Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1954, p. 15

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at 9033 Vlflllnll mm Ndllml lhv nruml annllm mm lkluml whhll Jnllml July 11 null rmlml Fllvlzly rwnlnmluly 11wnl mnumluus lmcru TIer wm us my rmulllll wun min nun nurnvlnuru n1 whmll wm 1mm 1hr lrunm lmnll 11 llmn In Anulltnu nlnl hum ll lurchymum nlul nmr 1mm he Human LMhullc TMI nhunl lixnlmnxc lulplli Ikv KiHHKK Hm Mrs luug nlul dmlxhlvr Jlum 11 Sun duy hlr months hulhlny nnuvlnIllnn NH whrru Mr Kll lug wlll In In IIHKc If church Ihrlo wmlu llvv Muncn n1 Inmxvhclllnn wlll l1ka dunno hr Unllrrl Clmrcll xwrvlru IHYL during mum llvv and Mrs Crmflp IL Mmun null Luluhlvr ll UII mlny Arr Prince Edward lennd WIIHL Mr Mmm will curry lIlI nn Lvnnml Nlc JIIHIMILII IVJUHI Mu ll Mvmr Mill Hm nml Mr RPM will luv lruulhnu mml Iy lumlhrl July Wm YAHNHINI llrlmlvm Mr mld IM Mr mul Mn Pld dullxlrru Mlvmlrll llw rmuuh III MIVHIIIH IIII July HI mm mp ML and Mrs Khld Mr and Mn 1mm and album nlurmrl home Saturday 1mm mm Owen Sound 01 lawn and nllwr pnlmx Eusl Leave Fnr wm ML mm Mrs Slcwnrl Hulks and daughhr namm 1m Mun nueran by mmnr kn mm home In IIlhnnnlnn Album Mlur sprnding mm wgcks wilh lho um pmnu Mr and Mrs Kidd Vamlnmd Trlp Mrs 1mm 5mm find children Miss Dudd and Mlss zm Umllcy left by rain for Monuml and from mm on vaKabond bunt cruise up the St Lawrencn Rlvm Recent Vlsllnrl Recent visitors Eld ridgcs Included Mr and Mrs Latimur 01 Toronto Mr and Mrs Chinle Roach Barrie Mr and Mrs Turnbul Alxrum Mr and Mrs Wilkins and Miss Evelyn Wilkins of Toronto Hm on Sunday Miss Marian Albrhlhl who Is nllcndlng summer school at Lon don 011 visited Miss Marjorie Eldridge on Sunday 11 last week Vlslllng In 03mm Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cuburn and chilxlrrn and Mrs Gordon lalmn wcrp Sunday visilors with Mr and Mrs Jack 5mm 01 05h 0n llnllday Miss Ruby Davis of Barrie ls spending hullday with her par cnls Mr and Mrs Henry Davis Hen Remnlly Mr and Mrs Edward Zanlcr daughter Doris Mr and Mrs James Currie Creighton Minus won recent Sunday callch at Mr and Mrs Harold McKllllcan Vlsllors In Tan Mr and Mrs Edward Avcrnll rnd chfldrcn of Tumnln were guesls of Mrs Aver111s parcnls Mr and Mrs John Housman ar my days Mrs anrcncc Hunter on Monday 1am for mum us where she will vxsu her son and Mrs WJ Hunter or shm holiday The last remains of Building 532 one of the oldest build ings in the RCASC School lines taking with 835 which will be dismantled in the near future this building has kcptwith in its walls the memories or hair century of soldiering in the 30559 mm cm Borden mum lGfllE BARBIE EXAM FDNESDAY JULY 28 1954 ln Old RCASC Building Going Down Mr jsmn In mum Hews of toostem In nml Mu lluunld Munk nu ml Lllmvhly mumhuh hp Inan Vlcluna lLuIlr Iluhrr null Hum m1 Auvam lnmhrwi nl anum Inn liumlny was under the direction at Miss Daris Griersun qualified ifi demand popular learner at last year from Tomnto nssisled by Rev Kellogg and HOV George Moon with their lead ers and helpers in each amn mcnt kindergarten primary jun iurs and intnrmediatesr Miss Marion Webb and Mrs Kel logE were the leaders at the kindergarten assisted by Mrs Al bcrt Keli Mrs Arthur Glass Mrs Howard Cain and Mrs Spar ryr Primary leaders were Mrs Johnson assisted by Mrs Gil my Mrs Vhyte Mrs Trciv tcr Mrs Céutis Mrs Marlins Mrs Pearson Mrsr Georflc Faris Junior leaders Mrs Far is and Mrs Cause assisted by Miss Evelyn Curry and Rev Moore Intermediates Revr iiC Kellogg assisted by Rev Monrer The ihemc the worship service was Cmuvuning With Christ and at the entrance oi the shcd where the school was held was huge caravan made by Wes Hindlu and Bruce Wessun The session named with rousing singscng Iniluwed by dmollnrlal period games Dulsidc and handi craft carpentry by Mr Kellogg and Mn Moore Sewing by Mrs Ginss assisted by Mrs Renins Mrs Ritchie Mrs Mayes Mrs Walker Mrs egg and Mrs II Miniiimn basket weaving by Mrs Cause Miss Grierson and Miss Evelyn Currie After this each daily session was rinsed till hymn and prayer 0pm lem Friday mm wlls Ian nlxhl Whln Mme crmvd of parents lrlunds and those lmurcsml In Th Hoard ol Truslrn or lllr Iollrr Vllluc Cookstnwn hy lmnluunn mine In nlmv thy lvl unudzy m1 mum All mm uhmvc mil Ddle July 20m PROCLAMATION THE POLICE VILLHEE 0F CUDKSTDWN CIVIC HflllDHY Monday August 2nd ONE FOOT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HERO AND BUM ONE OF SERIES PRESINIED BY ml mmum am 54 nn In WW IREWERS NE School Prumoflnns Prnmollnns omitted from puh llcallon Friday July 16 for Coukslnwn nubllc school Grcdc livegrade six Barry Bakchflnnc Hulmnn Michael Collier mu Cuopur Grunge Fildey Joe Gm hnm David 1an Wilson Kull 013a Kcmvny Hunald McKlllIcun Hill Tllllrson Reinhold Zlclkc Toronto VIslkon Mr and Mrs Earl McMaslc and childrnn Toronto were Sunday vlsilnrs with Mrs Mc Masters parents Mr and Mrs McMnslcr VA Annual IIcnlc Thu United Church WA annual picnic wul be on Wednesday Aug at the home of Mrs Slelm Convcnors nrc Mrs KldllV Mrs Manes Mrs Hindlc and Mrs Miller Flower cnmmmcc Iur August urc Mrs Corrlgm and Miss Marlon Webb wmmm In st Caumlnu Mr and Mrs Ben Murphy Miss Jeanette Murphy and Mlss Isabel Currie spent the weekend in SL Catharine chimmns achievements werc presan in View the lpvely lland cm 01 the two weeks whkzn wax on display Allur viewing the dis play worshlp service was put on slmllnr to the activities they had during the weak Rev Moore acted as chnlrmnn opened with singsong 5km were acted by the pupils 01 the different classes Corlificales were presented by Rev Kcllugg and he evening closed with hymn and prayer Sneaker AI Servlce KCnnBlh Grey DI Slmud rc lurnnd mlsslunary will be the speaker at the Sunday service Aug at the Presbyterian Church Home From 1105me Mrs Archie Pickford and hahv may have returned home from Barrie hnsnhnl Mrs Corbcll and children Colfingwoud are spendflng scvcral davs Norman Neillys Mr An famuy spent Monday with ML find Vlrs Ernes Bell and John Miss Aileen Gardener whllc her parents are on huslncss Mp norm Guelph Glrl Vlslfl All PaL=y Wright Guelph is suend ing Ihrcg weeks with her nunl Vlslwrl During Week Visllom with Mraml Mn Ern est Dale and Mr and Mrs WHI lam Hunter last week wnré Mn Thnma Gibbon and Mary of Bradlord Mn and Mrs LcwbCm nan ol Gflfnxd Ted Allard and son 01 Alllslcn and Mn EtL Moore and Doris Bank Mr and Mrs Fletcher and Terry of Tomnlo were Sunday visitors at he samfl home Brice lecrly Harrie spent nev era days at the home 01 hi mu lns John Mary and Holly Ann Balm STEELES CORNERS Mn saucy 39mm We extend llncere lympuhy to Mn Wnncr Edney In the Inn at her mother CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 21 MARWOOI We unlm vnlnmn AHIHLHvu ammo mm um luw ulcv Hawum Dvupu wllll flaw llulnl Am whlle IL Iklvlh Ilmna Mimy Mylm mul mlms loll LlnIMtIL Ilnnlflp 87c SPECIAL PLASTIC DHHPES KIDDIES SUN SUITS ea 57° nu IHATIFI and wry lmtk KI mun Will you hut up about Jean Harlow on mlnulq pad me 0411 you gbaut £11 Mangog any SUIE SAVINGS Strands but usvlulncxs and hundsumc appenmmn nul nflcctcd Ilghlwughlblcndcd Mnnkuls 01 canon rayon wool and In some use nylon Just what you wnm Summer mum nndus an extra come caoxcr wzdlhcr muc gnld ruse ml any III the 10 All heaulllully bound with rnyun salln Slzu 00 by 80 Ins 72 by 1m Ask aboul ouroonvemenl SPECIRLLY PRICED BLANKETS Iruf pallrmn In EFfinnyWbflil SPECIALVALUES llllW ARIN 43Iluh IIIP 4an wlllh IIHHIIII null Ir In lhv nwnnurul All lnnlllllully mulllrhrll llvrrr nu ml rAl ram In Xuvrly lrlnl lnhrl null plnhl whlh wllh vnrlnm mlmrd huldlln hr nzzvuhnrnl NIIIIEIN 72yAlm Int MHI wiry100 Inn lluull null Almlhh Ivllldllrx UHLIHIHIIK vulnn III lhll lllll qunltly nswrhnrul Illxh IInl mulllu nml mlmlv wimp Irlnl Inn lml wIIIIL wlll rulurnl lmnlru Hume lmunflkhrd In llu lul my Bargains Bedding and other home needs SPECIAL GREAT VARIETY RETAFILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS armzmm MINT lhmllh um Iwmlnru lu ml 4me um ymk llld mulllmlml Inqnnlmnu wllh Jlmmml uunm mum In 21 BABY CRIB BLANKET Lightwulxht Great Vzulely l07 Tlirmrlum Spcclal Price Several pullerns chnnse one mulllcnl nlrcd puller whlu analhlr cherry Inqua gold green SPECIAL mucu 70 by 00ncn Hnunulcllc blanknls ha ve wurmlh wllhnul wclgm 50 man or Summon Hamisch hurdur ramrrn In ms mm mm or yellow un whlk LOVELY CIIENILLE DO by 100 In xuflously p991 mrgnds 547m ALPINE BLANKETS Morawepend Joan ZELVfll TE TOWELS for 100 Have more to spend seeing lhe sights take your Big City vacalion by bus Fare are low JIlIlFfllfl $945 ST llllllS $3240 VANCOUVER $9315 OMAN VALUE ZHbyR Mil Hull Iuwll WHII wd Ir Illln mm In supply and me 1m luwulhInulunl mm Round Trip mum to chlnxe Nll mm ruby4 InL nmh ly mum nuer uunrllmklnu nml tlnrnlllr Im m1 mm unl lvluv nhlpv Mm Illlrl Hrrzumm Kan uhnnhclxl mun mm In mu mm Mn lm mm nmnlnuu um and snnm Ins chToNTEnnY TOWELS ea 44 PLUMILY LEI p11 vlnw slerilizudchickun feathers Cuvcrcd wilh slurdy cqllon licking In pink or blue stripes 17 by 25 ins EACH 117 WASH CLOTHS for 25° TERRY TOWELS 67c 497 SAVE ON PILLOWS 477 Hr wuu

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