Invrnmr 1mm or rm rul mu wwnrll IImIIHP IIIIVI nlul luunllllml lulu 01 In 1200 alumna July 31 II Illl hum lllmrrl MIIIIHKIIIR Ir Kwhmuluu nl lymplu lvlrl TIan llllll Flrhl Wllll nl 11mph Sh ml lTV mum nur wlll nu nlr lhlmmluml mm un days mum and mum Irhvmnnrnrnnlvll mmmm rurh rvruh mu lhux hr Inrmllnu rvmwutu wm lu Mvnhd mm mumnnm Tm mm Lvxlnnnl Illr Sunllum wllh Vim mm lnulx MlHNrr lhr umm Kama July MI 00 jun EDT In mm hung Cnnnrflnnn um mum pmko tnvrrnm the 0mm more Uan cnc mu mnuhm wm 1w an lhr mm In Vmunuvcr lho culmlnallnn mmlllu nhnnlnu Iml propnrnllnn will In lho ml of nluhlly lclr mm Muhllgms ma mun whim will In momma tn CBC TV slnllmu mm InIr indommlrnl mum Ilnmufll lho mlcmwm mu cnannIhhh ndllllrs or he umml mm vlvwvm In Haw rm Cum wlll xmlw mm pm guum mm mm Vumuuwr IIIn ls mum Immu stlnwlull n1 pnu mu nhnwn mnv mwm Imlu Friday an Salmday Anw ml lTV mum lmll Wm Empire Games Open Today CBC Network Today will mark the bcglnnlnr 10 must impuran spnrls mm of Ihe year when Viscount Alex under 01 Tunis declares the British Empire and Cnmmnnwcnllh Games ofliclnlly men This qunlrcnnlal meal me uIINzImHn spnrls even he British Empire and Cnmmnn wcallh nallons and this years cvnnl prombcs be by far the largest mcrl In flu hlslnry nl lhn Games Member naXlnns Nu Empire nnd Cmnmnnwcuuh rum the Pl Is lands the Unlnd Klngdoln and 1mm narlmdmt India are n1 rcxnnlcd by llllnl 00 nlhlulls The me he nnmelinulcam Vnrlvs 1mm Canadas Ill muman lunlhr Burhzldlm lwun Wclkhl Her and hls chad BARRIE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WWW mm Munrqu um num uuunng uummnnu 59an oi WAilen Fisher BAis sponsoring the From Cancun Sai ducted by FiylngOiiicnr Ciiiiorq Hunt with tour Barrie urdny evening in Barrie Arena In addition to selections boys piayingin this great Canadian organization and sax by the famous local group oi school musicians puironswiii ophnne and clarinet solos by Al Onliodbro or New York City Civic Holiday Aug 130 um COLLEGIATE HAND which under the dhectlon BEGHTTII 00 Ill EDT Illturd Mulxhullln Barrie Collegiate Cancer Band To Present Saturday Program lulmunlu outbuanh an can Vlwnlm Altx umwr llrlvnu Hullm nlul luxm mm anmh mm luy nml and will Iw lulu um pm ST VINCENT PARK mormzs AND CASH pmzIzs ntrlu comm at Nun Thu llmmnlrJlmI llyt mun um Irrlwrrn Eluzlumln mum um nle nlul Anmnlinu Juhn handy mum am pm null am pm mu un Auuuq Tm Clmlng 1rlrxmmlr wnh Ill Hum Imm um hr Ilnkr nr mmhmm 1vllr mnu wlll all lw lluHmnlUNL Nalnnlly Aulnul II pm EDT Um hvmr hluhhnhls Trnrk mm Flrld yvllnn Inwn Huwllnu uhu Huxan and Fuucllu mm Ill IlIy mvnllm nlunlly Auiuu 5004 00 IDT mm AuxnI 11 um pm EDT Um mm hlghllxlm lem mmu Flvlulng ml luwn HuwIIIIL ulm yrllnu nmlrlluxlng 1mm Tlmminy mm It Mllr an Illqu Hwy lulmnnlrl lhnmhy Auml no Nu um Iw mluu Track Huxlm day Om huur lllnhllg Swim ming 1mm Empire Pool Lawn Dawlinfl and Mimi FluSerKhL Hill and Wrestling from Satur day nluhL Tucxdpy Aululd 00 pm EDT 0m hnur hlullllullls BMW mlng Track and Flnld Icnclnn Lawn Huwllny phu Cycling Wriuhllmmu nml Wrcsulnx uvcnla from Munday nighl mummy Am All EDT ï¬rm Fencllm nlld Lawn Howllnr Ilm lhlwlnu Cyclmx nml Wrmhl lllllng from Tursdny nlullt dlum nnd Lan Buwling Tay And Medontej urther Delay On School Issue Monday nlgllln Mrdonm mccl nn called on drainage prulllcms principally nlsn dcall wlln the when lssuchwhcn eleven Mcdonlc Monday Ath oo 17 ler Mcdnnlc deferred mm at the naflor ngnln at special mccllng Iuly and Tny Township watt lnE lo SEC Whnl Medan docs Tum has been lurlhcr dcluy the decision of Mcdonlc and Fay Counclls nn passlng bylaw 1er in hair share at cusls new public school or Caldwnlcr hour IIKMIKth llllclnx Luwn Duwllmh gm la plus Iluwlnk nml 1Vnsllhlu lrnm Wldv wmnu wnn pullbnnu lnsm lo null mulnn pm Elxhly umm wm unnL umwuml mm mama autumn Im mm Ilumlnlnll my Ilullllny quuml mm nrw lmuhihmrl wlll nuw mm Ulnsv utnhy plull Tn pumpan will myluz nvrryhmly 11m mm Ir nmlnll hm Idahwny man but mm vim1 nuylhlnz mm hmkble Mlvrxmnm Ihnum lhr Iym Ylflllllr rulnwlls LIInHImr wmnunu mum Ihrlr mm mln mw hm hm Mr uhl In Incluxlr mlum lu lhr nm mman rummm vr Cumwnlrr mmmml mm the lluu nr lrunl CHOU In lulu Mu hmlr nml Tny In my mm alum llvw MhUU Cnldwmu pm 711 per will 01 local puth myny um Midunlc pm Inn and ray pm cml Mm mum and Tny MW 51 mm lundlnu Incany rcpmonllux 40 per crnl nl lhc KIHIHKLIHCP whllc Mr nhum cum 211 mr rm Up the middle 01 lhl WIKk Tulliwnler Skim Ilunnl llml nol wlmlnlrll nuter nucllnu lly dml wlh Um munllml Also itspun lhc Inc 11 plcblxllc was held Iur nll he ratepayers the iccllon whlch gnu sub snnlnl majorlly or 11 now llvc rvmn school In Culliwnlcr 11 ll cnsl up 3100000 Tcnlnllve npmuvnl has been RIVLII by he Dcpaflmcnl Educallnn for he new school and only the formal approval anorHy DH municlpnllllcs card was mm apply du bcnlmcs Culdwnur him nlrundy nusscd bylaw In my ll nhnrc 01 me c051 The delegation opposing he new school hm sull seem he or IM oplnlon Coldwalcr can be compell Ed nbundnn Hm plan In build new schan and by rcnrmngcmcnl wllh present annulus make the pmml school dn Thlsdcsplle me In that the Dmnrlmans 01 Edu callon and calm rcqulre mm and bollcr nccvmmodaflon Culd WMCI ALMNIOMCS regular mulling council had advised 1hé drvulnllun In not pclilinn to suppofl their vlnwlr hul his Md notyc been melncd Councll DXTFLCLS lurlhcr rpmscnlalluns at Ihc next regular meetingon August IL Coldwnlor School Board had Tiller hulh cuunells asklng or dLHan decl slons by July 7E and Tay ratepayers appeared discuss the school quasuon hnvc numbers by the ROAF Trainan Commnnd Bandh gim Iudlnu llzztl Tm Army Wuun Ls nn Um march lhmunh um umch 5mm urmm lnuml nvrvsmry mm 1er Helm whllr nuwu hnvr cw chnal larmm lhl dlalllcl nllrndcd Mu lenrallml churd wrvlcc Ill llnu Luke Cuopcrlllvt Ir Sm nIlcmnon Mr nnrl ersmeby nnrl Mr wlckrnd Khrsu WWI Mr Mrs Fred Choke Vtrpra swlmmlng dasscs In Wll luw Crcmk have 112 rcglslcred he fled Cmss 1951 Miss Jack Mb Cranslon usslsud by Loqu Cnllvy have Ihv vnltr Innmcllon well In hand Thrl mothers whn sis 1n he nrgnnimlhm nnr enter lalnmcm nn ha phnrv descrvt crcdll or he amount time am vilnrl lhal mm mm hnsn clnxscl Seeing ls bellcvlng Comp to WI low Crock sumo Tuesday or Frldn allnmvon and have klndcr Am nrcclMlon nl whnl Lx bclnu dum fur lhn children Vhll To Clpe Vlncenl NY Mr and Mrs itmgr Coulu nm Wnlluhavr returned after visit In Dr and Mrs Gordon Coulis Cape Vincent New York Camp Cnnnclllar Miss Mavis Coulis has gone fax 10 days as camp councillor nL thl Slmcuo Cnunly Prcwylvry Cnml car Mldlnnd ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE Vcspn Swlmmlnr Cline ST VINCENT PARK Army wnu In Mnrrll Ill Fedenllon Harvlcu MIDHURST 530 to 730 lmnydlnlrly lullnwlnl the Jnyru llunlln CHICKEN and mve mm xmy Over 100 availed themselvu 01 the cppcnqnny to auend the TB ches away here on Frlday utter nmn Attending Onmp Mlssus Jean Wan am 5mm ex tending glr at Midland this week 0n llnllday Clarence Swiller ol Taronlo IS on holiday his hpme hem lake NIpIsIn Mr and Mrs1cd mpwen and Reggie are on holiday at Lake Nip Ssslng On Ann Ihc annual church Aorvlcc for he Mlncslnu clrcull will be hrhl In Sprlnanlcr lnrk oclock Come and hxlllfl you mum Visuon Ilen Mrs they annnlo and Dyer llnrrlc Vllflcd Mrl Hus loll um wtck Al Uxhrldfl Recently Mls Bradley and Gordon Mr and Mrs William Sutherland and tamlly Mildred Reynolds and Ann Brendan visited at Uxtorldge rc ccnuy Funny mumIn Mr and Mrs Reynolds and Iamlly allendéd lamfly gather In at Kunlpby nn Sunday vlnun Puenll Mrs 14mg of Olds Aim vi mng her parents ML and Mrs Kennedy warm whlch do not wnrnm lrcut mcnl Church New Owan to he YIU service 11 park Sunday uvcnlnu there will he no mvicu In lhc United Church Aux Mm lellon Muses 1d and Marilyn Saund ers of Randeau Park near Clut hIm lpcn lam wcek wllh Unelr Ilsler and brotherlnlaw Mr and Mm Allan Minn Vlnlla ammo Mr Ind Mn Kennefll Barber at Toano wen the weekgnd will Mr Baum1 gnndmnlher Mn Georg ammon Pnrklnx mckn luvs my Incton In their hvnr but gun mm ha mythan but paln nl xperlence to Inu nul In an urnmeld wIUI one an lelul nnennnad bundl What Price Public Relations 1H mmxn mlum In much nuny ï¬lingsInes parkan renaldons the walk or the my mllady dreml But It was no ordinary much um um mm district charl much IM when In Enmlmr reporter called on any 1m week lien elwwhere II would seem to he and nuhllc rel llum la IMIlml lhll HI cull omtr any mun ombl cue un he meant Arriving in Barrie hnslntss Iectlon some two month he Inum that the puklnx maln where he flopped would not mllnw mare thin Iwn my pen leavln hlln lnsulndem llme complete hls all police olllcer checklnx mien um um ml wu Lon busy Io cross over and verily Ill act Neverulelem lame to lnlnuks mu cu Wu lnund hmd with plrkln umL The nary In nplle cor robonfln wllnes llkr rejected we pollen ï¬nk and ï¬le line wu paid Wnulnl we mend tn small milk fur Mm 113 wunl Inm lnx lnln town on hulneu Iny Barrie Wu MI list Slum ul llme the mcrchlnl mm hll well over 000 worth bnslncs munlly dm In lhnle bun dlvemd elsewhere Wlihnul undue inixtiahlng one story unlolded CIVIC HOLIDAY MON AUG BOND HEAD VII Dlnhkr Pierce and John visited daughter at Homby on aid Vilma glrls camp Inapan Service REV Allan mead had speaker on Sunday Rnnnld Colon at Hocklcy Ont whn delivered very Inspiring sexvim Mr Cole had his will and parents mun hlm Mr md ls still enlarlin lul Sunday School class ind ls mak lng It very lnlcrcstlng In all those In attendance Going On flolldly Elev Mid Wlll not bl Wth us on Sunday Aug as he Mrs Read and John are taking weeks holldny but there wlll still be service at pm Collect cherries Mr and Mm Wnllwln molar cd to Waterdown bringing home their winter supply of cherries Welcom Rlln All were glad hear the raln Tuesday nlzhhaa It was so badly needed The raspberry crop now wlll be llllle heavier Golden Wedaln Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alfred Manny who will cc ebrale their golden wedding on Sunday Aug Them will be no open house due to he poor health 01 both ML and Mn Money 32nd Blrllldly Congratulauons to Allied Mon cy whn will mark hls 82nd blrlh day on Tuesday Aug Ehnwlr Fur Ncwlywcds large number nllcndtd shower on Frlduy nlzhl Ln lchoal in honor Mr and Plchfln Mlm Joan Wallwln spending tow days with Mr and Mn Gordon Tumlgy Pickcdngs Clarence MBney ls spending his mum 3111 Magulml mm cslng Mn and Mrs Clayton Barney Toronto men hu weekend with Mr Ind Mrs Will am Corlett Mrs Barkley rcmaine at Vlsll wth relatives um On Water mp Mn Irwin Elllnn let on Sun day to Mp to Weslcm Canada Enceudnl Vulllon School successful vncntlon school was held In week In the school when over 50 children allcndcdz The follawlnz nn the lcadcrl nnd helpcri Boglnnm M11 lhnrpc Mrs Wood Mrs Dun Ild French Mrs Nnrmnn Green wood Mrs Orlon Brawn Prim Iry Mu John Hornlng Mrs Ar 1hur fleynnldkMrs Elmcrlrcnch Mrs Jnhn Miller Mrs Rug Drink llI Juniors Mrs Ivan French Mn Frank Stacey Mm GlnzLr Sunlorl Rev Maison Rev Gluzcr Open house was held on Thursday cvenlng at which lunch was served ll onlythere was ollnnl with this the raspberry crop JIM one Mr and Mrs John Miller spun leveral dnys wllh Mr and Mrs Armour Miller and Iamlly 1n Sar nll AI Toronlo chdinl Mrs McWaucu ls vlslHng relu llvcn In Toronto and attended the weddlnl her Erna granddaugh Br AI Bu Ills Doug Ind Wayne Hunh Ind lene McKever Ire spendinl ruck It Bu lake TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 30 195 UNUWION ll IAINIWICK Bag4vomIWood and Bull $3995 Bag Irons Wood Balls $4995 HALLS MADE IN ENGLAND SHch Klng $950 dfll or $100 ea Allandala $500 dol or 50 an HLLHNDHLE GOLF CLUB CENTRE VESPRA SPECIAL MATHI HI GULF T5 Mlm flIMow Im llutlurlnr Mlmhu Ike Am Ilurl Ivnlrnlnml Hull AIImIAIhm m4 lovmr mull lnl nl lull Ilnlu NM Nlllllflll all Iuh Dulmflln IM Golf Supplios Club or Cart Rentals Snack Bar Member Ontario 001 Assoclxiuon BEAUTIFUL COURSE IN BEAUTIFUL SHAPE Membership or Pay as You Play BIG BAY POINT ROAD WAVERLEY TOURNAMENT INVITED IIIONIE MIL FORTE mmun MID F0 HIEUIAL HATES AND ARRANGEMENT Tcrnm dulrrd Need min PRIVATE LESRONE DY APPOINTMENT JOIN OUR FREE CLINIC FRIDAY 530 pm ENJOY YOUR GOLFING AT LEARN TO PLAY GOLF PHONE ETIIOUD 22nle tome rain to but weather would be and Mr Joe McGinnls They were the rcciplans of many lovely and use ful gm Earl Cochran la holidaying with his aunt Mm Skflnncr at Oshawa W1 Lllllel llfll Several the ladies from Ivy Womens Immule wereaunts at Littles Cornnnllan Institute held in Holly School on Tuesday evunlng VGicn and Gale Nelson have re lurncd anu spending holidays with friends in Snmla Amy Worm Invade The Army Warm baa Invade number arms In this cum munny F088 and are ntlcndlnl Camp this week Mr and Mrs Jenncll Mr and Mrs Genue Davis spent cuupll of days In Chatham and Torpnlo Mr and Mrs Earl Hiréna and Jack spcm Sunday wllh Mn filhm anlgley Mm Ham are spcndlng harm here nrman Skinner and Kenneth spent the wackend with Mn and Mrs Lame CIrrulh Mrs HE der Tamnla spcnl the weekend with her mo lhcr Mu George Dmfls and Mthur llollday AC Fury Sound M153 Ruth Read spending her hnlidcw with her grandparcnls and Mrs Chaplain Parry Sound nmmle smmng Sudbury spent weeks holldnys with ht grinqulhef Mrs Davis Georgie ï¬avls Hmmh kn spend bug BURIRISING FACE There an more than 2000 Indï¬an reserves In Canada varying In slze from few acres to 500 square miles Mr In Mn Skxnéernna David 01 Oshawn spent 1h weekend Wm nhn Hgggmh Mlsl Shirley Mchell II holl daylnl II VIqu Bud Mm Jean Cochran spent the weekend home with her par enk Mr My Wu Cochnne Owen Dunlap St Phone 2903 DISPENSES PBESEHIBES GaMweZZd Your Pharmacist Unlunvllle Vllflafl Your Physician DRUG STORE wins and Valerie this week at her Carol Rohcmhnw Slmcoc Presbytery II Bhllll Jr accBmpamea week In Sud Dunlop St Barrio We mum nur rmlmurn um will mu our nwn lfIIIlIllulu ulmlm do ml Mm um Mnnl NAHI nnlr mmlml Ind In ummnuI uvlnn In yum BRAS Al THE FIVE POINTS Made To Made To Measure Iflude To Measure REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR 37495 SPECIAL REGULAR REGULAR 311100 SALE SUIT $6405 SPECIAL 36905 SPECIAL YOU SAVE 25 YOU SAVE $1810 YOU SAVIZ $2000 YOU SAVE $1610 YOU SAVE $1745 LIMITED AND $6 375 $5995 $5250 $5625 $4875 Measure