Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1954, p. 5

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Allan Huskin ls sflcndiug some limb with Mr and Mm Wesley Johnston while his paronls Mr and Mrs Hwkln uI Wycvalc are maturing New Brunswick or short huhday wmmgu Speaker Tl Wl will mccl ill Mrs Jim Caldwlulls pm on Wndnusday Aug lflwhcn Mrs Gram Mc Arlhm or Vnahagn wm speak on The vacdxmulr Book The cullis lo bu answered by An lllm for Twucdsmuir Hlst nry Mrs Jim Pcmsall will re purl an Home and Country The lmslc will be Mm Duncan Cameron and Mlle George Camp mu bull Mr and Mrs Allan Henry and family ll Thurnlnn vlsilud Mrs Angux Cameron Sunda 11 and Mrs Clmrlns F011 01 Formal Home viSilud Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron on Sunday orgn Camcrnn returned home lhlhcm or visxl Mr andMrs Willlzlm II lempv son have to cd huumnllcr low days win lriunds ounwa mm Delayed Wheat harvestingu Is the order day in this cumxmlnily but present Is Icing dclaycd by the wg weather Mr and Mrs Harold Johnston and may visited Mr and Mrs Weily Juhnslun on Sunday Allan Huskin ls sflcndiug some limb with Mr and Mm Wesley hnslun while his par Mr Trlp Tu mum sum Mn and Mrs Ilubuxt Campbell Dlld Inmin and Gvnlgu II Camp bell visllcd Iricmls in chocSpurt Pennsylvania Inst wen Entuktns WI Member Dr Tanner Midland enter tntned large gathering sponsored by the Silver Maple Womens In Illtute on Aug at the Second Line SchouL shawlng Inver co nred llldcs of Ms trip arnund the world also telling the many Inter estan lncldcnls While on route Abe Silver Maple Institute cnjuy edn trip by bus to Alznnquln Park All reported tsplcndld llmct seem the museum camp ltex and deer which were quite ame Mrs Wesley Johnglnn and 05 b0rneMr and Mrs Edward Grady nucndcd me cumhmuu church sczvicc at Springwatcr Parlg on Sunday men vvisxling Mr and Mrs Gum Manin and Mr and Mrs mm TIM nnl um in mm mm mu um much mm III and 11m Imumnflulalnm ll Iml nll mil nunulc Hull In lel ml mu unl wl TM 1le III whlxh and In mm mm mum um In In llllll la lulu beds cl the IIMII lull nmlfluu VII To Qucrmvme ML MIS Howard Caxnpbcll 54le rumul Ilv IIMNII In Ilul my wrllhn hr Hm Ilmpll mrlh MII erh IIIII IHNUVF III lIIIHR Nul Almw wnnlrl um pnquIlIIu In mm as hm IIIIM nul llvr IHI In whlrh lhv Imln In ulul my hum rlllll nvn lhrm um mu Ihoy Ulluul ll mml Inlh half way 1n lhn ml arr Whnnwnr lhrw II In ii IMI llll¥lfl II lvln IIHI ll rlu Ir nvlunmr and Innlduu InMrrul 1va uerl NH my mum mum run mmvllml Use Special Techniques To Sow Seeds in Summer Frw vrurlnhlu in In mu In lhv CnllMllnwrr Chlnrw rall Imu wlunrh um pm Mum In mnlIan Iu Ihr xwllm uuly Ivy ml wlm Inkn In rllnncrl In In mm rmpt nu mly um Mr lllllll In gmw In llll In mm mm Ml mm mm mad mu um All rluxu Imvr mum Inllflrr mun hurnl In In upvlng Hunk 1y lnlrlny wruhrr nml mun MIMI Sunan HI llvr In full IIMVNl In lhr vrlzlhllvlfl Ulllhn Ahde Iml lu mullrlrvl All We IMly mp mu uulwn In uxe mnny wm mm hnmovul mull ly mvmu rmltr urnlhrr In mm unyn mu lnll umwlng IIInu Ix mlm mmnhll llmll alvrlm II Ilmxl dlfllulll In HM lhr ilvll In lllr hnl Iry wrullur ll lllldlumlnrr lml unlml nmzrcsm wnb cuulcr Mnhu nml mmn mnlumr ha plum drwllm hrllrr um whm lrnuwrnlum mm My lllllllnv 2nd lINE FLOS Trip Ir Mllu N1 llllll Alld Run ply Tup llllhl Mll Herd VIIII film and Raw un Imp NAIL anrr Ldl Cove Bttdl will NyNIAI Illqu hull Luer llllM up Boll Molnl l7nl Mcrfll Xclmlnlle GUTHRIE In III Mun nan lllIr nu ulnln vl mm IIUWIII wlll III Ill III Ill Ipvlnl muo lwu wm now ln In In ml ruluuuc n04 Ilnl In In hugnah mu IIIIIH lvvllh Hum 11 mm Immml um 1va llblllpmnlul lo Illml Mum lam owl munM um whlrh ml min In mm 1m mu mu nulvm htlpmi lh ylmn plIhll In lhllr Inllll llnwlh III rnltllll lml ln III Ina much lullnwlnl null HIP IMI II llvm Illnl Mu Ihnuhl no lullllwi Mm um um mwn 1qu In min Mmul lull Inq ul ly mm In In ml wm mm llanl II In lull ymlml mm nppHclllun Vurlrllu In luwn lnr nu quul lhouhl mlluw In mm any Imlrn mu 1qu munL In 1mm llwm mud lllnl IIIIIurHy wlll IN nluwrvl down nunwhat by Iml nu wqurr lurlnn lhtlr Inlmry Mr and Mrs Blake Ogilvix Linda and Klnnclh Df wcslo such the wrzokcnd at the hqmc Mrs Ogllvles bmlhcr Archi Wank55 and family Recent vi tor Mr and Mr Slave Ilan Included Mrs Nor man lawn and her daughter Mrs nan Chnrman and granddaughter June and Ncrmn Chummm all Slgynvr Mr and Mrs Lorch Waller Slnyncr won gum on Sunday Mr and Ma Lloyd lawn and Rulh Jenna 1101111 un Mammal unsniml Gpcn Sunday wilh Mn and Mrs Evercl Edwnrgs Murmy and Ruth Annr Sunday Mr and Cline Ruwns included Mr rax Mrs Gmm Jcrmny and Mrs David smith Hakaslpnn Ynlml mm ml mum wmnn unlll mm rmvl mm der mull ln lunch llmlllurt ml Ivy um llnu um numm um and Him Inn lrrquvnl lMlInllll Ill mull ha xlnn ur Iy mluu mnlptlmnn bum plum mm névnmm Nuvnr Li and vgck Camcrun Cave ll wlll Hu Ipvtlnlly pro Wm ml um mu mm ml wlll he llrcrunry ln luvp INA mll llnmu unUl hr Iredl uuuul lml ll mmrlrm rnl mnn hnl horn mrd ll wl Imlll moll hm wrn Wher nu ma mum Hmr will nu mm mm In mu mum ylnnl hum new wullnhl Mary Jam mung hm bcn visiting her urnndfalhcr Mr Kinlcy and her unclu and augx Mr and Mrs Ross Currie Oro Sta lion Miss Erma Clark Guthrie visilinL the humc her now 51 71mm cum nawn Ray Hull who is nuw worklm Bramnlon spent Sunday home here Mrstmmvfiufikj an nnln were recent mum mu me km 1mm gouge Train Mr Mrs Cllnc Rnwn rm Larry were Sunday on guests Mr and Mm thn Bartholomew Mincsing Miss as week In Town In EH sméimr Tammi spending two weeks at hurc Ind amlly Ind Mrs 411 Curly viJlltld Rem and Mn Huh Shin Mr and Mrs Walker and Mm 11 Gllchrm xpcm Tufidny 1n Quecnsvlllc With Rev and Mrs Shannun Waynb Jerincll of anonlo ha been vrslllng hlsnunl Mrs Rob crl Andrews warrlner flcunJon Mr and Mrs Fergus Taylor am mmilyNcwmflrkcl axtcndcd In Warrinm ruunlun at Mr and Mn Keilh Sandcrsops last Sunday Flll lhn lllll wllh wnlrr lawn llmM Ill Hm ha mll ll Innkrd and on NI wl loll nhnuM be low like Bernard Mr and Mrs Scum Camp bell and family were fit Birch Cos1 Lake Bernard In wack cn Family Blfhdlylv Mn and Mls Jnck Macro and lam at prillin visited Mn and Mrs Nnrman Stnddnrt In Sundn In celebrflln lhu family birthday Bill Sinclair Tnmnto has bccl pcnding two weeks at his hum NEW FLOS Li vmun Mrs and The grand aggregate trophy for ma donated by Col Garry Lee BE MC CD Was won by Calh rinu Smethulsklwllh total 91 polnlsu Grand nggrngalu trophy nr boys fanatcd by Major Donald Mm Aarcn was won by Bobby Thomp On with 0111 at 13 points ms Warship Mayor Haber €mflh nuande lhc track and field Vnlls and made the presentaunn n1 lhe Irophics at the completion the sports cvcns Flrsl prlzc for each event was lvcr cum second prize was SH ILI medal and third prize bronze nndal in excellent nlcnlc was held by 10 Grey and Slmcac Foresters lh Armoured Regiment at 0m ark last Saturday aflcmncn ro Park Aug imcoe Foresters Ixcpllent Picnic Tho members H12 picnic tom ALL CARS RECONDITIONED lrrmrlulmu Iralnln nlul It Illlv lulu 49 METEOR SEDAN BULLOCKMBTURS 51 101 TIIDIIR Market Square GENEROUS TERMfi YOUR PRESENT CA MAY POSSIBLY BE THE DOWN PAYMENT Oh this steak Iuoks good YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER 1095 25 yards dash Bobby Thump sun Ricky Bobbche Larry Willinnis Needle and brand race mother and daughter Camcrlnu Sme thurst Ind Mrs Smuhursl Lynda Cnuch and Mrs Couch Barbara Mpnrnand Mrs Munro Two chum race father and son Bobby Thompson and Our Thompson Juhn Gable and Bdr Cable Billie Macdonald and Sun Results 01 the allcrnonn Kpmls Ivcnls were follows glrlx high jump Dale Anne Bubbcuc Barbara Huikins Catherine Smc hum Buys hlgh jump David Bar on John Gable Larry Wlll 50 yards dash Gable Joyce Barron 40 yards dash ihnrsl Lynda Munro mince were W02 James Rush Sgt Don Manknhzic and SgL McDon nld such cvunlng was held illcr Im lhc memb nnd lheh Wives In the Scrgnan M259 795 USED CAR LOT N0 90 HIGHWAY AT FIRNDALI Catherine Sme Couch Barbara Anne Joanullu Bowles David I2urpllam Imy wlrr Hun In Imunllu 50 METEUB Fflflllflfl 48 PUNTIMJ SEDAN Mandnnam Rusx Black two finals and Rec McKench with singleton provided Amelie with their win nxng rally nu noy Calllngs mm lnkup the Celery Kings In he gamc wflh his teams only goal 15 yairds dash Anne Jeanette Gable Donna Full layer aqwles nay lrccvlornll mm min belle Bobby Thompxsnn Juhn Gable Girls naelawn Dale Anne Enhbcun Anne Jeannette Gable Catherine SmelhursL Allmnn Alhlcllc broke I14 112 wlth three goals in the Hull pcdnd last nlgh la detest Brad wrd Celery Klnzs 75 at human and take one game lead in their besqInevcn OLA lntcrmcdme groqp somlnnnl focucond game he scrlcs ls lmBradhrd Salurdaymighl with the ruin gnmc ramming to All lun Arena Tuesday Colic Whelan Eimer Harris and Russ Black scored for Allislnn 1n the opening susslon with Harold Gwynn countlng or Bradford Kcth Culling narrowed the defl BH In 32 10 Bradford with he only gnal of me second period Goalu by Danny Miller and Vern Crow 28 seconds span gave EradA lard temporary 43 load In 1hr third period but Muna McKenzie retaliated for Allislnn nknnt the gam nnal semonnpcncd Alliston Edge Celery Kings Playbe Opener Itimns close hardchecking contest between the twuSlmcoc County archrivals but referees Lou lenndand Joe Murphy both Twrdmo kept in well tn hand and assessed only nine pcnaltlE two at those maols In the first pong Amsmn held 51 1m at he and of lhc first stanza and 32 at he hall Bradrnm rallied In mu lhird or 44 at bul lhc homu starsclascd wit rush In he flqal chapter to ouucurc the Kings JEirfe nm 895 650 WE BELIEVE IN TOP CONDITION Aubtun mly hive last Tam Brill or the remainder the scrim he suflcred undetermined shoulder Injurlu mm all In lhe Gccond period OpanIon 0n Knu Raymund Dobson who under went on operauon on one knee in the Royal Vlcpnn Imspllal Har riE vIx mung nlnnz nicely All lmpche will soon be able 10 be home Ilelunu To Strand mum Glenn HarriJ has returned humc to Slmud nllnr spendlmza few day Mr and Mrs Scotts Baby Glrl Bapllxnl Baptismnl Ecrvlcc was held In In United ChurchSunday morn lng when Cam Evelyn Inlanl daughler of Mr and Mrs Victor Bowers was bapllznd by new Florence Hunter YOBKTON Sask CPI Blli Wilkinson says his Cows have taken up swimming and appear to enjoy heir new sport They cross the 1min While Sand rivcrand report back at milking time Twu strands of wire strung in mid stream are nu hindranceow divg underneath at rumlnyl mull ur nil Yumu mu wry 50 Ford Club Coupe 46 Buick Sedunelle Phohe 5526 GRENFEL WATER COWS 795 595 ml BAlllllE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 13 195 Orillia Clobber Dixons 90 for SecondPlace Tie OrillIn moved lnlu sucnnd nlacc ill with Enrrlc Greer Acu in the Barrie dhtrlcl ladlcs son ball group last night wIlh con vlncing so ahutom over luaguc loading Newmarkct mxons In Novirpnrkot Eachteamhas one game on to play Grillla mccl Elmvalc Mon day night In Elmvale and Grcc Anus arc tcnlutlvclylslatcd to ap 17 MULCASTER ST Médérn Equipment Expcrlcnccd Sta Machhlcsbullt to your specificatlon Have Your Metal Work Done By EXPERTS BARBIE WELDING MACHINE 00 lullnt IYIIIIVIIIIAIIML ancly hmlly nu 50 Chevrolet Sedan 46 FORD CflllPE pose EdgarToppm nl Quecnl quk Tugday Irene aynL lier brillianl wu hl ball at he Dixans while her teammates hammered Sarah Bar ride or 10 Mu which Included three duublcs Orlma broke In from wilh aur runs In the second Innlnz added pair in the filth and mm more In the eighth Newmnrkpt lcfl seven runners stranded on the base palm and onlythrcc reached lhhd bum safely INDIAN DIMIOVERY The value chh IIIIzLl as mudklne was firs discovered by lhe Indians 995 450 DIAL 3144 nu mil 1m HI

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