Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 2

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run BARBIE winners FRIDAY mm so lost Featured Soloist For Prom Concert ALFRED GALLODORO generally acclaimed as the finest saxophone artist in the musical world today will be heard in solo numbers with the Barrie Collegiate Band and the RCAF Training Command Band Saturday evening at Barrie Arena ill Prom Concert arranged by Allen Fisher BA conductor of the Barrie Collegiate Band to coincide with the annual convention of the Canadian Bandmasters As socintion porn in Chicago June 20 11113 Gailodoro studicd clarinet un der direction of his father at the age ot seven At the age oi 12 he startcd on the saxophone and at tilt age or 15 began playing in the Orpheum Theatre In New 0r lean where he remained ior live years Ill 1933 Mr Gallodora jnincd Isllam Jones then Went to Radio Station WINS in New York for two years in 1935 he went to the major radio stations playing un der Rudy Vallec Rublnoft and Nat Shiikret In 1930 he joined Paul whiteman as featured solo ist He left the Whitcman Band to join the NBC Symphony Orch estra under Toseanlnl and Sto kuvwki and alter two seasons en halted in treelance radio work In 1943 Mr Gallodoro went to lioilywoad with Paul Whiieman to record the clarinct pasiagcs for the motion picture Rhapsody In 111110 the story oi George Gersh win Upon his return to New York he played under such con llllctors as Percy Faith noy Shields Frank Black Victor Ar dnn Alfrcut Antnnlnt Lyn Mur ray and Itay Block Soon afterward Mr Gallbdoro jointll the Symphony of tho Am erican Broadcasting Company as ithttllCtI Sulomt on clarinet and saxophone This led to one at the highlights in Mr Gnliodoros musical career when he was asks rd to play the solo parts in the rtntccrln written dpccially tor him titled Conccrto ior Dau bills for clarinet bass clarinet illll saxophone Thc concerto Wily broadcast over tIlc ABC broad New Oro Minister Continued from page one which can be leltINI into several Lctltills educational and indust rial work missionary church work and the training of native llltnisIlrs Tllurc was also clinic ior tllc native trlbcsmcn The fluid in which he worked Stilllllsllld by tile Ullovnnit 1rd Yields Itllsslon an inter ililltlillltlfltluilfll mission about 25 yearn ago lilllllonarits were mostly from England lrrlnnrl Scotland and Canada The tour Illbtrs Ilttilng whom no rrrrltil nut lIIi lVilngclical lvnrk iIL the ItInbl tllt Urubli Ih Giulia and tIlr lilnbir 11r unrl to trawl across uy ttrntn lo the coast and then by rivtr rind forch to Iln mission Ltillltlil lip ill the IIlleIltIr iii IIriill The minister fuels that rllllilrk Inblt rilanltls vtrp evltlrllcrd In Cum 1st oi tunn Indians who tlllllractll CllristinIIHy DIIVllJIII my work Wn alumni in rornllr innnun or he tinllgcrn rnrnuntrr tll Ill trawling nlitt cillllllllr lilll lillltinr Tllt IlInlutIlcairylllg ntnutuixn war nounu ti liisrolll 11 Till tllslare Ill IIllIvr mill Illirillillary nllltr rhr lrnllnn wnr unnnIy unwilllr to qupl nu lllltinnry means of rolnbatltntt lliunsr prnyltlnt by the rnlrmnt ury was grillrltll ltlthVtr Ior lilllliliil nIll lliiLi dlwnw wall trillirntlrtl lie was IaIIIIItll til 11 InIIIItIIIIry tllliq itt lJItIIIIIl Iill illlllll 11 ill war rnunlry nr run irnrla illllitln trulonr were only matter of minutes by air rrlilli Illllllttll clllrl Wraith ainl lth my cliatrll nltle IIlI In the Milky lu slnlrd lIlc rnllrr hlicrvltrll lli tlVlIilrttltrIt III Iiln III mlnr lilltill In muttti tnntrnrt in II nunlrrn rlrvrlnprnrnt anti inn gicsr In the lllurtnl nnp nnnthrrn llitllllll Iiur tn rllntntlr rllluiliilinl tlrr lIllllllllrigll Ill tltr rIiirI hall limit It irrt lilttll nnll rliilnus Ii rvrll ulllnttr Ilelgill ln Illl ltlilllvl thn ralrallduur rullc tlwclllnu lnl the Indian wrrr hunt with Iwnlnnt upnlnr under the my 2WIIIII1 pallint all nilllirlll the lwnmtimrtl Ilut Sanitation In the Illlrrillr Wu gnu unknown llrl in rpm at Ihm llrnwllnlka lwmk unonl Iiln lndlanr um rltrmlrlly llitrinilng In th ynnlnnny linth wli and tlrll ilrtl trill rxllirtl well at lanIt Illrut Itlll river Iltllilfll Illr atrium of theI mil lIlIthd witlrly In the Iinrrplnrrd life wrut an it hm inr Iilml Mld without knowledge at thn llilIillI it was not late to rllivr casting chain in 1947 Veteran reed instrumentalists wore amaz ed that one man could perform so well on all three instruments on Novcmber 1947 Mr Gall oduro appeared as guest soloist with tho nurtalo Symphony Orch cstra on the opening concert Ralph Herman composer of Con certo for Doubles conducted the concert In the Fall of 1948 Mr Gallo dom was icaturcd soloist play ing Gershwin concerto with Paul Whitcman and his orchestra while they were on tourwecks tour through the MidWest and South Recently Mr Gallodoro was signed by the Manor Record Com may at New York to rccurd The Concerto for Doubles Fantasie Impromptu Chopin and Jimmy Dorseys Oodlcs at Noodles which was recently released in one album Mr Gallodnro now will live more time to personal appearan ces as soloist with leading con cert orchestras throughout the country It has been said recent 1y that Galiodaros technique and execution has never been equalled on his three chosen instruments the clarinet bass clarinet and alto saxophone The last Column Continued from page one what they usually call Ironic who play the trumpet isnt in Im open or suggestions The other evening was up at the library browsing through some books hearri solnctino utter sort oi gasp buhind inc and then heard voice say Dont 11 Inc report ers can road Actually that re mark brought back funny little story tu mu it really tild homiun At the and pi tili war wllcn went Into Ilt rptr wnrk Ilrrrc usrtl In Ilc urtot rivalry nruuug croup oi as were always try ing to ur lIrIIlr thnn tho nlhtr irllnw In the Iitico You can ixllng ille thr Itinll oi illlilu Wlll llicrc was one character who used to turn out snrnn txtclitIlt iraturc silirits nrul In niw had most unusual unplr in his stories The rrxi of us won Jtlst llItL bunch nI tititlizhIltalis clilninitttl lo Illln and till pnllrhtrl nrirtnul riyic or cuursu lht rtty llitur limit on till nndtatt rhino in this guy but It always lllrllml nut that winn lu nus mtt nut on rtnry lw kind ui linpprtl lill lllli mui him out In din up feature article urnl nobody could touch him it no happen that womanly lliitI IIItIItllIIIitl litttl lllvn WM ll paltitlllllriy nnn book no innrnol Inn turn in the litlirv nun tiny llllpprllrti In ilwniloil Iln nnmr II This yrnun wn luni Innnrd Intrly lIIVtIlllllo In rim and laid llrrr Intro rnpy on you Win In llitvc limit at it plrlrrrl it up and wannrrni nwny Ilnwrnr my usual nunII had obviously lltltht lily frilllltl nil Imntnr Inrnurn whnn rtnrtnl In rlllll through this hook Illliilli wntd for wnnl tin runnr rxrtlilrilt nllrlm thiirll hr Illul rtrlllllvrll My irlrud now wlrlkillu with tho Illllig Irony lnlItr thr pant ryrntnnlly nn nut nl slnrirr Mimi FAIIM In liillre ltuu urnplnyrnrnl tn aui within to tllilhriu hnr rlrrrrorrd litlln mum in 00000 In lhr lcrliut rmpinyntrnl lu illalIlllaltllr iltl inrrcurti lltlitt lirlum In UNIth Nova Scotia Stage Coach Quilt At I954 Fair Orillia Continued mm Dale ed hope that it would be but on yet held by the county mn clltiorL Her dorm was given her inlmilabletolksy touch even In her most intormsl opening following her introduction by the air committee chairman Miss Olga Muwdsloy of Orillia Native at County Hello girls and boys too was born in Simcoc Caunty and for that lurn glad Wu taken to the Walt when child and tar that am glad think It is good for people to move around is Just Important for the wom an who lives in tar paper shack on the prairies to know she is part of this Canada of ours as well as you who live in this beau tiful part of Ontario My mother was great gard ener She used to transplant her iomatue plants several times dont know whether that works for boys and riris too It is so wonderful to be here with you and take part In this event like thin set rather gull ty that should come for the nice part the cream as it were for know how much work this must have taken Outstanding Entries There were many outstanding cniries in this years fair but Simcoe Countys finest quilt mak er again nppearbd to be Miss Isu bel Neilly who for tine work manship IS without par in the dis irict former resident of GI ford In Innisiil Township she now residing in Orlllig the home of the 1954 exhibit Four of her beautiful quile were displayed Dolly Madison Bridal Bouquet Dahlia and Old Rose thclr delicate floral patterns exquisitely worked on the iinut quilted backgrounds Canadian Artist Nancy Cawdles design Floral Emblems of Can ada had been the inspiration or no less than live new quillr on exhibition Chartreuse was used conspicuously in the background of the striking oppllqucd quilts while blue grey greens pinks and reds and yellow were used in the block distgns depicting British Columbias dogwood Al bertas wild rose Saskatchewans prairie lily Manitoba crucus 0n tarios trillium Quebecs blue flag New Brumwicks violet Nova Scoiias arbutus Prince Edward foundlands pitcher plant The similar entries were the work 01 Mrs Tic Adams at Barr rlc Mrs Caldwell of Shanty Bay Mrs Fournicr oi Penctang New Lowell United Church and MN Pooley of Orillia Circus Quilt There were several cotslze childrens quilts in this years fair and they were varied and imagin alive In design bcautttul piece work was the Circus Crib Quilt entered by Mrs lotln hillt ard of Orillia with circus anim an nppllqucd in unusual material and ilncly embroidered and the circus thcmc carried out in thc brightly striped quilt border or red and white Stage Coach Quill The Stage Coach Quilt made by Colbrook Womens institute of Nova Scotla in August 1951 that attracted grout dual of intcnst at the Sixth annual lair was Inadc mm on original idca of II Arcn burg 0i Coldhrnnk and had been designed by Winniircd Fox on whitl ground IIK rud and black colors of the brilliant tillage caar he made it until that was splcll did enuugh to be wall hanging Iiiad the accompanying legend ltftcr 1112B it was nut unusual in ace rod and grvcn or orange and block rtnro corchu pull into the hostess at Coldbrook Kingu Co NS lmpinllon From Nature Tltu four new quill that llrld particularly been duslgncd nitlr tlc luirs tllrlllc inspiration iltllll Nature wcrl ihu bufllltiltll Trillium quilt of Siaynim 7Ioll Jubilcc Wulnlns Institute ltll Ilcpailca quill made by Coulr toil Wlllncnb IMIIIutl IintRIOVt Iiusy Ilurs original flower design In plilk urny green and white laid the beauliiul Diuotlrool lluilt made by Orillia Wblnclll In rtIiuItu New County Quill No limit IIltrnrtrl mort litteri tlon illnnllg fair visitors than the beautiful new lllrlfl Eye View llt Sillltuu County tiullt designed by lltt Orillia Iirtisi Itlrl ltlln TIICI ltlrrnilct Illtl Illiliit by women frulll uII uvrr tIll ruuniy Sylllbtililliix tlil cllllrllc ltrrilttl nl rcch lnwn Iind iuwll ship it truly ptrturrd tln rnlril of the Quill illltl th llllr ttlttl wa it lllttmr tontpztuluu tor the original iillllrlw nunly Quill nt 11 frw lillilllttlll Illtlt Alill bark illl lliitillly wnI llll wlIIIlltriIiIIy ntrlklllg Kiicllittrv wnnn nullt lnmlr ruvrihl yritln null hunt Tlitlr llnnsrn llcsIKII by Mill Llew IlittVtl of Iliittli Among other quilts and ruin llnlllrliially nnllml Inr unruly nl ttraluii tlllil wIIlIlIIIltllrlllll wrrr Wualll III Iitnh amt Iravrll fit tillll by Mia Iilltt Allen of film Iailrll llnrn norm It Aldtlrn of Arlltrcrl Irrtl Ntii Iilaillllilti llItNltl Mil Iiy rllllpllell EIlrliIII ilc RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE 8t REPAIRS toour unruly tInInNt technicians are lolly llIInIIIlrtt tn rrrvlrr my radio or tolrylrlnn cl llianliiutl to live you satisfaction uni save you hunwy CO 0P Barrio Tolevlllon Export 159 IIIIIISIII SI Jim dauyl uur IIIIIIIE 2429 memlrwwtymr IsLInds lady slipper and Ncw Play For Kiwanis Dance in this vast Canada 01 ours 1t Friday WK MART KENNEY and NORMA LOCKE will be at Barrie Arena tonight when the Kiwanis Club presents an informal dance to coincide with the weekend activities in town Long acclaimed as Cantidas No band leader Mart Kenney will have his popular group or musicians on hand for this en gagement and Norma Locke will be the featured vocalist sign by Mrs William Givem of Strand Ladys Slipper by North River Womens institute Flower Gsrdefl by Mitt Nell OConnor Di Orillia Basket of Cherries by Mrs Robinson 01 Orillia Chrysanthemum by Mrs Trnk of Orillia Stlr and Old Quilt by Mrs Clarence Ward 01 Goldwater the beautitul wine blue and grey rug entered by Mrs Cruwther 0i Orillia the tiny Mille Fleur rug at Miss Katherine Day or Coldwutar The Josephine by Min Frank Walker of Toronto Couchiching Itoie mg by thesamc rug mak er Ncwinundland antique rug eniered by Mrs Fred Alpurt of Orilliil and the road scene hooked by Mrs Laura Roe or Hawke stone Fllr Committee The 1954 Quilt and hug Fulr committee was under the chilir manshlp at Miss Olga Mawdsley with Mrs Torrance and Mid Duke also of Orillia as vicechairman and secretary trerisurer Mrs Ritchie of Bass Lake was assistantsecrcIiry and Mia Dora Purdonvni Bow manville was assistant treasurer Committee members were Mrs Eldon Blacker Miss Maude Rowe and Mrs Trask Orillia Mm Cavnnagh and Mist Louise Culley Barrie and Miss Barbara Cooper and MrsCIarcnce Ward Coldwaten Mayor John Macisaac ot Oril lia was present at the opening ceremony He was introduced by Mia Mawdslcy Miss Colley re viewed the history of the ialr in short address CALI mi EXAMINER r03 mmNdrnonn 2m Sunny And Warm Rain Gone Again For The Present 1131 change this wank brought showers Tuesday and Wednesday also humidity which prevailed last night with 55 alter midnight thll months The weekend was splendid but not extremely hot Todayl Indication II sunny and warm Temperatures were um Low 19 111 75 Iuly 25 July 18 July 21 luly its CATTLE DIE AS RESULT EATING TREATED caoes Six cows have died on the arm of Angus Campbell located on Highway 21 hallway between Cookstown and Thornton after they broke Into field andratn crops which had been treated with poison bran to combat army worm According to reports the cattle apparently broke into the old In which the bran had been spread SIMCOE EAST MPP ATTENDSMEETING LIENS COMMITTEE Mccting Mondgy oi the rapis laturc Committee on Liens was at tended by Lloyd Lcthcrby MPP or Simcoc East Mr rLthcrlby stated that some Simcoe Prelbytery Young Peo ples Church service at Spring watcr Park on Sunday Aug at 730 pm Speaker Edgar Mctcalirx It Special Holiday Sunday Mid night dance at Pine Crest starting at 1205 Aug 75c per person Balloons lucky spotn Danclinl uvcry Friday 8890 lillldmay Firemans Bingo Wed pedday August on the new arcna floor Bingo every 2nd Wedncsday Mlldmay Community Centre $2300 in cash prices This super special must go $1000 Three special prizes 3200 ii games pri of the provisions of the British Columbia statutes regarding motor vehicles are the bust so tar uncov ered by the Select committee In Its inquiries One at the requirements is Is suance oi drivers permits for iivc years litcr which ncw drivers test must be taken The select committee is still gathering iniarmation and will visit 11 number oi state capitals in the Unitpd States this ifili regarding cperntiun of central ruglsiry and relatlid governmental controls Dates For District Fairs District airs will be hEId this year on the following dates BarrieSept Oct BeatenSept as 21 Coldwatcr4ept 13 14 CollingwaodScpi 2345 CookstownScpt It 17 ElmvalkScpt 2022 LindsaySept 2125 MeafordOct MidlandSept IIHB OrilliaSupt Brll OreSent 15 ml $5000 extra and special cards 25 or for $100 Doors open 745 Games start pm sharp 38 Cummcnclng Sunday evening at dusk regular showing at general Interested films at BuyVIEW Park sponsored by Barrie and Dintrict Film Council Silver collection 7910219 The annual baseball tournament will be held as usual in Utopia Community Park Aug civic Holiday total at $125 will be given to the thrcc top teams 75 $25 15 Enquiries have already been received irorn many county teams and all Indications point to large entry card Dont tail to attend this gala event Entries are to be in tho hands of Gilbert McMastcr Utopia phone Ivy 0r5 by 12 oclock noon Aug Park is equipped with all neceary tac ilitics and booths Admission 5°C children under 11 free B5AIIBWF formation DIAL 4l26 Illclllllllllii snIVIcE We record and clit records to suit your own personal requirements Use of studio If needed For rates and In 6539 AT SMITH FURNITURE liar prices are evenlower during this prite shuttering traditional August Fur niture Salcl Look for these and many other unad vcrtiscd SPECIALS Come early for thrilling values in Living Roomand Bedroom Suites Dinettes Odd pieces linoleum bedding etc SIIIIE PLENTY IIIILIIES LIKE THIS till FIISTV yd SEA IST lllliillsrfsnni snznii Piece Bedroom Suite in ihepopulur exactly as illustrated sItal00 Three Floors To SerVe You IINBIEIIM MIIIIBIIIEIIM BEXOLEIIM Inlaid linoleum and marboleum at bargain prices Discontinued patterns and low seconds made up the lot Regular $250 sq TO CLEAR $150 SQ YD yards wide Roxolliem 111 good patterns and popular colors SPECIAL 49cSQ YD First quality inlaid linoleum tiles ii square 14 popular shades to CIIOUSL from Jllspe or Inurble lillttcrlls 13c EACH Free Delivery HERES WIIIIT Yllll GET Double Bresser and mirror Roomy Ilhesiol Brewers Full Size Bookcase Bed Ilillhon SlIli Spring tluuliiy Spring Mattress ALL THls FOR ONLY 18900 At Our August Good Trade Special Sale In Allowances SMITH SON FURNITURE LIMITED rIIoNE 5557 Illlmiiliro IH DUNLOI STREET EAST IIppIiuncos BARRIE

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