Towanleygrounds Wl VPAINTING IS FUN or all ages at Broek Innisiii Junior Pluyground where both hays and girls are intent on their works at art atlonCommittee and the supervisor at the summer play One little girl became so enthused about ground program Roy Mawhiney The sevénweek program ulna gotunderwaytwd weeks ago seven town playgrounds This year there is day camp our days week at are Beech with children taking turns at attending Queens Park Play 8621 Hg GAME She Pm round goes to camp Monday St Vincents Park Playground nfground This Ye Old young Tuesday Gunn Street Playground Wednesday and shear emled at the Vamls WW pm ParkPiuygroun Thursdoy The three junior dny camps funds bemg encouraged mm Yulm may also have an opportunity to otlehd some Friday it lunds permit tery assistance In this way progrnm of leadership training is carried out on the playgrounds to ensure no abundance of lu tureleeders NOT TEXAS but Queens Turk on special activities dny Michael Smith live leit takes time out tor quick snack be tween bustin branches and ridin steers with his sidekick John Webb six Betsy SIXYEAIlOLD Paul Reynolds Is rill ready to rope steer and II he look behind him theres it tough hombre with her eye on him Shir ley Hicks ale nlng one at his lei law playground males at Queens Park in front who is reputed to be grant hunt er travelled with Michael from his home on Boylleid Street she was the only canine AT IIOll ON THE IlANGE lIl Queens Pork are left to right Joun Cowley 13 Lorna Kenst 12 and Terry Dang eight TIIIl llAIlltIIl EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 21 l9549 or TS BIG DAY when girls can get into rodeo evean with the boys Sixyenroid Jouune Cinrk lelt nnd sevenyear old Joan Curknn cume n11 outfitted for Wild west activities Prldny is specinl activities day ut nil seven town playgroundz which opened tor the children oi Dorrie July The Queens lurk Wild West Duy wns under the direction oi the three pluyground leuders in that part or town Catherine IAN 99 NLm St luxln ilc Coiernnu senior lender nnd Lois Kenst nnd Bob niolnpson $213 mlalzfxgluscla21l5h in at the Junior lluyuroumls young enrolment and enjoy the simpler and and um pruvhled hy lhe Harrie Ilrcrruilnn Cmnuil lrus mumr mumm Illmlner in by yum THE WRONG WAY to swing two It in lime Elevenyourmld ilunuld Fruser end his younp inter iindn or irnetunn lit nut nulnn nlmut nwlnghu the wrnnu wuy ut ll Utreet Iluygruund be Iore their llillltIii nu them IrEAIlIllt IAT HAMILTON It ill litrrel Playground in cheer lender at he llnrrle District Collegiate hmtitute melt and pile hm pneued an smm of her skill in the youngitem in her cimrgn th nunnner letting rendy luglvo IOllSlllfli leer or the Till2 llltilll WAY nud the rule wny anelue lllurxu on the next swing known how to rrwinu Ounn Street iluyumuud In pinnninyc nu old home duy on any Nine the lheine mid plnys Iur Iew OI ltn ape olui nctivitlen iny hmne lmil lenm nre loll to right Uiie Lent eimu leugy limith iuuy Morris Ami ilut ier Dnmm Wnrnor Mnrunret OConnor and nhlriry Mniiinn They will he on lmud tor the lnlerplnygruului games this season tmwLv nomnn n1 Li in mune hull prnctlce ut ilroekJnhlniil Junior Iinyurmlnli Ieuyruruld lIlIl Vllnmi in in the Inwknrmuuir ihe tether hull in uewlyhmtulitd nirre ni ninmruund muhnnont this your mu ym runnqu COLOP BonleTololelon Experts 259 INNISFII ST RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS mrn highly mum lIrimiflnul lully qlmllllrII lu nurvlre my main or mmqu lunmllmi um you nmmunn end PHONE 2128 AIDS MILK FLOW IIKHMUHIH VIIIOIIUIEH CALVIJI IIIZIIFAT IIIOMIHIIK VIIIIHIUIIB IIIIIFI Ithlllll IIANUIZII IIIA Why Ilia rhenrn an MINNI IIII IIIAIIA IIIII you llulllle nvn Ihr um rm you ll Illlllely Ihuw IUINTI lAT TLI MINERAL wlll mluro In Moll rue II vler nle In In time lulu hlmlnl clllla on ii type at pulun mu QIIINTIZ IATIII MlNIJIAL lullhis lo il ilvnloeh ml win new qulnle Min Ill II lnLIdInl wlln III Illvln MVII III In In it In revered lent to Mr III IIMhlnl IIehll III hlan EllIII III In your comm em IlllllWN Ii 10 TI Illmlop HI lllrrio Brighten Up For Fall Darker days are coming so put more cheer in your interiors Spark upcorncrs hallways lighten up whole room with our gay colorlul wallpaper patterns in all the newest shades in modem and traditional designs RJ0ATES AIITIBT HUIILIEB lIIHlJIIEfl MIRHOIIH 82 Dunlop St Phone 3270 mm mua Minv rum wr or