Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 7

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Anur two years Hum um um syslcm ls wurkubh mm blnllun wlll minml to wvrr he price Uprmliun New lrlcc Fnrlmlla he annual meeting price furmuln was ndupled which is based on prim or 5453 ul This price ilzls l0 change al 10 20 cvnls either way belurc it will once seulcmzms The Drmula is based all Ln index on varluu costs MJClI as wngm and markets and must especially on the goods which are ld In funnels leads all and Mas farm machinery hard ware building materials Llc Othr Helm LnlLr in he Ill ula such llw prlcc ol clleusc butler cm The index issued by Ollawa based on ht economy of the cuunlly will be Ulc laciur guiding the flucluatluns The mice has been acccnlcd Iur lwo ycxllu and is llkuly 01 remain pennan cnl Mr Todd mid HIL mambo llc Med Illa mum of live cu prr hunllml fur me up ul mu culls supplied by mu comp nniLs was lLIiuClLli and llllll slllppm should nul have sllpv ply llwlr mm as his rum wax umxllc lu cuvur he all The plum xo be operated along the lines similar plant at Momma and is Intended be balance wheel tu take up the surpius nnd slabillzo the mllk pxlcu Um area which kg likely to become um 01 the hints milk hnndllngnruns In Canada the members were told Considerable dtscusston was given on how was intended to obtain the Sur plus mHk and the prints at which It would be obtained It was learned that many at the larger dairies have already installed mu chgnery to enable them to pro dune cunagc checsc and mm pro ducts whichvthe new plan is go ing to producu was very fortunate 1n have had um VurkmLns Cnmpcnsntinn 13mm cnvcrugc arranged on my help and would advise any or you who are employing help 1059 no limL ill gutting this on They will luok after for he man euif we Director Frank Todd old the galhcrlng at the unfortunate Cidenl which happened on his arm when his man got his arm Into Inner He had reached in to get the string and ripped he machine into action WhLn his foe slipped He nourlxdlud as rm Regular 0mm is intended that the farmers who an producing milk may be lmured regular mullet In their Surplus milk instead of it having to be dumped or used on the farms We can take milk euhur 1mm cam or unk trucks so we will be ready at all timcs In in mg were told SHOP 54 SOPHIA ST 15 intended mm mm age and cheddar chmso omer byprmlucls am be duced In um um nwn Tono Finish 1000 Mil Aka mvw llmlln lloldvr Willdmblu Vuhhrrs 75 Hrllllunl AUTHORIZED AGENT BARRIE ELMVALE DISTRICT Owner pummea larger Yuu mm ls wnrlhy Conlml your mum In splte at what have heard mm new commentator you may he sure that we an go In ahead and will he In apemllnn soon after the first 01 the year Charla Cooper vlccprcsldent of the new company told the audi ence Our plant will enable the smaller dnlrles to continue to Operate as they cannbtain mllk within tour In five per cent 01 ihelr requirements he added The plant xo be operated along the llnes similar plant at Montreal and is Intended be balance wheel tu take up the surplus and stabille the mllk pxlces in UN area 3thle gllkely Canunuen 1mm pull one required when me plan to mlnulncture mll pruducu MILK SHIPPERS MEETING STBUIID THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 195 and will be handzcaiaized iér 1953 llflllGE French Molar IIAIHITUI WHLLWIN ELECTRIC Pin 59 mm 550 BURNER DEALER cal and pro has also born lound In park of me Slntlx Whlrc lhu method has bum In mac or some years link when the cooler gel nld IhLrc ls cnnsldcmhlc dlfllcully In gvlling the tanks clean le2 old palls they are hard 10 clean ll was learned It has been avmnllcr much dlscusalon among he uhippnrs and ls cl Um some of the larger dalrics will be using the method nunrally soon cannot afford bulk cooler and am glad know Hm can not be cut on shipping because Nils he filnlcd doubt runny hi the roads will permit the use of an ton ruck during the spring to enable the collection til lhls milk in bulk The rullng uf Ihn Milk Control Board was mat nn shipper wing taxis was in be cul of shipplng milk idem nuiiu nm Qucm Heallh Depnrlmcnl ruled uui lhe bulk shipping milk by pajsing an order um nnly milk shipped mm the mm In cans would be accepled by he dairies They feel mat the dan gcr from an outbreak dlscasu could nui be continued ii wull when lhe miik win bulked inio tank ducks Jack Hughes director spoke an 1hr bulk shipping milk which 15 being suggested by some dairies motion that iwo North Sim coo shippers who were riurccd tu discontinue fihlpping have the grievance tabled was passcdl member told 01 their plight which illild gone on wilhnut any help from the Associalion He ex preéflcd his appreciation of the way the district especially the Simeon area had supporicd lhn uhscriplions for the new plant We were right at the top he stnlud no mm nsked that 11 any complalnh were ta be dealt wnn 11ml hey be son It him at once not talked about over the fence Wu vill deal with any lazitlmMe compxaim we receive he stated Mum uidm your suppdrt and you should make It mum to attend all the meet ings Director Todd told them It is the only means by which you can keep ynux prices and privileges lrut nl llle llnl Indlullnn nl mulnln Ind Avoid flecause rather numed rc hearszl schedule 1hc sulolst did nut play as many solutions wflh band accompaniment as had been planned on the program Instead played mm or his numbers with piano accompnnlmcm pro In Turkeys Chickens Mr Samara was soloist with the band In Czardns by Man Anothex band snlecunn was who wmuung Boy TK collczlnle bands program opened with paraphrase on theme from Puccinla La Bahama lolloWLd by the overture tn Rich am In bylcexman and Ravel haunting Pavannc Confined mun pm on Pnzllnc allowed by Dawan an encore Eulludoro REAP Band 861 Band In Prgm Eoncen Donl Pool with THE HOME OF MIKE BARBIE FARM SUPPLY BLHCKHEAD nunnu infiiflAfl Phono 3130 Boni XKE hula manvim Majgr Brian MnCooL nsslslanl dlreclor of music in the second ary schools or Ihe Onlarlo De panmenlul Education addressed the audience Iullnwing the prom enadu Intermissinn OPP POST OFFICE The most capable masler at tel emonie for the memorable mus ical evening was farmer Barrie boy and former member he collezime band now with the Air Force group Jack wnsemun who wag Innminced in the audience by Fisher director lhc schooimmicai grnup rrhe Axr Farce bands encore selection was the Le lluy Andor son treatment 01 The Girl Left Behind Me vided by Lloyd Edwards Tor onw at Happy Gang tame Among in numbers wllh plana accompanimean were Gershwlnfs Smnmerumef nmillar violin solo All VXEn phopln Fan tasia Impmmplu and clarlne solo lull 01 hot ltcks that had beencspenlnlly written for him Mn Gordon Bun Bereaved Beams sympathy ix exlended Mr and Mn Gordon Bum 1n Mu Wflllarn Mclachfle Toron to vhlfln Musicale OCon nor Mn Neuhaucr und WA Whit takzr Mannell tpem lb week end with Dr and Mn 11 West SUMMER SANDALS Varlety 5er In cholce or while mulll canr ml green blur hiown Low Culmn Wulxe Hui mm with Navy While with nme Cuban mu nun mum to sum WALKWEL SHOES COLOR MAROON HEATER RADIO SEAT covms Sunmasler VI HAL lllltfll SPECTATOR PUMPS YQU CAN SAMAéNEY ON THIS ONE 95 ANGUS HMPERW OIL lIMITED WHLKWELS MidSummer lllllEH LEADING Hllllli HTUIIH FRENEH MQIQRS Isor PHONE 591 New Czlr Vnrmllly 75 lxlmfitoizn RES I93 BAYFIELD ST 1954 DODGE CRUSADER DOOR SEDAN 295 395 495 Pram For LandfillAle Mrflmd Mrs Dunkwwrlh and Mrs Grace Duckworth For Laudqdalc Florida spem Thur5 day ancmnon and evening with Mn and Mrs William Henderson Alliston Calllumll Vllllor Mrs Walklnshaw and friend of Colllngwnod and Mn Donald Vniklnshaw Cnlllnrnia mm Sakurday alternoun and evening wnh Mr and Mrs Aw Duck wanth Henry Miscanprcll Toronto and George Henderson Evert spent ngncsday wllh Mr and Mrs Andrew Miscampbell Baby Dauxhler Congratulatiomlu Mr nndMfs Oscar Irvln pet Dorothy Won scy on bhlh daughlcr In the Royal Victoria Hospxm Enr Me on Sunday Aug Miss Marlareue LaUmer Ind Miss Lois Bourne spent the week and with friends In omwa Woulsry neunxon The Wnulley reunion was held in Angus Camrfiunlty Park on Sunday Aug wflh mo peaple in attendance Mr and Mn Namun Kline and lrandsom of Tommo pent Sunday WM Mr Ind Mn Arch Duckwaflh ludden path at Mn Bmhl brother Wllfllm mm In Tar umo an WeBneiday lhanwdd pallyng Mn Bmhl PHONE 2397 10000 MIL GUARAN TEE MILEAGE 50111Ilmllb4llOrly lrwrx wH llrlpcd lxlm IIIKKVI rmh Ill Ivy 10 Int ZcXan brand In mm vnhxfl mm ulluu wllh nlrllltd um Cullnn cnnmculmnrd wllh m1 uum elmkm 11 In Emme when mm nprnn wild tulars of ml blur xmn Novully prlutéd pwkcl 54le OILCMYKH durable oi cIuLh or lnblc covers In many choke pathms Jrll€nl nml ocunumiml WINDOW SHADES washable muunlcd cloth shades wilh al uchmcnll Slandnrd 51le In whllv Cream and green Mr In Mr Edwin Priest St CaKhnrln V1 Ed Ejygday with Mrs Fons nnd Mrs Allen HN PLASTIC miracuwa prlnled In assorted patterns and colon For many praclical use In Ihe home 59 Yd Prgsblyzry Camp MISS Elainelaughecd spent last week at Slmwn Presbytery Camp Midland Point with hag sullen Jaw anury Leonard Handy had the misfor um 10 crack he boneal his law on Monday evenlng at the ball flan bemoan Edenvalennd Crusr UHTED TR piping trims clothessnvur moms Mr and Mn ug eed Ind children attended the wedding of Mrs laugheeda nephew Robert Bruce Klfk to Miss Elizabelh slackmm Norm Bay on Sat urdny Thry visited her nleze and family Mr and Mrs Slew Mc Lean and Katherine In Sudbury al Iheweekund Mn Joseph StraLh Graham Wreath nna Mr Hall went Mon day In Aurora TERRY TOWELS Jumbo Garment Bag Scench Plastic Holds 14 Garments Fulllongfll ippnr MoneySuving Prices Dependablu Quality Satisfaction Guaranteed FEATURES CROSSLAND DISH CLOTHS TEH TOWELS NOVELTY APRONS this Vlnc North Pay my BUYS FOR THE HDME rims his mm in ProucLyou home and have sturdy upnque pl sturdy upnquc lurqpvoisc gm TRIM 259 SHOPPING HOURS Mom TI or and while numuvc gmen you Kn travelling ue plnsllc vuutoo IN flfllwlllul Hm llnllkll haw whlmml rllz Illln wllh CUIIHII Imnlnn Mun um mm or mm hnml lnr MN Innl mm Lune HIIU 57le lu our onvmlrnl yllmy IIm 1w cumulus niznsrumn 1002 Choosc 1mm whllL green Ilami OXFORD SGbyflflvin blanket wannlh wlthuut weluhl Wilh won and nulmn blmul Rnyun salin bound WHh mulHwluurud burden WOOLCOT Mhy4¥04m blanket Warm and duraqu weal and 0mm blond Rayon saxm mum mm buunh Rose mow PLASTIC CURTAINS Flbrcglnu Ilmllu ur TV Lump nllrncllvv mm Inn In your Hum Hunn In xmnll ILshy Izul mpuLIr mmmm IBEX FLHNNELETTE BLENKETS SMHRI SHADES STUBDY FIBRE BLESS FEATURE BUYS IN LOVELY BLANKETS RETAILERé TO TV LAMPS TO BUY NOW FOR ILATER llfl L111 DIINIAH HT MIME lllllNH mo Mon Tue Thdrs 915 to 530 Fri 915 to 900 Sat 900 lo 930 ed 915 to 12 noon 295 won rnyun bound Whiv $1105 51 com or thnbléf acrlnh Jinnln wmx mumqu rul up qu lmllnm minll wnh wnlrnslinu culuuml um pink blur unwu mm 12 as mummy LAMgsHADE rn THRIFTY CANADIANS 798 498 998 THIGH llily wlnm Unlllm Glory 1141 Ind lltlklulll MUII 1Iulfiu ml whH ChlIIlnlltull mfllll Eu loan HHNDSflME BUYS IN HDUSEHDLD NEEDS IIIIIIHXATIII th IIIIvvlly Iv mu nul my rnlumllmi mm mm umer um umle fur INA vim urnmm mu lulu Iblwxx tvnnru MAT null HI Ulllk nu Im my yvllvrw IllDUI UNI Why1th 1H UVJI mu Immhhv ml mum Ilumw mm unrvn ml llv lrlmu 11 IIIIIOIMTID IS HZA hum wvlrnl ll lmll wlml 7Ivr vnlm zmmm My mum uxlul Ilrflgm IIIIIM Traugamn mm spun um anmn rm rmrwAm HAL HUDG Tl lZhl shape more dumblv nnd aumclivu hm cvvr in urucucal bra ulusx Cllp ur wishtr ulluched Snuan dc is in InvLlY mnulucom sva 189 011110111 SIZE Bin shape wilh mm mm and lop ms lic 111cc rim andsumu modern dcxigns and papular colours So to claim Culurfasl 98¢ HINDG Shmly mvlnl cash in Ivury leinhh Imlvrumll Early Mild DMIIJIK NUUWUHII vnlun IANNIHTIK MIT IMNH HIIAKEIUI ALARM CLOCK IAH TUMIII IlH rlnnll um um Vlulrly 329 4yTHIn HM ml HIrHly mx 11 Mn lflo lfln 19c I50 x3 $11

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