uu Iry Ml Satur lur wrrk iuuhlv IIInth erI Hnuml Lllnv Mln imnnnr mun nmvmn mu hrm 1m uvnlub mum Mn II Julmwu unlly VNIS SLACK Km Barrie 12 up to but The cnlchcr zycuruld Juck Shmmhun or leghllrst There were our spurts gums the Bass Lake mm boys camp the mm Lnkc 1m Sax cnpnlned by Ken Stevenson RR New Lowell the llur lrnncs gupmlncd by Ivnn Atkinson rm Sluyncr The liar Luke llrnus captained by Juhn Ilruy HR 10rlllln nml thv Imquuls cuptulnvd by um Lnughcul nn Unrrlc In cludml In the dnys ncuvmus Mung with sperm were kllchun lullos mm the boyn slrlvcd to win swlmmlnu nwurda nnd hm ton compelllmn mu Hm Imvv 117Vmpm FLAG RAISING at the North Simeon farm boys camp that was held at Bass Lake last week This years camp for 11 and 12yearold has been supervised by Robert Roos teacher at Paris High School and Ian White assistant dean of men at the Ontario Agricultural College under the dir ection or James Hancock associate agricultural represent ative 101 North Simcoe who handled the organization and supervised the Staff There were 41 boys registered iroln Utopia VictoriaHarbor Midland Oro Station Coulson Siayner Creemore Penetang Vasey Orillla Barrie Mine slng Laiontuine Shanty Bay Hawkestone Elmvale New Lowell Phelpston Craighurst and Waubaushene The camp opened Friday July 23 and closed Friday Julyaol An in teresting part of this years program consistcdot nature hikes identiiication of trees leaves ete under the dir cation of Donald Scott of Angus district forester All camp equipment was loaned by the Ontario Department at Lands and Forests one oi the camp sponsors which put up we tents Books were loaned to the campers by the Simene County Library Cuoperative Swimming was one oi the My mu Mu mum and WIN 259 INNISHL ST RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS flew of Mormon North Simcoe Farm Boys Cams atBcIss Lake Bani Tolavlllon Expm mqu nllvmlml lllv hmrrnl lr Mandynn ur nl Klrkvlllv on ulunlny Mr nml Mm Jmk hull MnHuu Iml nlmrl wlm lhIlr muHIlr mu mulr In Hnnln wtukuul wllh Mr nml Mn IL Irntllry Mt null Mn lkylhv Mn lrrlhy nml Mu Wnlkvr mm hm mm vhll wllh Mu 5mm luwnm lhv rm 1m wuk ML and IIIr mu Mm rqu PHONE 2429 urr wlh Lulllh most popular activities under the direction or MrRoos The daliyroutine at camp started on with 730 reveilla followed by breakiastmornlng dutiesinstruction swim ming dinner at noon at rest period Instruction in crafts etc and swimming instruction swlmniing periodssupper organized sports vespers and at 030 pm llghts out Thursday number of Lions and their wives paid visit to Lions Club taking large share by paying ior the stall and campsite In addition the service club sponsored an after noon bus trip or the boys to Severn Falls this year On Thursday number of Lions and their ives paid visit to the camp tor the closing camp ilre party Presentations 01 awards made by President Macauley included the prize for the best allround camper won by Bob Lougheed son of Ray Lougheed of Holly noteworthy award was that mode to Garry MaeKay son of Mr andMrs Lorne MaeKay oi Couisun the nonswimmer making the most progress during camp The third sponsor was the Ontario Department or Azrlculture lwElNEYEMLOLD George Anderson xm Oriiiia gets randy for the kick on in inst gnmc of soccer the Bass Lake cnmp Spam activities ulso included bnscbail volleyball swimming and Dnnish rounders with two uiwmoons oi Pioneers and Indium The North Simcuc mm boys Leo puk iicipnlcd in lcnthor work and mndc belts wuilcu key ousta und change purses inr themselvva populnr icniure with xiii wns ihu showing of Hints in the evening anlmln vlnllml nl Hny Wnrnirnl wlrk lull Billlllllly ulrprlnrx rum mm In mun um Salurvluy ulhwnnun llu Dxpnrlnmll ur Iliuhwnyn lnlck muva nlnwly llmnmh um vmnno um wllh w0 mm ml mu shlr at he ruml mum up an Murll tluu Hp Nudnl Iclusv On rnqnlry wx llnrnld lI wmk In lone whln urc MIXy and III wn llw second HIIHI lhmlluh IL nummrr All we mm mm wnhhml we juxl um um mllhrthmlldul have In lwlll Inn murh tlmn Ihmuuh lhl lllnuo or mail Ir Hm 1m nu IlllvvullII 1n lhr Ully and than nppmrnnre nl rwtylhlnu In Como f0th xiBalfllmel mun nus TERMINAL PHONE 55 If tool will lo soc tho blo Ioaguo mm In ucllon Enloy Ilghlmolng all Iho way gr by bu OETIIOIT 485 NEW TOOK 2855 WASHINGTON 2700 lllNll TIII UNIV TO CHANGE Elected DDGM koan Ith he anlc mun Communi cnuon In Toronto July 21 Wllmcr Palmer at Tolunhnmmad the puty fana Mmkxw for Gemini Distrch Vhlml Formal Senna Chum Mm Kelmamand daugh ter Pat vbued Thursday evening with Mm Inhn Ratan of New market in xchool glrl lrlend Toronto Shower For Brlda Mrs Mnrzarcl Claridzo and dnughterlndaw Mrs Jahn Clar Sdzg were In Toromo Tuesday evening lastauendlnz shower given in ham or the Inner by number of friends From Northern Onhrln Mr and Mrs Richard Lihle of Sudbury Ind Mrs Elbe Huhlala and daughters Julia nncL Lynda and son ErIck Gnrson MInts were recent leflon with Mr and Mrs AlL Wilson Mrs Lem Palmer accompanied by Mr and Mrs Bert Stephenson andson Bryan or Toronto spent Inst Suday evening with her six térInlaw MIBE Palmer and inmny Mrs puree mm and small ion of Weston is spending week with her srnndpnmms Mr and Mrs McLean Also recent vlsnors with his parents werewaller Dull nndjamfly Schomhnrg VB To Cnllfornla MIL JuWallace vlsillng lritnds nnd relauvcs lor six weeks lnLm Angnlcs She will relurn by way Sn Fake Cny Utah St Louis Missouri and De trollviamng many mum pla ces Summer Camp Joan and Ricky Ballard are on two weeks hullï¬uys at child rey camp nenr Gravcphur Mrs ana Brewster Irlnld In Gnlt Lenin um For onun Mr and Mrs Held McQunrum have purchased new hume 1n Orton Ontario and will be leaving soon During lhelr stay here may made many blends Mrs Ansley Green Bnnd Head was nrccent visunr with mend In the village Goes To USA For VI Mr and Mr Russell Barry of the USA visited the lormer II hur Michael Barry who relurn ed with them in spend some lime with nndthnr son and family Mr and Mrs Bernard Bany Nlnflnrl Full WI Plank Supper Womens Institute hold nsuc ccmtul picnic supper on Tuuday cvcnlng Inst with 22 member and lrlnnd Johnmn llumlnn Johnsnn nmlly reunion wm held Sundly but at Mr and Mn 1mm lhclr own prupcruw 01 coursr here always Hu cxccp on ML and Mrs Dukc Smith and MIL Bernice nf Alllxlnn more nenl vlsllor Genrgc lions The lnlllm Trinity United Church WomanJ Assoclnllnn will hold their next moulan WedncsA dny Aug 11 ul Mrs C4 Donkcs Bartle Mrs Ida Agar has returned Betkm nIILr lwn wackn vncnllun wllh Hall Mr and Mrs George Moll spent part last wcckcml Nurlh Tu runlu with their relative Mrs Mny Belfry HI Junu Anxllrm WA SI Jnmcs Anglican WA llcld lllllr July 11chan n1 Mu lrzd Parlrlducl wllh he prcsldnnl Um chair llev Wllllam Newmun cmnplhncnlcd the lmllu ml the margin Hunky lnlr whlch was held nl nlri Jam Slnclalls on June The pmluem nunmu the Ilnccn urnllludn ul lllc WA Ill mm Mend nml nclxhbum who hclncd I0 mnkc ll uneven Thu mm wurkul vcry him and lhll wnx npprrcluml Mr Slnclnlr lllnnkcd all who flunkLl it lol lqulIK day Ku lwm up flundly flthnnl lIcnlc The Sunday School plcnlc wn held on July IO 0m Mmmrlnl Pink and WIII well nthmind Orlllla Suny mm mu Mm Jnmu Blnrlnlr link nml how nlm le be up and ulmul ml my mu rm fllmroo WA Conventlon Mu ma lnrhlduc ledml Inch WA nmmmun flasks of rotten61 CROWN HILL Is vismng Frank lohnsonz Gatherlnl muni band 26 It wax Idcnl Walther or theoutdnor ntlalr with plenty reheshmanu Hydro Employee mm am Mr mu who an employee wtlh thu Hydra in Toronto his moved Inmfly here and Is busy gelung settled McClbe Reunlon McCabn reunion was heldal Woodsldc lnn Huckley on Sun day July 18 1m 40 attending Irnm Brammrd Newmurkcl To mum Caledan and Taltcnhamv Ladlel baubles Indks dnuhlos lawn bowl Ing lournnmem here Wednesday Ian Tough and Mrs Clar Idge were high 101 three wlns Mrs Palmer nnd Mrs Walkem high mr lwn wins and MM Sav ngeand Mrs Nndwell Human were high or one win very Hendly anonnoon was spam an me Ban1e bnwllngj grcnns Thursday 1m when three rinks 1mm hen tank part In the ourney They were Mrs Hazel Wnlkum Mrs Sadie hug and M11 Grace Barnett Mrs Ethel Wicc Mm Agnes thh and Mrs Uye Elnn Mrs Dari Anderson Mrs Ida Wnlkum and Mrs Ede Pnlmcr They n11 had good gumu bunno prlzes 11 um um lmmnhy Allnnuon leu Ml llMINH vnmmuum mumIon It mm now an we nvllmmp xmum III Irvmu You INIUIIOEI in IMl uh am PM II flADflLEY Pmon Accounnm nun ARTHUR IOWELL cmlmnm ACCOUNTANT Dual Armininn Audihr nnmnmmumn MID MAHAQIMKNT cummmAhL unmu Blyfllld Strnl 1nd Floor ORILUA J1 Mlxsluua 5km Eul 2nd Plan 0104 VININGS Phom 5931 Phumx 3505 AIOINVMINVINOHE EVENING HOUIS lmnlin nu IImnnl in umy ll ml NUIJA NTIIIIIIINNUN qrmujmmr llEflnlIllr mums CO Cullflel mung Amummu 1mm um mm nm om wnm mumu run om Mum humu am luluu mun cu IIAUIIcI nun um unuun mu mm II 1mm CNAIYIIID Accnunnml co EL 1mm Von 111 Tomnlu nu rum chLAuEN COM 0A uczmam mum ucmaw uumcmn Aumron Pick up your ur me work take ynur family for drlve Ind relym the car next mamlnx on yur way to work 69 Collier Street Nva um autumn PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOELEE BARBIE DRIVERERR £0 LTD may REFEREE OVERNITE SPECIAL animllll um Hum IMII III IRONI un Can You MD um nm no 15st LIFE INSURANCE ROBERT ll flMlTll nunï¬nmacn UHTANTI IUIL In IAHUIL IIIIIDN IL Alma lavvim In EXAMPLES OF LOANS ACCOUNTANTS 3110M Battle ARTHUR HLIIFJIT KOBE IMMIHON MI IIMAIIN VETERINARY OPTOMETRY mnmmm ogreurpan cgpggnlaplylflunwhkh Ll neuron you orruu mm um our COMFORTABLE 40mm CARS Phone 2772 Enjoy the convenience of II DRIVURSELF AUTOMOBILE overnlxhlnt special nun thn 151 ml nut ml US féJffo Hits in 3164 NAHONWml CIIDIT Ova 300 mnmd cfflcex in mud IUSYOMIIHID l0ANS To ï¬t your need income or Step Guide PloMP1Ylllu employed peopla laws IOAN Phana ï¬r No bank Iblo murky xequired lo ma 31mm mmmiwgpnsbnv AUG 4195 New Design Aulo license Plales For1955 The new plate will be shind ard slze am 12 Inches all ï¬gures helng 3V2 mom4 Uixm reacMng he million mark one letter will used Ior each 100000 plules Size of lgurcs on the newmknes wlll be V1 inch shorter than hose on the present plums but he legi hilhy the plate will be Increased by reasnn the dlscnmlnuance of inch letters new design of molar vehicle rogislrnllon males for 1955 Is an nounced by Minislcr Highway George uncnu who gave sev eral reasun or the change so that no letters will appear on he um 999999 pmmger car plate Amthcrrcason or the change is that registration pinto is oniy as legible as the smalicst ï¬gure or letter thereon Mr Douceit sinus Second reason is that there has been considerable cuniusiun in not lng the lemon on rogistralion plah es particularly with the letters and Thlrd reason Is that Ontario mopuraling with all clhur provincv cs nnd the slum In he United States In adunllng landard SiZE mum DANCING ACADEMY ILAa Avillulum rm run LIuelll puma In human um um Mun Mum at nun An unmnu ll mm pmmn Bulkflurl IE I7un1 1mm II IIHVHON lull Tucnm ur mum nmumu Ind nmum rupn plwmd In mun Innl In Haul Cnn lulu nl Mum rmurnn mdw lnrlualnl Alum IllInn ulmu hulllm cummm um Hunt min um on IIkum Nana Cunlulllnl Houu 10 am In an and In many Cum JI mun mud um III mom Ilirmm Iw notan or cumurm own 00 Mount nun an Inn ml mu Im in my mum Next to Gray Coach DONALD 1L IIZONF DANCING LESSONS BOYS SEAGIIAM OWE Money In Lou mun 7mm lulldlnl nu wlunu VI uvmctnu AIIIOIIVIE wnuou my sum Iuml mini nu idlinié 7mm JAMIE VHITL Wm nr umurnwnu CHIROPRACTOR Ther MUSIC LESSONS nfONkllL comm COMM OSTEOPATHY HMITH ll MomIAN ï¬anivflm hung xMl mm LEGAL Imlo on Saturday Bride Entertained By Lodge Members Before her Saturday nupllall the armer Miss Mary Mnmgomery was hunorcd at shnwer held at hé home at Mrs Agnes Robson 53 Essa Road by 85 members Golden Star IDEA No 55L The house was decomlcd In pink and white wllh beautiful big umbrella in the shown 6010 hung over hebr£des head She received mnny hmuï¬lul use ml Maï¬a ca 33a pnrfnt he dainty rchcshments served at Ihe close the evening pmé he rpqï¬esl 01 he automo hlle manuraqlums who plan with lhelr 1956 models 10 provide hel ler means of attachment nndll lumlnnuon particularly rear reglsgmlnn plates In the angina of most cars on Hm mud today them is reser voirof powcrncverusedpower locked In by carbon and lend deposits But now according to scion tisu it the Shell Oil Company new gnaolinu additive blended inm Shell Gnaolincs um sold under the trademark lCP ii ncutmlizing these deposits and giving power gains up ta Incombuslinnclmmbusthesn dcpnsitsglowwdhotnndsotofl th gasolinenix mixture before the piston rcaclms its proper ï¬ring position Enginnm cul this pmignilinn Power is huhl mm the mu pawer of mo engine never maliud Plcluru by Fawno Exnmlner photoxraphcr um Ip pur In lhb newlpzpu an lvltllnble In xlssy prlnu For lull lnlnrmlflou 311011 In pltlure you want NEW GASOLINE VADDITIVEIVBOOSTS ENGINE POWER Thm mm depositstho en gineen mynlsu form on npnrk plugswhcmlwymuseummrk Plugllollwllcircuilnnd misï¬ts Ihvy pain on thnl um pair of powerwaste preigniï¬nn and Ipnrk plug misï¬lingï¬slhcureut 11qu of power loss mday Shell Gnnolinon with TOP smu engineers report pul nu captive pnwcr Ian no work haunting ermine pawnr much an 157 Shell unginuu explain llthinwn IClpdditlvokorpsdoponiu from bemmlnulml hutmu lllcmfum mm preJunIllun also makes llm stm no cnmlucllvo and and wmk plug mlsliring ucll Inn momriaz will fool Um Inxinu has luul 11 um uphcfumlmu flnhhcxlllwuowml tunkful Hut Hhull wnma Hunt aintu dcpmlln coullnnlly nccu mulm them In only mm wny to maintain the lncrrmm In power conllnuul um TOP llmy rnll lCl Illa urrnhnl Inlino Ilnvrlnpmtlll In 11 mm mu Nulum null Hruulnr nnwflnu will ICl ma nvuilnblu only at Shell Denim llm uminmm My in Shell Gnanlhnn with Top NOTE The Barrie Examiner TCI Fm Capllvn lawer Phone 2414 Twnwny Power Loss Report Power Gains as high as 15 a3an 55