Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 6

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mum gunman ngpn nuausr 1954 WellKnown Oro Relidelnl John Prophet Passes After Short Illness wnllknown resldznt 11 village Hawkexlonz John Prd pheL pissed nway quietly at Sol dlen Mzmoflnlflnspfla Orfllh anu an mum at three weeks Born Atheriey on Allis 18 1869 the damned wn lha Inn at the late Silas Ind Elinbelh Pmphel Alter his mlrriazela Mary Cameron they spun few xeau amingnearEngiehm Re turning to this district he Mg been resident 019 Towmhip for about 35 years with his wile lie armed until about 10 years ago when they mavedimo the village at Hawkutonn where he continued to mgke his home untii his death His wife predeceasedi him himosl five year ago lie came imm very large fam1 ily mum of which he was khc third oldest There an uniy our 01 this lme iamily surviving They are Wiiiiam Prophet and Mrs Lnu McDonald obALheriey Mrs SophiniGifiord oi Shelrill NY and Mgsi Misenca Port Coi hnrnc He had two sons and two daugh ters which are Ms Immediate sur vNurs They are HHIlnrd of En glchart Harald Ruth and Roberta Hnwkuiloneu HE had 17 Irandchlldrnn and 13 greatgrandchildren at wpum he was very proud The 1mm servlce was held June Doolittle Bros Funeral Home Orlllln The service was conduclcd by the Rev Hugh Shan nnn Hawkcslone Unllnd Church vqry beautllul solo Under HIS Wings was sung by Harry Slus sur The pallbearers vwcrc Sb his grandsons Rod Prophet Tor onln Don Prophet Orlllla Blll Scott Harncpaynu John SculL Slayncr Murray Scan and Lloyd Leigh Hawkcslanc Mnnyv beaumul flora Iributes were received some of which were 1mm Hawkcslunc Sunday School Ilawkostone Uand Church WA St Mdcnl WA Hawkeslone LOL No 904 Hawkcsmnc WI Argyle WI many relauvcs and lrlcnda Relativn and lrlnnds came ram fiaglchnfl Toronto Shnrfll NY Par Culburnc Pclerboruugh Slay flu and Hnrncpaync Belle Ewan 131mm Church wlll it rclcbrnunu Its 58m anniversary Von Aug g2 As he mlnlslcr Qrjhc Ievening service oclock we an nlcascd IA annuuncc lhal Roller Henderson lorrnur pastor wlll be present All wllI be wcl Church Vlclllnn Scllnul Church Vncallnn School wlIl he hold Belle Ewart Dapllsl Church Mug 10 mm 45 nm The school wll be open to all b0 and girls la 12 years Como Ind bring any plclurcs churches ynu mny have wock Mofiuéal mlfing dnughlcr and soninlaw Mr Mr Walters editn Lulu LA Colon The Wumcnl Auxiliary he Cnnndlnn Axlon will be hlvlng lhc dvdlcauun lhclr color In CHE Ewart nnpllsl Church ll lhc Sundaycvcnlng scrvlcc Aug at oclock Mr and Mm Tut Emu Tomnln were weekmd guest at Mm Pqnn rsumhtcy Turunm mu mulhcr un Sunday Mr and Mn Saunders and anunln mm the wormpd Mfg wnpnm ngxflelspunl1asl BEAVER LUMBER CO LIMITED ALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL CO BELLE EWART 49 Elm Road 60 Bayflcld St 56 Ellen SI PAINSWICK HM Bnulll lIhrrla an llwy No1 BALL PLANING MILL LIMITED Lupus gnngvergry DENIS SHEARD her and SYLVAPLY lmgml Dallglm Fir Plywood mhumeepanels um um Mn Douxlu Wilsbn hlV rammed iron motor my in SL laull Brunt vmm wet Min Eun Ice human by M1 and Mu Alex Slevemofi Ind Garry NIA nru mm and Bent Shiny Buy It Bench and Newman Bellas Mr Ind Mn Rod Chu holm Mama Falll4 at Mr and Mrs Mel Jmnlesonu Mr Ind MI DIVM Campbell Tamnlo with relatives hexcunept and Mn Chisholm Kingston M153 Linda Comm 5nd nor Miles Toronto wtth SzLMachand Mn Mason Mr and Mrs Gordon Caldwell and family ML nnd Mrsl Ber Jamilson and Pat and Mr and Mrs Mel melexpn annulled the Mann reunion Moan Beach last Sunday uricla day Aug and or the remainder of August in the United Church here wflh Sunday School prncpd lug 91 1015 mm Church NEW Kenneth Gray Slmud will preach In the United Church Sun day Aug at 11 am Allend Wéddlng and Mrs Beverley Bertram and amfly wen in Taronlo last Samnlay n5 guesls the wedding 01 Miss Kathaicen Oslrsnder John Ross Ihc remainder of the week they spam In Grlmshy Nia gara Falls and Ncwnmrkcl 0n nullday Mlss Elkm Clark Ks spending week with Miss Jean Barmolomew at Rose Point Parry Sound vlsllalllnther Mr and Mrs Charla Clarke were in Toronlo last Sunday see MI Clarkes mother who ls padent ln the General Hospllal WA Ind WMS Meellng The WA and WMS me at the Sunday School on Aug wllh an excellent attendance The Elan Band Baby Band and Baby Band anhers were all guests tor Very brlel WA buslnuss meal lng short WMS mcellng was hdld The Mlsslon Band had rc pamd ltmpcrance worship sch vlcc and program for 0115 mnellnu Harold Berlmm conducled the meeting admirablyr Agnes Camp bell was sccrdlalyr The cntlrc Ml slon Hand sang lholr heme hymn and repealed the MB Purpose and Crcdnr Mrs George Campbell 00k the subject at her worship ser vlcc And Danlcl purpuscd so to do Scrlmun passages were marl by Erml Clark and Shlrlcy Cnmpv bell Tow Pearson and Jacki Beg dlstrlbuled ml boxes to be bmullfl lo the Oclobcr lhank oflcrlng MIL Howard Campbell by means of llnnnclgmph had very lntcrnsllnn cmpLrancu story unfilled Mrs Gray Bunny fle lrcshmenls were scrvcd PIPES IN STYLE Having lingering prdcrcncu or he dnlniy lypc Woman who keeps clzaml amokan in sonublc mlnlmum we feel sllxhlly apprehensive about seclni ladlcs pullln pipes thihcr llm pipes nic Un plnln unndomed kind or designed la match wearing apparel Cumpllxlun color hnlr The lsslon and wishes to thank all who Euppurlcd the bazaar and mparl mm the net mm was well over $15 Ggqrncl3nxlc minim and Mr HMS Tumult Rpml he wcrkrnd Mr Mil Dunnlllx Service Mellon Pimenl Ind Mrs Norman Cam In Menard Friday me funeral at the latlera wuuam Lllllcrap GUTHRIE Man Vldlon Moofi Munlon fur hum mm mldjulm and Iumm prnjuls Inn Nah rnJymuork lvnply Danglun Hr IIymiml In Cinlcllll null um ALIHIME al nur lulnhudulcx in 15 liliclcnl sites and thllmm hum lyy 1H and up The mun highqualilywu1 In IIC Argular col by to lunch nouynNuanda lrm BARRIE BARRIE by DOUGlAS flR PLYWOOD Campbell mending greth Sun lhone Collect strain mm amtg vmun Tom Cawnnl but bulldlnl MI home In human Our valu ml min LIMITED Dalton mutate will meat It Mn WIlbuml on TommyAul 12 It pm 30 cal arm the month And M1111 nnn at your unholy Math the hlldren of today In the children of tomorrow Commean Mrs Osborne Mm Femm Conun shlp and Edmuon convmer will be In chuuaot program Reimb mengs Mn Wallwln Ind Mn Elndy ny Miss were an weddxng day Mr and Mrs Handynnd daughwm Janice and Cgrolbuvc relurncd mm motorxflp to Klllalne Cornwall and Kemp vlllc end Ivan PKke Toroqlé spentdhu weekenq with his parents here Community Picnig Everyone enhde the commun ity picnic which was held in SL Vincent Park in Barrie is an ideal place We were all pieascd to have Dchnnham Bur Damon piynenr with uni He amenu ed the yaung inlk with magic risk There were race or lhn children and plenty oi ice cream for every one VI Forbes Flmlllel Mr and Mrs Wllprd Ranray and sons whu had been hulldayinfl Pltlnres by lufiern Exunlner mu pholugupher up Ip pcn in thI unwuywcr In muablc ln xlouy prlnu For lull Inlnrmlflon Ibolfl lhu nlchne you want CALL THE BXAMINEE FOB PRINTING PHONE MM and Mrs London up with Mrs Return From Molar and Mrs 0TB lxlha mustmclwx ml nIlh which mznhlnd has rm hm blessed Symwlhelic undushnd In each than and has ambled our wall In huSId dcmocrllic mchl alderon mn vmznlm lhl vilhll ml Ilsponsibiliun Indeth ChlghmlWeddlnx Joan Han and lrlend guests at IheGrelvesMen ing Cralshufstvon Satin The Barrie Examiner Our uperiznced undenlmdlnl cl hmmmlnll uwlumznu Ill us In pmvldl permully mama my cl Mxh luck my II ml wilhln uch lron mum Wu me will Phone 2414 Phone Bunlo 558i DALSTON inderglanding 59639 915 Crook Phonu 25W Phone 2496 ihia lafiz Bertram 1113 Hamil Ad Mgr week Il mphma vuréevhlhn wllh Ihe tubalmule mum AM Anny Worm he due We converullon the recem aulbnlk army won Some 11mm hqyetbeen volm Some 11mm huher gouging ngerume manila ban mmnm Mr ind Mn Jory Ind 34 Wuhan men the mum 1mm 1mm 9mm Mu Mlllerand chlldrcn hive rammed to their home in Taronw uu holidaying 011s Furniture 1M Dunlap Slxeol Husl Three Floors To Serve You Free Dellvery Good Trade In Allowances icnulnrNylhn LOVQIH for luoklng 7hrxl1rmhl xullr vcrlcd lulu rmnlorluhlc SMITH SON at this finest 01 um traditionzii August Furniture Sales Prices are even laiécrand vhiufis even greater Minn ever Comp enriytor thrilling vniues in Living Boom and Bcdmnrn Sultcs Dlnciics odd pieces linoleum bedding ciu sine KBflEHLEBSfllfl BEDS HT SALE PRICES AUGUST SALE FREE SALE PRICE 2Pcs Pcs Regular $23900 513900 Mn Garden Bush wax In Taranln on mm allendlnl the Iunenlolvher brother WIIUIm 12 mum whoxdled 1n Sunnybmok Hospital July 21 um $1305 11 neg Retrial velem Woer Weékend vnuon Mr and Mn Harry Shemm granddlughler o£urhelwn Mr yrum mul yrzlnl of wcnr good ur llzly Mum and Jul cnslly rou lord mum Punch ionlinues ul 313900 ANGUS FURNITURE LIMITED SMITH FURNITURE gill mm Sunday Ind Mrs SunlyMcCosh Turonta Mn WHImn and Mr Ind Mrs E1110 Bush and Judy at Barrie wue mum no visitors It Gordon LBushym mum Marilyn Todd and Man Mr Ind Mn Ronlld Allan Ind Thel You Pgopl otr 5mm CHURCHIIL MWlIlfldl Phone 5557 mum Sudanflex Puk Bunny even ml The Junior Fame 2th un der the Indextwp oi Mn Gordon Todd mwucd pechl musk Gum number from this vicinity 3t entied nice sankm Vhlhn Mr and Mn red flotation Sukaioun Salk Ira vIsltor with Mn WIlIson THESE BEDDING Add VI are we 25° AMI balmy Imlnseemv Mu Akorn ma chime Tomniodullnd In mm mm Mend an villue Monday IfifiaretInd aid Hm Ernst Kneeshnw Indeoh motor ed Eugenia Full on 53nd Trlp To fill Mr and Mn mgr Slgrggon Appllances Bimio onL

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