Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 7

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ff 1mm 31mm ummnl rimum um lw mum hy rmh vrmmrlhh nlnhnw mp Mllrv mm wlrvk dmuhllllnn mmAl wlll mm mm at mm mum mm mm In ha lumnnml lu 1hr hm Auullnlanl nlrumpnlilml lvv mm mnl unlnml thun 1m ullllmw mun mule pnynlvln In lmvlnrlnl Tilmun mum In Um mm Vlllml nan III vvlunw lu Modem Township Schonl Area No are receiving under up ml pm EDST August 193 or wornmn masonry tramc school 400 71 ail homing hm water radiators oileLs snplxc Innk and fluid bd Plans and specmmuons amnide mm Sluarl Jrilliu on on deposit of $2100 Tenders will be ntclvud by the undersigned until 12 oclock nuun WEDNESDAY AUG 1054 em all nub man mm rcqulrcd In mu cansuucuon Federal nundlng omnn OnL or mm Public Wurks Ouaw HOLSTEIN Halter grade ca nod vaccinated TE luslud ytnn 01d Muplehrecdlng due July 26 Ap ply Jim Ralney RR Couksmwn phdnc 27m 983 Yonxsixmé Saw with 10 pigs Stewart MacQuamc mus much lennofls mile WBL H8 ll YORKTAM Pigs heallhy and lhrifly also mans bicycle Ernln Arnold phone lvy 7113 9EBBh Hvlmlr Iry he llwmllluflnl mum ur any lrndlr mummy m1m1 mmmrulu hm llmnrh mhl Ivy Arumnh In 1qu rmuml llnlumu nl hm II In hrrmu my bl Ivy ImrIuml IMulnr lm nflfillrl nme lmmlrllim vlmlr hr the Immlpmy lnlnlmnllln In hum lrntlr lnmn nnvl vnwluxmt nlny Inlmd hm Hu mum Mun wuwm Hlllrl lnlllmmnl nulm In 15 llurrm Im lumnlu fmmmm Iml mum lm mmllnhIy mmll nullmnllun Ac rlphm IH ullr my hub Imuxu ulq mum vnlwl xnulm uuukml Innmml Nu mu wnl ltrvlvul ny llw nmlvrilunul mun Mummy Auuul mm um 1m um rim WmMm mum mum nnuy um ml which Mn Inlm In In udluurllrll xalu ll be held nl lhc snmu hour on um mm 111 Urlulur ll mclmuxy lhr Curmmliun ur lhr TownJun Innnnl Innum nnchmc any he lnnd mm mm mm lhu mu ummml nll nrrrnm null null lw munu hum llm thenUL In he Lmnmun huru 4m IIH um dny ubvr 1911 In mm In ucluck 1n Hu ntlmmon unme the axon and com nu vmmcr mm Nollcu Ivrrhy nlvun ml HH 1M luldl or mhl ur Irrmn ul Inxrx wcn published In The Onlnrlu GnuUV IL in my Juli IBM and he copies llu mld ixl my Dr llnd my mHu TAKE FUJITUHH NOTICE lxuwurtrs Him July IM uy VlIlun wnrranl Issued by flvrvr or Um ruwmmp llmlsm undvr lllc ham and 51ml lhu lIIH Cumumlian Mann Ilnlc Um 7m day of Juno 5qu cl 1anan In urn1 of mm In hr Tuwfulm yvlll be mm Plnns may be seed at Toronlu mumrs Exchange mu Omcu mug Iuhrbumug nnd In Public Indus at Orllllu and Hamlllun Thé luwesl or any other lender not nrcvssarlly ample TENDERS are Invited for the urn an at Heel fire escape sup ported by common piers mm the second car of Shuud School ulsu fire exll from he bascmcnl with cemcm steps and porch REGISTERED and Grade Hul stein Cows in mu flow TL Thorpe am Linc Tecumsclh 21 Highway 98788 TENDERS Fllfl SUB TRADES THEASUIUIIES SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Tow 9fulnnisfil yanINE rolled Herpturd EulIETnlsu cedar posts Royduud follow pthL Suoud 191 mas weeks out 11 Andéewé Guthrie 98889 uonssi Vlclor PaquS lmy HSW TENDERS lNNlSlll TUWNSHIP WANTED51E Eon nbuu ygnr gm Phone Commwn 31m one wt TENDERS ARE INVITED JAMES KEMP JONSTIIUCTION LTD LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WANTED DRILLIA FEDERAL BUILDING School Area No flux 52 Slallon mum Hlmcoe Signed VM BEATON HAMILTON ONT Immn Munqu mhrwful mmm Ihmuh mqu rumm Oro Station Onlarln man willy Nunan LOUGHEE Painswick 0m hlx ALLAH 71h 71H man Iln am no lumuux Ammm xnx vmlnu alalllvm wlrnlllrl mmwrr Inlzl mnyahn Hum wllh whlr um mun ervlwlmv numnu hmnx nml Inlwllmnl Ilnnl lwhlml Munklpnl Hint Wnugn anrh llwwn 10 Innlmr FITIV IAHRNTSAano bllql nm alum nnlllIrd III II Innu ktqunko tumulml Pumxnln or MulhrrIIL Irnrl thulrnhxl tum erlu llmllnln mmvnm DrpL Im rlnnu OnL bznm Iv Cwnsuunn hfinmy Ilny Innr 1m 40 IFHIHVD wm mum pawnu wnlll ur wll urn wm mwlylnvrulvd mncmnr rur lhnrmillun un nvcrlnl mm thqu Mmun Plvlvvtl nr smymr 227 hr tulllnuwuud wu axnm I333 HMFXXHMXIHNO AND lubllc iltnnlrlvlly unrrla nullnul Coll ar 00 Town 3L 1mm muma mu 5mu cuwm Umexunu Itllpm ml 1V ll swnlhfr ngul ou Funer and hlInmy curinm llnhiuxun null lhnnu YARD GOODS Underlny Plywood Counter Top HARDWOOD Lald Finished CARPET SERVICE Mntcrlnl Supplied Inslnllcd FREE ESTIMATES Phone 2013 or IDRH Lvy 5011019 Vinyl Asbestos Asphnl Rubber Slyra lellc Wn kzDC WLFEEV$ 22O3 Barely su Ar our flours Ihnbbyi mm an Speed Flour Sunder and finish In new Reamnnble rules All typu of mar Ankh nvnllabh BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER I9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 WOLFENDEN Annalrmg Floor Coveflnl Linuleums author and Amy Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied Ind Installed Free Estimates NELscN GRAVES PROPRIETOR CumplLIL body and tender work Painlng and maulsmng FREE ESTIMATES 05 Daylluld sg Norlh Barrie FLOOR COVERING Modern bumIn cupboards spec my Call tor an estimate 12 FOOT CONCRETE SILOS FLOOR SANDERS Phone 2146 FERGUSONREID Custom Combining Box 66 0mm CHAS THORNTON Licensed Auctioneer 108 Nnywash Street ORILUA Phone called on nucunn ule order Ito 0H1 E701 GRAVES BODY SHOP CUSTOM cumombs TRIM WORK Floor Service TILE Phone 5139 BRUCE CAMERON DOUCETTE ELECTRIC Na couecuanVVflo chm Credit Bureau SBncoe County MISCELLANEOUS RESIDENTIAL with self propelled 132 combine MABEE BROS WIRING CQLLECTIONS un Phone 31 Beekm Term rensonnhle Free Esumnm TO RENT IXMHHE PHONE 6382 plmm 3m Norlh Barrie Phone 5185 5174 filDMF Liaoi Phon 1751 53599 58893 Linn Barrie 103491 57574 Lino to Han Splclnl Gnnlu and Grude Ha ha Snrclul Grade Grade Grlda On Ovrr 0L ln HH Unllrr III Over nu Tenders wm be received by In undorslgnud up to Aug mm pnlnllng lhu following schnuls Inside and out N0 Shanty Day No 10 mm comm Nu 19 Oakland mu The Schuol 1mm will supply the paint Elm la mr In Ibo prim AGENTS Cln etc Sell Cun ndns llnut ll 01 Chrlstmns cards and nnveltlcs Our large mart mom Includes Feature Religious Humuruus French Everyday Vel vcu Pcrsonnl cards Gm Wrapx Ribbons Minor llghts PhoneDex Toys Books Slntlnncry ulc Prompt service Liberal Commis slon Jmndmn Grouting as Kunsmgum Ave N0 fianiufnn Em IF CONSIDERING marriage con sult Marriage Welfare Specialist by mail Established 1906 Over 0000 clients rich and poor married 11 rLady Scru ulnus secrecy Slm mom BOX Dickens PO Win nipc 308396 Maple Ave DO have ndrlnklng prob lem AA has he answvrwrilc fox 52 Barrle Open meetings at he Barrie AA Group every Tucs day 330 pm Library 511 Take advantage reducunna on menu Reg $150 wave Reg $500 wave Cold an9 reg 0151 Wave reg mm cum 33 DAYFIELD ST HA DA HOMES NHAVLA Approved GARAGES COTTAGES Enquiries Jnvned Catalogues tree Wild Box OrHlkL Phgne 2729 collecl 357978 LOT WANTED In Allandnle Phoné 6101 338789 AVOID CUSIIX Generator and Battery failures mien and Board available or genlleman Owen 1288 SENmEBENAl he Royal Vlc Orin priml Barrie July 26 50 In Mr and Mrs Heinz Se mebcn 218 McCaul SL Tam quolcd by First Cnopcrnllvc Pucker of Omanlo Bantu Hal erhl quclllul GUI ONEILLM me Ruyal vlcnom Hospm Burk July 23 1954 Mn and Mn Ambrose omm Elmvnlenu daughter Constance AnnL Permanent Waves am Special BHENNHNS AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE School Area of Oro Largo Mvdlum mall MR5 son PROPERTY WANTE IGNITION CARBURETORS MAGNETOS BUILDING TRADES CAMERON Vacation Time mm TRIPS mm AHEAD Drop In nlul un uL your ranXMl runvrnlnnrc ROOM Er BOARD TENDERS WlI AI Hll IN THIS WORK WWII PERSONAL BORN JOHN CURRIE Dru Slallnll Onl ihese amazing morning lppolnl $100 $000 Phone 4351 SHIWFU le 3021288 $4011 $600 $500 50K on Numlly Mr nml Mn Humid HIEer mud lnmlly Alllnllm nml MIII Ndlhv Kllkpuhlvk uwnl Sunday with Mll Klrkpnmrk mu HIHI 0n Mmy Minrfi lmmn annvt nml Hnllmu llnwu nrr hlvlltluym mm Knmdwunls mlle nl lhr Hmwh Jnhmlun Mr nml Mn lnlmxlnnV Shurnn nml Hurry nml MIA Annie Mny llrklllmh MI luxllnlu nml Mlu cch llLkirinm CIIlllnanml fltcrnt VlIllnn VNklntl nml Snluxdfly vhllnrs vllh ML nml er Ahx Fllllny Hum Weekend Ilny Hun wm hump hm mm the wmkund Vhlh Untle Ind Ann Miss Elnlne Alkinson sum days Insl week In Alllxlon he hmnl of her uncle nnd aunt Mr and Mrs Humld Pearson lllrflulay Party Miss Suzdnnc Ilnlny clIubmlLd her slxlh blrtlulny un July 21 by Inviting hur HIE lends la puny llflmlllnn Vlsltun Mr and Mrs Jnhn Dallas Humillun and Ullll 1hr Inluh 101s were visitors the home Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron or several days Alklnson Iaunion Mr and Mrs Clarence Afldnsnn and Iflmlly allcndkd Um Alklnsnn Hcunlun at Innisfll Park last Wudncsdny Sunday Schnol Plcnlc Several Inmllios allcndud the Sunday Schual plcnlc Knox Church Crusslnml which was held at Midhursl Park an July 20 10 passed away CnmIl Aug 1912 Nu 1mm 01 Mmecan nkc away Thu llvughu you from day In in ng memory Sadie to cli In clusnd yuur £1er and wunry eyelids And whispered Rust now peace be lhlnc HIL bcaumul hills of God By the valley of rest 50 1an Some day we Wlll all meet And well all be together thcru luudly remumbLrld and sadly 115st by wlfu Ellzabulh and Inm lly Lorraine Edwardand Shawn mmflln luvmg mvmury dear rumor Hugh Frlel who passed away July an1n53 In He loved and honured death rcmumhurcd Sadly missed and ever rcmcm4 bund by Mac Chnrfle hnd Paul HARVEY1n loving memory at dear husband hnd falhur Gnrdon Lewis Harv vhu passed away July 17 953 God know his great Suffering The rqad ya rough the hHLS hanl vineg mmnmimfi by his family wnuam Charles France and Irene EH DAWSONIn mcmnry oi our vicar iaihnr Thomas Dawson whu pmucd away my 30 1952 His chnrming ways and smiling incc Are pleasure to man He had kindly word for each And digdhuloved 1y Mr nnd Mrs Willinmyvl Cole announce the engagement their dnughlur Velmn Rebeca chrge Joseph McNullysonoI Mr md Mrs Joseph McNtu Toronto Iho marriage to take place in Tor onto an August 21 88 day wRusscl and Marlon LAC and Mrs Gordon Dyer and daughter of Trenton and M15 Bel scy Toronlu spent he weekend at Arthur Dycrl Barrie Mr and its Jack Garvlu and mnc son tar Graham Butlnlu visited Jacks grandmother Mm Mnrlln Cundlns ovqr Ihe weekend Ms Robcnnv Morris Tumnm spent Tuesday wilh Mrs Fred Mar Hn Cundles IN MEMORIAM ENGAGEMENTS NEW FLOS PHONE 2464 mm My mom um Mr nnd Mu Connnll and fnmly 1mm have boughl Macurldca Mumqu moved hore Wvdncsdny AI Quilllull FAII Two can ull Indies rum he Hillsdalu Womens Xmlilmu went Thursdny nflcrnunn Orlllln sea Inc Qum and Rug tnir Chuml Picnic The FICL Methodist picnic rum Hillsdall Unrrlc and Wycvnlc Wu held nl Sprlngwnlur Park Munday afternoon VISIUII This Week Vlsflor this week wml Dune Jumlusan wcn Mrs Ednn Klnu Mrs Jim Rankin Mr and Mrs ank Klnu and children Ill Damion Onl George Crnw of Pub orborough ML and Mn Rullnnd Elrlck ol Elmvale In arml Mrs Gordon flown span few days In Orillla Her molhlr Mrs Buck returned wilh her for XLW days visil Move Tn manhunt Mn and Mix Wllflnm McDrld and family have mavcd to Craig hurslnflcr selling heir store to Mr Connell 01 Barrie Mrs IL Mogfi 3ng from Toronlo or lhc werkend mum Vlalhm Mr and Mrs Eugene WanInn sons Garry and Mark Pelcrbom and Mr Imd Mrs Cllffold Tinnu and Emily Sanclunry $15k Mrs Joe Tinnoy of Vnsey wnlll visitors last week wilh Mr and Mrs Clmord Porter Herc From Baffle Mrs Long nnd misc Ark sy Harnc Mr and Mrs mp In In nur mlll Mud nIk nbonl HillVlIMIN urn unm sult ynnr lmlln requlmmenlm We are sorry to report HIE Elaine Downing had to have sur glcal gmnlng dune near her eye which was hurt week ago She is In Slck Clllldrenk Hospital him ncquolmc and Miss Eleanor Banting of Ivy spent several days last week wllll Mljs Marilyn Grnhnm lorunlu lhmlnnlls ol nnntrn Mm Emmlln lmvr come la la ruxnln he HIlUllIAIN all Ill lllrlr Imlnnml mung hrxulmmrltu Slummm Im1h nu now umnulnctuml In am 100 prlvnlrly WIWII frrd mllll lyrlnxlux l0 larmrrn Illa ud vnnlngu VI Tolshamy Bay Bertha Ann and Jean Flshm vIJ Hod recently at he hum of tholr uncle and aunt Mr Mid Mrs El woud Fisher Shanty Eny Ber lhn Ann returned home on Tues dny to celebrate her blrlhday with lrlends ram figlncourm Marilyn and Ragn Graham are vacatinnlng lhnlruncins hnme enlnr Falls WHEN your llny lnhy med mankuu plln lhau IpNIlI bluntend Ion HIM me feed when hel nlued Ind anL you whllk Ill nl powdu ovcrhllhlndl lollnll un der lull nllll you un IN how do to nip ELEVATOR and FEED MILL Reeve Allan Todd of Innk Townpr hu bluerly Inching sktcmcnl nude nun media at the bean Irdx Belch Auocllllon In yams the mu mllclous Iv governed Iownlhlp In lhl hovlnce 01 Ontario lleevé Todd fly that wlshe Mr lnxluby In either 1mm proof tn luck up his llatnmem Dr to wllhdmw ll The unlemanl Wu made he meetin by lullaby of Bl Bly Pnlnl lnnisfil Reevé Asks Proof Mans Statément rum Blroud Concc ur mum m1 ml mad Eye Surgical Gun ROBINSON Home HILLSDALE FREE DELIVERY HOLLY For Weekend spun Thursday wllh Gordon Thompson lmIII Mnnulnclnro Dlrrrlv Hnlr In In lrmlrr lrrdl HIM are Innn Trnled Imll llml In Alwnyn Fluh Vlslllng Parenls ELISA and Mrs Gunner and lamlly London are visilinn Mrs Gonllcrs punx115 Mr and Mrs Thvmns Wllklnson Wtekznd Miss Partridge Turcnw spcnl Um weekend hur home hem anomn Vlsllors Robert Lacey Turunlo spam day wilh Mr and Mrs Hammond erP Ianvvng for mnnlhs vm Ilon at his summer cullnxc at Ul lnrsun wilh his wife nndflm Mr and Mrs Lcsue and family Part Rowan vlsilcd nl Gordon Clarks last Mnndny Londun lellml Mn and Mrs Armstrong Lon don mm lhc weekend with Mrs Dean Mr and Mrstfn Camweu Pan Credit visited lhc Iurmcrs brothers here last weekend Leavln Dishlat Mrs Dean has sold her house Fleming Slayncr and is moving to London In October be with her sonlnlnw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Richard Arm slmng Unlled SS Plcnlc United Sunday Schnol held most successlul picnic at Om Memorial Park on July Z3 About 125 enjoyed hehounmul supper Muslcll rm The conxrczmlon at the United Church enjoyed musknllreat Inst Sunday when Mr Llly Ora Lea and Tammo snnu Thy Will Be Done Rev Mr Wan preach ed an nrrcsung sermon an the question What Is Christianfly vmlea North Elmcoa Mr and Mrs Walken Mu George Campbell and Janet and Caqu Bertram vlsiud friends In Coldwater Vlnlnrla Harbour and Mldlnnd Ins Manda Recent Vlsnm Mr and Mrs Murdson Thummn and Frisee nmnfiord visited Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush recently Mrs Fermi Schrclber has been Vlsiflng hLr mnlher Mrs flyckmnn Minion and Wm WM Mlssion Band will meet with mom on Aug lndlam Vlnllon Mr and Mrsrlohn Farquhmun lndllnlrpolls vlilled Mr and Mrs Robert Caldwell last week Mr hnd Mrll JnCollam and Mr and Mm Orm Toronto Visiled SgLMalor and Mrs Masnn last weekend Home Pram CGIT Camp Muse Dianne Mamn Ind Dor othy Ann Campbell have returned hnm alter spendlng 10 day at sxmcoe Presbylery can Camp Midland PulnL name From 1me Willlam Dnvldson has mumm THE HOME OF IKE AN MIKIZ Mnrkut Squxuc llnrrln In wulnx llallle ul thxhh lull Inyane run In um lurllu Mike nun laklnz Ind now IUIUNA MIKE PUNY IKE ITS FIGHT TO THE FINISH 44 73 BARBIE FARM SUPPLY ANGUS GUTHRIE 0n Vuntlon Mr and Mrs IL Lulimlr are spending mulllhs vncnlilm al lhc Easl Cnast Mr and Mrs Brae and Mr and Mm Cole Quucnsvlllu spam Ihe weekend wpu Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose Miss Bourno Tharnlun Is vis Hlng Miss Mnrgrclle Lallmer or week mans ELECTme Exclnlmcllflmv IV nlslrilmlors llfl7 moiVSEiEihono sumo sm Recem VNIMI Mr nnd Mrs Norman Smilh nnd Inmlly Montreal nrc vilenK Mr and Mrs Smith and Muldlu brnok anailtel whnprnudiy consider the Hunler nggregnilon as their hand are quite happy over the addition of talented ynung sing nrirumbonisl if the orchestra During the law weeks he has been with the grnup easygoing smooth voiced Biii Hawkins has gained wide popuiarity among ma iocni dzmce ans it ceriainiy is credit in Barrie have an or chesim which compares invorahiy with some the but in Canada in entertain in am communiiy The Mimis Poinlbroadcnst hits the airwaves Every Saturday night at 1000 oclock Baby Boy Congratulations to Mr and Mm Garnet Ailcn Marjorie Mc Dfidu on um mm so In the Ram Victoria Haspltnl Enrrlc on Friday July 23 home mm St Josephs Hospltal Toronto much hammer in health Vlllllng Slslen Mims Kale and Dolly McKenvnr Toronto Mo vislllmz lhuh sisters Mrs Thomas Duckworth and Mrs MLMnckan By FRASER People who 11 1230 on Saiur dny nixhis have certainly been selling some line dance music en Ieminmmt this summer For nail hour what has been krmed the lines dance music north Tornnlo is piped overAhe lanai iair wnves direct from the Minels Poinl Dante Pavlllnn featurinl Eob Hunter his trumpet and his orchestra Playing in their sev enlh year as an nrganiznd band the group holds 0an mm 1h popular dance spat every Friday andSulurdny night and succeeds in packing in crowds that come tram all over the county and us lar sun as lire Queen cily glelrg Egcgme Eplelll Elcrlrle your Crullty TV Dblrlbulnn no happy lo presenl lhl Ichtdulu of CELT Prognml 10 me weakly or flu cnn venllnu vllwen In Burl Ind DIflrch cue mum Nth InnII mun in no on no 84 11 rm Iclc YumIon um me my In no um ma man an Ivy mm Cu pm Nzw nu mounm mum AI LOW Ml 21 TELEVISION SPECIAL I7 TELEVISION Nzw xm moon nucun Ml now AD 31mm EXAMINER mm mm 30 1654 CBLTTV Channel Toronlo WEDNESDAY TUESDAY AUGUSTS MONDAY AUGUST SATURDAY SUNDAYkAUGHUST ll FRIDAY JULY 30 lanll Anle nMéc cmn mu Inlnut noo Imh Km Iml cm nco uc mm un um nymu 1mm loo mm mm In rv Purlcu low 11 Ihew um uni Commm LIV uw tn van gususr Thl new ldta tn analnoon pro Krammlng lg mecling wlth great mess and We unreservedly rec nmmend me show as hack gruund or whntwvcr summer nflemnon might find you dolul or us good entertainment in sou The ncwest promlir to hit the air wave Vacation Varieties cer tainty is creating quite stir among radio inns and the new long show is fast gaining high degree of popularity throughout Simcoe Countyr The program is on the air furn full two and hail hnurs tram 130 until 400 eachattemonn Monday through Friday and under the expert guidance of MC John Holmes xambies along at an easyAtmlis tanto pace tenturinz variety of music dcsiznnd to suit just about everyone Alangwith musicY Va cation Varieties tgatures news from at home and abroad com piete weather reports fashion tips social news interesting stories nnd whimsical bits at chatter tram Master of Ceremonies Johnr no nubII luo Wnnnnu unufll um 1mm mm ley LII mun IIWI mp cum in Van mu um cl JULY Wharevn you theres xndlo Barrie Qhumhu Commute HUM630pm MIL WELIIAM 229 179 Secrelary m1 cmmm mvm ml gaxnmg high Sty throughout hu prnxram ls ull Iwo and 130 until 400 mun

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