Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1954, p. 5

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New UltraModernreporting GeneralijiospItOlriFormailyOMnedkYHéulthLMinisteh SOISJNBVV RecordoWsCOSfConsiruction was 529 can ya artu wrmrriw THE NEW PENETANGUISHENE GENERAL HOSPITAL for lowcost hospital construction It is or split level deliI Owliich was officially opened on July 25 by Ohtario Health sign its main entrance on the second floor It housespat Mihlstcr MacKinnon Phillips Lieutenant Governor In ientrooms for 65 adult beds and 20 bassinets ultramodern by the Gray Sisters made substantial contribution to the building land by pooling their wages Another large contribution came from Monsignorfl Castex italyear Much 01 the creditior the success or the hospital pro iect goes to Felix Turcgtte iormer mayor who has een chairman of the hbspitalhoard irom the start Contractor Breithaupt who laid the cornerstone oi the twostorey Operating and obstetrical reoms Xray laboratory laun brick building also cut the ribbon which stretched across dry chapel and all hospital facilities The total costis esti the new hospltals main doorway Constructed in Just over year it is believed that the hospitalsets new record LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES Postus Le lroy 98590 Clier FOR Venling Pedwlll iainswick 990 REGISTERED Tamworth Sows due in to days llm Leonard Stroud 990 Ii YOUNG Figs weeks old Phone My Switzer Town Hill 990 PUREBRED Jersey lieiicr irom high testing dam due to ireshen Aug 12 Apply Lindsay Brown phone aradrord aural utssa sunny Lawn Yorkshires oiiering pnaru and Gills up to serviceable ages Irnrn qualified sire and dams sproule Struud 94092 2t YORKSHIRE ligs weaned eating well also registered Hol cow fresh second calf itzo Holt Thornton Phone IVY iJlliJEIO GOOD Figs mohths old grade cow years old also call Owner moving II Jackson one mile west Alcona Beach Con Innisilh Victor FRUIT VEGETABLES PiCKblNCr Cucumbers Slicing size the pill size We tiqt baskets 0Ihnr sheJ to meet your needs Dill tile bunch Georges Place 250 Duckworlh St 203990 FARM EQUIPMENT cocksuurr Binder cut good condition Keith Sanderson Shark ty Bay Phone Oro 3024 3990 195l 12 INTERNATIONAL Com tiinc in good shape Apply Huh tiert Lemon Cookiiown phone 96R 398990 lZFOOT 21A MnSSB Morris sell propelled reombine unranteed in good condition McQuigge In ernationnl Harvester Dealer At ston 899092 SHAY AND Snyder Potato Pick er used one season also Massey Harris Potato Digger good work tug order Phone Herb Shannon Stroud iSrBi 3989410 DEARBORN Combinu used only seasnnu priced reasonably or quick sale George Hogx Mas seyHarris Dealer Shelburna phone 315 SQdgBl MILLING WHEAT Market Your Vlicut COOIIIIIAIIVEIIY more producers cacti year use their own euIptruiivc winn Innrkrlnn rnrplna Willill iIiI tlIIIIr inillilllt or inter iur ltd IIIIlIllIII coil lltthllliS To1 markel anrrI lromll trailn Ilau on loan lvurk IIrkun In unit or Ila IroInpt Srillrmrnie soil VIIIral Phone 2429 Iii0P BiliilllII oOODISON Threshing Machine 2646 in that class condition steel body Wiltred Walaon rm Benton Phone Bcoton laaril sdaoozr McColtlillCK Dcering 6it Corn blue ongincvdrive Low price to quick sale Daugherty am 35 High 30 90 TltEASUREltS SALE or LANDS FOR TAXES Township of Inn III County at Simcoe To Wit By Virtue oi warrant issued hy the Ilcevu oi the Township lunlsiil under the hand and seal of the said Corporation hearing date Ihe 7th day at June sale at lands tn arrears oi taqu In the Ibwnship oi mom will he held in the Communlly llall Church ill on the inn day oi October last at Ihe hour at oclock In the aiternoonunlcsi the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice la henby given that the list oi lrndr iur sale ier arrears oi taxes were published In The Ontario Gareue on the 3rd day at July 1919 and the routes oi the said an may be had at my office AND TAKE FUllTlllIll Norlcn lllllt iiic adjourned sale to he held III the same hour on the iiilii day or OeInhIr lost It necessary the Coronation oi the Townrlhip oi innAnl lnlInIis to purchase any oi the lands oilcrcd or sale unlesr Ihe full amount oi all arrears and costs he realixed irom the sale thereof lreauurern Olilcc this an day ot Inly um ALLAN Treasurer ltllfll N0 IIUOM GLOOM There ix nli rIIunI iur Klonm tllt hfltrin il Iillntut n5 good as it ever war and while the eco nfilnle trend is levelling nit at ll rIcurll high it is not plunging us Inwnrdr the rIIIIi min and oricn luu the tour in the wolf irluco GrIirttc Cliizrn mated tit about $450000 CARTYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital harrio Aug 1954 to Mr and Mrs John Carty 25 Napier St daughter Cheryl Ann BRENTAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Aug 1954 to Mr and Mrs Brent in Napier St daughter LAVEIITYAt the fioyal Victoria Hospital Barrio Aug 1954 to Sgt and Mrs John Lav erty I7 It Loop Camp Bordon son RODGERSAt inc noyal Victoria Hospital Barrie Aug 1954 to Mr and Mrs Dona Rodgers RE Cooketown son ROSEAt the Royal Victoria Hos pliat Barrie Aug IssI to Mr and Mrs William Hose 20 Wellington StWL5t son ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs lsaac Spcers ui lvy announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Murch Madge to Sidney Carnduti older son at Mr and Mus Carnduil at Northern Ireland the marriage to take place Saturday August it at 230 pm flfl Mr and Mrs Wilhur Banter unr nounco the cngognment of their elder daughter Frances Anne to Ralph Anderson Webb younger son oi Mr and Mrs IIllllnrdWebb the marriage to take place on Saturday September at foul oclock in Central United Church Darrick till The engagement is announced at Doris Ruth daughter oi Mr and Mrs Herbert Mapcs oi Cooks town to Garry Charles Ilollys wood sun oi Mm Howard Morris 01 Barrie and the late Mr Hollywood the marriage to take place on Saturday September at Seven oclock in the United Church Cookstown Ontario n0 Mr and Mrs Ilarold George Maxwell or liarrle announce the engagement at their daughter Mary Gertrude to John David hthurtry son or Mrs Carleton McMIiriry and the late Mr Carleton MeMurtry oi Fort Eric the marriage to take ItlllCL on SatA IIIIiay August 2N III 230 ucluck in Collier Street United Church Iiarrlc iii MARRIED lilililllSCitAlMIN AI Tor unto on nitsria Aug Ii It NnrnIa Juyue eiaoninn dough IIr oi Mr and ML ii odd III liarrlo io pennlnr wuurni Ilarrlr run oIIur and Mrs IIndlay liarris oi midday IN AFFIEECIATION Tllt MlnctII lolnt lruperty Ownerr Association wish to ex lend their mill in the Inerth nnLI til linrrlo or their kind In upcrntlun which helped to nlnkl the Field liay such iiutte rur Ltss iii Mrs Itilllard Ilnrrle wishes to thank all thine wiIu were to kind to her during her rrccni couttntu min to the Ituynl VIclorinJiIIy nlIaI IIntclnlly lIr lioldko thr ltrlii Iit the ltIthlnI ir Ciltrrnl Club Ilnrch WI and tllo UraIIgI Irudtte 4g llNtill IIONHEIIH 1712 first gemration til trcnrli Illillll in Canada we rItinlalvli at 00 tIIIIIlllIu with nimtlt 5001 tlllltilttl The new hospital will be operated for at least it years BARRETTAt Huendan Alberta Aroanarrctt Jon oi the late Maryann Dunn and Edward Bar reit dear brother 01 Edna Mm J0Rellly of Midhursi Maud Mrs Frank Travisl oi Thorold Mnhol tMrsJ Ealie oi Bar ric and Lorne nlBarrie ln terment Alberta IN MEMORIAM BRADLEYIn loving memory at dear wife and mother Selina Charlotte who passed away Aug 1947 Seven years have that sad day The one we loved watt called away Good took her home it was His will But in nlir hearts she llveih still vEvcr rcmtmheled by husband and amlly 90 passed since Heavy Entries By Ag Societies Likely it CNE Agrlcultural societies were re mindcd today that entries in grain and sheaves classes the can adian National Exhihill It must be rorwnrdcd lo the manager depart mcni oi agriculture Canadian Na tional Exhibition not later than Aug 14 InshiBYr dircctor 01 agri cultural and horticultural societies is anticipating large number oi untrlcs this year in View oi the fact that prize money has been substantially increased awarded will be divided in the proportion oi per cent to the member contributing and 40 per cent to the society Owing to soil and climate con ditions in various parts oi the pro Vince the exhibits in these classes will lie pluccd in three divisionSI with prizes paid to the wlnncrlln each No district comprises Mus kuka Parry Sound llnliburton Nluisslng Manitoulin Aluoxnaand other Itrlrts In New unturln Nu dIsIrIeI takes in the cIIIIntiIis oi York and Siuicoe and all counties to the east withNo Ilisirlet be ing made up at all cuuiltlIs west and slililhwest oi York and Sim cot Grain and Mlti entries must in elIniI iive hits of gmln or seed thrle lots in be chosen run one tnth Ii winter whootIpring wheat lllllty elirly unis late Unix and two lots irtian cluvcr altolia tlln uthy cnrn lye hnrkwhrat Ilax livid puts litid beans and soil IIIans change In the regula tions this year will permit mom llLl to enter two lots in thll till irrwlnnrly inch Incmhur waI re stricted in line exhllllt rocIrIy IIIin enter three rhrav IJ hut nnnt nut include more than two rhInvII or one kind or crop IltlVIIII LIVING QIMILTEIHI Muvlnu neiluulr Into tnwn ruu louvre Iln pruiilrin oi tinrting finial bInIrIilng platen Inr tench IrI nnnrlvrd Thu nrnIId ser vices nrnvlrlr nnIrrIrIi nnanrrI nI well as nnnrlrrr Inr llnulu nrnnir largo rnnIannIIr wishing to hold rrnninytIr provide IInrnrs aI nnt perhaps we should try to keep pure when we are trying In get Ivnnuyh teatIran Priles Mom and more people are making Dutch Pantry tlirlr cIntrc tor lltnuo linked Specialties Thrnl nnuIInr nnIIr Ill sallutylug Irrrh homo inked hrrrd nn naIIry Hill we know thr wIIoII Amity nIII enjoy raohin Ilonn tilr Itntrh IaIIlry nay lhruillil the Vacation month we nm wettale III the limit for plrntrl turtles and raIIrr wrrlr rude ltIIIl nnr IntIrII Irnoroinrr IIIraI Iar liprrill urmionn IlIlItrIl lAStltllCS III CAIIIIH IIUNH IthNlilt IttilIIIH HOME MADE liltliltll rm DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERSIN BY ltM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY The Toast oi the Town Mitt2H ltAISIN IIItIiIID COOKIEH IIInI D1 Duulop tit ii Opposite ttuecun Hotel Phone 2093 inlch Pantry IIIrhotrl lllnlo Arc titanicIt Tamiyr and 11m our ttmu lulnhblvuIJq nr Kilillu flunk itirull PRIVATE Owtml car It IIIYMtitllil Illack erl looked after Very good condition Itcnruuniiie utirr urcrptrtt lhnno RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Canpo highly Irnlnnl Irrhniclllll an oily uuaililrd to Irrylrl In mile or trlnvillon Iil luarnnlrrIi lu glvo you Intitincilun Ind nve yuu mumy BorrleTcievlolon Expom 259 IIIlIlerI sr PHONE 2429 old priest or St Anns Parish who begah raising money ior newhospital many years ago Last year heturnedthis over to the building fund His contribution with that of the Gray Sisters totalled more this 19900 SudeVISIon Bylaw Passed by Essa Towns lp Counci Essa Township Council passed bylaw alzillriuly meeting for the purpose oi designating areas at sub division on Lots 29 30 31 and 32 inthe third concession in which under certain cl cumstanees land is not iopbe con eyed unless it is within the registered plan oi subs division The bylaw was given three reodr ingsond emirtissed by the clerk and signed and sealed by the recve Another bylaw read and passed at the meeting was for the purpose at amending Bylaw No76 to issue debentures to pay or Coiwcil School known as SS No 17 bylaw was also passed ior the purpose raising suriicicnt money to make provillon for the neces sary payment or the towruhlp or the year 1954 suitable plaque is to be placed on the new bridge on Lot 25 Con cession with urrangtnnents to be made by the road supervisan mug in oven Mutual opportunities for citizens or tv0 countries to sit down at one ltable and discover that each has slmilar problems heartachcs joyamnd interests means the diff erence betwocn uniriendly and irlcndly nations When doubts and disagreements are settled sin cere peace and goodwill tartValli Gnnanoque Reporter BE REASONABLE lira tourist can get food good lodging and good recreation It reasonable rate he will be nbOos tcr Ihut if they cost that whlch onlyfa millionaire un niiord then he trimmcdloiely knocked Co operation on the part at every Canadian can send all our visitors home talking in glowing terms at Canada 0lds Alta Gazette Mr and Mrs GeorgerA Walton and son Daryl have returnett irom Irioior trip through the Adiron dacks mountains and visited Mrs Alice Howland in Manchmter New Hampshire New York formerly oi oarrle Bob Brett has just returned irorn trip to the Western coast lie travelled through thIS States visit Ing Yellowstone Los Angeles Se attle ondother points interest Hcopent two days at the British Empire games then aitcr visit to Victoria returned through Can ada visiting Rant and Jasper Park Mr and Mrs Joseph itoldcr with their little son and daughter lett on Tuesday for their home in Sudbury alter visit with their parents Mr and Mrs GeorgeHol dcr Mtnets Point Mrs Knapp Irene Moore and the inrmers sister Mrs Burton North Bay en ioyeda motor trip to Watertuwn NY Lake Placid LakoChams plain and other place along the scenic route returning home by Alexandria Bay and tile lvv Lea Bridge Mrs Dorothy McBride Essa Road has returned home alter spending ten days with her nitcl Min Norma ltesnv at her cottage at South Portage Lake of Days Muskoka Sgt and Mrs Loachand tamily oi ilagcmvillo spent low days with her mother Mrs Kelly at 62 Owcn 5t BOOSTS BUSINESS Business islaomlng at it Tokyo corlco shop these days All the waitresses wear bathing suits i95000 St Josephs IllIiS llllti ADMISSION Cards 35 BINGO PROGRESSIVE JliiiltPliT Auditorium Proceed Kinsmen iiuh oi llarrio Help Kill Help Kiddirl special $1000 Games nth trct llntuionon Tina Service 29 name Av The amount or wear on your tired vurion uecordlntt to their position on the car on iollown it method you will rulirc this extra tulirnge BiilSTthIiS LEFT HIDNT II IINIIIT IIIONT Ilirr Irlllrl IIEAII 20 till IIHAII HIAIIII lWir ol mllup rm lIInnllIl whrril All you an 1W oi III Ipe nIutI ou in you tutti rotate them in the proprr TIRE ISEliVlirIi men 3922 iI Mrs Leurnsli and sons and Mrs HOW madeva start on the building possible by back ing $100000 banknote and the archdiocese of Toronto made substantial loan Dominion and provincial added to the iunds grants THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 1954 lronc Baker and son of Saskat chewan visited her brother Kelly til Owen St Mrs Joseph Cumming hat returned to her home in Detroit utter visitini with her parents Mr and Mrs Heath Cud rlngton St holiday weekend leaving Port Severn on Saturdayhight atnlne oclock and travelling through ing and Lake Simcoe to arrive home early Monday evening They made one portage on the trip and had only one bit at rough wea ther around Eight Mile Point early BarbaravLaws lelt yesterday to Mmdny mmcn spend thrle WLek fltrcfimp Kitchl kewana Bearrsoliel llle Bruce Higelhw and Neil Fox made rlong canoe trip over the Among the campers who ieit for Camp Kitchckewana on Wedncur day were Fay Jockman Linda Bean and Mary Lowcs DRUG STORE so Bayileld Nair to Loblaws WE rIcKur AND DELIVER YOUR EREBCRIITION OVERNITI SPECIALI Enjoy the convenience of onlvunrsnnr Agronomy overnight at special rates Pick up your car alter work take your tamliy or drive and return the ear next morning on your way to work COMFORTABLE CLEAN CARS Phone 2772 liliIIIiIII IlIlIliEiIClili 10 IT 69 Collier sneer Next to Gray Couch lirsuns llllil iiiilllll Lowest Food Costs PohDozonflEggs PLUS High Steady Production All Fall Winter SO FOLLOW THE coor LAYINo PROGRAM limlN coon 20 MY liiAiIll at nInntnI nnII unru xtrnltli graln In to or total iNIi rnr iitnuc IIIixluu cIrnn lll IIIIllii uttrclltruir II nvuilaiilr Uivli XIUi IUliiilltv Wtithl lthIlHt wetit lIIItIN hnnrlnr ruxtl Irrs than one and pol iiIrIl ltittvrti in Iran Iniure hulllull urAiN tu have at IrarI 2r Irt ut Inandr liIIcII Imuwr inner In rnen Ion hIIdI For more ilctltlr oh the may IAiill lrnuam drop In at tho onp or uh Ill 04 Fleltimnn III roll TOOI 20 LAY MAR AND iiilll RHIWIUI IIVIZ YOU IIESI VALUE Ft YOUR Itlilil DOLLtit Ci0l IN YOUR nlitthEflfl llMOnl ltlllltlcl CitOFEIMHVI IIIVICIII lltONl It MR Ins vir nth aloha arrr Luva the Severn River Lake Couchichr gun gage41 at um r1LJr um ix AiaTaxt r4 ac awvs 72

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