Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 9

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Roxy That GRANADA TARGET HONG ROM 50 CHRTBON nlwzzzml unrupwmmm WlmlwutimkIMnumwn um 54 mtqmulmmHnmumv THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY fiesefigjfiégggfirae STARTS THIS NLMIICH ALL SllliH Dunlap 5L WILF HTODD LAST TIMES TONIGHT THURSDAY Immzml mwmmu urnnhl me ml lnnnu wmkIIn mnnmwu lwlnnll In mun For MovieMonyGoRound Tum in CKBB 540 pm Daily WWDBMA TONIGHT flNLY vufiulcolzon BIG WEEKS IN TORONTO EVENING PERFORMANCES AT 650 and 91 lGMs IIRSI PRODUCTION IN 7m leuvunlonglhl Inn ndvtnluul PLUS 2ND HIT NP SHOWS and KAI pm Plus Latest Wamcr News HIIUICI HIII3VI SIDS SWIM HINTS $295 3W THE PICTURE we YOU HAVE 51W VWAITED FOR HOUSEioF HITS HIOHT COATS WINDIHUMIHIIIH SUITS mow READY wnm YOU WAIT SPORT CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm Ill 21 Essa Township Concerned About livestock Claims mm len mm lwn lhuvlw mum lun rmk In um um kmer In 1mm Punch wm chum Iyy lulu uml um hluklll lurk um mul wmlm wslmlnm wlm hm um an mm by any 31 ule myuunh pmmlm nl hr nurmm lnlnllml swzm nwl mun Il mm mum mulunll mum Inn mm aw nu MINMr mu mnlumlllu All mnnhrn mqu wm vnl hr uwrlllm SHIRTS THAT RASH BRASH BESTSEllERS HERE in color by TECHNIGIILUJ om mr minimum ml rnmmunnmr nu ENTERTAINMENT Innhule ll KIhldNNhlmirm unvunualvmmd muuau 95 TEXJHNleDR mva ma Emsr WITH THE 3251 IN BARRIE LONG HIJZIIVICH 3101 5095 HIHIHH 115 95 $205 05 $1195 lo $1103 and Buy We Dunlap at mule IA Nu Auhtmmm In Mollon Plelun annualmug Azomul arm Navqu FRIDAY FOR FOUR DAYS Barrie Peach Crop Absolute Failure Not like lasl Year Alum 1w rmpx whth mm xlvmmrd Ynlhm lhl yvnr LI ml UN IJIIHII mach WIIICII ymr III HH flrxl lllm IXIIIIIIJ um mmlm Ironl pm wllh lmkolx llmlcr lrvlll lmm MW rrn umlu rusldcnu huthlm ymr Um umry L1 out man mmhm wlm HunWva Um mlnnlml llw own wnhr mmnly nu man live mm mm ml mly mu lln mm Mny ml Jlllw awqu lcvrlmmunt nml Hwy mm mw lulu hull lhr Urn ma IIIva Mr nml Mm lAvlnlnnan mm mm whlth ml ycnr gym nIIqur nl hunkrln mm mm Ilmh ulnnr mun lu hm Iprnl runny nlul um yrur has In nun Nu mum nun muml Mn rnmk mum Innvlly nu muhwny II III pml Iilwlu hm whu nlm 1an uuml um yrur mummy prMhme hm in nu mm rllvldrmln mly mun lnnn wMIr iéiflifiili Inquest At Churchill Leave OpemVerdict Following the trash death Toronlu truck driver whose body was found fled to Ivtrce In loneiy bushwesl the Big Cedar 30 course on the Mth concession an Inques held by Cordncr Doctor Pmnk Shannan last Frlday rendered verdict that death was due strangula gmn by hanging fromcauscs un that Hun b1 known flat the truck had ntood near the road or three days the ap cldenlai finding the body 01 the driver Kenneth Rutledge in clump tree same 40 rods from the truck brought intensive invuqtigalinn by puiicc and doc lors The conciusiom Irelished were hat dealh was the result at hanging and that it may have bupn suicide The coroncm jury under ihl foremunship William Gihbins Strand misled by Sherman Todd Bert Mulholland Ivan Burke and Jack Dawsnn heard some two hnurs n1 evidence which among olher things divulged the fact that the victim was behind with payment on loans and mortgage he whim of dammed mum not accept the act that he would have taken his own lltc He was said In have been vcry unenlch husband and father It seemed strange that the truck uhuuld have been driven some mllcs 1mm lhu filnhlhhcd route it should have lakcn In performq ing the duties assigned Espec Iauy ns Rutledge had 101d mem bers of the family hat he want1 ed to be hnme early thatevening Tm suggcsuon was man ancr looping the tape nn his neck he1 had thrown it over the limb DI me hue and puHcd himscll of hls tee with the other and All telling the knot caught and held the body partly suspended There It remained unHl found hum 11th who dn not accnpt um thcnry um death was gnuscd by me vtcuxgyspwn hfmdg The verdict at the jury leaves the possiblmy 01 this hnvlng been wrong and Inn hen could have been other Involved In the affair We undcmland ha than will be no further lnvcsflgaflon unles new lnfnrmaflon come to hand When Is On Monday the township oflice wk day all Councll also changed the regular mecflnfl mm he first Monday Tucsdny How ever here was nu procxnmmlnn that the day was be Dmervcd mn nnuday The mccllng councll nn chm1 huwa hm usually been the up purlunlly or the summer popula HDXI go In It mccUng they hag any r1351 The sun at he park were on ma Job and um weekend was one at Hm bushst ycl The annual Dutch picnic 1mm Drndlurd was held on Saturday and allhaugh he weathcr was hrcnlcnlng was om the blggtst plcnlui 1m 0115 group so far Anticipate Plans For Tender This Week Plan In flu cnnlcmplatcd ncu schnnl on the eighth line non 15m sldcmad nrc lel nwallM by he Area Board or confiden Inn and flu calllng DI cndcrl cxpcclcd um Hwy wlll ready or naming the mccflna II wlck The all hnu been put ready the wall dug and brldm plated qrum cnlrnnro lalruwlck new school undcl wny lhc walls huvInM been 51an cd gums to be rush lime lo have It rcady nl ll be nlnnlnn ul Ihefnll lcrm We 0E1 sure that the pupllu Illcndlns lhl mmal would be my mm It they wnrc Iurccd Ike an cxgundul Hdny flu which Ilarlnd from un known cmulu nl Um Nnnlyr uhoul 11 Work was unnuulshm by lhu nm dnmlmcnl with no dmnaxu Child Had Nunow Escupu wm he nwmlu Mr nunw nvuld wlml he IrvHrva wzul he lullblun wllh nnnlhrr vrhlclr cmmuu Shrldnn Huwmun llnu Mlr ullur hm luvrly nxllu um um 1th yvnu ul um wm now out lhnnmh wlndnw nw rmm mlhfl nnln uw mndwny um whrn um mum uul nu Ilu wnl wllhln law lnchol hav mu mld crmlml Iyy Um mu wnm mu wm hruhwl and mum up but nunmm mm mm muly Inurrd hrr ncv 1mg mm ly Mrllchml Police Cracking Down On Danco Hull Dllnklng wun mm mnmuum Inr hnv mu mm Nan um um lrxlxhvmr um mum lmnul wlm nlmhollc Imvrvnmnln mm run Mnunrl dam mm hm mm nnu mar un va nu lul law flu mlv wumllm New Minlltov Inducted Thr luv imllun Vunlru mlnlurr nl Hlmml and UnllNl Chmrhrl was llu mlnmrr 51mm and Lonny Unllwl Chmrhn was lmluclul hm lhn pailnlnlv Flldny Null Ian Irmmly was pnlunn by Hm hr cmmmu Unllml cum and lhr my mm or Allnnllnlu Unllml We 1m mu nppvxlunlly nr wokulxvlnl Ml Wanku nlul Inmlly IMu lho luwnmlp 1w Inn Mu Wnnlru have lth rMIIImI Ind Mn VIIIINV Innlh Hun with than no Lnln lilluml ll lu WIMM llum lullv Ily llIIlI II VI III III IIN 1M Wlmvnllm Wllh lml muwlnp ulmmmfly Ilka wl lllvu In nlfll II II IIMIP duuhl lJ plwly ul wulk cm In Iouud lur Innisfil Notes I01 It Holiday iiShear Park Playground iSupervisors WEDNESDAY AUGUST I954 KEN ocormon an nsslslanl supervtsur at Shtnr Park Senflar Plnyxmund was In Grade XIII at Barrie District Canegiale Ins Hule Ins year and Is In years of age Om oL his main ambitions ln taking hh summer position was to be able to help Battles yaunger generation ANN Angus senlur lupcrvlwr ItJShear lark Senlor Playlmund lllO years 01 ago and enrolled la hymn In the modem lanfluugcs literature mum It lhu Unl lly TorunloL or the past 10 uummcrs haxhenn Glen Damard Camp at Sundrldgc Fur clghr ol lhcse years she was camper while or past two summerLJME has been an lnlnrmcdlnle cnunsel lnr nl girl and years Mel Durlni lhl pellad the abtnlned all the Red Cross awards and her lnlermcdlnle hrnnle medalllnn two bars bronlo cross onc bar and award 01 mull emu lcnle In lllesavlnz Ilsa lnslrucl lng several group in lhls Held Two summers ago 3hr spent mnnlh at Camp Gay Venture Penetang Rates Are Boosted Electric Consumers First lncrmsc In more man 20 year In rule Dr oloclrlcnl enn xumcr at Pcnclnng was Bnnaunc at th$ week by mrmbcrn of Ihc and um Comrnlsslon Ml nlllvu nmmxrr Ila colnl hum nu ngrlculluml backumuml mu Ihrru un 1mm lhnl In wlll nkc nu ntllvn lull 1n Mm mum 1m pr tumor nev JuhnMunb wulrlhulrrl much In Hm iuhllc llmmuh hll lcflvr wnrk wllh In nml III rnlumu Ilmcnrlnu In The meulntr umlrr hr hrmllnl IMF null lehm In ml tummy III lulul wlrlk pr ml wnl ulvu his Iurtvswr mmrlhlnu lu wnrk lur We have bun KMan hurl far mme Inc hold Hm In stable but man 05 have made his Im pomblr and 1m we hnvt had to how In the mm by nnnnuncm In smnll lnncnu 11 Con mission cMernn Dub Icnlllcx Commlumll munhm m1 that man commas mm mm lhe um pmsihlo donl nvcr the pan qunmrumury an me hm lhrrr hrrn lncxl many durlnu null pfllml no he an puwrr curu have mm IN um um um hnvv 1m lrurnml rml mm rppnmnllnu mum flu WNWmm Two Swlinmlng Award lmklu Hunm run 1mm IIIIIllIr Hrllwmul Ilcmh wn mu mman mm wlnnuu juulnr cllnmplnmhhu In lhn wlmmln mmmu mm on Um lmlhlny Ira nlm rnlunl llm Inrnn cumxmll llml nml Iulllr mll Inn Ill HIM nu urnmllnlhrr nmn mm wnn lha Imuulum plldllnd mu DUNLOP ST EAST THE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1899 flhfifiatrie Examiner MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY Frank Stevenson and son am Stoney Creek visited at the Ralbwefll home Thursday last Mr Li Mm Pnul Russell and boy spent Friday at Wllcux Lake mm mm Halenbacks WMS Church Scnlce The WMS held their Sunday service on Aug at aim The church was weil filled and Mrs Gaidwin 5mm at Lansing Save most inspiring address Mrs John Baker and Isabelie Neillx sanga pleasing duet Mrsi ShermanTodd and Mn Eben Sawyer received the colléction bake People Take Servlca Next Sunday Auz the lake people are in charge or the service WWI Rev Perkins 01 Don lands United Church Toronto in the pulpit Week Cawnla Beach Misses Sylvia nnd Edflh Kell and their cousin Helen K1311 have been spending week with Mr and MrLrJamcson at Cawala Hemdh murninx on Sunday Mrs LuckrTmonln has been spending two week 1h her daughter Mrs George Nes At Qnm Ami Rug FIIE Miss Cassie Roberts with Mr and Mrs Lou Nclny Sr and Miss ns Elizabeth and Reba Rolhwcll Mrs Ruben Bayes Miss Karen Lukas Mrs Jack Hughes all at tcnded the nu and mg 111 In Orlllla last week Mr and Mrs Waller Port Credit were Sunday at Frank Stock Inchlln This camp dcals with children from ihc psychulogical pnlni of view and shu fouls that she gained much vniuabic exper once them Last summer she nssislcd Miss Louise Cnilcy Sim we County rccmalion director wiih hnr dny camps quaimm to teach swimming childrens gum handicrafts vol icybaii bnsknibnii having played an unlvcrsily cams basehail and other summer spans Ann is also very inicrcslcd in insirucilng in campcmn which she eels very necessary 101 younu people to know Mhslnn Band Plank Gillan Mission Band plcnic will be held on Tuesday Aug 10 Innlsfll Park Cthrcn and their mower are be he church at30 or trnnspofi lon MARY JACKSON fln Isslxlnn xuperlecr Shun Park Scnlor Plnylmund KM year 15 year old and was In Grade Dania Dismcl Colloulale Inllllulc last ycnr She has burn uunlllylnglor hcr lnlumcdlnlc nwlmminl corll llcnlc Mn won the Junior champlon mu nmm day cvrnls In the cannula inst Full and WM mcmbcr he chumpianshln Thumpson Cup lrnm She on lho junlur basketball luam at um Ichool and nlsu Volleyball and umhllng lrnnu mrmlmr Sim nllrmhd day camp nl An uun or uvvml ycms nnll ngxhlrd wllh the younger children nl Hun lime haan all he Ilmulull In Sleepy Mavlm Kmlurhy Nhln lllml hum mm lmuluvlllrHm Iln nunr Armldlon man Admmlun 51mm wmm nijo fim hfip 1lunnvll um um Adm Ton 131 um Mu Nu neru 5m Fiddle Conlcsl Shulbumo luufl Annual flnxlllan hamvlumlllp III IImn ILAYIIUWNH 100 MEL Erfléfl A199 FINAL IIU IIIIOAIWAHT Sat day GILFORD SPECIAL PHONE 3135 Dewar visitors Wllh nnders being opened lhls week It Is likely lha 1M con tract fur lhc construcuun of pmposcd new Federal Bulldinz for Orlllla will be awarded In tho nanr future The awudln olthu contract will awn chucking all dclalls lhc tendon Opening Tenders For New Orillia Federal Building The proposbd new building will be lucalcd an Polar Sirccl Id accnl in Hue town Hm hall will have ironlluc 01134 ice and depth of 110 icel Ind will he lwa slnruy in height Occupyan the cnflm xmund nor will be lhe Post Office Dc panmcnh whllc Unemploy ment Insurance Cmmlxslon nnd the Department National Rev enue Cusluma nnd Exclsc DM mlon will occupy ofllcc space an Inn second floor carelakern apartment wlll also be illuulcd on the second floor The proposed ncw bulldlnfl wn dcslxncd and mo worklns druw lnxs wqu prmarud by lhg urchi ccluml 5L1 of lhe Dcplrlmcnl Pub Work at Ollawu The Knmrhnlkn pcnlnluln be tween lhu Burl Sea and Inc Sun nl okhunk covcn mow squnm mllcs BIG ALLCOLOR SHOW THE QUEEN IN AUSTRALIA TONIGHT tr THUR FRI SAT NOW SHOWING HOBSONS CHOICE IMPERIAL SHOWS NIGHTLY run um NZXT KIHDHTJ NIUIIT ANIUBT l1 I0 Iner Ilchl IIIMH IHI ulna UNCLE Tl umllly III rhIMmI and II lu lnly huh mnh 1m muIan on Trmvhy Iml Thnndly MIMI III ll nlmhrlul ck Tlulrl wlll lvl III Munt Mayla may nun ll HUGE PENINSULA mm BIG TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL STARTS THURSDAY Lorllnl 1m Inulh mm on Concrulon bumn nun 11 ml mum BICYCLE DRAW Hug l7 DONT MISS THIS GREAT TREAT Matinee Wednesday 230 pm ANGELA LUUNHIIIVIW Alllll ICNOIVI IN IRWIN NANCY MON MUTINY HURON MR MUSIC CA RTOQN ALSO Section 2Pages9 to NEWS mummy Parly On Sunday nvLnlnxl Au dc lighqu parly was hed on um lawn 01 Mr and Mrs John Mal or home in hunor Mrs Majon Mrs TurnbulL Shirley Glblon and Charlie Suchu who all may braked hmhdiys The table were laden wllh 00d and cunIrcd by blrugdnyxake nqu and prescnlcd the zucslsvol MnJrby Mrs John Mason CALL 11m ExAnnNm pnINnNO mom 2m Ben FIRST For lnuumncn of ALL KINDS I5 Dunlap Phone 201 STEVENSIJN INSUHHNEE colon UTOPIA AUG 45 AUG 6V7

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