum MODERN WAY JOHN NIAGARA Suggtm BIG 1202 BOTTLE no in the main Open Euly thls season she wan third In In Wumnnxi nugholdwi Tuugney Csr Remkml James McKnight has hls car agnlh aflcr helm slolen abuul three weeks 310Thepnllce found it on Sid road clnse In Cold wnter wllh tlu battery dead and nu gas Otherwlsc there was little harm done to lt At Uncleu Funeral Mn and Mrs Dullin attended the funeral of Mn Dulllns unclzf Tweedy 1n Honeywuod last Thursday Babe Dldrlcksvn MIX In been VMBd Womnn Athlete 01 the Year five ms 193245454760 and in 1919 was mmtd grain woman amtla at lbp half century Pm Exam Congraulauons Miss Mary Denney who passed her exams and inlet4 going loiTeachers Col lege Toronto this yuai mum Potplnes Some Iarmcrs have Hnlshcd mum and are busy digging poll was which seem to be good crop Truckers are paykng very good price Vlslled Aunt MlssMarlc Henderson spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs Florence Denney mnek Knlths Celemeun number mm here altendcd 11m Black Knlgms celebrallon 1n Markdalc on Saturday July 14 Niam Fall Mn and Mrs MOflnuy and Mr and Mrs linuxh Spent Wed nnsqny at Niagara F9115 Vlnlled Sister Mrs am at Elmvnle spent Hm past week wlth her slsler Mrs McKnight Tonmla Vialqu Mr and Mrs Holman and Children Toronia visited ML and Mrs Ed Denney Salurday cvcn ing are From Sudllllly Mr and Mrs Edgar and lhrm childrcn Sudbury vlslled friends here last week Wlkh Parent In Weekend Graham of Mount Albert spam Saturday wilh his parents Mn and Mrs Gruhnm Tam Nuvn Vlsllnln Mr and Mrs Warlhinzlon Term Nuvn wuru Sunday vlsllnrs Dulllns Sundny Mr and Mrs Can Murray Wcflnn Sinclair of Erin VlsM ML and Mrs HD¢nnuy on Su dM bcrhnn Ind daunhlcr of Sutton were Sunday mum with Mrs Fchnncy Mr ima ME nuddick ma son Stephen or name vxsned friends hcrgrnn gungay Narruw Sloane The slor 11 mm narrowly escaped Urn when gnsollnc pump was accidentally pulled over and Hugh ï¬re number or men mummed pm om the blaze belon loo much damage was done Enjay len Mlss Allecn GardenerY Ilusml and Hnwnrd um Palsy and 14m erghl molnnd to Muskakn Whar and enjoyed thLlOO mlln crulst Tucsdny of hm Wick vnlun mum Mls Ilunhn cxbhunx New York In wcndinx annUon 1n me name at her brolher Leonard mum Earl Brown Bunion was In Sunday pvnnlnx uuul or Mr and Mrs llobrrl Hmwn Illlltnn Vlnllon Mr and Mrs Allen Hmwn Dnlslml wm Sundny nunm ML nml Mn Duux Knmnnw STEELES CORNERS flatnrnn llama Bruce Knrmhnw Hum nu rtlurnrd l0 mg humu new permu nunuyu Culurmm erllnl of Crylun Paul nvrnuu dnyllmu emurmlun In In hlull MD MI yrar ruunll BEE ALWAYH WARM ILUfl DEPOSIT 95 the weekend with her dvu here Al Hydro Hoke George Johnston MPP in Cornwall Illendlnl the Lawnmt pmle caremony week 0n Mater Trip Mr rid Mn Harry Foyston Ind Brlln motored to Burlington and Hamilton last weekend Car ole returned home with them Mn and Mrs lehnll and Ste phen Taronm were weekend vis 11an with Mrs Mflchells sifler Mm Coleman and Mr Coleman Snndly Vlsltun Mr and Mrs Walton Johnston and family of Edgar wem Sun day visitors at George Johnstons and Waltons Conmtuhflona To Pnrenu Congratulations tn Dr and Mrs Eric JDhnSlonal Londnn who haw daughter and to Mr and Mm 1mm Marrow nec Meryl Gram who have son Vlslled Parents Mr and Mrs McAvny visilud Ihe killers yarents Mr and Mrs Harvey McLean vumn Niece M155 Parker is visiting her niece Mrs Doug Ferris Cun dles llele For Few Days Mr and Mrs Vivian Frances and Round of Port Arthur were visitors at Harry Fralfcks fur few days Here On Wednesday Mrs Fred Strung Mrs Della McMullcn Brampton were guests Rev and Mrs Veuls Wednesday Awny For Weelg Myrtle Franck spent week Thesmmn Wm Coum Mr and Mrsjrcd PalnnnndMlss Evallnc Graves visltcd Mn and Mrs James Paine at Ihbir collaflc an Georgian Bay VIIIIII Slater Jackie nnd ShlrlLy Slnclnir spenl lwu uccks holiday in Bar rlc wllh hnlr sister Mrs Cnrsun Imck From Vnclllun flcv Slubbs who hm been on vncaiiun was back in condich szrvirc in SL icivrs Chunh In nm and Sundin School 10 Sundny Aug 15 WA Melting Si ILlcr Womans Auxiliary hold is August mtcilnx Mm Lelihion Admnn wlih iiii uurml nnce 10 Mrs chmc Crnwiuni ll vlcnprcsidcnl conducirli the opening prnyrr hymn nnri inu inciii Mrs Mervin Fnllck hurl my line dcvuihmnl pmmm nm 12m maim wal ma mmmsivoly Iml lhn hymn Unin Thu ilil will mu Mrl Frnilck lhrn law It rcndlnu on Oh mum mu lh Ilucc it held in he nilrcilhnl until men David Livimzuun Tm Aimluhiy niwnys wxmh become our hrlprr null Iu nuvrr relax hln inrll Him miUimIl lhn rhnrnclrilull nl l1knlinl nmi nupilmi the Hahn II hymn lung um liilurinm cnmn willlln Ham of cliy Mrl Fer IInr mn ililil purm Chiv Mum Sinmi Frilvhu Mn Uinlu nmi nn Milcir ilnw Viih Hum pmmlsu in nu smmum nu lhc mhlrcl Mrs nlnn IIIIUKh irnli pnrnl vm Wumilux Auxil im null ililcrrnilyxnI luvm lwn In Iii lirgnniynlluu Mn MN Vin muck chum hur iirnflmlll wlih lmlyvr MM Ilnrry Flnllch rrvml ll lrlirlnm hInrlL mm Vlsllars Mn and Mrs Vurald Elllon Dick and pm Damn spam Sunday Lloyd Srlglcys Achlevemem Day The North Simcuc Garden Club are hohflnfl mm achievement day In CraIxhursl on Aug 20 at no pm Our sing gmup are under the capable leadership Mrs Glenn Bcilby and Mrs Alan Johnston 0n Holiday Cucan Crawlurd DI Manon Ii on holiday at hls home how wmmr mm Army wnrms as lupin has uiw on way lo the wealhnr Shnwury chllly wcnlhcr Kivnx one remind or lhnl all not no tar away Sunday vunon Mr and Mrs Page 01 Barrio Reglnnld and friend Tammi shunt Sunday Art Palnus Ouldoor Strvlcc and number 1mm Mincsing enjoyed no smnon nnpl good music by choir composed mnmbcrs of me our church In this pastornlenon Sundny murnlnn Rev Vocals dcllvcrml Hm sermon Being mm to leave lnls beauty 5pm mnny look pitnic hamper out wllh them MmHope fang ox puumxg Auuml ll thmrn lur vlrn lnr GRAY COACH LINES Bun Tolmlnul GUELPH KITCHENER STflHTlOHD MINESING vane mum Amuul Iuk mrvm Rnlunlnys Mia Humlnys nr Mmulny llolhlnyn TICK AND INFORMATION AT Vllllerl Slater lhn nnmml Mlnumu um lllll Tho CrowCounlvy Scanic Route LEAVE BARRIE 315 pm wnu hr mm IMk llnllnl huuh Vln Urnnurvlnv uml Arthur rel lax churn Ii Sprlulwller Purl Mum herl 04 me our church trima nnd relatives made lvlcndld cunzrenlion The pmor Rev 52 Venn look very appropriate text Deni 32 varies1H Like an eagle that slln up iunosl lhll llultcn aver ll young sprehdinl out ii wlnul calchlnl thrn hgnr ing them an ill pinionv Flc Lard alone did lead them and lime wal no foreign Hod with him The uniied choirs made Emmi addi tion with hair two lovely an thenls Miss Cameron Mid hursi rendered very nice snln while he quartnite of Edenvale church gave us nne oi tlicir num bers which was credi lo ihnm Fred Kelly 01 Home Appliance Slam supplied the public address system Allugezher lhls sciVite wag one of ihn best hid in years Orilll Visitors Mr and Mrs George Simmnns Mr and Mrs Parrish at Orlllin were the guests or Revl and Mrs Venn Tuesday 01 Holiday Miss Veal 1m Tucsday to motor to 5mm 520 Man to spend pm 11 her nunday Al Gravtnhuml Mrs McWauers spent Thurs day at vaenhurst Vlslled Parenls Marian annér Toronto VISH ed her parents ever lhc wukund SundayVlsilms Mr and Mrs Frank Drinkwlnc and son Eric wife and baby visu ed Mr and Mrs Carrulhers Sunday Returned Home Dianna Camnher returned home Sunday alter spending Lwa weeks wllh friends in Tornxfln 0n Ilnlldly John Stewart Vasey Spent same holiday with his cousin Ralph Rawn Mrs Blair and mother Mrs Bnlh spent the weekend at Balm Beach Home mm llulldny Mr and Mrs McClung and Mr and Mrs ï¬eld have re turned alter lwo weeks holiday in the East Caast um On Sunday Mn and Mrs Wlsmer nnrl Kamily also Robert Rankin nl Tnmnlo spent Sunday with Mr nnd Mrs Wismcr In Hauday Mr and Mrs Wismar an on holldny with their son Lloyd wile and mmuy Keen anunm Vlslls ParenL Mr and Mrs Ridout and family Balm Bench spent Summy with Mr Hidnuts parents In Tgronlo Viola Illlgflflrd is on mlIday In Imnun mnuIr Nn umbmltlcry plnnl wuLlnmc anion rlnlx In yuur kllchlu 1n spiltanI 0m lurtd and run rm Krun Mm hmclmu um quickly Irumd rlxm ml kilthrn lnwch mhlrclnlhx curlnlm nlm mm mu lmllluhlru Quick liuxyl Wlululhlv lnl trrn 71110 hn lrmwm HIqu Ich nhmll Inrhu Send TWENTYFan cnlnx or um muvm um hm nmmrm Exmnllur Hmmlmlll Fer an lrln lvlnlnly HAM HANDNEW nmlenullful Hm Allrc Ilnmkl Nnlllr rer nlnlnx ruur munm prlnlrd lnxhlo IXm Hm mm ulur mummy unrhn mm cnlnr mm mm mm Mm rm mm hnmnrl mm mm mm mm yum 1me IAl HIN NUMHHH RUN0N UESIENS IN BULURS Mag WYEBRIDGE muvm alnmpa rin ll lu TIM Hank wmlmlll AIV IJIul W411 Imunlu Unl Phouo 557i BLONDIE ELSWORTH MUGGS AND SKEETER POGO 2ng 95 Sgro rim an vm mgndzu mm 1mm Samolmz brr 59 0910 Lm zam 922mm nonTx wamu 11w Miracle Inhric ï¬nish lions you nothing exunnl wufl wh mm om uEMEwm wum woman mm Jlmn voum mugs LL ADD FESTNE NOTE WITH MY SWER anoamazns ALWAVS USED TO LOVE EATNG av CANDLELVéHt ï¬llSERVICE THE BARR EXflM inbNESDAY AUG IBM 18 $266 22 uziém oz mwOIm 20 as uzFï¬w 503 Enos 0P m1 rZOD 302 WEITLSEJW LIKF BEIN 43mm DONT REMEMBER AWNING IN OURWEDDING CEREMW ABOUT GWING 5465 ICN DO DLD my BEING mu in For Pickup Delivery By Chick Young W6 Bishop Wall Kc uvuuumf By Song