Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1954, p. 9

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Farewell To Colonel And Mrs Wattsford RCAC School Un rum July nm In mum Im nr llw mm mlrru Mru mm mm wlvm nmmmm In my Invvwrll ulum und Mm Wnlulunlv rm um mum lhy luvw mm hm hm wumudvd Ivy In lurmhru uvmnwlm pm In m1 wumu rih wnmnm llw mm and Mn Wnlulmd wnl KAY ulul nHUILHHH 11m unHy maul nan pm wllh mm In he mulnn nmnlwu ha mm lmlmllul Ihn Iluvnl tamMan mm mum IIqu and Hvr Mmluxd Ilmn mm ml 1er wlvu mm puuc lullly l0 man he wmllvl ul Hu hmmlllrll flunk Al 731 um HCnl lhrwlrll TCunllunmlrr IUMf Hrhuul rpll rd all nunln lnlU lhc nnlmuum mu lrmlvulml um um lhp pup pu nt Ih unlhrrhvl wu In lay wdlryr Lmnmnluhn ml MIL Willdud In vlnw Ihll Iatl Col Ivwltk Alulld Iulfl ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT SATURDAY SHOWING MONDAY TUESDAY THOUSAND MILE TRAIL OF TERROR FINAL SHflWlflfl TONIGHT and SATURDAY GRANADA EVE SHOWS TONIGHT AT 835 pm Roxy iTheatre For MovinMonyGoRound Tuna in CKBB at 540 pm Daily SHOW 835 pm PLUS lllli LAT COM lH CONTINUOUS SATURDAY AT 230 pm WARNER NEWS REEL HOUSE or HITS rum wrm THE BEST IN um sum NEXT WEDNESDAY 230 pm EVENING ADULTS 750 TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 501 TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 256 TAX INCLUDED plnylrl hml Iwn mumuvl In um Iurmmulu ul Wulluluxtln mam mm uHiln Imhnl cum mnml llw yluylrl Hm Inlvwhuul lAy Mujnr Hm Inucr Mr Ivrsl lwl4 nml ll lmu hr mun wnc valml rhuw nun th UNI Inlvl vrllllllm III In nlllrc dka The lulluwnl Inukumllml lmmnrnmy nvrr PA mm Hu mmmv mum Culunnl ml lhe hlghlluhl MI umr In IvLLrGJvumlnn Irmvlrxl mu mu rumvnlnlun In In the ma 3mman Hum In Evmlmlvl dInluu um wu Cmm mm nw 0mm fnmll dnlr chnnl ml munmm llw rutw ulum llw am mm min Inn Ilm ullum by munuw mmva erm Hvrrn hluhllghu 1th mmulnn ylnylrl wan Ilnvkml my run Law um muan or and Cnvlnlu erI mum Adm mom lhn mu wm 041 um mmy Jnhn llmr TWO GRAND FEATURES EIITENINGS ADULTS 150 TAX INCL MATINEES ADULTS 50 TAX INCL CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCL INVASION USA ADDED TREAT STARTS THIS MONDAY FEATURES Ann um IlnylnL Mum Fnurr 1an prmnluunm nluml and Mrs Wnllhlnld In hr nle lhn mmuhus Culvmcl WMHJHHI mrlylnu In Mull tr dlvw lIlleruu Il 1mm rnprll an runn who and llumkul nll mmlm Gmrav CIHMI Nlck Nlclmlxun null Ihlur Huhlr 20 AND MIKH WATTRIOIU mul llm rmluubl uhIL Murphy unjuylng lllllll huur hllllH FIRST GREAT MUSICAL ALL NEW AND IN COLOR T00 FOX NEWS The cilnllun accompanying the award pays high lrlbulc CnL Amys morilnriuus service in Kurca Irom August 1952 unul July l953and slams In purtum he pcrlormed nulslanding vlcc displaying sound mnunry judgment and prpmpt cncrgcuc aclInn In supervising and c0 urdlnaling slafl mnunrs connccmd wllh he Divhiinns operatlnns Ills oumlnndlng enthusiasm drive and may were nn Inspiration to nssncialcs Ills frequent vlsils In from line nusiflnns on under heavy enemy fire lcd OHAWA July IIILLCnl Amy D50 ODE MC KcnlvllXc NS has been arm the award the Emma Medal by the President 01 United States Canadian AI Hendquannrs announced lnday or he Divlsiun The cxcmplnry manner In whlch LLCUL Amy performed lIL dullus provided dbllnct cnnlrlbuliun the ACA complishmnnh 15 Cummun wealth Dlvblun In Karen and re llccu rcdlt upon Mum and flu mflllnry pmfcsslon LLCol Amy presently com mandlng the Royal Canadlun Dru guons nl runwawn Ont Camp Borden Swimming Meet mwAN ummmnul who has since last Ociabcrrbcen wliln llcr ball Ennis and 00 Wilsnn Building was recently nwnnicd scholarship in Lxlnnsion by line Certified Public Accountants As sociallun at Toronln University lol allulnlng hi hlghcst aggregate marks in ihcprlmary extension course or llm izroups practising in public accounting Bryan ls son Mrs Marjorlu and he lule Blake Undcrhill 76 Tomnlu Slrtel is Barrie b0 and graduated from the Barrie stA lrlct Cullcgialc Instilule in 1916 On leaving snhunl he was with Under hllls Limlled with which firm his Lflhcr Wis associated until 1952 when he 11 for Tomnm lo be come an necuuntan with the Good ycauITire Cu um and deciding to continue the work but nearer home Joined he Harris sluH her in H753 commiuuc Inu 1mm Ionnnd undnr he capable ulmunn Mnjnr mu the RCAC School In orgunllc grand wim mlnLLnuLl mmum nmullu lhc unm nmp The we will be mm Iunle Curvo Poul emy In Swlomhur dale be Mm mm The mxldlmr pqu lends mm omnrk IIth wrll rum bulh ll nwlnl mm mm pcclululs mm vlw and WIN no doulzl be uumd Rpmluck Nummms mum have may lmn rccclwtl rvLn Umuuh llw varlmu rveuhx nnd dllmcr¢ mm us yet he dccldml Ivy llu commllluu Wins Scholarship Public Accounting Toronto University ltCol Amy Receives US Medal From President Mull lulu un wlll lu we Nllld In wukx Ivy Iv III II Ilmllng hrIn or Fultluy HlIIIIUHII lhlv llllllUlH ll GUIDII Mmlnl Wilmn In Alhlll ull Illlllmh 1r H041 nlunrvl nfltr Tum Vllauh 1mm ml lIllmlwlll Slim mumu mth mum mu lnr mrlr hwyany mm um ulllrn Following ll wwnmllom mm wnn nn txrcllrul mum mmwr uml Hm evcnlng cmwlmhwl vh mum and mm mum 1m warm All mumle mum Mm ncA klmul rxlrwl ML unrl and Mm anlnfnul mm nu cm rulfl mm mpmw um um Illmm mm mm wk and We Ml mml unmmllll wlll Inpr nll wm mum in rdmml lty Ilw rnHrc mnummly Camp mum July IIILLCnl D50 ODE MC 36 NS havs been granted the Emma Sm he President 01 the Canadian Army mm 1m Wm Vllnmh mm ullvlll su mm Mhll la wlxh While Britain favors these things loo Brikms along with Americans sham doubLs lhnl the Chinese non aggrusicn and nonintervention campaign is genuine Strong 5cm imcnt pcrsisLs lhat 1L mi purpose L5 in disrupt internal minions be tween lhc western puwcrsand than bulwccn in western powers and nnnCommunis Asia firm United sum has been urg by United muons Secrclary mml Dan Hammarsuold to mgnllnlc through the UN to chance Us altitude towards Com munm China aim ul has crysmfllzcd for th Amcrlcnn people one or the must mum pryhlcms they face Indicauuns arc mm the Ameri can pucplc xmd Congress have rc mm the plea Snulthorun XIrsldcnl Hth or ruuzscm war with China mainland Howcvrr the Unllvd Stalk has not yul taken what Mr lInmmnr skjold und many lhl Unilcd Slams allies consider In nlxl log lcul atop Km cflort cslabluh normal rclallnns wllh Ickin The News Chronicle notes HIM me vlsit will givc Peking the limelight Ior advocating nonag grcssiun and nunIntervention he cummky Lhc finned Slates mnllnuts to withhold dl Present sltuatlafl In Great Britain lsdmicult time for British dlplomacy 118 urgedvto nehotlntlon through UN to change attitude towards Communist Chlna Troops with machine gunspatrolling Port Lyautey streets to end wave at terrorism Thls VlCW results from lhn dc parlurn of Brillsh Labor Party leaders Clement Aulcc and Aneur In Bcvan or luur at Cnmmun China Coupled with Britains Involvement in we growing ten sion between India and Portugal Lofldun 0n the one hand ls attempting to help lay the ground Nurk for the SouLhcast Asia dc cncu alliance prnjecl that 55 than popular in India Brllaln has also joined other nation in lrging morq mcdcmlinn In New Delhi lnwardPorluguLsc territor lal possessiuns Such as Goa 0n the olhur hand certain Wurldknuwn British political lg urcs are about to submit lo the Communlsl propaganda circus that willlrusull from thclr Vlsll 10 Peking Lhcruby doing lilllc or no thlnu lo slrunglhcn unllCummun isL inllucnccs elsewhere in Asla Criticism DI lhc mlillclans Visll to Peking has been contained in editorial comment in London The Daily Telegraph doclarcs that the visit has gian the Communists an apporlllmly ry in create an extending rlfl belwccnBrimln and he Uniled Slates Many people regard he Frisoul siluatlun in Gran Brualn as being diuicun Mme Ior British di vlgmncy MAJOIL II MEIIKLINUIJI Sr Zhnpluln Cump llunlrll Iwcu pmlrll In Hrudqunmu lrm 71mm ml llnlllnx mmnnml lnln The unxunz 11 Aug 51 II umm lu Huran In um 1mm Camp mcKPoj $205 rvvrvitrvvquICFvvvvrIrvrvvuvr rvrvvrvvtvflflu AUGUST 13 I954 INTERNATIONAL NEWS REVIEW Wodnosday Aug l8 BARN DANCE UNITED NATIONS Ar IllNK flllmlllJNM IN IN MILLS 0N Posted To Halifax GREAT BRITAIN IIUNI MISS Tl Ill 112 flame Examiner EXAMINER STAFF WRITERS Indinn Prlmc Minister Nehru has numlcd Ceylon he opposed any mllng the Colombo pact paw BY to discuss the proposed Suulh ms Asian Treaty Organization PIlmc Mlnflswr Slr Jnhn Knlcla weln Ceylon menuy summon ed the Colombo powers Ceylon Burma India Pakistan and Indon cslu mod 1n Rangoon at the end or ths month mdb munmusuc suppumrs of the exiled Sultan Sifii Muham mcd murdchd French couple who sought refuge in the home 01 PM Lyautuy policeman Th rluUng ended only aim unnps fired on lhc mob for five minuus About 5000 Mmcmns had gath crcd In the native quarlcr and armed column They aflackcd post office kindcrgartcn an eye imminent centre 11va house and vma bctom policn finally stopped them by firing ducctly in lo the mob There was no clear lndlcallon as to me number 01 persons klllud but police put he numth at 12 Refusal Soviet sun11m to deliver Em Germany be cause may were not pald or curl lcr smpmems has caustd scrmus 00d shortage In the Suvm 71mm actordlng to us mun Com mmlnn newspaper Ncuc chmnn Wemm ofllcluls and his xnlnhl explnln the unexpected Commun lsl nmcplantc lrcsidcn Eihun hnwcra arm of we loud in we unu of the reach Em Gmmn Hoods Américans Frcdchmcn and other European llving 1n the Pans nav live quarter were evacuated Aug lolluwing riot United Smcs servicemen were warned to travel In gmups and only on the main slrceLs Mer chants in Port Lyaulcy and other cities have moved their slacks out at sight qr car of the The UN Mannygeneral has now made clear he agrees with the advocates pcacelul no exislcncc Troofis are pakolling the sheets at Port Lyautey wilh machine guns in Inch to end lermrism In which at least 22 porsuns have been killed and 50 injured In his poft cllly The mule rum 1mm Mrlhuumr Alumllln mllm by the Panama mm vln Sm plomatic recognition to oppose In sat sun to accept with vigor any aerial challenge flung down of the China dJast The U5 nvgollattd wllh Peklng at Geneva only with the ulrnust reluctance rThL contrary View IS that such pollcy will drive Pcklng ever more deeply lnlo Moscows embrace and destroy any possibility avsplll in the owPlklng axfls Them are those In Washington who aggue that mix United sums position with mommic pressures and military harassment should be mnlinucd indetinltcly as means oxpwvcnnng the Peking mzlme mm consolldnung Itself payer NBA ROUTIY VAIHIIH MOROCCO BRIEFS 110 ml glnacr McQunnln said city rmidan nollcc relch mm the mosquito plague since we planes cnmplnlcd spraying nhpul 5000 gal Inns of all siuray an marshy urea surmundlng the any Wilberforce Iaunded In 1330 was the name Inrmcr seme ment of trend Negrnu In Mflddlg sex Cuunly Ontario near the vill age of Lucan ASTRID CHRISTENSEN is helped from the waters or Kem penten Buy allowing her victory In thevladles hallmile swlm at the annual Clvlc Holldnleaycee Regatta BATTLE Mosqunos mouqrq cwcu gp Sea FIRST For Insurnnce of ALL KINDS 35 Dunlop at Hum ml TONIGHT CV SAT TUESDAY ONLY MONDAY STEVENSON INSIINNNCE SHOWS NIGHTLY NEGRO SETILEMENT AGRICULTURAL PARK SUNDAY AUG 14 830 pm ALL CARTOON 8c COMEDY SHOW loutrd lull Ian at lllnII Ill Canctulon bulwnn hllhwny ll Ind hlhwby BAND CONCERT JMIN NHHWMURH lll TIIIIHINIZ YAINIZII Sunday Ant Conant lu NI Vintan lllk CARTOON BY BARBIE CITIZENS HAND HEN JOIINNTUN JANET lell HURON llllllfifl CARTOON QUEBEC ection 2Pages to NAMED AFTER CITY EDMONTON CBWhen db cu came gave birth in 125 pound son hare workers named Edmomonf 01mm said the baby camels Cnnndlnn clllzcmhlp may present some dlmculty when the circus returns to the United Slates MINETS PfllNT Bob Hunter Ea uls Band EVERY Reservations Phone 6292 lion lnm lhyfleld EL Dock awry all mm 310 on FBI SAT NIT COW cowu NEWS AUGUST 17 AUG l3 AUG 16

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