Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 4

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DefendingChampions SizZling Comeback Eliminates Kennedy From Title Play Delcndinx Barrie Country Club champion Art Powell than dawn with seven to go rliiled with sizziing cominghome nine ych lerday afternoon in eliminnic hit strongest challenger George Ken nedy an up in the iBhoie quar erfinal round the ml flight Pawen now almost Leighton Clark In the semifinal round while veturan CH1 Brawn menu Em Dymunl on Ithe other side of the ledger The championship An al scheduled Inr Sunday Aug Bespccmcled George Kennedy finalist In the popular classic last season appeared headed for lhc marhlm thhyear H2 paced field of Over 100 gallon In the 51mm Cuunty Invkatlnnal Group tnurnamem here and has posted scores that had the club house Jiv ing with winning cunvcrsallnn And the lighthillan KEnnEdy upheld the gallerys odds for halos Thu No stroked 4nd ramped through periodic driz zle of rahA wllh Kennedy holding Posts Three Hitler Bhrrie Legion assured themselves no worse than tie ior iirsi place in the Barrie district senior softball standings Wednesday night ivhen they turned back Fennells 62 on Harry Cpuses Lhreéhii pitching at Queenstark The defending group champions who havent lost game since July appear cinch to win the my run by themselves but should they lose their three rcmalnlng gamux an Edgar Tapper win all theirs the two clubs would finish deadlocked Sim Harry Cause look complete charge v1 lhu mound with the da panure oi MLl Melville and Mo laii me Leglon have galhcrcd in credible speed llis lhrechmcr againsl Fennclls old rivals when Ihe rigidhaner lulled for Cocks lawn is clear illuslmliun All thrcu hits Came inhn Iourlh Inning when Fennells counlfld their two runs In live at lhcsoven ln nimgs he retired lhe side in order didnt walk batter and collcclcd five strikeouu Illg make Constable who find such lerrilic game against CGE two nights previnus relieved Dnn Ash alter the early Innings when Lugllan yum mm winning margin Flvc nus in um um Inning one dnuble by Ted lIardnch plated four runs and Fennel never re eomed Legion ageing single Cause Again Master On Mound In the salami and zmflher In due Iounh Doug Kcllle and Ted Hardacrc CAR was RAN oSHlNE 711W FREE PARKLNG Adults 915 Children 9m wnu mums STOC EVIIICY SAT 330 IM 501 CLASSIC Wed Aug 11 MIDNEAR TIIAMIXONNIIII NU Illl Ill aneup mirzin when he won nu szvmlh Powell slammed Ml drive out of bound as Ihe second nine opened and Kennedy went two up wuh pal tour up byKc Powell then Milled to lake three straight hoins sinking his putt at tour on the izlh carding bir die three on the 13th and par three on tho 1401 10 the match Hath Kennedy nnd Powell post ed birdie tours on the ifiih hole and they remained dcadinckcd with par foul an the 15th But Kennedy took bogey five on the i17th crucial tiln in the match against ineiis par inur and that was the break The champ Lonl then hailed the final 13th on the short Nellhnr competitor nred gund gal on the first nine but both played well In the stretch Pow ell posted par 35 against Kun ncdys twouverpar 38 Each with lwn hils headed the sev nhil cflunsn nn Constable Steve fines Schwchuk and Herb Earl Gllroy Keith Sinclair and 30rddn Todd gathered he ml or fennclls IENNELLS Kneeshaw ss Gil ny Rclvc Cl Sinclair 3b Todd IL Grillith 2b Neilly lb Kirkup r1 LEGION Hines an wt Kclllu ss Perry lb Jclucia 211 Thompson mm Cause pA Fennclls 000 Legion RTONIGHT Ladies MONDAY GILer Aces vale ych Mr Park 115 Snulh Slmtoe TONIGHT 1301an at Newmar kcl Allblun nl Bcclnn LACROSSE TONIGHT Brooklln Alllslon mam SATURDAY Dradlnrd at Black lln 1545 mm Tuunmmcm Queens lord WEDNESDAY Quccxl luluTown SATURDAY Cinnadainrrys Tullrxmnmnl Hollhlll Exhlblunn llwcnn Newmnrkcl Lculun mm mm Legion at QHPLHA Park 230 lhllltu In Wu an Bunch rncc truck full Axlllulll Junlnr Chamber Cum llmrrr xruullu lxl walera SI Vlmtnl lnrk llrn lIl Tillllulln Ilgrtl IN rflw lnuxr lhnn II PI Iurhl1nl wruilllnn mum lug mlvtsur Hny mum and uh nlnnuucr mum lmnk lhmnpwn ul llulnlllun 1n mum mm mm ll 45 WOIIK IIMHHZII CIVIC HOLIDAY WRESTLING llnrrlc AINIII SOPHIALL BASEBALL ml Ulupln slnrllnu at at Alllslnn nlnrtlnz 410100 3141 71 Edgar RCAF at Edgar nl Lcclon Fennel Brad 1m yrnr Schcwchuk Hardmc CK Wana at CGE Fennel at Elm Professor Back On Mat Scene iTuesday Night Remember Prolcssar Roy Shh and remember his managc They bum murn to same Arem Tucsday night an the professionn wrestling Show with the Profcsw matched agaflnsl newcomer Frank Thgmpsun ct Hamillon am the big numuon locally will be he cmHlnal between Th1 Golden Pirate who suddenly crop pad upon lhc scene lhls week as substitute and rugged Larry Kasa boskl made popular dubuL The Firm gen who strikes when least cxpcclod scored win over flabby Ford when subslilum an lnjurml Maurm Vavhnn thlswcck But he dldnl win lrlend In the audlencc who un dnuhlcdly wlll lean awards 1hr more skillful Kasaboskl The Pirv nlc llnlls mm Alglcrs Nnrlh Africa and depends upon luring hls oppon cnl Into Imp and tllun sprlnglna 4110 opening 30minute mm Iwo newcomers to the local rln Kurl Vnn Slebcr 01 Gummy p2 ed against mm Rulfy Silver sum cl Chicago This Silvcrsllnn shnuld prove 1111 manta In his rise lo the professional wrestlan ranksv he won the EM Ton championship heavrwclnhl dl vision mm umcs and was In ad HonV In National AAU champ hm twice and he Nullonal C01 chnmplnn once He Is hlghly educath In lnngu ago and is capable or speakint Russian mama German and Hebrew In nddillon bcln mas Enullsh Tuesday Aug3 mpWRESTLING BARBIE AREHB Mrs Thompson And Mrs Boys Are Match Winners Mrs Thompson and Mn Jnhn It Buy wrrc winncrl Hm mph mg ykcrcnplqlns mulch of 1hc ludlrs muun the 1mm Counuy Club nu Mundny mm nmduy allunnum Mm Thompson mm Hal More 149 nl he rm of lhr 1va day win the caplnlnu mm nml Mrs my hm nrl Mme 155 mm um nml wm nu vlccrrnplnlnn rm prmmnunn Um pnm wl lukc pim nl Hm rml the lhrrr wnx 01er wrnHur nr mm lay at lhr lnw ml nmlrh chvrn unlitIs lnnk pm Tm hulks wufl nmung Included Mm Ruby Mu Jnhn uulg Mu Hny Ilvm 111m Mn Hurry Ymmm Mlu nllw uglu Mm nuuuhl Illunhlr Ml Hus Illrkllnu Mrs FIN An drllnn and Mrs Wlxlrnmn ART POWELL MAIN EVENT PROF ROY AND HIS MANNIH FRANK HAMILTON VS There nothing tn report on Ihe situation of Barrie Junior Flycrs with the exception that loc al movement has been made in an 21mm to keep the team operating In Barrie Arena MeanwhHe uwnurcnach Hap Emms has left III door men In all otlers and states that he will consider any19cal filer um Local Move On Foot To Maintain Flyer Most promising bid Im the Fly rs lranchlse to date has came mm the Chnlham Arena Commission when hat cillcs cuuncil voted $40 000 Iowzrds the purchase of the cam and parallel NORTH SIMCOE PLAYOFFS SET The Ontarlo Hockey Aswclallon nave cslnbflshcd an August 15 dead int 01 Emms make sale dis mnd or cnqlinuu npernllon The executive at the North Slim 09 Hamball League have decided livegame snrles 101 the play vrls this season It has been announced that he irsl and third place am in the landing will meet in series Ind the second and Inurlh place earn ln soda with he wln Semifinal 1m to be concluded August 14 and the finals by Aug ISI 23 to allow DEA compellllon to ollow Midhurst Capture Straight Wins Rain washed out Tuesdays mix nd jllncy murnnmonl the Barrie Lawn Uuwllnn Club but he ofllc lal moved It In Wednesday evening and um wealhcrman caopcrnlcd mm or wlns and lop mm mm harm was the males mm mm Smllh Mercdllh and Marley Wrighl Iklp who pulled an oven Vlsillng ionms will supply Ihe nak umpires and the home tcnm 1151 umpires In the plnyou SD13 Wednesday Jitney At local Greens Parrot Krocn grccled In cnmus Iasllc nllcudnncn far the cvcnl lrlplu mm of MI Cam wzll Mn Amy anr nnd Mn smwun aklp um wnn dnuhlcl rlnk Mn Newton and Mntflngnr Iklp ur Iocnnd mm mm wln each rmnrdlnz scare at lInwcy JuryL McGulnnll and aragharwen MSW of lhc Wln Nhlle Glen Maw Anmlmng nnd MacDonald pnccd Edcnvale 5mm pushing by Flnldhousn md good plate support from dawny 51mm and Marshall were he mam Instruments In the datum Cralghursl fllnchnn lapped lhc lasers MncGrrnnr mum hnwL rr wlm come 10 1mm mu year In rnjuy the game Midhuru scored twn straight wins ln Vuspra unlor sutlball cam clilinn whnn Hwy Imrnded Eden Ialc 13v nnd dumped Cralghursl 124i Most 01 aha scoring was In the irsl lwo Innings against Ednnvaln Midnum cnmpllcd Nthad md added me wnnlng runs In the mm and lourflL man comm lhr mm was lllrd 10 cnpnclly lKhbmmm chm wml mmm whichnqmtod mn mm mman Wm nrnlrmnnwldrnrrnJolluwlnullw mm hm ml mum mnln lIMurrsuf um progtnm mm mm wnshmxnnnll Ilnnrlnu Nr 11 mm Mrlu mun1m mum hunk mild Huhr 11m hicldml wlll pmbnhly um WHuvnhm lmxwllu munnlmllunl which run who In llu muuu dnurlnx mnkluu mm lum mm mme wrm umnp Junhr mm mm mm mm Fnrmrvn 1mm lhmdnlk wm lhv lrlxlhmkc ulnndnmmmw Km hr nllrncllvrly drum Ringside 100 General 75c Kids 35c ALLSTAR Bows KURT vuu sum11 RALPH suvnnsmn TUEle NIGHT l8 VIlIIflTIJNO NIGHT IN IlMlllll TIIE BARBIE EXAMINEIL FRIDAY JULYV 30 1054 JOAN SAMEANT supervise Nelson Square Junior my gruund Is 10 years old hnd ha usl cumplclcd Grade XII at Bar rh sthlcl Collegian Inalnulc She has excellent swimming qunIL flcnllons holder the brown ncdalllun Last year she passu the find Cross swhnmlng Instruct course For lhc past three yam Joan has bun an assisumt the day mp5 grnund puma fponscm the Slmcuc Counly ROCKEMIDI Servicr Lasl your hc was swim mlng lllslruclur at day camp um 1150 the Slmcoc Prcshylnr Camp ncnr Midland weak In August 1m IllnL Hmwlck Hrunnflun mm he jmluu nod um um Inlrllrr the Cmmorc rmer Clubs um um Hddllm flllll munrc dance umusl Ill Crcc mom Artml 1m mm She has played on lhn acnlm vollrybnll And buskclball loam lhc collcgmc TCA Pilot Old Time Fiddling Conlest Winner PRELIMINARY Legion Mmor Baseball lucky Draw Winner MYRNA SYNNOIT arm the two supervlsnm on Nelson Junior Flaygmundp Is in her huh year and was 111 Grade Xlll Barrln Difilrlcl Collcgiatc lmtbtulc lnl year Ammugh she has nnl ycl ilkll any swlmmlng lasts she 15 an nverage swimmer For he pasl hrcc years she has been mcm Mi It wllbglaicx volleyball and basketball teams and was cnlar bmkcLball Cumlor on he glrls nlhlouc anclcly She attended the Slmcoc Pres aylcry Camp In 1051 where she Na an Explorer leader L15 year she was Junlor playground lead nl Sorupumm Playground Shl plan to nllnnd nachurs college the Fall In threelured coral canon skills The flddkrs comes was Exceed nyy dlmcull Judge nccordmu hc wu Judge lrom Barrie Guurxu Scouy Chulnul xlnd Howard Nor ris close wcund was llnmld Mor ay nl Crccmorc and Harold Prcslun yr Mldland wu 1mm prlzn wlnnw here were 29 cnlrks In all In lhll unhlL Second mm In the squire danc mg contest Judged by Mia No wnrd Dymem and Mn Mcrcur Ilnmmnn llarrlc wcm la urnup lrom Crctmurc The thlrd plllc winncrs were group rvf nldcr Inlk mm Tem Novu JusI oulxldc Cm more who gave Ihc younu dancer sllfl compellflon Each ul IO our group cnlcml in nu camm ml lhclr awn caller and Mr wwn mul Aidan with lhnn CANADA HELIJNU MOI In 153 Cilfllldhlnfl lmuum 1mm vlhrr munlrlc 210 lxlllllml wmlll Ill gum mnxu lhull lhv lil Mlur munlr In lhr llrs our mumln of mu ymr nrrluu ulr rhnm vxrrulorl InnInn mlru by $111 mllux IIImL VAIHl Iumm lmulu mu tllvlnu mnn lnmlhnr mnny lulu1 nm munm nm our The route he TransCanarLl highway link between men 112 and Wnubaushcnc connecting win the union unnan between Foolc Bay and Port Severn nn whlch rightaXIway was cleared InstlnA lcr has reached the drawing boar stagc in he nghways Dcfiarlmnm HOLDER OF THE lucky ticket in recent Legion Minor Baseball League draw was Ed Marion centre right 36 Grove Street North whnis 5ch receiving prize irom Legion baseball cunvener FinflMcGibbon Members of the In dians and Red Box teams grouped around the oiiicinl pres entatiun TransCanada Hwy Link Work Crown Hill Area Formal apprnval of lhu plans sun had to be glvcn and financing of the project arranged BothLloyd Lelhcrhy Mn tax Simeon East and Gconu John swn MVP Shnnoc Centrp have ll HIGH STREET ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY AUG 2pm Free Estimates WE WILL GLADLX CALL AT YOUR HOME WASAGA BEACH BARBIE 1H0 WORKS FIVE CLASSES IO HEATS STARTING GATE KASHBIISKI HARNES GOLDEN PIRATE WAGERING ALLOWED SEMIFINAL STEEL FOR SALE NORTH BAY LARRY ALGIERS VS THE been messing 1m acuon lu Improve he rourghrcopdlljan og nghway ML Lethcrby has already stress ed to the Highways Department the importance of muting construpllun on new Msmway bcnwceI Crown Hill and Waubaushcne Nils He and Mr Jnhnsmn Nan make nnolhnr strong plea to High ways Minister Dauccu makq an Immodinlc start on the pryiner new hlghwny by buildlng stretch mm Crown in In Illllsdfllc CAUGIIT AT LAST 215paunu 71001 smrgconm onuy caught in mamas Lake of he Woods was osummm be 152 ms um PHONE 5046 45 SHARP gt

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