Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 14

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Jim Taylor at Fan William Ipcm shun hulIday with his mother Mrs Elsie Taylor and amp Mis Spence on eder Life Mr and Mrs Jim Carr Toronto were Samrday visitors with ML Vulcan rmm 1mm Mrl David McMnster Toronm amending her vacatinn wnh hcr other Mm Hurling Miss Geer Cnoper Toronto ch1 or home Salurday alter spending 19w days with Mm Glass 9195 94 toomom In Weaiern Canada young ucculivc Iliad rccrmly in level manning innidem ma insured Iiih $5000 Confcdtmiinn Life Policy carrying an Accidental Hull Dlunicmlnrmcnl llcncfii Al mmlk his nidnw Ami cliil drtn received 0000 or their cm and proicclion Tho mlly pulley it kind In Canada Conledrulinna Acclllrnlll Dellh81Dismumlmnncnl llcn efil on 5000 Policy pays Home ham Fort William 10000lfynudluby accident 0150001fynu III by nrcldeut whllu In puhllc vchlclo elgcpl nn nlrplunc ur In fire In pulullc lmlldlng $5000 It yuu dlu from nnlunl Widow and Children Receive $10000 on 35000 Policy Libra pnymrnln at diuueluhcrmrnl mum ma mooAbfivzs AT MOEKVILLE WWW UamlNING MIKESMTIL GWEN MOM BEDS i903 bl ederation mozungl WWW WINSSDOD 0YUPOLD DOM RESCUE mg gchARSIIIE I936 Pnhuvlfl 10mm OOASTS TWO mucxs CANTERING ABOUT smsus I905 Relum rm Aurm Vlsll Mrs Harry Cousc nnd chlldrcn Larry and Jimmy have rclumcd home from Aurora when they have been vlsltlng Mn and Mn Fred Dawson Mlsx Benlrlcc MtFnddcn Tor onto spam HIc weekend with her brulhcr and slslurInhw ML and Mtg Mflfndden Mr and Mrs Br ll Goddard and bhlldren OnkvllleJ spent the weekend with Ihc latlcrs sister Mrs George Whytc and Mr Whym liolidlyln liome Miss Ruby Davis Barrie is spending part 01 her holidays with her parenis Mr and Mrs Henry Davis Home From lluspllal Mrs Charles Carr returned home and In canvalusclng utter helm valiant In the Tomnlu General Hospital and Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllston Agricullunl lelcs Meellng Fourteen members at Ihe lad lcs divlslnn the Agricultural Society mm Mrs CL Kidds on July 01 the purpose or making arrangements and arming committees for the annual all air which Is Sept 13 and lL Interest ing plans are buing made In each scctlun lo hnvc It bigger nnd bet ter Mrs Monkman ls donnllnx Inver painting or which tickals will be mid Attend Toronto Weddan Mr and Mrs Kidd niinnd mi the marriage ni Marilyn Kidd dniighipr Mr and Mrs Kari Kidd la Duugla noiln oi Toronln on Friday morning July 30 at Kingswny anbiun Uniicd Church Vlnllor From Saskatchawan Robert Pntcfian oi Biguar Sas katchewan has been spending lhc past two weeks wllh his slslcr Miss Murgnrc Palurson and hm lher Tom vmm From sl Catharine Mm huner Lauthn and daughter Patricia St Cnlhar Ines spent few daysv wllh Mn and Mrs Ira Wilson Mr and Mrs flawmnce Tor onto spent Saturday aHhclr home In town Alben VBusslnuhwnllc Toronto was vIsllarJon Saturday with Mr and Mrs William Walker Miss McMillan Toronto spent the weekend wflh hm math er Mm Mchllon and sh nr Nata Ind Mm Garlic Blackmnm Mis Pamela Evans Toronto end with lhclr Mn Dav Evans an Mrs Kcllh Conic and Evan and Glen 11ch the euk parenu and umnmmfis 5111mm RIVER INHONOUZ 0F me mwsao simian cmwm umzsm summw 0mm flUFIC COAST 194 GONE ACROSS LINE Slncc mu war 1504 rlouor und 2170 suhunl teachers have cmlgra ml mm ganada to the Unfilng Shins son Michael Toronto spam few days with mlalivus in town Reaches 80th Year Congratulations in Howard Coupcr who cnicbrnlcd his 80 birthday at his home on Friday July so Amnng those present were his sister Mrs McMaxlel Mr McMasiur and Miss lrcne Mc iaslcr Eastern Hnlldly Mrs Miller returned numb Thursday from two weeks hull day at Dc1lcvlllc Kingston and usher eastern points Anlves From Nova Scolln Mr and Mrs Bunk have as Hiclr guust ML Banks mnlhcr whn nrriycd on Sunday 1mm Nnva Scam for vlslI 01 several weeks Vlsltnn From Duhoil Mr nnd Mrs Karl Burxlnz and dnunhtvr Delroll spent the weekend with the farmers moth er Mrs Hurling called Liliby Morris cnmn easl lhrce yenrs ago izave 1Istonm taste her peppy songs and un tics on CBC Wponunkty Knocks nnd has Ich semng the entertainment wprld ablaze ever since Shes appeared on such CBC radio shows as Libby with Paul Were Travellln Light Private Eycand on lelcvjslun In The Big Revue Her latest will be at he luurlh annual Canadian Champ Inn Old Tim dlers contest at Shelburne Flddllnmmad char aclnrs from all across Canada wlll compete for the honors and he shuw lnsls two days The finals will be nlrcd on the CBCDumlnlun network Aug VIVACIOUS BOMBSHELI eusuubsgwmio mom non atom 10 BECOME SEPARATE cmonv I769 WROMH NIAGARA P105 mm ciium Wm IN mmm as ON It 07 EMINDAH DHIDNID ID All CANADIAN IODAV 10M ll INIIIIHINO IVINII IOIN OIAVI AND OAV IVI COLOUIWI H0 IDURWNTU 6le MN FELDMXTHDKLLAN COOK SHREWDWINNI RE OLYMPIC REUY I928 SMW mm of 1M HID 1DBWWLWO BZE 711 GOLD DSCDVIRED ONBONANLA REE IN fllEkLONDIKE 96 Chigkons Eggs The dvaiay the market SatA urday was genuine showing oi the summnr wrinly as pmduccd an the 1mm withidairy butter eggs chickenx mm vczeiabim home tbakini flowers and also heath wiih Niagara peaches while out sidt were aid pniaiou at 50 has km or Si the bag New potatoes small quantity were 60 basket Thunder Bay Whitefish were 48 pound More vendors have been attending in the past month Fruits Vogeiables Home Baking Flowers Plants SATURDAY JULY 31 Summer Variety Garden raspberries hnd also the wlld wrlely were much Lhc samu prlce 45 to 50c box and plan tul New been sold or 50c bas ket beans In good supply 506 to 75¢ basket and by the quart 1°C In 20 peas In Ihe shell sold out qulnkly We basket NEW arms were sold out qulckly Swiss chard and splnach were 25 baskcl new cnumlowcrslOc to 20C cabbage at varlnus prlccs Green onluns radish and narrow bunch fit to 10 Small plckllng cucum hcr were 20c quar ur 75c baskcl Plump roasting chicken Sold wall at 45 pound with 50c asked fm largo capons Eggs were plen lllul and as usual In gond de mand wilh prlccs ranging mm pullcxs at Me In extra largu at 60c dozen Flowers were lnvcxyl and rtsh mm the farm gardens ln bouun vnrluus prices and glzldlull 75c Summer asslsAnncc lhu busy housewife was given with the nund Assortment cl hcme baking In buns rnlls cookch plus tauls data squares and other ncvvlll 74 iomdton THAT HIS OPTOMETRIC PRACTICE HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY Wishes To Announce EILLERS 5E1 WHO XPLDRE PIERRE mssomn cm THEMISSISSIPPI 1656 MILITIA ACT INClUDES ALL MALES IE 60 H363 10mm cumsfs mmqu Lm WORK hmml CALEDONIA 00ME3 BRING COLUMBIA IBSO Their wedding on Aug 1904 was the first church marriage ceremony performed in Goldwater Rev Sheppard was the riciaung clergyman tor the mp tials 1n Matthias Anglican Church The cuuplu decided on canoe trip honcymnun and smppnd trunk to Parry Sound From lhal point they snflcd out in the its busswnnd canoe ever bum by it late Willhlm Bush famed Coldwmcr and Part Severn boat hulldnr Mr and Mrs Lazonby brought lame lo Goldwater thmugh the canoe trips they took for 45 years on each annlvcrsary or their mar rlagu These lripfi allraelcd lull nallonal lnlcrest The Goldwater couple have always been hospilnble and malnlaln contact wllh hun drnds or Mends made during me years For two weeks they IravcHud Muskokn lakes making pnnagcs crossing widu nxpanxcs water such as Monsc Paint 1n Georgian Bay concludan lhch voyage on Illc Severn Riycr At thal Umn duzcnThc nssorlmcni included musk cf Ihn outdoor varicly such as gnlllnrdla marlgnlds Snap drngun gymuphiln and mhm Fob 0d tuberous bogunlas sold or 40c mch On Tuesday Aug and Mn James Lumnby Goldwater wen al home to their hinnds on the occnsionuf their golden wedding anlivgrsary Their gracious heme Spnlce emu on Coldwéiers main sliufl was attractively decorated for the occzslon and the lower beds lawns and shmbs for which the Lazunbys have been noted thmugh out their 50 year manled HIE presented an aurawva plczure Scorn5 at lowland nmshle lrlnnds culled during the memnondand evening In congratulate he couple who arenmung be best knnwn and most hlgmy regarded residents of Ihv dflslnct HoneyrIioonCdupleIrip Duplicaléd 0n Anniversaries or FormFive Years GoldenWedding AI Home FIRSTKITEMPTTOL mum ABLE FAILS NEW FOUNDUNDIRELnND $57 enmme ms orr mums 1m $595le we gum ID IMIERIALACT PRWIgES OR BuILDING iyonmouscm 55 outms 0er wms mews Annme roa MANOEWRIE190 Mrs anonhy was born at Mano Mill 80 years ago Ind her maiden nnme wasElcanar Ward She is the Ihlrd daughter of uwlnle Mr and Mrs Louis Ward She accom paniedhu parents at the age to Linc near Greemnrc and there learncdvexpert tailoring She resided at varying times In West ern Canada Toronto Grentql nd Tonenham hblora mum in Cold walpr 1001 Mr Lazonbyvwhn Is now 31 rlvcd in be world Manchester Englanm andcame to Canada as an InIanl Amer lleng wllh his 931ch It Brndtord0nl 1D 10 years he moved In Goldwater where he condudcd tallnrlng shap uan relhumnnl His wue was hnrable assistant in the tailor lng bpslnul helme the lock were Installed nr marine railway provided was conxldercd teal In beablelo navigate the Severn mm the Big Chute to Port Severn VS lhc same canoeform their trip and when breeze was available Mr Lazon by sall all the trips which decaled he nrlgiml lo cqgisfldcmble extent unm latter years they spent must lhu time In the open pllching their tem where they chose It nlgmlall In hll youth Jlm Daznnby was top athlete He has cabinet full 01 cups medal and trpphles won In track and field events Until rcnchlng Idvanced age Mr Luan by used In Oak daily dip in the Goldwater River even when he had break Ice to flu so He has been onian mnlnrologist for Coldwflcr since his lalhcrs death and between the two there has been unnlerrupted service on weather rcpum nr 70 years He was nclivé on Ihn fair board in Kaop outoIrawn number In III bookah am always All NUMBIR or war long Dlumo Juryw Your New TELEPHONE DIRECTORY numl Iuw lulrphrvlw Imrmny nu lwlnu mIlwml cnnLnImmnuy nml chumer Immith 1m AIIIIhuL mm Druhm Urndhml ramp Ilvmlrn tfnnnuuxuul tnykaluwn hwy Mralnld Mmmm rllrlanguhhrxw Im Nauru Ihumlmry rumn mu nml Wmvlmudlrnr Ax man yull mom ymlr my uml Ilnlmy yum nhl hunk wrnl volm mu rmnr yuu wlll um Immxy Him 0ka mn vhum Numhvu hrly pm Why mm err mvm lly kwan ymlr wnnnnl nu hmvlvully mum mmnm yum Inumnu yuu mo mm and lluuhh nml yuu ynur mm Ihnnl mu THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 1jm mnmzlzxqmmm wnmmnu AUG 1934 Mn Lawnby wax In chhrgn the war domnmenl oi the air tor 30 years uildlnx the exthit Into one 1h finest the pro vince She has been adlve In he ancns Inslflule and other local organizations Although the couple are not as wellor Ictivq In the past cw earliaryean and hu bun run iar Iuendmt with hls wile It An glican services Both hlve sup ported vcry worthy communiiy unlemrise Mr Lawnshy halheen Ill unchrving Liberal throughout his We GAINSBOROUGH TREE OF LIFE ROSE BRIAR EELICITY FAIRY DELL BUTTERCUP FLORENCE and others WE cxmnv IN or STOCK ONE 01 THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF ENGLISH 01mm DINNmWAnE 1N ONTARIO 0E TELEPHONE NUMBERS Ghrfinglinh mama nub 15m 5mm MINTON WEDGWOOD COALPORT SPODE SHELLEY ROYAL DOULTON FOLEY and others Car Collier and Bayflcld Sis Sanz DINNEBWABE PINKTOWERf BILLINGSLEY ROSE Eitk $712212 MMHUNAM Mlllnxu New Shipment yama they confirm to ktrpup beautiful hwns and Idem Ind do much entargagnlnz It does seem rldlculmn um It um when lhe rut ul this country and people are enlnylnz ever lucruslng prosperity the small tanner flndlnfl ll hard In make any mqgey 1ur cflonll COASTAL PEAK Cadlliac mnunuln In Milne 1532 eat the highest 110an on the Atlantic coast of the United 81515 Grand Forks BC Guam Barila

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