Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1954, p. 13

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MW Em all llm wayf my wm us Iun pnwurml fur llu vcnkvncd Jinn nun you mum noun In Inu Inn1 Km Mnrrlul llrln unuulllllulllrnl lu Hulnrl nml Dummy Mum Mm mIIHIId hlll ml Hulnl nlllulwr mm var In llumlun Mr nml Mm lhvl Maw null Hrlmlu nllvnvhd lhv Klvu nIlnllm nl Spilnuwnlrr luk nu Sunday Tm nrmy vmrm rnu smm cunrmn mm Ilslllcl um lmlslllrlnlllr Inn mmu um lhu hully mm mm uplvml mum on Ihldl mum Mu Culluuu Inlay um Inxwrnlululluns Mr Howxnilu ml UNI Irl11 um Sunday July Anny Wuvnl ML hm mumqu mluu In wllll Ill UHSIII um um John lnndhllnw Illvmlmx mun cmlm upunwud by me pnrhmnl Amlrullnu mulrr In lcnllIrshlp Jumrtl Huntwk um Luke mL vrvk lhlrl lhunlun Mr um MN Imunlu HMll Ilul Jllllmy Mlllulul ho hum HIIHIIHI Smllluwnhl lmk Sunday nmn 5mm Regular cmmI survm will he hull mxl Sunday 30 am On Aug cumbilm wrvlu lim our cmmrrgmhms 4m Hlo clrcull wlll mm Sprinuwum lnrk pavjllun Frlday July 23 Tigers ll Cubs Ncal and Blcgg or Tigers Prim and In gram lur Cubs The Tlgclu lllc keeping up melr march lo fllsl place in me Unnlulll League Vrdlleulay July The 11mm won vlclurinllx ever In Yllllkuvs 1740 Tllllill and Murphy or Drum 11 mn nml Sllmllwuud rm mm Thu mam mm to lm rulHnl mlw Thunday July 22 The Ylln muldnl fluid loam ur ml game and su lur to by Ike scum my All Mpunud uumu msflm played lhxs wank The plnyulls commence the week at Aug More lulummllnn nu lhis In the comilu wuuk Thursday July 22 Showing mmplclc mum or arm the Indians and norms played an llull Arena Park Brewer and Bowen the Indiansand LLmmx and ncanusn or me badgers This was four pmm game and each mm culluulvd lwo puiHLs Ur he niulll Wulnnday July 21 10 for Tigvrs owr cum Nu um Judd for my Ixiccjmd lngrmn or Cubs This was 1m ligors all yA 31me wm Cubs The PiratLS cnlnmilled only one error when Barrons lmrd hit ball rolled nr home run allow Inur ur flvcrun Inning The difference In this the errors Ferguson nnd Hanan inr Rad Snx MtGrcgcr and Martin fur Pirates Ferguson and MnGrLgor registered slrlkcuuls Ferguson lvlng up mm hits and MCGrogor Thompson slarlcdnthen Law did the pitching the Firms with McGregur mowing Thursday July 22 Gum SI was last game wilh um lees emcrglng vlcluriuus by me scurq at qa Tuesday July 211 In game that was late in starting the Red Sox handed the Plrulu their first defeat olthe year by Ihe score of L5 This was the Red Sox all the way wtlh Fergusnn rcglsleflng elghf strlke 0qu and giving up only hrec nus Tobin was behind the plate Dr me Red Snx The Red EDENVALE II hrlvlrr our Legion Minor Baseball mm luu nurnmd by In lulumum Sax nnmmmcd Seven in the 3rd inning lu unnamed runs In vmrm rnuxlng mm um nlslllr ll Inlmluv lhv hully Pa Wee nun llull flllldhs uflrr hulhluy Kulun Vullun mul Mn my 11nt was Dunn WW tiuluhly MxLml Mn mm lluwrll mm hlmlny lnlnulu HE Iald lrlu ulluwrd Ill plane lnr mlr lnllullrl Illl lhlrrvllvd ucnru llm slllpl cuumu Mu vnulzhul upl Mux Wrlwr pllul ll lunfllnvrkuu Wm mm nlrllncri as my landed In Hum KMIK Him llllfikuk cm 1mm mmr pilot uf nu Mr Fr uv Cum11mm mm lnur plantsWI mlnk Hwy wLrr mm non mu mu wu rnlmnl bu Mmhunrl uh plum almul mo xnllu thlnu Tne mm 01 the us nml Com munm mrlll mm In an 5mm IM by Illuls lclplmz Ilrmnmlud lhu us lnnucdlulrly um um cls ur would hum 11qu rmplrlufllh Irlpinu and Wnshnnuon exchang rd unury primm mm am Sun lny mmlr which us Emigr lmxcd plums vhul dnwn lwu H04 prupollorlrlvtn plunrs whllc uuunlmu Starch lnr survlvnrs from Iirllbh nlrllnvr whlch WM ihUl duwn hy llm Id CHIH Amrrlcun and Chinese Commun his LB un Tuvsduy mlrullcd Ihc Ilncusy aklcx Hfllnlln WHh Commercial anI RAF lrnnspurl plmlus lylnu lur scum ur ha 15 land lhu Ilid Mr and Sea base at HIL Soul China cont lZVLn su Hum uernLrs rcyuncd my wlrc buntd by US ur Hod jtlu us lar us 120 mile from HallmlL messnuc was nnllrc all lnlcmnliunal cum and bullnviuh Thu Driflsh repre scnlnlivv 1111i botn msuuclcd mukc Puman In received 1mm Canton mr mm cunlrol Hm Sundcrlnnd nilcm ulrcady In arm wuuld In pummel re muln Eden said but that my mherwur plane sumlu snarrh would be fired on wllhuul warn mm Ihcy nmlrcachud land in his Commum statement Eden lashed am mu Cummunlsl rc ply from Canlun to Hong Kong nlr authorities ubuul sending suarch plants in to he crash ma 130th Hun $Lords and the Home Commons the us rutnlialion agailm lhc attacking Chinese plants was declared justL llcd Lord Jowlu Labnr Parly leader In the House Lurds said was clear Ihe US Navy plluls shol down me lncsu unly am they had Ihlm lvm been attacked pm to in ms gu Brilnin relayed the US molest because In US has nn dlplumalic rupmscmauon 351 Palpi British Foreign Secretary An 1110ny Eden old the Huusc ol Commons that Britain was far wnrding lo Pelplng the pro test agnlnst Ihv wanmn Huank on Us Navy plants The US note ann protested the death pr Injurim six American ciliznn board he attacked British aha linLr Peiping Radlo announced July 27 lhal Mao Tsclungs regime had protested against the shooting dawn of the two planes and has nldu complained 01 an invnflun at her waters by US warships Britain and he 05 often at Variance in the Far East spdku with one Value at the murmur in which Communist med b1 WNW Currierv LL US mlum on res cue npcralluns shot down two Red Chinese planes Monday after bc hlg allackcd Aurhulhuu Bruntns nm urmnl note of pruLlsl hours nflm the lncklenl bmughl an apology Monday from lcfiplng and Ike Offer ID cunuidcr payment compumatlon The second mm mm Landon acknow lodged the apology and said the compensation clahn will be far Wurdcd On July 27 Brlmln jolncd the Unned Slates 1n prulesu over Communist Chinas Interference In foscun upcmflnm alter the shoul ng remlun mhmd during the week as Britain demanded Kn Second note Communist China that She puntsn all lhnse respon sible for shooting dawn British airliner of Halnnn last Friday The note also dcmnnded Immed late measures be taken to prevent rcpemion at the incident Tension Increases 1n Brnaln lolloéllng nlr Incidents over Hnlnan Island Commercial plane pilots report being th zed over Halnnn Amerlcnn attention also ocussed on Mr lncldcntsr Britains 725ear grip on Suez Canal zone brok tollowlng agreement with Turkey HONG KONG an aim 0n wlm pllul mm mm received 1mm cunlrol nm ulrmdy um WE fllllllY IN IFN STOCK UNII TOMI LINIIH HIJHII llllN Egybt over agreed to British troops return 1n the av 01 an attack on my Arab slam Tugkey GAINSBOROUGH TREE OF LIFE ROSE URIAR FELICITY FAIRY DELL UUTTERCUP FLORENCE and others Premier Gama Abdel Nasser said the agreement will open nnnw em friendly Iclflllnns between 0m two coumnus Undo Iu crms Brilalns gam son force between 70000 and Britains 72year grip Suez Canal zone was bn week when agreement Britain and Egypt was over the conference tablet In sepumic protests to Fciping Washington inked or compensa iion far the three Americans iust when Chinese Cnmmunist fighiur pianm shot down UMEHEBIQSS and Iinarmod British commercial airliner last Friday uver inicma tiunnl waturs south oi iininnn 15 land The proinsts also called fur punishment Ior lhoso rtEplmSibil for that criminal ntlnck as well as ihuse guiliy oi the unprovoked and wanton strike by other Chin ese Communist aircraft against us plumes engaged in mlsslun of mercy searching for posaibln uurvivnrs oi the iost niriincr le Eugliulg fllpinu mm filmy In the United States main nthnu Hon durinz the week was also Incussed on the air Incidents In tho Hnlnan hrca July 27 the US demanded in the strongest terms the end uint tacks by Chinese Communist alr crnll againstAAlliud planes flying peaceful or humanitnrlnn misxinns over international waters in the Far East Capt Ham MIsly pilot of an Air India ptane said two US Icts buzzed him nbuut miles rum Hainnn and he saw two more about six miles 01 Nnvy lots met his plane abuut 120 mllu from Hahn and escorted him or several minulu before vnn filling MINION fill SHEER TRANSPORTATION 10 LTD Lv Banio for Collltr MN llnyllrlrl Mu USP KENS unofs BICYCLE HG Hayfield Street llns 72year grip on lhv Innnl zone was broken this when lgmcgncnt between Home Lv Alliston 630 am 730 mm 400 pm 510 pm No service an Halnnlny Sunday ur llullduy WE PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION SPUDE DINNERWHRE PINK TOWER BILLINGSLEY ROSE URRYS NEW SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MONDAY AUGUST Monday to Friday Inclusive BARRIE ALLISTON BUS SERVICE EGYPT Your Friendly IDA Drug Store USA Bid fitvvlc WIZIHHVUOI COALIUIHA IUHM HILTON FOLEY PHONE 5931 NHIJHII IIINA IllNNlillWAlll IN ONTHI New Shipment BAY LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE lhc uvenL 56 Hayfield Next to Iahlnws lcl IIAVE MORE INSURANCE From 1945 1952 ll num Canadians volunlarlly lnsu 11insl lms Hal medical er um expense increased mm 28 000 to 1235800 the 1951 canqu more were 1587 Eskimos living In the Northwest Tunllcries 17119 In Quebec and M7 in Labrador Police humcd Communists ithruughom Pakiskln as six new sinlc government adieu Dukinwinh the party completed nationwidei bani An Drder restricting he xnavemunis Sovipl diploma Iu radius 35 miles mm Karachi was oiiiciniiy announced by fine Pakistan Government The meas ure ioiinws resiriclinns placed an the Pakistani Embassy in Mmcnw uuxem All soumfcnsfi Aslan countrlm have been called on by Australian Forclgn Minister Richard Casey to slap up neguuntlnm collective defence system against Iulure Com munist aggression in Portugal cruwd at nearly 100000 person dcmonsirniui nui side Lisbon my hill against seiz ure by Indian nalinnniisu oi the village of Dndra and against rc ported Inflan Ihrcnl againsifloa 301 are Portuguese territories on the cum of ihe indian subcon iineni H000 troop will ha wllhdnwn within 10 manlhs1he hue wfll be mainlllncd by British dvfllan km or the uvenyur term of the treaty It wfll be rcacllvalcd Turkey ar the Arab state It attacked flfllllfl TELEVISION REFIHRGERATION CO 11 DUNLOI ST Phone 2059 Dial 3537 MONHREH ALL MAKES 0F SPECIALIZED TI MOHT ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 221 ESKIMOS SERVICE NIOIHI mul olllru llnrrlu BRIEFS number Insured 263 ELSWORTH MlfigLAND skimx ELMO ONLY FOUR Bur us way YELLS EVERYBODY DOES HE IS FIVE EDO BLONDIE 935 YELLS EVERYBODY HE IS FIVE POGO The Miracle lubric finish Basis yeti nothing extra ul HE TELLS 950m Hes FIVE so THEY WONT TREAT HIM LKEACHILD NilSERVICE THEBARRJE EXAMINER FRIDAY IULY SI 1954 13 For Pickup 8L Dellvery Dial 2411 THATS AUSE HE KNOWS voun FATHER IS ON THE DRAFT BOARD Wally Dish By Chick Young MYOEANIN¢

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