Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1954, p. 2

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 16 1954 Foresters Visit Angus Midhursi See Nurseries Continued from page one Obll areas Most of the collections are made in the vicinity oi Angus The comments or the visitors on the methods and their use oi note books showed that the visitors were learning from their tour They asked questiond after listen ing with attentiveness to the lee turcs and watching the demonstra ions where possible Lunch At Mtdhurat Park At noon on Wednesday Aug ll they arrived at Springwater Park More in this natural park which was also brain child at Drury they gathered and were served one of hose satisiying meals common to the women or the Midhurst Institute After briei word of welcome was given by Adamson The schedule being very line and the weather wet the delegates were enthusi antic andlost little time in looking around but were soon in their cars touring the big Midhurst nursery Tour Of Station Escorted by Superintendent Adamson and assisted by Peacock the tour ialiowed in cars around the huge acreage stopping at seed bed which cover from two to tour acres and in various stages of growth from seedlings to three years They examined the plan tations when Supt Adamson talked oi wced eradication he Started thought as there simply were no weeds He was asked about them and stated that he had this inspection Gangs of men wcrc seen with hoes working in the path which run at four font intervals between the beds The beds themselves had been treated earlier in the year with weed control The machines for doing this were shown the visitors as were the tree planting machines which treble the work of each man hour in planting We prefer to use women Mr Adamson stated and this brought laugh train the crowd but Mr Adamson hastened to say that the nimble lingers Of the women made the work aster in sorting and planting the little seedlings Enlayable Dinner Dinner at Ciansmcnu Lodge was the order or the evening The dclegates and accompanying offi cials the Department 01 Refor estation made total of about 60 persons Alter dinner in the Scottish atmosphere at this lovely Innisril Township lodge short period was taken for welcoming the American delegates and their opportunity to express themselves at the welcome they had received Zavitz former Chief For ester and now acting as advisor to the department was master oi Etrcmunies He told how the work in Ontario had atarted with threc acre oecd plot at Guelph and latcr at St Williams then II Mid hurst There are now 2300 acres in this plant and recently the De 53 CHEV tilllltili Low mileage one owner since new sold with warranty BUY WlTli CONFIDENCE oi Dangerfield Moiilrs LIMITED Bimcoo Cuantya Lcrgm Ilellrr BRADFORD 31 Diet Ell UBliD CAlt DWIEION iiiutotn Seed Cleaning Fall Wheat Fertiliser Treating Whoor Marketing moan Ihler twin al was and on ini again In rim Thus an predartl and up vireo ol oop llu Coma lll yaun Urdu now and lyviii last minute dciey Flinn ml been aware that thcra was to be partmem of Highway have turn ed over their term which was in conjunction with the Mldhunt nursery There the plants nested for the Highways are grown They are turned over tor planting to that department as required The head table at Cianrraerih Lodge consisted or ZavitL Neil wisconrin Federal For eater Cr ll Hayley now Chier or the Division of Reioreatry 0n tario Ratty USA Federal Ad ministrator Forestry Frank Newman divisional iorester tar meriy or St Williams James Hodge Department oi Conserva tion Michiganand Peter Addison regional director SW region business meeting was held by the American delegates rollowing the dinner for the purpose or cav ering the matters concerning the Region Association The Forcsteru Irom Ontario were not in attend ance The place and time of the next convention was discussed but not set although it was thought that the State of filinois would he the hosts Ontario Chlei Foreoier Baylcy in welcoming the delegates told them the welcome came not only from those present but irom every iorcster hnd nurseryman through out the province Many of our methods we have adopted from you and this has been your opportunity tocomc and see no we have used them he said invite each and everyone of you to come back again as we ieel the cxchangcot Idea is good ior Ill James Hodge Chiel of Michigan Forestry Department replied and told the gathering that they had really learned lot from their tour and did greatly appreciate the hospitality of the hosts Roddy Administrator of the Act which allows the Federal Gov ernment in USA to reimburse the States for their subsidies allowed to the growers of trees said nurseryman can live to see the value of his work He felt that this was the greatest climax of the work of man It makes us willing to do bciter job when we have these impectlons The control oi the and the rteplanting or trees Is growing program and very important one he con cluded Vlslt llendrie Forest After good nights rest in arrle hotels the tour began again at D30 am Thursday when they paid visit to ihe big ilendric Forest where Zone Forester Scott presides This is the area where the tires In 1870 leit the blackened stumps Now some 2300 acres have been replantcd and some at the trees are big enough to remove They are thinned out and sold for pulp wood Planted in 1922 this Iorest holds down the armor blow sands which dark cncd the countryside The story of this torcsi according to the re cords of the Forestry Depariment make pages oi interesting reading but here we will only add that it is the lirst county inrest in On tarlo Simcac County set pace in reforestation that has been an example to all the other counties To use the word of one at the pri iclals They isiaricd the movement and have kept up the leadership Vtsli MIDI Station After the Hendrie tour the dele gates look their cars and headed Iilr Summit Lodge near llichmonrl Hill where they had dinner Dutch treat in the beautiful din ing room oi this roadside restaur ant they enjoyed the last meal the convention was to have toge ther They then went across country to the Maple loicurch Siaiinn Here the testing and ex perlmLnlai work oi the department IS Carlch oul There are moh working on prolccu that will re quire full liieiimc to accomplish For instance one proieuor is en dcavoring to and pine tree that will be resistant ti curtain rust that destruin many pinu yearly Ilc first must and lrce which has shown resistance to tlill dis czrye Then from seed produced lrnnt that true he mlllt grow other trees that when they have been dusted with the rust particles will ahuw that they have resisted tin plague lhln may takt ycani of tinting and trying Welcomed to Maple by Lixlic the tour was divided into two gmnpr with one under the leadership at ii Mayor and the other under Nichol Ttily visited the various projects in cliiillng tree breeding in field civ lcuitllre nursery planting wtitl llio titc lnichnnICII building tell and liir fixhcrlul laboratory FInthlng Ulric tiiUrJ aboill 30 pin abort inlcrval oi reinIll nliiili was enjoyed atirr which the lrlrgnirs NICII Iltliild in llllil uwli illtliil for Iltmtr New Lowell Protest Stroud Teams Win in north division iilmmr human irrigiie pilyoii uma that war playctl limitr protest Ililolid tlrlrllcil New lIinII on the lat llra twine illllntlml on Friday night try Amie iii iii in ii llrulii Iril WI ml tIIK live ltlrll fur itrlrull Wltll iltils bill walk Milt mire lilt by tho pitcher wail Iilml wlt till fnilr than with lwn liltI walk llitl an error Cor Ilrlll wII hill tor New lflwlll The New tnwail inrteal war Inilgotl nver Ilmudl lin In the panic iii in ilowimn who they tllilifltl hint rml bun llgrird in linu ilurIM the regular mm TRAFFIC GOT BADLY SNARLED on Highway and around the Barrie Bypass and through the town last night shows partial tieup which extended for mil es from early evening until well after dark Reason was construction or new bridge over the Dunlap Street West section old Camp Borden road and Ferndale This View above routed much across to the meant closing two lanes the West part or the fourloner throughway As Potato Day Has 350 Visitors To Holland Marsh Continued from page one outlined possibly the most inter esting was that at treating onions carrots and celery with chemical known as maicic hydrazide This is an agent for retarding growth and is sold for the purpose of holding back the growth at grass to cave mowing Here however it is used to retard the maturation or plants with the surprising con sequence that they will keep lon ger when harvested This is expectv ed to lengthen marketing periods by iive to six days To illustrate the manner in which ironic marsh families have progressed from pioneer conditions to slate of comparative aiilucnce visitors were shown the origlnal land holdings of Charlie Davis first occupied by him In the Thir ties Here he spent hit first wis ter no the marsh in an old root house living on fish deer nah blis and borrowed potatoes the temperature dropping in low as 40 degrees below zero that year in contrast to this were shown the be Gardens thc iarm oi Charlie and Lou Davis on which are loca ted belutiiui ranch style homes These may be seen at the south ern end of Highway 400 as it crosses the marsh Dyke Canal System in passing the dyka and canal system were explained and the manner in which Waicr may be pumped out of the original Schom om River or siphoned Into the fields from the canals is headed Pipe installations for tlfiiilcnd ir rigation were also visible One could not leave the marsh without being impressed wilh its international character and tile or parent harmony which exists Guido wcrc liolctl Ilnlllrll NT Hungary Poland Czechoslovakia the Ukraine and Gcrmnny Jap ancsc were to be new working In dustriously in the fields Anil upon leaving one ICtllvttl bunch of celery from the hands of four yearold Dorlndn Dcllnltn dressed in the colorful costume Iior iflllltf brought her no ltnly early this year One felt that thn nrca Lu producing much more than in minim 50000900 crop at vrncin TlLANHATliANTiC CABLE The largest submarine cable cvvr to go aboard iihip for transpnrln tion from the Clyde has recently been rollrtl Inln tlin Iinlrl ii iii vcrcloy in Glasgow Itlli Is the ilrat 2900 yards II liic new 1000 mile link which will make trill phone calla bciwrrli UK fanntin and the USA as iilrnpln rn Iliiltt rolls The new link will inhc three yearn to cilliitllcin nnil will colil sumo $13 liillllnii AUCTION SALES Tuesday Ang at pm anti Yrttll Ill X0 at pmAllrlliiil nlo lllllllmioill for tho Iall Ham Malay Il liltrlc Fliir iilllll Torn uh No rcsrrvo Jriry Ciilghilll AUClliillltr litIii lvrry Thursday It in hiinvaie Cammnnii flach rona llioM Whilnn Ill Elin nin baitM iitrlmia or come result cars nox North St were held lip two abreast all the way to Crown Hill ior 15 minutes at time Haras sed provincial highway oiiicers finally re oi the iraiiic south on Bay iield Strch through Barrie and this caused an unexptected 1am on Dunlap and Brad iord streets such as has not been alone be iore the bypass was opened several years Janina liSiEliiliil min News or Interest to Junior Farmers By JAMES HANCOCK Huronio Calf Club Members Meet At Jermey Form Jarrett July meeting at Huronla 4H Cali Club pa held at the farm of Bolton Jermey President of the Ontario Ayiahire Breeders As sociation near Jarrett it was rare treat for members to see the one herd oi Ayrshire cattle and to have the opportunity at judg ing two classes liir Jermey led out Domino Haze to exemplify the points in be observed in Judging dairy cattle This cow clausilied excellenl on June in this year with score of 933 highest scoring Ayrsher cow in Canada up to that date Lions Stage Big Carnival Parades Shows This promises in be gala wcek iii llarlle with the annual Lions Club Carnival inking place in Arena Park on Wednesday Tliursv day and Friday evenings Agiaiit shoot paradi will opln proceedings on Wednesday torm lug tip on Kcmpeniclt Street at 030 null moving oil at 700 pm The wide will take it along Dunv lop nnil iirudlurd Streets it John alonl John to Illnlsill and back to Arena Park The parade will tic accompanied by two balidJ iiiilllt Cililim lianii lind the Barrie llpc lianil Final and culllnicrctal velilcliu will comprise iiu biiik oi nu parado wlili pri 7tr bolliit lllviifdtil the but ciliiits ill IlilDlltl class on Thursday evening another parade will take place made up ill kliiiilis In cruitiillc This will as aerobic at the Market Square and move Itff nt 700 oclock It will plouvvi in tho park via Mulcaxicr uui Ililliiilp Sincu Ilie ilirliivlii prier will feature two rlrirl concessions fur the till nnu including an puily rides popular tovuur ycarii five nut II pond uul boon tor illi liilfllllit candy fluu lillti illiiictl nilplrs nu Wednesday and nrun iliiy tvtillilfl lltitlll nllit Iiill will lie Iliiitillilliitl ft to llil tllllil nu Aiilninloli in tho park is oi filllifir fitv Fur aduiLt there will be Killnlii nah innuo and pupil and ham typos ut whrnin 0n Wrl why and Thursday cvrnitlgli lhcliv will ntirltdnllrv vrlrra it It itll rill Elitlllc litmr plvlllihrr wliili liliiiiullulll illt carnival III lnliatl liale Driving Clllllc truck will lie on illi glttuniis Tlii draw fur the Dodge liard lup our will lie uililr on Friday rvouioy to rlitse proomiiup Linn Nurl sitplum tirnrrll Iiailninti at tin carnival urnint by lilli tiniitcr drum Iiny Home and wrrrl TO U200 PLUS THE BlGll NAVIINLWWI IIUI lmliaievt nmru In Cunt VIIOMJIVND 0AN Aitcr Judging class at dry cows and class oi cows in milk the memhens looked through Mr dermeys dairy barn and comment ed most favorably on the cleanli ness and tidlness Mr Jcrmcy pointed out the responsibility or the care oi the herd and the stable was in the hands at his herdiman Mr Winters in thanking Mr Winters for his care in bringing out such line classes for judging purposes air liancock observed that good ho ae keeping was one or he most im portant steps toward success in dairying Mr and Mrs Jcrmey invited the club members to the house for the cosine pnrt and served dell cious lunch Club secretary Dill Black expresseid thanks to the host and hasten WWII ma Town and County lcarn ilairdrcxilng This is government registered school where vou are thoroughly prc partd or government examination Enrol now forn full class Dora win lialriiresilng School 50 Mapln Ave Phone 3902 DIN Muricli Hoauiy Salon will be closed Aug ill in Aug 14 to enable liturch Jultnxinnt lu alluiili Madam Marguerite liucks Summer School nt Sutton Quebec IN FINISH llEhtIAllCll SEMINAR Dr Vcitch and Dr li Tuck llnrrlo have lust completed the larkcr Chiropractic iiisearch Scmlnnr hrld In Toronto last work They devoted four lays in study if inc latest developments in chiropractic technique and ray analysis The seminar was charge oi rnnstriiciion llrnca llrown inrailo Chairman Art chaicr Publicity and Harold Forster ill charge if tilt car draw forBoIIcrFotIor IONG DISTANCE SERVICE me your Edda good 0F IELIPHONI NUMBERS George storey leit yesterday tar Montreal where he will he visit Ing with his brother Red Storey Jack Wallace is home on bail days visiting with his parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Cook Street tor week inspector Ted Dyment or the Tack Township Police and Mia Dymcnt are visiting In town with his motherMrs John Laing and Mr Laing at their home on High Street Mr and Mrs John Ronald Stan den have arrived tram Vancouver BC and are with their sisters iis standen arv Mrs Len where they will be pleased to welcome friends Mr and Mrs James Marin at Dundee Scotland arrived in arr rio last Friday to visit at the home at their daughter Mro Char les Scotty Taylor Marvatreet having sailed to Montreal aboard the Empress or France Following three weeks in Barrie they will visit other relatives and irieods in Canada and the Eastern states beiore returning home Mr and Mrs Jacit Craig and their Three children Wendy John and Deborah have returned train motor trip to Quebea and the United States They virited first in Montreal and Quebec City and then crossed over to lower Que bee and into Vermont travelling right across the New England state crossing Lake Champlain by ferry and visiting such well known sigthas Ausable Chasm Lake Placid Whitetace Mountain North Poloc and Saranac Lake where they stopped at the Land oi MakeBelieve Frontier Vill age and Old McDonalds Farm They returned home by way at New York State travelling through Waterdown Rochester and Niagara Falls BciII Flyers Lose Protest Dantes hockey Flyers have no monopoly on the protest market it seems The baseball Flyers lost their protest of ED umpims decis ion to call their game atJicw markct on Friday awarding the game to the hamsters At special meeting in Everett on Saturday night the league ex ecutive decided to uphold the irmpixea decision however Fly ers will appeal At the same meeting the protest at New Lowell against Strouda use at player Os Bowman In their playoff game Friday night was upheld and that game has been ordered replayed Umpire Gould oi Newmarket would appear to have been under the spell of Friday the llth when he made his decision to call lhe game there in thc mirth Io nlng Darric called in pitcher Erv Groh to replace Elli Elson move which entitles the new pitcher to eight warmup pitches 0n the third pitch Gould lhoulcd pr ball and the rhubarb was on Catcher Raneiri continued to all 01 pitches irom Groh Inch which Gould termed stallingThe game was called toathwith and awarded to Newmarket move which met the marked displeasure oi both teams and the Newmarkct fans whose money was rdunded in appealing the executives de cision to turn down the Barrie protest manager George Douchey makes two chic points it was obvious to evcry one at the game that umpire Gould was not sure how many plichis Groh had thrown and secondly he iaiicd to give the Darric team its one mlnnte warning that the game would be called necessary pm ccdurc where the stalling qu Invoked conducted by Dr James lark er thunder and developer of the Parker Chiropractic litsearch Foundation Tcxns organlraiion which operates ill chiropractic clinics Willi 1m inclining lilmlill at highway Illvcl there may in big niaiiri IIitMI in new lightweight aluminum rtaiir lifl iilci omiopol In ituvom it not only ialri litmusmy weight all your mind ten proved that ii also ealiihiit leii Ital rtzpth when titlinil are duly petl on It with no one undu nealii a1 tianild ltlli BORN DMDAt the Royal Victoria Hospth Barrie Aug it 1954 to Mr and Mn Carl Emrm 2ll Duniop st West son Charles Front JAMIESONAt the Royal Vie torla Hospital Barrie Aug to ltiso to Mr and Mrs Jlmicson llflA Collier EL son KINGSTONht the Royal VI taria Hospital Barrie Aug 15 1954 to Sngt and rs George Kingston Stroud daughter Gayle Diane NEWELLAt the Royal Victoria Hos ital Barrie Aug to list to and Mrs Keith Neweii Angus daughter Marioric eel MelNTYREAt the Royal Victoria Hos ital Barrie Aug in 195 to IndMrs Rutuell McIn tyre no No Stlyner son PARMlTERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Aug 15 NEH to and Mrs Edgar Pannlter Rlt Barrie son tJarnes Mullet SCHANLEltAt the Royal Vlc toria Hmpital Barrie Aug 15 W54 to Mr and rs Ralph Schanler Thornton daughter Brenda Leone DIED BEAIKYAt the lioyalVictoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday Aug 14 1954 Matthew Ernest Beatty at 93 Owen St Barrie beloved husband or Annie Lowe and dear rather of Snowden Mrs Ivan Crowe oi Barrie and Mom Mrs Patterson of New Liskeard Resting at this Jennctt Funeral Homo Funeral nervice Monday Aug lit at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery JONESAt her late residence zoo Dunlo at West aarrie on Friday ug id 354 Edith Elizabeth Jones in her 70th ear dear mother 01 Owen and argaret Mrs Gilbert Rest ing at the Daniorth Chapel oi McDougall and Brown ltol Dantoth Ave Toronto from pm Saturday Service in the chapel on Monday Aug 10 at pm interment Pne Hills Cem etery Toronto JONESAt Mrs Archers Nursing Home Cundlcs on Friday Aug 13 1854 Mary Ann MacDonald wie of the late Waiter Jama Jones in her iitlth year and dear mother of Harvey and Clarence Barrie heating at the Lloyd an Steckiey Funeral Home Bar rie for service on Monday Aug id at 830 pm interment Bar rie Union Cemetery McCORKlNDALEAt his homc I33 Dorczy St Earrlc on Satur day Aug 14 1951 John William McCorkindaie beloved husband of the late Slrah Ann Partridge and dear iather oi Mack In his Iiith year Resiing at the Jen ncit Funeral Home Funeral ser vice Monday Aug id at pun interment Barrio Union Ceme cry STEWARTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday Aug 15 i854 Ellen Cross beloved wile of Wilired Stewart nnd dear mother of Mac and the late Wallace Hosting at her tlrolme in Lciroy Funeral notice er WILSONAt the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto on Thursday Au 12 54 Sandra Elizabeth WI son in her Ilh year beloved daughicr or Mr and Mrs Donald Wilson and door sister at Donald llryan Resting at the Lioyd and Stock ley Funeral Home Barrie after Saturday noon for acrvice on Monday Aug ill iii pm In icrmcnt Barrie Union Cemcicry zp CARD OF THANKS McKERNAN The family of Mrs McKcrnan lsth to express Its appreciation friends or their kind expressions oi lym paihy In their recent bercavemcnt BETin loving memory or dear husband William But who payed away Aug 17 195i it Royal Victoria Hospital Bar There is link death cannot sever have and remembrance last for over His loving wife or MORRISin loving memo dear father and gran rather Benton Morris who passed away Aug 15 1951 He is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours or thinking Thoughtsot him are always dear Days of sadness will come oer in Friends may think the wound is hwled But they little know the sorrow That lIiJ within the heart con eealcd Lovingly remcmPered by son Howard daughternlaw Joyce and grandson Richard horror onrawio SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and until Aug 26th 1954 at 12 oclock noon East ern Daylight Saving Time for the following lots at Christmas Tree Lot Nil Consisting oi 050 tagged Scots Pine trees in Angus Forest on Lot 15 WIg Cori th Twp of Essa County of Slmcocl Lot No Consisting oi ZID tagged Aus trian Pine Tread in Drury Forest on Lot 3i Can Twp of Oro County of Simeon hot No Consisting of 250 tagged Aus trian pine trees in Drury Forest on Lot Can Ill Twp of ore Coun ty of Simcoc Tenders will be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to the District Forester Department at Lands and Forests Maple Ontario marked Tenders for Christmas TreesSimeon CountyLot Tenders will state their bid price fnrdtrecs cut and piled along truck ma Cuttin and piling or trees will be comp etcd by Department Staii on or about November loth 1954 unless later date is requested in writing by the successlui tenderer Successful tendercrs will be noti ilcd shortly after Aug 20th and will be required to submit da potsit by certified cheque payable to the Department of Land and Forests in the amonut oi twenty iive per cent 15 oi the tmdered price This deposit to be received not later than Monday Septem ber liith The balance of payment will be paid on completion or piling Failure to do so may result in rorieiture of the deposit Arrangements may be made to inspect the trees by contacting the Simcoc Duficrin Zone Office at Angus phone liarric 5000 Further iniormaiion may be ob tained from Zone Forester Scott Dc Lnndu tt Forests An gus or undersigned The higbcst or any tcndcr not necessarily accepted ARTllUlt LEMAN District Forester 934 BB TV Channel Toronto Epiettl Electrta your Crollay TV Distributors are happy to present this schedule at can Programs three ilmrl weekly for thl eon vcnirace oi viewers In Barrio Ind Distrch MON DAY AUGUST 16 are avlainn mu arm in own ltth arm too Iuinl lane riyhm nap Muniv TUESDAY AUGUST I7 uo wmnn Iu cc Yclnlaien Mm 1M Imlll rrr vnim no cut co woman In no main WEDNESDAY ltt illrllvl Ir vaun Cetlalle an un Inlvilvl alertIon it Duma rlarhui AUGUST l8 an tadiu nitsll Alrlnrl ion In in can iiwclo nian um ll wmnn Iu SPECIAL 17 TELEVISION NEW ll MOI MICE All IOW At 179 TELEVISIIIII NEW MOIIIIM litivlil Mt LOW All 229 mmilJmnmI AiHMJlllpOuida lOMIVlItnmplnyet poop vinuoan ilmmllul annni abi Ietiilllylequlmt Found Me ieiisilila cha pean for urninkilon wtlm lilo eiliilnly inn nl Ililitlllllllll Illicit developed to in are have been tniitlly atinpiai in com punt nhxh Iill Inipcd taiiiil Navy innml in Canadian aiuinintiln both at home and in foreign nuiiiltl Aluminum mnpetiy of Ids Lui Nun IllII0MIlilILIZ SilLtISMIIII WIIIIIED in Icynu 0er hkwfibt New and Used Con Beat working cundltiona and remuneration only ag gressive mtll capable or above overall earnings need unity iiiionld be bctwmi tho ago or 25 and all Apply to Mr it tlcll DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD locum an mntiih DIM m1 lin In It liil miloitomt inn Itm you are likely to rallllwn call by number Mill your lung Illtame calla will go through lllillil faltrrl llit Illl littlliOltl COMPANY MM Exclusive unusual Til Distributors in Barrie iiiM7 Dunlap St Phone Barrio 8442 in Oriiiia at Went iii 80th Phone ill in Midland at Ill ling anuLThIM in van tail to in FINANCE co convenient ulnarwhich In manu you lemon line and 991 ILI Minimal imu nu mn 1itmuiiiii 0er tumor at AnOIMMrNtntoitr roI evmmo iiovtt tIOIIIIINMlHi Itiwmwllrllwfl rm noonmaint lb

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