Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1954, p. 5

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Farm Kiichen and Ulilily Room FUNCTIONAL STORAGE The lullowlng standards based on the number nccupnnis of hnusc have been estabnshcd ta assist lhe homemaker In determin Ing her kitchen slorage requlr moms Shop 54 Sophia Ros I93 Buyfiuld Sf Dependable Electrical Work 60 Hayfield SD BUILDERS 5333W$¥EESECA Bqll Planing Ml lelled lor Resldcntlal and Industrlnl erlng Repnlr Work nghung Fixtures How in you chunco to save money on Hm quality FIR and BIRCH Interior Doou Check than gum and BUY NOW IN OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE PHflNE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Two Panel 38 Inlovlar Doou Nfl 20 llruulnrly $1340 In tmly 10 fill Buy Now nllly 51 Ono Panel Intonor Donn nnly only 10 fllmly 12 uuly 12 MR 11 nnly 29 lull MI wrudiuzlan J1 Sale call figWP HOME BthNG new at nucmmmy Fur cach homemaker lhcrc Li an may reach Flutes nlnllcrl Ind hcnvy MH clfli should be sumd nl luwcr levels with the smaller th welxht nrtlclu bclng ulnrcd In the ovurlwad unlls Vlslhlllty Cupboard shelves which are nearest lo 10 horflznnlnl Hue vision he homemaker should be mama far most Inquunlly used llcms Food In small ccnlalncu llavorlnxs splccs mmsurlng cups nflcn used bowlsV should be slurld In full View Shulch should be kem narmw and should be adjustable GOOdJ mud on lhnm should he mm visible and mum easy reach Slornuc one row deep and one buck hlgh sungcslcd fur shelves while drawn ulomge should be such that all articles are clearly visible and nut covered by oumr nrllcles Slang Cabinets Storage cabinets shauld simplify kltchun work Thnh heights duplhi and widths shnuld be such that all guards Stored will be wllhln reach at the homemaker Each llcm should be aller at the centre when It 15 used first In this way many maps will he saved then will he no needless upcnlng and clmlnfl of doors and drawers nu unnecessary carrylng of arllclcs lmm one centre In anulhnr Generally speaking base cabin Ls shuuld occupy all space beneath the Wall cabinet which not 11 rundy occupied by Ihc range sink or rclrincrnlor plus 12 space Number olpcrsons In house Flexlblllly Well plnnnud cnpbuardx and Haulo square Ice ot slorago for extra requirements Wall Base Cabinuls Cabinets lineal 1L lineal Buy Now an ENOUlflE RBI SPECIAL QUANTITY PRICE MOVE llrgulnrly slum NOS l0 l1 flrlll ml by urrlnu flu cclllng down hr 64 hem or by In lshlna Hm area with ma hunrd LThc Inns popular wnll unll has two dnnm whlch npln over the WAHK lpncn TM unll the Wall Slurn um Ideal ulumge provided by wall cablnuls which are hull no mm or lhan00 from lhc Hour In this arrangomcnl nll oblccls Glulld un Hm shelves are clearly mum and caslly reached Shclvlng ubhvc me an 1mm should be used only or nusnnal name This Jpncn can be mch wllh the AM at 11 small 11 11mm Mnny ponplr profcl to claw ml Friction calnhts may bl used to hold the dams shut Snmlcun vealed hingm at rustprool metal should be used on doors For doors to whlcli racks are attached may bu necessary In use three or more hlngcs Louvre may be set In cupboard drawers and dour l0 pruvlde ventilation In lnwcldrylng racks garbage com parlmcnls and vegelahlc blns llndwnre Neal ulIlllnrlnn hnrqwnro most satisfaclnry as it wlll not calch clulhlnfl or collect drL Door handlcs should be attached wllhln circle 01 easy Icadl Han dlus should be low on overhead tuphnnrd doors and high on draw cm quoors 1n Ihv base cabinets Adjmlablc shelves removable partltlonx and slldlng shelves 1n crease Ihu tlcxlblllty DI the stor age units Drawers doors and pullnut boards should bl planned so mm they do not lnlcrlcrc with one an other Cuttan boards lucalcd just below the work surface are used or mlxlng culling hcallng and chupplng If pnsslhlc these band should be placed so that they are nnt dlrcclly above cutlery or tool drawer The drawcm should be 5n located that ll 15 possible to reach lnto them when the cul ting bnald ls drawn out alnrage spaces will reduce the houscwlles work Each centre should be equipped with the nec essary suppllm or the jobs whlch an to be carried on than Foods and utensils which are needed at more than one centre could be duplicated and stared at the cen trm where they are needed Phone 2496 100 cmlos lo conlrucl and Hu slmplcs lqroflrrnlc vlmnu cablmf him mm 10 oxlrml mm the wlxllh at It mum with amhrnclln coal and certain lypc ol bllumlnous coal me unit will ruqulrc nnly one no The cnnntcllun both hcalhuz and cooking Hm In same Hue made possible lhroulh anulhcr du Vlcc dEVQIKIpld by the Anlhratilc Indumrlcs Labomlory damper which cunlruls bolh lru simul lanoously The swung dnur unn 11m up has man because lhc duurl du nnl mqu um um wurk mum 510ch only 50 vxposcd or mmudlnlnly nvullnblm whlch smuvanmgu Doura may mums or lywuml and hnrdwuud mu mny subsululcd Inr lhc mnru cx mmlvc slccl lmrk The hcamr works Independently 01 me rank has ll own llrn box and coils In whECh Water hcnlcd la be circulated radiat ura throughout lhc hnusc Wldc wnl cablnclx my hnvn xumrdlcnnlll mm whlch swan ck unit nul pronct Iully wet the wunlvr mummu Slrcamlincd to save spaccfthc an slovmhcalcr Is completely In sulatcd to avoid furnace mom Empernturcs In the kitchen dur ing he healan season when the Insulated op is down hc enllrc InD surface may bu us cd or work space uvcn lhnuzh res are hurnlng In both grams Auhuugh plans or the manu acturc nnd dmrlbuunn of his unit have not been announced expected that It can be placed on the market for Slii or less dzvpcndlng on the me produc tion cooking range water heater hot water furnace combined one campact and cIlIcIcnt kn chcn mm which will serve for caakimzv healing and supply hot water or sixmom house has been developed by the Anthracite Industries LAbaralury worklnz with the United States Houslnz Authorlty Three Seiwices Are Supplied By One Unit SOME GUIDES TO GOOD HOUSE CONSTRUCTION It HEATING LIMITED no llunlop Went IMHRIB 673 BRISTOW PLUMBING 72° Anouucv min ml lll ml PM you an hm Ihh uluv mndun mun mum ch ndudu Minnow In my mm And ma ml llllllh manl InyMn null mum Ilth only annuall In Iht whok hullu Look Il thu dunumx Film In clmllmd by lullan dvlvvn fun No wlvln ov olodlklly mulnd hi amount pmum Mum led Io loom unlu Ihmuhvlmnll numb tom Iuhhu NI un ht luvml down In unmd mml Ind quklly lwnulnl up win run MAI lulmlnnllnn 3th lnum Ifmlxnnomy Emu lnrlnd gulchmp In mu man 01 telephony lot In um Teluvhlnn produce rum the UK Franco Germany Italy Japan the Nclhtrlnnds Swlllcr land nnd the US rmzl In London on July lnke pm Mac week shnly coursn un lulevlslon programmlng urgnnlzcd by UNESCO Thu DHC made Iludm nvnllnhlu that pnrllclpanh mum mmpumxc In the produruon snmulc magnum bu hoped um um cullrfic wlll Ilsslst broadcast lnu ILL lumnm l0 duvtlup llulr rilxtnllnnn and cullurnl magnum and In pnunnlu Inlmmuunnl un Irrslmullnu you are usan dual or coke oiJud IL desirableHut your coal bin he lame enough to hold the emue Wimcn supply at fuel The coul bln should also be run vcnlcnlly located so but it may he Iondld mm the oulsldc It is easy 10 dclcrmlnu Um size the coal bln you need when you know that ton 01 unthmcflu coal will require nbou 40 cubic ten or warn ynu are using maker to Hrc yuur tumm wise to have the coal bin dlrcclly in line and In from 01 the furnace In way sinker may bg led dlrccuy from this storage space Thls panlcularly useful It yau wan to use binfed lypc n1 slokvr THIN OLD PAINT Turpentine added to the mind that has thickened by Siandinl will finally binnd it nicciy inm the right consistency if stirred thoroughly with stick waeverv dn not faxget you are maklng the cninr the paint lighter by his thinning process and some the same coloring shuuld be added ii you wish it in match thd wood you painted previously WORLD TV STUDY IN LONDON SIZE OF COAL BIN VERY IMPORTANT Care should he DXCrciSOdHIM hose branches are not ovorload ed In house when clnflrll conking admits are usedv or where other slmllnr heavy loadinl may occur he owner should as sure himscll that service entrance wires are 01 suitable size and hm sped11 circuit 01 suitable capac Ily 15 run as the range olhnr appliances An electric wiring system with lwo branch clrcuns shouldhe sufficient for the needs small dwelling contafining two bed rnoms ham and single other room lhal accommodates the re malnlnz functions 01 the housr Small House Ngeds Two Wire Circuits STDRKNG STORM WINDOWS Storm windows when taken down for storage during the sum mnr would he cmruuy cleaned ahd palnmd to prolect them 1mm mt nr rust while storage may will then be randy to put up again In the autumn when they may he needed on shun nntlce Test have demonstrated mat harder species wood mad or tloorlnzwlll curry concemratedl weight nearly 5000 pounds per square inch wllhom hem manEd by crushed or dafnrmed 1211 The most exlcnsivcly used floor lnl hardwood Oak which nnl Ian possesses great strenglh and durability but beauty as well WOOD FLOOR CAlllllElL HEAVY WEIGHT LOAD lluma I110 TRY AN EXMLIN WANT AD nml mam wm wmnnu Imn work by mmmm an gm mumm AN MAIIHNH 50 I1 Mulrulrr HI IL IIION l7 DEAIIITIFY YOUR 0M BARBIE WELDING mm um Flth Anllu lllr Far 5m OUIPMENI Iulln nrr nullmrlml In mm or llunllul mul Illllllll Llrcnm Hull Feature Home of The Week TWO PEBfllS Dunk ovcrloak hu possiblllllc The county Perth In wesmh corner cupbnards In lhc dining Onlmln but the lawn of Perlh room They ullllzc space olhcr 1n mm Ontario 57 mllcs soulh wise largely wflslud and pmvmc west of Ounwn wealth 01 slurazc space MONDAY AUGUST 16 1954 Youll lumpy In mm mm your mw hmm nlwul nu mml Mrs Ilullc Ynu un do pvnlrulvvnI JimMn Jnh wlll llllt rnmphl Iylnuln mun llrnlll iqulpmrnI HI llmo ml mom Ilul llvu yvur luau Mw Imuly lnLl In In ulnllh Ill lqulpmrnl mllull tmplvla Illnlmrllunl CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT Hill IWNIM ILAN INCLUDES YOU NIII ITH BMW 11 Ill1M 0M ll0le YOU DO IT YOUIH CLARKE H001 SANDING liqulM WITH PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS Drive on at town for uulrknr nrrvlcu Mllu Houlh mum an mu or phone cullcct Strum 56122 QENIS SHERRI Limited PAINSWICK Thu floor ma or this hon10151313 square out while the cubic measum men ix 850 cubic feat The ex toriar dimcmiom nm 40 act by 38 002 Working drawings or this house nown nu Design 251 may be obtained 11 minimum cnxt from Cen trnl Manny and Housing Carpom tlcn The abundance of closet space an Important in bungalow arm the features this dwign decided eilect on the bright Ind cheerlul Etmosphem the well planned interior is provided by the corner window theme This highlight may be noted in the living room dining room kitchen and master bed room and it will appeal to many prospective home owners NHL SMALL HOUSE DESIGNS Thisnew bungalow deslgn by ar chitect Meschlno Toronto has an appeal thatwould make It stand out In nny nelghborhond Thu hori zontal line of the brick exterlor Ire relieved by the large window areas nnd the vertical supports the open porch which is bordered by planting

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