Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1954, p. 1

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MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5c single copy 90th YearNo 85 American Announce Dates 195455 Concert Group Series The dates ior the forthcoming 195455 Barrie Community Concert Association series have been an nounced by the local executive iollowing confirmation oi the con cert engagements by New York headquarters The iirst concert oi the season will be on Oct 23 when the Tan giewnod Quartet will appear here by special arrangement with the Berkshire Music Centre Members ol the quartet are Saramae En dick soprano rohn MeCoiium tenor Rosalind Elias coniralto rtd liobert Rue baritone Ernest and Miles Mauney iden tical twin duo pianists will appear here on Jan 17 and the Becker Ensemble consisting oi Mary Beek er violin Manta Barbour cel Barbara Eltenbein piano and Ra mona Dahlborg ii in will be the artists oi the Feb concert The season will close on March it with concert by Steven Kern alyn baritone FIRE OFFICIALS TRY DETERMINE CAUSE OF FIRE Fire oiiieials this morning were still trying to determine the reason ior an outbreak oi ilre yesterday afternoon at oclock In twocar garage at Blake Street Although ilrcmcn were able to bring the outbreak under control in very tihori time considerable damage was done in vhrioua arts Icieg attired In the building llrcmen were called out to an outbreak in this same garage on June 28 N0 FLYING HAUCIIII SUlilMlZItSIDII IEl iCI Cit lmn ktnt cio watcll on strange spherelike object that ttoverrd several hours over this Prince Edward Island town and on llCAl plane wall rent in in visilltltit It Wits United State weather illlatIthiIllIl balloon homunculusleans Isa NMHWHWLM Civil Air Patrols Cadets Will Visit Barrie unreal During Tour or BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAYyJULY 23 I954 Innar claw AN momom mourn hammer owa an Audit macawwhate Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since i864 l2 Pages Two Section =9 co C3 ED IH SIIGIIINST YOUNG NEW LOWELL FARMER RoclEIiGlllLTY lwo onlER CHARGES Evidence that Arthur Roczel2tyearold farmer from New Lowell who was originally charged with manslaughter dol lowing thd death on June 19 oi Barrie man on Highway 90 had been drinking homemade tbrcw in Barrie club short ly bciore the total accident occurred was given in Magistrates Announce New Appointment To CAS Stall has been announced by the managing director or the Childrens Aid Soeiety oi Simcoe County Miss Dortha Jackson that Harrists Congdon will be Joining the atoll oi the Centre and South Slmcoe branches on Aug Mr Congdana main responsibility will be pro tection work This reorganlzation is due to the iact that the demand or pro tection work has been very heavy in the last couple or years in these twodrstricts With previous cxperleneo as an army personnel and selection olllcer and director udron Hosts To American CAP Cadets 0n Exchangellisits To Canada Barrie 102 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets will act as hosts when group at 25 American cadets oi the Civil Air Patrol visit Barrie on Friday August as part oi their ex change visit to Canada and one at the highlights oi the day especially from the point oi view oi the public will the tri service cadet parade through Barrie with wreathlaying ceremony at the Cenotaph in Post Qiilce Square The American cadets who are selected on their ability in the Civil Air Patrol and who arrive will be accompanied by LimbCol oncl Gordon Curtiss Civil Air Patrol Major Joseph McCai iough United States Air Force and Flight Lieutenant it Wright Assistant Air Cadet Liaison olilcer Maritime Air Command REAP Takin part in the parade the ilrst Gills kind to be held In Ear rle will be members at the Royal Canadian Sea Carder Corps irom Barrie and Midland Army Cadets irom Camp Borden leading Air Cadets irom the senior leadership course at Camp Borden and cadets irom the Barrie Squadron Through the courtesy ot Group Captain John Syme Mm oliicA er commanding ROAF Station Comp Borden the ltCItF Station Ian will take part in the parade Parade Mmhni will be Squadron Louder Les ltook On Thursday Aug the limer lclin cadets will be at Camp ilor iilll and will attend ii lptcilll bnn llllei thilt cverllnz with Cell adllln cadets on the senior leaders course Itiicr staying at Camp ilorticn overnight the American party will travel in llarrlc arriving at the Artnmiry at In lllll when lhey will be weitomtd ily Churiir MChllIrltll chairman llllii other rrlelnticra ii llRE CHIEF WARNS Mommas STRICT ENFORCEMENT 0E RULES oDRlVERS HINDERING EIRE WORK til it statement which lie has that Issued Fire Chief it it lrwln iitlo branded irrespoilhlblc nlotnrlaLs who thin roadwayr ht rimi its il ittcitxtctl who hamper the ciilclcncy oi the tire department llvlnii Illa warning fliiri Irwin lintlt lllll ll tutt thing which has lirtliilit rral wintn to your tire iiiltflltllllllt ill am where We illvt iti lay hose to hydrant tl ille Fllll til IIlI lire tii let other lire whammnt int wtilkllrx rang rs nt tin it would be Ilrlposaliiln Itir when the roadway lahutuilri will iilllllll algllirrerl lltd lllIIiur illttlfl lllll itiilll til iillllg HllIlly ililillllill Illl rliltlrllly nl ytlllr lire drparlltirnt illlli tlillltl be the tiliier rllte IIViWBII rapid Wind at Illli hr aaviliii atrtitrtlnea Ilie ltlal whenthe HullWhy hun melt willt nmtnr vrhlelea or unit Univ that int the nnlhr uh nmthly get the airway cleared in in tn lie stile to my ihr nMiIMttll in where It lrlmt nml rtl litty delay my v7 rrrtly let the rat out or eonllu Multl we illxzt anti whim the rylalilttt tn give ihhtnilltlttl enumeration and you will be dlllttg great Toy and service to your the tlrparhtieiit and aim to your new any hail mtthtrlr or it your lirtvntn and police llava plenty to do wlthtnii lluviltli the lrtillliin moving tllrilitit alullirtllll ulll til til way fillet iIWIIl also itllltllill llluitir lair Illnl tilirr uri rull ill the rliall tUt tile priiiuillill It the tile in yarlinciit which and mm gun it the acute iii an rilllliuli thry that no vehicle Iltali ittiltiw any in titnuanrnt vcltltie wlirll Iitlitllllitill All aliirlll at illatalilc ii illl than 500 trot the tlrlvrr at vehicle my ih ytmh at an mnhnhnnr tire or police liminriltlcnl vehicle or illii Ir ntlllty rirlrrilllry voliirle ilpllll which hell or elm haunting shall litalirtilaicly bring that little in stnlitlrlllt as limtilnblc lo tlil righthand unit or Mile oi tin rllnllway parallel lhrinwltli ml flour or alty inter villi chm lrwln mnatniirnil Ilalla Then rlllrll litti rrlrulalhiiil lll utilhl til lic elrfttilYVl ilnlllmllrtiely am depending on all with to glvr your aim Mill in tttii FM rrllttn my nnrtnryl matter that has iwfivm Furl it menses iii the protection td llie llllll pitparty Womans Touch lnCanadaon Sunday come irom all parts at the United States They Proving that women ardln dispensable in any sphere ot Mtlvlly members of the La dlu Auxiliary oi Barrio I02 Squadron Royal Canadian Itlr Cadets have lined up their own little project In connec tlon with the iorlltcomlng vise It to Barrio oi the American cadet oi the Civil Air Patrol The project The Indie will pick up the cadets laundry when they arrive in narrl on Frldsy morninr Aux and will have It hit done Ior them by the time they leave the town during the evening the squadrona civilian committee The parade will leave the Arm uury ni approximater 1030 ani nlld wlll march by way of High Street and Dunlop Street to tile Cenotaph where iullowlng the wretllhlnyingcermlony tltcy vll receive civic welcome irom llii Worship Mayor lieber Smith illld other dignitaries Al the conclusion oi the ccrmnlily hi the Cenotaph the cadet run will march to st Vincent Park where they will daniss ttrtreth menis will be provided here nnti ihrn the Anterhnn visitors will he rntrrtnlnni to luncheon by tililclal at tile ilarrie Sqllntlltlil when they Magistrate Hits Out Car Thefts By Serviceman ln Malliratnl oltrt hrrn llrrtnrnlry MarlIrate iltirtlon lmlu Itrttlllly denounrcd ihr rrrlilt nuttirrait nr rar tltettn Ill llnrrtn by mrnthrr nI tiiil inrtu hunt nnrn ikmlrtt Iirrntuutlns tttu young airmen lilr aerilrnra atlrr llnlllnr titrm guilty of Ilrllallllllly hkilll Ir without the liwilrla rim Irllt Maltltralc Falter naldi The are allogelltrr too many tltnll nitrite dont annw why you ynnng raen Milo rlilllll hm Iruln an put it amda tillnlt that vrltlrlrv belonging to rlviilalvl mt ialr line in you hills to yr and Niagara nit Magistrate Ioltrr said that In ihlr partlriltlr rm the owner ItI tilli ur iIId Iirm deprived of the veltlrin which he ltlllilt In rnrlrlrriltin till his liarinns and Itll It came llarit II had Imn dttttngrtl to tile extent that new engine had to be utt In tilr rar iltrll he llalt llal Ilnllghl Ihr previou day ranllnt understand lilo ruining or you yon mm int added tthurtl hnh taking hrlnnnnr in tiny lvtitr II Inl III rtrro Alrslrldrr ltlrtllrtlly II INI Jam titan Icy tarrnli I7 linih oI ItiAl Htatlnn tamp llurllrrl Mrllh thy gm ht hnrnrt hum Vamnnrrr and iarrnll an alt mntltlL hit The one picked II by police It Nlarna IIII Ier having taken the from Harrie will be presented with souvenir oi their visit Immediately following this are rangemcnis have been made to take them to visit Martyra Shrine nt Midland alter which they will visit the ReForestry Station at Mid hurst through the courtesy oi Adamson superintendent On their return to Barrie the American cadets will be taken by boat item the Baylieid Street Back to the cottage oi Squadron Leader Oates olllccr commanding 1M Squadron at Oro Beach or barbecueupper At Dusk through the coopera lien at litX Depot Angus spe cial ilreworlq display will be so oil at the Ailnndalc whnli lor the benelit oi the visitors Their even ing entertainment will conclude with dance at the 063 recreation room alter which they hvlil return to Camp Borden The closing of the CNR station at Minesing within the near luturo became strong probability iol lowing the Board oi Transport oinntlssiunersv hearing conducted in the station house Wednesday hlterilnon July 21 Application to rinse the station as result oi rt lillced revenue there hail been lilcd with the board some time nan The board was represented at the ltearlilli by It Angus ditt rict lnwmior whim duty it to Assemble nilit report ttllrlpleie In ltirrnnilun llllil iplllloil lis to the tiiiCt the closing oi the station would have on the arell It Irrvll lie wns nctulltpalllttl by lienslln assistant superintendent it the Allnlldlile Illvixlnn oi the CNN Hit It Austin CNIi agent lit Itilnlttlltt AlllllllliKtIlllilt hi the Transport tlltlirtluilill dlclsiiitl ill the inat itr in not exptaicd tit bi lnrlllr ior prmnl ht rllx wrtklt in two liltiillllll iii masonic Ill advance littliiie hitliiitlllteltlcilt til illi hearing by llllt Vraxrn llrwllslllrl clelk thrl Iilrhitrtllull tilltl rcrldellill oi the arm nphraml None however at tilllptill in argue ngntint the the easily or the iriipmrll reduction In railway larvlcn iintinr they ttiilrltlltt that fillrrllailw Kervlrll were readily Ivaliniilc til the nice lhroitalt atilntent highway or rail iIIiilltr to trnlneo nhy turvlcu tltnl would he Imt Ilirlr tiltit pur pose lIl nttllllilllli the Iirnrlilg Wnl latllor in item llilltiirlrlt all In what litlllitiitll Ill MlVIli might be all lltlwtiiit and what Arlvltrl ll Iltyt would rririalll Ill lIIII Iatirr rtilllirttllin Mr ilcnwli rsplallietl that It would still be twiltltlln itir ally on or pending till Ills station all iegular rttrlvlilli hr Nlllipliil point in lillkl mongnnnnlr lltthngh litr ilaiile Iir Eliltvlln Ilittll ior this rrrvi it continue Irrvlro that likely in may in lieavltr ihhmwnu Tiltisa hunt the mt stimuli the itmlitg writ mhttii imwney Deputy itrrwe all VtLwI luwllaiilr thnnm hitKec nIililaaler and NilInt Iritirlllllt It Miilrsilii Tiley Willi ipflltll lead and Nurturing mill in thr Imam it till elevator Iiltl Delaney Ilnrllclilaili dealr rmtt time Mr Angus braid the details oi the existing service Itlil discussed the Ivlllnillllly Ill alter native Irraitgulcrtu it was evi pi community leisurertime activi les Mr Congdon is expected to be oi particular value to the coun ty agency in this respect Canadian by birth thc new social Worker has lived ior the pint years in the United King dom He has been back in Can ada ior only live weels and he and his Britishborn wile and three children Jacqueline John and Judith will be moving in Barrie shortly Born and raised in Nova Seolll Mr Congdon attended Park School in Dartmouth end Haliiax County Academy He went to Eng land as Canadian Journalist in 1031 to cover the Coronation oi the late King George Vi and stayed there He was in the British Army ior nine and hall years covering the World War it period when he was ilenior personnel selection ollicer ior die Northern ireland district His work at thlt time which will tie in closely with the work he will be doing with the Childre Aid Society hcrc consisted oi plac lng men assessing thellraptitudes and attainments antiputting tllcrn in the toll in which they moat nearly flttcd About 250 recruits were handled cvcry iortnight he recalls Foliowlnl lhil there was oltcn the task oi reallocation lie was in charge at rcaliocatlon centre at one time In his spare time he was lec turer and instructor with the cen tral committee on physical recrea tion ior live your alter the warI lrorn illiii until luut recently Ilc has heldthe position of broadcast er and script writer tor the Brit lsh Broadcasting Corporation Mrs Congdon Li Londoner They were married in 1040 early in the war Minesing Station Closing Decision CNR Application Likely To Be Mocie Soon dent from this discussion that the present reduced services have not been proving very saiioiaetory Cri tlclsm was voiced too at the con llnuous rise In rilth which seemed to be inevitable In the lace oi ris ing wages and other operating coals Since June it oi this year the service has consisted it mixed trains up and down on Monday Wednesday nnd Friday in nltcnt has been on duty nnly lrtnn Tucs day to Saturday which hll resulted in iull station service being avail able only on Wettnelday nlid Fri day Turn to page please Penetang Mixed Leaves Minossing Station CNR Applies To Close tiIH tliNliiANii MIXED tralnputlrl nut ct Milllsing the pmtinmtxonarutnon has always been lined In the Courthere on Wednesday The charge at manslaughter has béen withdrawn and Rocrei who pleaded guilty wps iound guilty by Magistrate Gorddn Foster QC on the two charges he laced dangerous drivinyand ialllng to remain at the scene at an acci dent Roczei was remanded in custody until Wednesday July 28 when sentence will be passed Crown Case The Crown case was conducted by Crown Attorney William Thompson QC while Roczei was delEnded by Rowe QC First witness called was Sgt Bonnyeastle oi District Head quarters No OFF Barrie who explained how on June 19 he had been called to investigate the death ol Carl Hayden ol Bar rie The fatality had occurred on Highway 90 just west ol the Ear rie town limits near the restaur and known as the BarX Sgt Bonnycasiie said that vestlgailon had revealed that Hayden had been in the restaur ant during the evcnin at June lil heteromidniaht all had leit around 1210 am While there Hayden had bought box oi wooden matches and cigarette to bacco The deceased man had then tell the restaurant on loot and had travelled was on the south shoulder oi the road Witness said that Haydens body wag iound in the ditch nearby and he was dead at that time The suspicion was that this man had been the victim ol hitandrun the witness added There was evidence suggesting that it had been lastmoving automobile indicated by tire marks on the rough ground on the shoulder at the road The vehicle had travelled 34 ieet roughly and at this point it was noticed that therawas shower oi matches for 48 lost There wog distance ot 31 leet beyond that where there was iur thcr evidence oi clothes and dc bris and 23 icet iurthcr west the car had apparently regained the pavement Glass was iound which was be lieved to ba irom the headlight nl motor car and also rubber ring irom the headlight car This was iound beyond the show er oi matches The highway was It tool wide at this point and was paved it was straight stretch oi road Wlinu CrowEnmlned Crossexamining the witness Mr ltowc reierrcd to the deceased man Sgt Donnycartlo said he knew him personally and knew that he lullcrcd irom cerebral palsy and had diiticuliy maintain ing his equilibrium Sgt Honnycoslic said that in vestigation hail lhown that Roczei had been driving 1954 inotiel car at the time owned by his grandmother Mn Joseph Danko oi New Lowell Admitted Being lirllrr lhu next Crown wllnct wits inspector Alcx McLeod oi tile Oii Criminal Investigation ilranelt Toronto who said that he lied been called in on the cats on June 20 litlil iiiclwd said that ltoczei later Itilfltttiti having driven the station on its northward run Wednesday altcrnoon leav ing its mail delivery of package freight end express an herd vehicleon the night in question and having hit person Tests had been made on the highway and close to the shoulder at the road they had iound seal beam unit and rubber ring which were similar to those titted to 354 Oldsmobile the type of car ttoczei was driving it was also iound that paint on the headlight ring matched that on the car The vehicle was traced to Barrie garage on June 21 it had been taken there by Yolanda Danko the daushter oi the owner There had been dam age to the lelt iront light and hood lnsp Mchod said they were looking ior car which had alde swiped an eastbound auto about iour miles west at where Hayden was hit Roczcl had not stopped either alter hliilng Hayden nor when he sideswiped the other car the car he had been driving mat ched that at the other car which had been hit Questioned by the Crown At torney the witness raid that they cottld not estimate the speed at which Roczei had been driving at the time Insp McLeod said there was evidence that the accused had been drinking heavily at club in Barrie and he was last seen about 10 or minute bcioro the total accident had occurred Roezel had surrendered to thc police at the OP cities in Barrie Ind No License Crossexeminedl by Mr Rowe the inspector said that when be surrendered himseli to the police Roczel had said he was trying to pass another car at the time he hit llayden lin raid the rearon he did not stop wn because he did not have driving license but had only beginners permit Iioczel had also statedthattbilil grandiathcr had lust passed away and he was not wanting to worry his grandmother Iny more Accund Wag Drinking iltlsa Barbara Smith at Barrie we the next witness to take the stand and she delcribed how on the evening oi June it she had been at Club 10 She had seen the accused there and she had known him ior about two years The last time the law him was around 1230 am The witnelg said that Rocrel had been drinking but rho had not been talking to him Asked when she had seen him she told practically every time she had danced around the floor the passed his table ltoczci had been drinking liquor and so had the other people at the table Crossexamining the witness Mr Roweasked ii there were people drinking at other tables in the club Witnesg said it was not sold hcrc but there wera peopla drink ng You bring your own the ad ted Laughter ioilowed Magistrate Fosicrl remark it you dont get caught Questioned luriher about the drinking wlilirh raid Thero was another guy It the table anti ho railway records under the spelling Mlnoaning iul allotrll Sample oitpaint taken irom had bottle dont know what it was When she left the club at around 1230 am she saw Roezal slttinfl down at that time She said shc had not noticed anything peculiar about him during the evening Mr Rowe Were they acting normally letncss They were laughing Mr Rowe Other people were also probably laughing it was not unusuall Witness No IonicMada Brow girl triend oi the provinul witness Misg Betty Furlong oi Barrie was the next Crown wit ness called and she saidxhe had known Boczei tot some time Aitcr describing how she had seen him at the club that eveninl she added lie was drinking homemade brew Miss Furlong said she had spak tn to the accused during the even ing His speech had not been too plain but he had not been singer in Questioncd by the Crown At torney about what condition the thought the accused was in with regard to driving car the wit ness said that she had been out in nary1th Tloczei betele and he could always handle one She thought he could that night Asked what she thouiht oi Roc zcls condition she replied would say he Was pretty well lit When Mr Rowe crossexamined the witness about how she was sure it was homemade brew aha said that he had had it there beiore and she had tasted it When Mr Itowe said that she was only assuming that that what it was because he had had it bclore and that it might be Coca Cola the Mines said it was not because it was at it yellow color Mr Rowe it could have been ginger al Witness it could have been but dont think it would have alieeted him that way Bciore leaving the witness stand Miss Furlong said that the brew was in We onegallon Juan No delean witnesses wore tall ed and Mr Rowe said that he would not say anything at the present time Mmemg The Lost Column Sariorlal StripTease By SCOKTY TAYLOI Not tor the ilrst time in my liie am going to disagree with WKW and rotor to the present period through which we are passing not as dog days as he does but at the period at the slipping icmaio ilgure on will book on this subject the subtitle would prob ably be Dr rcliei irom the girdl As you have probably already imagined my topic is about what the walldremd woman wear ii there warm days We all know oi course that the ultimate in tile scrmsto have the wherewithal to take ourselves oil to warmer climates when the ch thcr niarts to cool it may be pretty good yardstick oi the Inc can one has made oi liis ii one Turn to page two place 79 mm

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