Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1954, p. 1

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MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY lie single copy 90th YearNo 84 Innisfii Reeve Discusses Taxes At Minets Point The second meeting this season of the Minetu Point Property Own era Association was held Sunday July 18 at the Pavilion on the invitation oi proprietor Sum man with the largest attendance any previous gathering Past President Rotcnberz chairman in the absence Pres dent Seymour MD and ad the dicussion oi the increased tax rate was the main objective at the meeting the Reeve oi lnnislll Allan Todd was introduced by Mr Orrnstein summer resident and Oyave detailed account or the rea sons tor the increase which is quite substantial advance over the previous year Alter his talk the Reeve an awered numerous questions put to him by the members and also promised to what he could rc gardlng the sslbility or reduc tion particularly to those who spend the summer months here only He also promised to notiiy the Department or Health regardinu stagnant pool on Bayview Road which has resulted tram the ex cavation hi hi ditchhscveral years ago to drain spring and swamp but the outlet to Minets Creek wcst oi this by small tile drain has been blocked ior some time and the east outlet which turna north across lots to the bay is almost at the bay level when nor mal Chairman lltotenberg extended thanks to Mr Todd on behali oi the cottagers Arrangements were made to have the papers and debris cleaned up at the park and the rait with diving tower recently purchased to he painted launched and moored this week Preparations are in lull swing Oloward the annual field day which will he held on August number oi copies ol thLI new summer issue Holiday Times published by The Barrie Examiner lor the summer resort area irom Oro to Belle Ewart on Lake Sim 09 were distributed and will be available ior thiI Point at Wilsons Grocery each Thursday Another meeting will be held on July 25 at the home at the secre tary Mrs Edythe Doci Fairview Avenue when arrangements ior field day will be completed TRANSIERRED TO BELLEVILLE as DIVISION sup Druce Peacock who was ap pointed divisional superintendent in Barrie of Trinidad Leasehold Canadai Limited has Just been promoted divisional superintend Ornt oi the companys eastern divi sion in Deilevlllc He has been succeeded here by Wylie who came from Dellevliie where he was district punervlsor ioliowlng term at Oaiilcc as depot controller hir Peacock the son at Mr and Mrs iiobert Peacock oi Midhurst whcre he was born received his education there and later at the Barrie District Collegiate inst iiutc During the war he served in the Army and on his discharge stari cti working in Barrie with Trin Jdad ltiisvhnlds he rose to the position oi district manager and waa tilen transierrcd to Windsor and later In North Bay beiore re turnips in Barrie ns district man gcr Ilcrc lie was appointed divi aionni allpcrlnicndent here in June lore lie la married to the armor Iirlrn ltuitch ul Cornwall and may have iour children three boys and one alrl The lamil will it lullilnl him in llrlicvilll shortly Mr Wylie has served with Trin idad illlFlilillitl or three and hall yellril ilo started in litlic villc Wiiril he rose from depot controller i0 tllxlriri aupcrvisor bolero his ilanillcr here nurllll the war he nrrved ill the Army Willi the lloylll Cnllniilnil Drdnimcn Conn Innl WA ItatInIIld throughout nt lllll lolllt Orti Onance llcpoi Montreal ills main interest III hla rpnrc linlc la the litifrvr lirnly anti prior to coin in it llltriii acrvrd with the nth AntiTank illKillilIli Iii lleiicvllll lluliiinl lilo rank Ill nlalnr lie la ililrlpotlllg his transitr lolhr local rcrnrvc unit the doth linll iank ilrllllIIlil liCA Mr Wylie is also married wllll our children two ulrla allii two boys Simon East MPP Meets Ratepayers Discuss Drainage COLDWAiIlll Lloyd hrrhy MillI ior lllllliuc Hall at yairpym ImrIIIIa ilI tilalrhtvluh rilllrtli lly itrcro Hallo liuriilw in Illlciiu drainage prohitlna lltr IIIIInItIy inni Innonil the ana Cllllrvrlirll with Iirpartnlrn lal cilgiIINr illilillI liIe alterllooll TlIa rirsillaae lrlllllrltl ill at llite Clock lllalll ditch on the lilIiI Irlnt ltltilllly lIniwrlIl llllll oblle hy lollIII Taylor and learn fill The lnrai ililllillll lerinlilllrlvlrli Willi iw lilllllflill Iinlil TI dime and Indicated tilti Ililanrlal IIIxIIll lni which might in lorlhronlllig tom the government Malrllalinil Colliull il ill illeei noon to nlelm Illa properI Moraviaa aa locoll elu Ilall Is an rut Mila Danammfl om New loweii Girl Loses tiielln Mill Pond Drowning Tragedy early yesterday afternoon took the lite oi Patsy Walker 13yearold daughter oi Mrs Babe Walker oi New Lowell number oi pollca olilcers irom Etoyncr ill their attempts to locate the young girls body and it was liililiiy recov ered by Boll Dull Iii who brought it to the surince by the use oi grappling Irons Inllal ntor treatment was applied IInsIlecessllIiiy ioI two hours III photograph at top loLsys youths assisted provincial UARRIE ONTAR two sisters Doreen l1 and Joyce 15 look at her me The 11 the mill pond where their young sister lost young victim who was I1 poor swimmmJ came to the surillcc several times boiore she ilnolly disappeared She had at tempted to swim to raft when she went under Tile mill pond is eight icetldeep in lower photograph Mrs Walker whose hus band died last year is seen with her two daughters Doreen at leit Joyce and Joey TEACHING STAFF iNCREASES IN BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR SEPTEMBER REOPENING No Im Ihnn ll IInw llllllllilrtl will he litiillii among the Villitll iilliiil Public School ilfiiiiiliil silllln whrn the hiillillLl rtdlpell III Srptvmiur ill Iiihiltioll to this nvo proud members will In Iran lirrinI ruin the ltill til tllil FCiilllll to iilili ni nnuihur ill town Al II will til the tlitlliin oi the IIIw thinn Shunt SIlInnI than will iti all lIWtlIii lilrltall lit live ltilriil hulking total lltltililiil rutlnr or on or the cumin year New IIlnii ltlllllilfll ni Klllil liil wiirli HIIInul wIII illlittllt Mlns iIIleiI Wliilly hnnI London unto Inna who In pnI rnmplnIni rnnnan ut Trmlllll lllltutx an tIIIlu 5hr will triiril in tho lIIIn Ilry lllvlslnll Mrs lllny Iinulzh nI luIIIirr lathe nulnrio hlis ititiy or Ihnrk st hone who hnI horn lllilillllu ni Iiolly llllil ruin Iirlril liliiyry who onInImInII hunt the trimn nl whim alIIlI will all letlllI III the lllltiltr lTiViillll Iii iiiltti oi Vflil InnI Ihn nnw lllrlllltrm in he lrlonny Div llon will hn lint iun iiililIIII Inr lIIrvlly ill illl atoll oi iIIIIIIIoIa ltlils tlnlurlo Inni Mu iialvry lltltl liIIIII ilIinII ilili llIIioIIII nor in titl JlIIIlIIl illvlsIIIII Till IlnninII MnIhnIInnIl In liaillr and Mia Ill IiiorilIIlwn Wltll ll tianslvulilg illull the stall oi Kiln Ellwalti iiihiiol Time will he no in than HVli nnwrunIm in the unit nI llililllti iirhnni le aholmuiro will on In her oi Mn illlli Willi limlxlrl mun IrnIiIinnInn lirlinnl in till iIuIlnr invIIinn will he Min leaIi iilIwIIIti trove lit lllilit won on hmt lrntllind in erl IlwlllltIIlIIIIv liIIlI Wilma flalk ltradloltl fit ilalrir and lhinnlii lflllllllill who Inva lllllll lioIn TeariIvrl Cllllil London Ontario in iill lliilllliPiilii lllvlaloll will he Mia Muriel laiillil MaIy fit ilalllo who IInII bean teaching In no ililli ll Lilliolohn train the Toronto Public School tlIIII III the IInInI itcnnntniin litililiililllil will on Miss Eilrhlilvlh Legato who lor lIIrlly Iaiiiiiit thill walk in Coil IIIIiwImtI but who has lyroli iltirllll iIII illt lhIIurIn Cnlluat or Elilltilr tion on ilil pint your ller home is Illor Sillllill Inn CnIIIinuInn school kinder uIiltlII will ill taught this ylar by Mil iiiililla Cilnlthtll Ill ilvulitili thIIoIiu who hat linen utIeIIiilIIa Tlilllliid Chillgr ill Nllrih iiay Ml Marlon Millie nl iliniop St ilalllc with lorIIIvr experirntl llI Ililtllillulllshrllr llilli Vtltrrn IIIIIIIIIL will tialh Ii lrllllllly Divi sloII rum and away Jones nI illnwn lllll nnlntlu tlnu ill tllt lIIlolllIedilItr Division ill the limit titltlv Srhlioi willrh IXllltltll in ltl rratly iIlr rallooi nprninn or my IIthIIIytIIrInaiinr Mir lonn llihrr ill iiIIIlinIIl In liIIIo will he III clIrttn oi the lIIIIIItIuIIlmI TII lill IrIIIlaly lilv islllll will runw Him the Million tr ImIlIIIIc uinli lulu MIIIIoII llrlai nl Vllllllllll IIIIIl tinIIIinIllIIa llItIIi lliliillil Illhon MIN lilonlalrt TlIoIiIIIIiI lII lil lIlIlillr lilViililt vlll ili Mil leina Vililivr III lirwinn iii Iimin who on ltrrl InvrhIIIp III inn unit ptlnrlpsl lmnu It MatLoan llaiislriiilil limit the iillIIIesi stall lilnl Million Webll will JIIIII Ml lilnllh as an liiIIrInIiI irlllllilili ImlInr ilIiir wIiIlt tn lp divided among all lllllr stiloolt nA riliIiTiNli llllNlllI llo rilirrn Iltrlll by Molly when the illllllll ll ifllliilifl roulllli VlIrlhrr ho poi Intaiuta nnI or not he Ml lIn amllml that tilll iqu win In thrown titan Iii Inmom unrule they no out lulu oiled rxlfllulils Out Post Erpma ol litiotlll Visiting Rector Praises Innisiii Fire Department Rev Lloyd Delaney rrctor oi St Jtlhll thr Ilnptist Church in iakeiiclli now vilrationinil ht thtl Jilllliirlln ClllInh Summer ilrsort nt ill Titty Point has sent thil lolluwllltl iliiti lil Innlaiii Council ltuartllng llll prompt ucllon of their tire brllzndo DIar Slrn Title lriler nr Ippreriritioll and initials IhnrnInru IIIiIo till irrlnl non some you mom Ihnnln him In cmnllllllli your volunteer illn brluaiia Inr the aunt woxk on Sunday nIIrrnonn Jilly III III illg llny iolni With no Iliniiil whnI Mill the onnnu nI the chin null truth In Jlro InIIIhI well have sllrlitti nnl rlliImI mnt prvprrty ninnnru ihcrl Inn Innny who do Hill know that this is dummy drotip whn nnIIm til In noon the tier rilllsrli Inn nun ivy cm lurnm wind or liaise and public anIInvnI nr tIIrlr rtIIIlIrrallvr rls 1qu Irrinl lille IhrIn Appoint New Chief Clerk Aiiandalo CNR The new rillri IInII In In In ninonuani In the Ailllilllalfl divl lltlll nI till allmllsn ilalltulal llallwny Itlrlsllliliu Ithr wlili InIImI at to non nt John II iIallvr nI IlaIlln pulllilllviil aiiN tire nt luiy Formerly IVlflll clerk at Al lallllali Ilhe new illill rlrvk llii her in Tim ill Iztl in North Tilly Mill then In iiormpayna uni Cap Ielil where he also aIIccuiild Mr Elli Ulla iBarririExa IO CANADA WEDNESDAY JULY 2i 1954 minor an atom um menu um laman enema and mu lama ctrAth Judgment 0n Bail Reserved Serving ran rows or sham arm comm or swoon Since I864 14 PagesTwo Sections Following Hearing Yesterday In County Court lit Barrie Somewhere in Toronto may be tormer Full Gospel Church pastbr from Gravenhurst who was yesterday described duringla court hearing in Barrie by Judge tiarer as coward who would not appear whoput the country to terrlilc expense and who put two people in the position where they might lose their property This was the description heirp plied to Donald Jones 20 an evangelist who disappeared while on $5000 ball put up by two at dais congregation while he was awaiting sentence on charge at indecency against young boy The hearing yesterday was in connectlon with the position re gardin the bail and Crown At tomey illiam Thompson QC moved that it be lorleited The ball was put up for Jones hy Mrs Mary Harblidge 57 widow oi Gravcnhurst and Ear vey Christie 28 travelling sales man oi Germanla about 10 miles east oi Gravenhurst Mrs Hap bridge we represented by Boui ton Marshall QC and Christie by Gordon Aiken QC The two counsel submitted that tlwir clients had not properly un derstood the terms at the bond in connection with Jones bail and were under the impression that there was no possibility or its tur ieiture as result oi Jones ap pcarlng in court when the case was heard last year Crown Attorney Thompson con tended that he was satisfied irom his questioning oi the two Wit bosses that they had understood the position The trial commenced on July and was adjourned to September 24 but the accused did not appear PATSY WALKER The Middle Column Caughi In Squeeze lly llIIl Caught In the equecao is an cxprcssive phrase originating we believe in the utock market it is hacknrycd today because It leads ltsnll aptly to situations in so many fluids tootball wariare wrestling the aupormart romance even writing the Middle Column not one cannot help hauling it back iqu service In attempting In describe lost weekend on the Orlliia hypocl Actually it was mere two hours ii we let the clock tell the story Friday loo pm The telephone rings call iroIn lluntrvlllc sug gests we drive up on Saturday to visit at pleasant lake it sounds put that simple an we promise to he tillre In time or supper Such crass opilmlllnl Saturday 200 yum with no hint oi the impending lraiilc slnunntlnn we strike out on the IInrriu hynm Lovely 245 lrogrcss on Highway 11 it what hiowcr than usual Ii nioxuini leisurely trip with on miull twoway knlilc In twp every one in line No crllwliliilz 320 Tlll llli highway takes oil on till own anti we enter the new llilllll Thu trillilc pauses ilritlly Irnhnhly the lights die In llpcrn lillll ll ahlIIl iiitnllte ahead We crawl iorwnrd ilil llnc oi earn rct Till the CN ltrrplllilr iitlll IlIlkillll nI Innnn tiIc gailllllily illlllillllllllil are Iv rrach the antIot oI iIIIiIli iilltllr IIIIIIIslI IluIII ivrr III rtlra llllil InlIl triilla via thc nht rllliil Ihny town We mum ltic Inrrrlinnll call llnrilly ha aturv on yo no We nun litt lirltmil th ol iillilIJ mill Ihn cIan la mlumt In InIII lptctl Tho ihn pnum Innlnmnly prtvtcrlia nIInut InIIy leri nmI tio illlllrly nun In hall on me IIInIIIu mp nnI hrlllril with him with in IIIIIy nllll irllilii nu ihl itIlIII llll III llilllliliilill rala whitll liilllllr nhvhll nl on ltilviliit arnl ly lllIWTl violin up again and urnnInI nnI nI night about mile away lhm Iwn no lIIiiIlrlli title our ll ilrtiallsilit right In on line ni llailll nu ilel turning and routing llsrh Time to IIoIh iIIII iIIIi alillll Ihn nt pm lllllr clr duo open and lov mI people gathrr nhnni In Ilnar this inniileiltulla lllWl 001 We nllvnqrv ailtliillr loll aniIa ruvilng with lirlnrhlll lulu Mt Ii rar llalkml ii iii vigill Ihulll ttrr III whhh Iwn nrnnIn lit Itiitiy Illd road map litlll ilili tilal ii the lllllii liliil aralle Illm could any one have mutant with this liltliel li0 It lump ahitly laith aadan tirva ilililliy it on In Illiit Turn to page live Plunl TORONTO MAN DROWNS SUNDAY STURGEON BAY Iinrold Vincent anptoa at it Grecnmuunt Etrcct Ti ronto was drowned In Sturgeon Bay near Wapbaoshena Sunday alter he tell auri board The body was not recovered immediate Aceordtngto OPI Conatabic Shepherd the oronto man swam only on distance alter laiiinr oil the sort board then aank lrom allht lie was suri board rldtll tor the llrst lime lrampton was weekeodln at Sturgeon Bay with his wile Mabel And children William and Linda lie was boating with llaroid Richards and his brother Georn Illcharda at Toronto The latter dove Into the water but was unable to locate Mr Frampton Under Suspension Motorist Fined For Driving Car lly lt0l Magistrate Gordon rmlor was ready In open his court III Brad inrn yislllliny wnrn was dlscov ercd that the Bible which is usually nn hand was missing Court was delayed or icw minutes while messenger was Hill to borrow Bible 50 that Ith could proceed llr Impounded When Ctlnlnliiilu Fox Oll wan insxintl car on thr iliiiitliltllli ruatt hl ilillltui that lit tlrlvrr vials Sylvester Dwytr ol Cooks iuwll whim lirivinil license was under lIIspIiIsllill nor previous coilvlclloll Wiltll he iipplrhcilllttl the cur Tiller ill ilialilurti lilr lwy era wllc won at LlIu Wiittl They illilliiiilti they hlill charmed Ilriv era illilr liltiiilli the ivilicrr Dwy Ilr pleaded guilty to liit rl Irlzl lil Ilrlvillu Witill th license was aul puilliotl wi had two coming down Tillillway 21 iiiid tile iraulc was heavy and Inn with who ilnli only been liiiviltlt tor month was very nervous ilt told the unlit took thlf Itl illoi aha tlllliii hove lrsl and shortly llllrlwllrtls we llllt the lllllrllr Tin lined WI and ML unit the output by illl wIIIwnI lIIIpiIIi drd lur iititD lllulliha Illarlutl tint iilwlil Willtria III New Llskralti whmc om transivnt lollillrtl with the roar tll another iilltk UII iildii wily tilt liti May inst wIII untouc tl to pay lion oi tilt and rusti iii $21 ill theme III IIrIvlllIl wltil tIIIt IIIIn true inr lilt saiely oi oth ers Alwlhrr Charge or rntlitlll tlilvlilg had Iron WillilllllWlt in giving his liliignIrIIt Magist rain iiistrr atalril that tho last that Williua had driven trulll New liisllrald and hail illllI worklild Till i1 liilllil Iltll alter only mt oi illlrt houla hail IlMlIll iwrk on mum trip quI III ililsllirll IIIlaIIt havg town mninwtut Itl nonion Inr ile nuliielll The no Mimi hall lioiNl Iil ltil Cvltlcllll that he hall previous iii the Itti dent irit IIIII and lllvmild IiurlM willrh he audited the tires You lIIuI warning which ynu did not herd the magistrate told him and all that there Is little doubt that you tool aa you ad mim to padttilve pleas When Mrs Harbridgc went into the witness box she explained that We bond which had been put up was in her case in respect all the deed on three homes which belonged to Her She derived her income ironI the rentalot two oi these but to maintain them she had also to work as coolr lo hotel to raise additional money She went onip describe how Pastor Jones had been the min istcr daughter attended and she had also gone IOIthc services Mrs iiarbridga said she had not understood the terms at the bail bond because she could neith er road nor write it had been readto hcr but she had not been able to understand what it meant The witness went on to describe how on July 29 Jones had gone to Toronto The iollqwlng day he phoned her to say that he would not be able to get back because all the buses were tull That was the last ever saw or hcard at him she added in the church which her The witness went on to point out that she had had letters writ ten to various churches where she knew Jones had preached but she had never received any internIa tion about his whereabouts About one month also however she had managed in contact woman in Toronto who had talked to Jones and they had been able to roughly ascertain the area in which he was living iniormation was turn ed over to the police Christie when he went into the witness box explained that he had put some property up tor the bond and this was his only asset He said they had been under the impression that the bond was cleared when Jones appeared in July Asking for iorieiturc oi the ball Crown Attorney Thompson said ii there was ever case in which the ends ot Justice were deieatcd it was in this case in law and in tact there is no basis Tor this motion to be re iused Saying that he wouldreserve Judgment Judge llarvlc said this this was matter he would not like to decide hastily in sense it involved something new do not think anyone can have greater sympathy for these two borldsmcn than the Crown Attorn ey and myself he added ROYAl VICTORIA HOSPITAL Will RECEIVE ABOUT $10000 IN GRANTS FROM GOVERNMENT Substantial assistance for the Royal Victoria Hospital In the mm of government grants was forecast in letter which was read at the regular meeting at the hospital board on Mon day evening July 19 The letter over the signature the Honorable Dr MeKlnnon Pbii lips Minister oi Health or On tarlo advised that on the basis oi auxiliaryservices and outpatient areas which had been provided in the remodelling oi the Barrie litr pital provincial grants had been approved to an amount at slightly overshoot The province now up plies to the federal government or their approval at an equal grant this being routine arrangement between the two bodies This vlr lually assures that when the see nnd approval comes through the Barrie hospital will receive in the combined grant an amount in cx €055 oi 310000 The beard were also advised by it Robertson Chairman oi the Finance and Property Committee that track screening had now been installed in all rooms in the old portion at the bulldlnll approxim alcly hall or it having honn tinn ateii by the various room sponuora Eliurts have been made to re llcvc ovcrlloniintI conditions oe rIIrring during warm weather in the kitchen and in tho chiiiirrna want In tiie iormer improved whirlth vinilllltlon and the in Iiiailatilln ill two large lalls at cost ill $ill was reported to hr proviIIII riitctlve It window air conditioner has boon ilLllllild in trlIll in the hildrillil want and gives promin uI mcctinx the prob itll illill 0n committee recommendation the board approved the assuming ot lloatrr type insurance policy protecting the hospital ior amounts up to 3500 agaillat the loss oi pa Iients eliuets which may he do pwitcd tor solekeeping with any hospital personnel bylaw change was also given board approval alter the necesary readings This was bylaw gov erning the signing authority ior hospital cheques which lormcrly required two ulgnaturea that be ing any two oi the president the Vicepiflsideni the secretary and the treasurer The revised bylaw requires the bonding oi the secre tary to an amountor 525000 and gives him single signing authority or amounu up to $500 The secretary was directed to mm letter oi condolence to hirs ii Rule upon the recent liuath nl her hhuband member of the hospital board and letter to Charles Robinson expressing te prct at his absence through illness along with wishes for an early re turn to good health The meeting wits presided ovcr by the chairman the Reverend James ittullsiln in addition to till report oi ll lllltlcrisun ll lIInnnIIornonI CoIIIIIIItitc report proseniril hy the committee clldii man Warren Vlluar The inlaid lines not hold rcizus iIIr lniriillfl In AupuIt World Famous Musician To Play Here Illlvltlil HALLOIIORII listlmtolohcd illiniiit on clarinet and Mlxtlpiilllil direct iroIII the American llrontlcnalhlg Cmnpnny oi New York whore iii plays as soloist and with Paul Whilc iltliil will be leItllirrtl in the Plum Concert to be presented nl linrrlr Arena illitllntay evening July at by llnrrle Collegiate timid itOAF Crntlnl Cmnnmnd Band will also play under the direction oi Flying Oiitcer Olllionl liIIIIt lhla proarain colncldea with the annual convention oi the Canadian limitl maatora liupclaildn which will be held in barrio July 3031

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