Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1954, p. 12

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ci Measuring 66502 has cubauc THE FRANCISIdeal for Suburban or Country Livihg cis has cubauc uf 32000 LCL An 30 mlnlmum 101 Is recom mended lur building the house and nltnchcd garage clnpbonrdcd nxlcrlor wuslmunn carries out the slmplu amhllcclurul mm of this type or home and would he par uculmy mm It The Francis Is In be hull in the country or In suburban rusldcnlial arm um mum wmdnw Thu recessed porch ulfrrs wnn llmr malt mm mum in The Franck Tlnn Is no unlry mu Included In nus plant fur lhu 1mm dour upl IHerUy lnm me Tclrphoun 223K 45 CEDAR SHIPLHP 56 Ellen Sl BARBIE Phono2517 BEAVER LUMBER or the general pmnllcc Architecture N0 DUWN PAYMENT ROBERT CALVERT Brch MRAIC Architect USE OUR BUDGET PLAN 53 Collier Street Barrie 24 MONTHS TO PAY Thn Fram has opened an ochc Feature Home Of The Week COMPANY LIMITED Youll Find Irlrru An lmwrr For Bollur Buildings Bellcr Buy Beaver Phone 2517 largo attractively plannml living mum The fireplace lntlle back wall and In bunulinll nicmre win duw In the rum wall facing Hie porch um lllc two local pain of infirm in his llving mum and to hem goes much or llw crcdli fur he clmm MJMS ZDxlN Khulna Ilcdrunms Ilnstl Yulmle Dimendnln Illnchul by qur mm he living mm as Vl by um JUH HA 56 ELLEN ST OWN Ilnurs 10 Mn Lvury Vul 398 mu 390 mt Seven lhrte FIVE 32000 mm the hallway the den or bed room uumalm one window loukn lug out on the fruntyard Measur lm HXlO this mom conlaln Xurgc glusct In Hm carncr whnrc HIL runl wall ulns lhe rlsh wall Wllh oquul case 1m mom can be med Is Ian bodruum prelcrrcd ynu could reserve uvumight or weekend mesh The anacth lavatory makes lhc qum cspyclnlly sullablc ns ll guest bedroom Lang and narrow lZfix0 In lllmnslnns the kllchcn Xs carn tully planned In save the Muse wllcs prucluus slum Thlr work lng cuunlcrs with cabinets Wow and belnw an nrrnmzcd In snapu cxundlnu 1mm lhe dnur wny lu he muny room In he right wall nlung he back wnn nd up tn the onlry 10 break Lml mmk III la la will Actually worn by Itself my hwan ntmk an ulsu he usud anin lllnchuum ur cnrlv iummi ur the ymnmsmrs um snvlnu llw llnlnu mum mr mon hulxml ncrmlmu mm mm my Mlzlsurinu llxfl lhu dlnlnu rlmm srllnhlmgrr hnu lls nchml Ilhnvnxlum hum flu bay III Hu hunk WKI uh the HIquun uunlur um um my ulso many mm ILrornuvc nppunl hr mum rum bull he huuxc In urlur nml oxlulnr Your dlnlmt mum WMqu he plncul mur lln hzly In luki ndvnnlnxc of lhc vhw in well III Huhl null Inc tlnnlnu llnuuxh gum MHISMHL wlndnwfl rlhlr 1m wan In houw mcuplm lay twu Imi mum wpnrulld by Hm nllmnd rm lmlhmmn 1m wran mu nepclidnhle Elecltical Work For Shop 54 Sophln Rel I93 Boyflold SI llcsldcnllnl nml lmluulrlul Will llcpnlr Work MIMI lelnru OIL humans SALES ssnvnc PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICRI CONTRRCTORS Alrmmuzufi Sula IN Requiremens nllko thmolher rcnlres has no specific nppll nnce In Is clusfly related my range Counter spacc ma mlnlmum nrplaclng lnod In serving dbhbs before 15 lakoh lo the dlnlng area The gem centre and cook cenlm may use he snmn cnumcr surlace Storage ace or Servlng dis and pullers Cqflery Ta Storage ace dishes and puller blo llncn nnd hnl Ready cal cakes broad cn pickles Draw The small dmwm the rlghl the servovcounler are or slnr The gene Center FunnUnn To lacilllnle the lug clAtood dlrcql V10 rm FARM KITCHENS AND UTILITY ROOM age at nnpklns hot padsnnd sll vor The open drawer IS 101 equlpmnnt used most irequeniiy such n3 carvlng knives mixlng spoons 01211 ls pariiiiunod and some lhc parlltlons nrc lrimv ed thus maklng hu cutlery rund lly vlslblc and easy to reach lnslThrnnlli The alliilng doors lucnlud the Your the serving counter surlncn upon tn the dlnlnz room The nrrnngcmenl will arm many sup ln and mm the dlni lng rpnm The and can be icrerl rum the kltchun by fllimx lho dishes and platlnu lhcm un lhe counlcr where they can be caslly reached from the dlnlns lable Dlrly dlshes can be passed In dimcnslohmc buck hud mum ls assured otgood lighting nndcrom venulallon for It has wlndnw an Iwn exposures Laxgcst lhe bedroomu the from bedroom TUXIJ and 1m lwu vinduwsaam Sn UH side wall nndnnulhcr 1n me mm vnll lhls mom should be he maskr bedroom There lsn gon Lruus slzcd cluicl In the back wall lhc mum rth and or flu humc me he laundry uumy mom the porch and um game cnnnedcd by me mum hallwny uumy mm briflhl chccrIuI roam HIV lluhl and vnnulnllun hmuuh lwu wlmlnw nnd hrcc flours lhc laundry nlllly mom llXD In measummvnls Ulrcc ncccm IS pruvmm buck ynrd The porch whlch can he srrccn or filnfllll In dlslrod In Inmlud next the laundry measures IZXI and slncu Um buck or mu mum ml mm nuld cuslly he used In nu pm door sluph mum Slncc lhv laundry klcalod In am llooruullly mum In an Frnnclx IO only mm lnmn nllim In Hm hilsumlnl haul In cunlpmcnl Thls flmuld hr Ilnccd umlcr llIc Iivhm mom mm In um phm yuull mvu plcnly nf bnsumcm npncc lo use yuu No lllucprlnl Avnlllhln Complete plum nnd lnrclllcn llmu for Ihll hmlu nxld all ullm llumu the Work Irxlgns um nvnllnblq mmlcmlu Fur plan mm mm Ihu numu ummmu mum Thu Unrrlc Exnmlml xmd nclmo 5man drum up Mnmprd umqnm Allow 10 day mt Huly 80 DUNLOP 51 EAST nnd hnl pad3 Trays to cal loads cookies broad crackers jelHes OUIPMIHI AI In ulllIIlllvlnlmu ll Ilmpptrl nun wlll 1m wup la nun In null my Inneh mu Hum rfllll Ihln I9 cml II mlll SPECIAL SERVICE OVUGHS HARDWARE WE DELIVER Aulholeod Issuers of Hunting and lehlng Llcmm surv lablc other vidn excellem slamge space for popper spices nnd other Invar szV which are used at ham Hm cook and serve centros HOMELY HUMOR up hiqu ll hot Hm lcrmlm wnnl Hnd CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT uu rndn pmlrulnnll mumm Jah wlfll nur umplm uumom nm llmlll mulpmml Ilmn um nun Innl In yuur null new lnlnly Ind lukln we uvnllh rlulpmml numIII Iml nmpmo Inlrufllnm 0U IUKNIAI lIIN INCLUDES liVFIWTIIlNO YOU NEED llkl IMHY T0 lllMlll THOHI FLOORS II IT YOIIHHE WITII CLARKE FLOOR HANIHNO EQUIPMENT 35 Mllu Brnth of umle nu llwy Na 11 Drlvc om at town or hulckcr unlco PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS or phonn collect Strand MRZZ BARBIE iIIENIS SHERRI Limiled PAINSWICK It ynur home has not been painted during the past four or live yenrslt should be done next spring To is the job no longer means 11ml ihe surface 01 the siding will require mbn careiui nnd expensive preparation ior rcpaiplingnccurding to the Con siruciion Research Huicm New ankfcienring house fur building iniormntiw QUALITY PAINT DOES BEST JOB Jami ln Guad supply Rudymixed pnlnl high quality loislm local conditions is generally lp good supply this sprlng and lsl ubmlnable with almost any dulrcd colorlng plg merit pnly thejest qunmy paint should he used and it chemical content shallld be dclnrmlncd by an nxporlgnced palnter whu knows laca1mndmans In vnrm humid clinmcs hurdcr types at paint containing greater nmounlz or zinc oxide usually slandv up bcucr hansufl palm In excess lvcly dry climatesv soft palms cuntnlrilng high pdrccnlage whuo lzudarc better palm job is no bum than the man Who du 1hework np utnblc contractor should be um ploycd The competent workmnn will mmch n11 loose nld palm and guard against painl allure caused by surlncemolnlure by seeing hat the surface palmcd only when dry Even me best pain will all npplled Immedi ately aflnr shower or In foggy or humid wealhcr Too much all cpusns paint to dry slow become dirty and fade T00 Me causes It to wear all rapidly Cracking caused by hard quickdrying pninu Wrin kles shnw up because of Smpmpcr brushlnl of heavy any mixtures Chulkm usuallyvcomc abnm be cause too much Runnesz used or UTth hm wny to nwly nun Ihc Iermltes lumber whlch hu been properly pupal lumber wenum ma an me you nlwu um Reason For PHONE 2558 Fulluro NeViHeuling PlaMs Effect Fuel Economy Postwar dgvelanmpms in hnme mung systemi should be Investi gahd by minty home owner ac cording to engineer lor the Con sunnflon EastmanBureau ul Ngw York clearing house tar bu£lding lug ma 12 um BAnmE Exmngm wEDNisnAv Avg 1954 Vlrludlly all the nLw tumnqes whether they burh DH coalor as have been deskgned to produce maximum hcatwlm midlngum by Vskflmpinpcnthc inimber at um Expert painters usually rcpom mend lwniconls whemthe surface Is In gugd condlfinn and most at the ma paint remain aner snnd lngbrushing or scraping Dlhcr who three Ind somélimos our coatsnre needed It is best to take thq patnlers advice The cnstmlghlbc mhzc but you will jhaw more Iasunz sausldctury Db 6c HEATING LIMITED 8034 Dufllop St Wcsg BARR mom anm an muncmmkn dome mm mm Hw mmvwny rmnpllvly on lhc wny nuy cnnl mum um Inlvvfiw wllh nhiurln ur mum nwn mp Innl vmxvall erhrn 11 mm wmk In whle nu mum wnmd gu wwlnllnu um yunr Imnm Mun run mm mm mun rnrr wllh mu wllwdvlllnu wmn yuu um mnnkrr lulrllmg unm Fur In huhm vnlunhlu llnur nml wnll wlwn ynu mm ul luw Iur dour nwlvuz you arer yourer 01 ppm youvn mm mr WHY MIT DOOR SWING CUT DOWN llll 01 YOUR HOME QUIET MIMICTOP HUM BALANCE IIINIIK ONHHHKWIUN METAL TNMK VINYL UAI IAIIIUII CUVIvlllNll 67 llpcnlnljlldlll BRISTOW PLUMBING WITH mu nun DETAILS MM IlIONH 72 KT LR NIA mum WIN um Mm mum mum rr or we Ili Inle rm unly FIODUC IION HIIMAN ltl moi Now ynnlun hue this uiuI modem linking micm which Includes Mammal In mo roam And 1h can in link mumi laythin wnlnl Iysleml with only and thermostat for Ike whoie home Look It thug Idvlnlllfl Fauna mm dmlimd by mm mwa dxivu fun No wian or eieclridly Inqulmd or fun or thermomu Low pressure 1mm ls carricd to mm min Mouth small llcxible copper lubinl Hell can be turned down in unused mom Ind quickly brought up Inin Jinn mud Eiimimlinn ovath in menu fun sconom Come nun ccimv In mud operation ogulcphonfiicr 30ng10 or fuel Many home owners dis covered last winter that by re plncinzold burners with modern equipment they eflecmd substan unl duel savxngs when nccomp shied by fullthink insulation me house suchmvlngs nmnumcd lo mqre man 50 per cent burcau engineers said One the oulslnadinz postwar developments yadiant heal sup plied by hotvwnter plpesmmbnd ad in our orrcelllngs This glv es ccnstunt unitorm hunt and Is widely uscd in homes wilhnul busamcms Another den used extensively 15 to equip warm air turnnces with mechanicalblowcrs to force cool air throulh the duclsdurlng the summer In Wlmcn the same blower is used to heat the hnuso with minimum amnum 01 he 0m 01 Ihe most novcl postwar Ideas bmughl on by recurring fuel shortages IS Iurnncc that willbum all nrnnnl interchange ably NEW SPHEEMHKEH Phone 3710 fllvyk Rpm 1W

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