nu Mzurnny ylvrr nulwl xnlnmu nvllluu DWI ML 1le hr nullvl in NW Luwulm GRANADA lllmhp IL Hum 01 Eco UI FIRST For lnmunee at KINDB Roxy Theatre STEVENSON INSUNNNEE STARTS THUR fllEflNIFURDANN SHERIDAN gnppoinfmeni Wu flandurASxffï¬gi Also Two Reel Subjects GONE FISHING MINSTREL DAYS Manwoman emotions sfrlpped bore Added Traal Cannon The Greatest SonAction Story Of Them All FOUR DAYS STARTING WEDNESDAY MLM FHLuENI Inn MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SHOWING MONDAY AND TUESDAY For MaMcnyGoRvaund Tune in CKBB at 540 pm Daily Irlces For This Engagement Adults Evénlngs 750 Tax Included Adults Matinee 50c Tux Included Clllldrcn All Tlmcs 25c Tux Included ANN BLYIH HUWARD KEEL FERNANIN AMAS HOUSE or HITS FIRST WITH THE asst gN BARRIE Thu HHIII HHI Lu IIHII hut yuur um mu mm mm HA Mull rummun unrr ynul RGSE MW Evening Shows and 835 pm Aso Cartoon INVASION USA Special Matinee Wednesday 230 pm 1H LOVE YOU AI rmqu In mm Mr um Mn Kvn Mm rm and Mn lavlvllluvMlu mm Hum mm Hnnnnll Mr mu nurqu lhr lmmnl n1 Mu Vllllnln Mrlmnn 0mm Ilrlum rmn New Humwlrll Mn lhlllu mun mul run dun VAIrIIn nml Illlhnul hm hum mm lhm wrm vIu wnl nlnllvrl nu ernvl run and Hrw Ilmlrmk 1va lhuuwllh Mr and Mn ler Mcqmmn HIxhluu MII FYp Hm wuk rml mm mm mum MN 1mm Ivmmm Mr ml Ml wnmq Ilnmnv mwmur weukrml mm on Mr my mm Mr unrl Mn llwnnhl mun Ihlhllvn leIIlhy nllvl Iluhnvl wimmm mum um MN ll Lawn PLUS CARTOON MM Tlll IXAMINII mn lfllNIlNhIIIUNH ll ENTERTAINMENT CLOWES at mum am Hun wmn IO JAVA Mr Eye Shows 650 £719 pm tomouoinh HUIUC HUUIE mu mum Dhlxlrl Qth mum mmnmn mm hlrmln Mn and Mn Hm mlnnlrml Uqu at lhrlr Immï¬m un vnlm many rvrulul my myan rvrnlnz mu th mutlv nml Alnglmz nun whlxh an Mm hmwvll wnx mu ml lhr mm mm mm wllh mm lump Mr um um lIHIEM nu 11w pm yruvl mu um um nuw mm In Allmm wnm Mr um mm In mmm um mm THY AN EXAMINER WANT Mlmdrd up Anuva mm mm Hllnrvvn rmhylny ramp Mar Mlvllnml mun llu Imvmrr hm Wm Mnva mm Aum Nupln llnv anbn llllvul Imlrvwly llmvrllug ï¬rm mummy lml Wl wralllrr III IMIENI lllv lay mum um mum TRUCOLOR WYEVALE VIM Vlsliln Eu Com Mr and Mrs GarneLReld and Mr and Mrs Orville McClung or Wycbrldgc are on molar Mp no lhe East Coast Toronto Visllon Mrs Irene White and Mr Arm strong at Tornntn were recent visilurs wllh Mr and Mrs Gordon Thompson nunsung chickens weye avail able 50c pound and some nice tying chickens Just three months at 40c Fowl Wnsprlcedl 35 Flowers Recent Vlsllarl Mr and Mrs Duffy And ch11 drcn Shnrbm Luke were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs George Lockhan Returns To lhmfllon Harvey Rownl returned to Hum mon Saturday auer spending the pnsl week here Vlsu Auntnnd Unela Carlyle MacDonald Toronto called an his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Edwln Hnyle Sunday wa Sock Evening The Sllvcr anlc Inslllulé held social choguher on Wednes day evening at the Second Line School Dr Tanner showed ple lurcs or his lrlp abroad Ph and Ice rnam wm served afterward vmun Sun Mrs Mlmn ls vlsan New market wllh her son and daught urXnlaw Mr nnd Mrs William Man for while Weekend VLIIIun Mr and Mrs Lewis Faun Tomnlo spent the weekcnd wlUI Mr and Mrs Flslllr Gnnlon New pamlaes fwere gainiahssc baskel There were shelled men pea at 30c pInlnnd We quart pans in the pod at 252 quart 90b basket picklan onlnns at 25c quart for the ï¬rst me vegetable marrow at 12¢ each ndlshes and spring anion at 5c bunch ub bage 15Zflc each In cucum her at 406°C basket been and arrow at 10c bunch string beans at 15c pm box iggs Were quoted at from 1346 to none largo mm 555 doz en cu modlum Glndloll Add at 75¢ per duzen down to 2530 halt dozgn and here were some nice pinks on hand 25c are For Week Mr and Mr Rnbert Burk und family onto spent the past VIch wllh and Mn 110le un Mrs Harrison In Welland Mrs Newlan Train Carol and Nancy vislllng Hands In Wol lnnd At Orlllll Mr and Mrs Ruben Mnrlln spun Sunday III Orillln Vlllllnl Mr and Mrs Hubert Smith and In Mlllnmlllun Vlllrd London Mr and Mrs Oslcr Copehnd Kllml Donald and Bllly spent lhc wvukand In London will Mr and Mrs Elli 1466115 Im my In mm Albm Thompson spent In low MY In Orllllnl mm For umy Thrmm Marrlson In home all Dual at holxdnn Weekend Vlnlrnn Mm Slnflnly Torunlu and Inn mm wrm workcnd um CV Mu Munrc fllllhdly luly Mu Alvln Drcnnln mlulnlnml numhrr or buy Ind ultll Mummy pally Monday uvrnln Iur hrr In Larry who nlm ym nld Mldsummer bum1m wn brlnk and early at Ban1e Market W10 mos producu taken by 11 oklntk There were 101 or 1mm veg nlnhles and any looklnl e111 um chlckens mspberrlu both cumv Med and wlld nppemd at 50 qt Crown H111 WA had lucdessful bake sale Eggs And Poultry Flesh Vegefgbles Tomnlo VIIWn Mr mul Mn hm Murrny Ind IleneIla vlnl MI mod nhly quI no udlully drmnmlultxl an ml lun ny Hnmlny In OIIIHID CIIIIIII rhln lul by mth bull nru nun who dnleul III unlrll Ihc loud Mk II lunlu Ind dllrltl our ha lnrlllfln Olin MI in II Illrulnl upon dllllulll Inc at annullon InnIneIy Ipnkllu min wn IM will null Ir portal UNLAXED llmlnjlheln In Ii Illll Mluwlnl no don nt Iy plenln Mal MI IIIIIO mmruny mun up nu lmln In Illlul Illll IIII 11 but bill um Ilmul MI lluldy llllln mu Iml autumn Izy ellnll ly Iluwll II huh Illxhflg Ilfllllul Ihn In plulln mm ItalInn dulllll III vIIrM null III II III rlnlnlly mmI ï¬nd mun Iml mm Iho olnllelly Ilw when mun lu he lull ull hr null pm me no hull In rl Ml VII pllud ll lo III hll II nun muuly Indur In an nml Mud MI gummy ways 11 HILLSDALE Ratepayers who will receive 1n dlvldual notices of the meeting are Hilton Cook Mls Edltll Reynolds Kenneth Wells Harley Erechln Wllllnm Wylie Sam Held Herbert Hall John Walsh Alex kacy Eileen Walsh Dan Walsh Wllllam and Jerome Walsh Lawrence Walsh Wllllam Arnold NLlSon Gnu Mrs willer Mercer Don McArlhur Frank Robins Vlntenl Walsh Dave Gordon Furs Cnrncll Ruby Laura Gram Ben John Van Kmsel Abhonsn Dlrllnhy Mr Jack Smllh tvlohralul Imr 7Ulll blrlhllny on Aux ran at court acklnn 1n slingted against me jownshipby two ratepayers Dn draln Nor Council decided to call special meeting ratepayers served by he drain The area involved mugth comprises an area ram the lath concession to Ihc mlh concussion sterling near the Laura Graham property at the Highway noth Warmimter and winding up at Ken welIs darn Creigh ton Depuly Reeve Jermey Coun cum Victor Johnsxom and mad superlmendenl Fred Wood were nppolmed In Interview Lawrcnce Wahh and 51le Vandcr Vonn xe gurdlnz Mcdonlcs wish In buy ponlnns or land on Warmlnsm ndcroad to eliminate curvy Council agreed Io upcnd $100 to pruwde mud um and put up sign at Orr Lake to allow mm clrll near the Cnlllns property without gulng on prime land be ween Int 63 and ï¬ll The road wny allows men lo the Lake mm the Pnnclung mad Livestock losses for were Murvln Paris 3100 Waller Barman 320 Frank Cowan agency pald $1910 or clnlm by Albrn mmull fur damage In his car un 11 Mvdonlc road Lineman Minn Hurt submitted his npun on ellphone work car ried mil It was dlcldul nut lu lnulnll my phunu HISdfllt scrvlrc ItnlIun In wn wnsld Med 11 would bu luu cw culls warnml As mm cum plalnll bullcr segvlcc be mkrd rum new 0519mm th Mann ulone exchnnxr chl IntHug wll be Srpl pm and vnnWMn Bmx Mn Jmm Mum 0n the atrenxlh of Ihe petition motion moved by Deputy Reeve Damn Jermey and seconded by Cnuncillor Percy Brlmnge was car ried in which Madame Cannon onposed new Schoolnl Cnldwnle hiJ year 3v mammen at Educlflnn Pm agivlsed Coldwater School Board v1cwol plubis in the un ï¬un section which ve majomy flar new school no resoluxlum Jay Council are needtd Colman er Is walling nutharity mm the Municipal Beard to proceed wnh Issuinz debentures wnlsn Dave Gordon Furs Camel Ruby Laura Gram Ben Hall John Van Kmsel AYphonsc Walsh Ed Sallowu and Township of Madonk The meeting will be at Moonstone Aug 16 at pm Accounts passed we Town SIlp $8195 Telephone $1011 Roads mam Duvclopmonl Ilnml $95055 Inmlly Torufllo mm 7mg wtrk MOONSTONEA deputation 01 Joseph Walker Cecil Orton and Gear Wyny met Medume Coun cll negulnr meeting Auz ll and pmenled prtluon bear Inz the nannu as ratepayers mud to be taxpayer In unlan lchml union Goldwater op pnalnz erection 01 new school at Commuter thLI yam There are about 120 ratepayers nllngether ram Tayunnd Medomo in School Secllon served by publicx school at Coldwawr REEQCVthEXIVGflKhOH presided 11 lbs meeting and all members nl tended one of IL Daley Cbmpany Toronto for debenture tune of $33300 41 per cent imam was approved or new twoImam public schpul at Wnrmlnster The sureï¬lubmmed with alhnr by lender Includes Xurnhhlngs Ontario gavernmenl gram based on population nmouung to 53 60 waived Ratepayers Make Petition Against Public Schbol JAMBDBEE mm mm mnmunny mkuï¬m Wu mm hy lho bums Judlllmlll lnml lrl mgwrWlvkv le Mnlll Slrcrl llnlu or Ihlm mlvlllu will be mm In Iha Cunmunlly Arm IUTItI lkplam Menluilll necrullun Anonnon llmldn In pld MHdIM nmd 0pm In lmyl IZ yrlus mu undvr mlvm lu mum plate wllh mum mum mu own mm is yun inn up mm mull he In by pm In pm Dancing 9161 Admission 50 DECORATED PARADE SOAP BOX DERflY BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST mm Mlulwn Wed Aug 18 pm Draw or TV Hot erlt Walsh Luna 0AM MONSTER BINGO Fun For All ADMIEHION T0 JAMHOIIIiK 156 BEETON 1wu lnsl mm mqu Pond HIXTII ANNUAL munlh sheep sheep Reeve Todd had with Mm alefler from ML Allan which npparcmly had been read but not tabled In whlch the clerk had ngrcnd len er his msignnuon as clerk but would continue to act as treasurer and as adviser lo he council In Um meanllme Miss Mary Sloan £3 acting clerk and Ihc poslllnn will be ngvmucd Purchasechw Furniture Another motion passed at the some mecung was the purchase new furniture from Gmnd and Toy at the price or 32000 L5 expected that this cqulpmcnl will he Inslnllrd wilhln the next cou ple of week and the other stuff nut has to he moved mm the present mace aha put Into pllcea The next council meeting which to be changed te Tucsday Sept so as to avoid the Labor Day houday will be held In lhe new Fire Destroys Home Of Dumont ThL nrlulnnl Far Garry wlu bulll by he Hudsonl my Comp any In In when Winulpeu now nlnudv when the new Mac is taken over it Is contemplated that there will be complete chanle syslem and it was felt that Mr Allan was no the person to in augurate this houday rpm 0n nrrlval the scene 11 was Immd lhnt It was loo far advanc Cd even save any or the con lmls Under prolmlml at high pressure lug spray some or lhe crLw dlsvnnmlvd the pro pane gas tanks which were at mi 14 house and got them away In ruse explosion The dog whlrh was um 19 roe max by Wu loosened thn mnk supply wulcr arrived the re malns of It in was put out The wnIvr of he truck was kept lo prcvcm nearby hnunc mm tauMpg lira Thu 1021 whlch benides the home consxslvd lot at new household lqulpmcm lnclndlnz hlevisiun um now tlcclric re lrluvmlur wu only parlly covrr by insurance Retiremcï¬l Of Allan As Twp ClerkTreasurer Like most other things auxMy council his was to be kept 586ml and the only lnlormallon that was gm um WM when read up would see the poslllon adver lucd 1n the papers chcvcr an lnslsiing lo 502 the molions thnt had ruulwd 1mm the meeting we lound that he resignation had been accepted nim leulr was mived irom Mn Allan prion to his ienving or 1119 annual holidaysi ll wgs only with difficulty iha we were allowed la read he mollonV as M13 Sloan who has been appoinied nciinz clerk said that she had been told not to giyr out he iniurmnilnn Follnwlng this we Interviewed the move at his home and ten learncd that council had previous ly me wilh Mr Allan and had made Intimauons chm then xhould bl change the clerkship Shortly after they had left their name on the um concession line at the corner of 25 sidemad the Dumonl nmlly hnusn wu In flnm us The ndxhbor next door was told by one 01 the chlldnn the ï¬re and hurriedly drove to the nearest phone at Mr Wmnlcfll when the nlann was sent to the township the departman The nmlly WM uflcrtd he use cullnuc Inf Pull ImJI my can not pcrmnncm accom mudnuun The rctlrcment of Gv Allan which was nccpcd by council at special meeung held In Lhe new luwnshlp bulldlnï¬ 133 Wednesday night came as surprise lo mas Innis residents Innisï¬l Notes By 01 IIIHTORIC BITE manna may momma nucusr is 1954 Barrie Flycra downed league leading Newmnrket to In the second gnme he Snuth Slmnne South Dlvlslnn baseball quamr flmfls played Snlurdny Innan IIAErultural Pngk rs game of lhls serial wm played In Newmurket Inst Friday night nnd Ended In rhubarb The umpire nwnrded me Knmc Io Newmlrkel mum the Flyers wuh uslnlltulllnx mun when rend pusher Gran was taking warm up pitches This game hm been molested by the Flynn and the Lean declslon hnuld be handed dovvnsomcllme 194w Ron cm landing huer far he Flynn during the regular sen mnn rammed me llne up urdny dcsplln nn injured shoulder but wax hnld hltlcs 101 Inc lime II but Flral baseman John Flyers Down Newmarket Ball Playoff WED Mun NEW YORKUnlth Artlsls has seven Matures in Manhattan ï¬rst run thealre during the week They were The Malta Story at the Gulld 1ne Dlnmond Wizard at th Palace and Vicmry at Sea at he IrnnsLux 60m Street Theatre all in their first week Maths starting lhlrd week at the Mayialr The Long Walt at the Criterion and Man Wllh Mllllnn at the Sutmll both starting ourm weeks and Hansons Choice In its sixth week at Ihe Parlsl IMPERIAL THEATRE Adventures of Roblnsan Crushe IS scheduled to Nomnndle early in August BARN DANCE 11 Milk story Ind llobsnnl Cholcz have Imlll played Imperhh Burk Iheall 1le York Clty NJ The Inlmna plclurcl listed Ibovc will shown Hrs run at the lmperlll Wednesday Aug 18 TONIGHT AT FRANK COUOIILINS ANTEN MILLS THE HIGHWHYMHN CARRIER AchDNDITIONED DORISi DAY GORDON MacRAE £HQW$EGHILY2 MISS THE BIG RANDOLPH SCOTT PATRICE WYMORE mulel uI m1 at nulls on Ccmauhn leun hlxhwy ll uul Mthy TUES0nIy AUG 17 BIG ALE COLOR SHOW COMING MAN WITH MILLION 8L ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CEUSOE The Pulse The Mellon Plcture Industry CflMEDY SHOW BYJTHE EIGHT OF THE SILVERY Mllllfl JOHN llAflRVMOIH Jll CORINN ALL CARTOON ll IIIIIIIWHIIVIHN CW3 UIIAILII OOIIUM WANDA mmnnlx THE MAN BEHIND THE FUN BOX OFFICE JULY 24 I954 wa Fer CCM Bicycle flllflflfllfl CARTOON CARTOON QUEBEC and Fnur hit pit ing Erv Grah coupiad with the booming ans of Reid Rnwn Ranicri Grant nnd mompaon accounlcd im the New market dclenl Golni into ï¬le last at the ï¬fth inning Fiycm were mmng by nnc run but we can muuve mu including George Rnnieris double scored five runs and the Fly never Ionkrd back Frank Rawn and John fluid paced the Flyen hitting with three each The next gum be played In Barrie Agricultural Park on Wednesday Aug 18 manan at pm Re dsuflcrcd sprained ankle during the progame warm up but tape and mumge kept him in the lineup and llrcc or three Elsb 5934 BARBIE COLOR AUG 1849 AUG 16 upon at lhe