Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1954, p. 2

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dfil He was Amlsiant Sec or the Hamilton Conference of me United Church SecretaryTreasurer the Hammnn Ministerial Assu cialion Secretary of the Hamilton Annual Fall Commence on Evan gelism and Social Service Coun EEllur the Young Peoples UnKons Human Presbytery and Dim Ior at the Young Peoples Camp at Ryemcn Bench Luke Erle In ad dition he was Chaplan lh Hamilton Sen Cadet Corps Lio In 19 the Dwn was taken over by an American panX comp any and Mr Brains snmewhm chailcnging stay from 1944 to 1948 NW it rehabilitated wnh the pop ulafion growing during those years 1mm 1500 tn 5000 Frnm Espmoll ML Erenn was nalled to Old Windham United Church at Simcoc OnLIria where he served dntil his c411 In Grace United Church Hangman in 19 Some appreclzflon at the energy and capabilitlu which ML Erenn brings to his work in Barrie may bu gamed from the scope of the positions he held at the lime or his departurp mm Hjmfltan music the study of the Mann and the vioHn ls npw at necessity relegated to me cat ory of hubby In 1915 Mr Brcnn was marrfied the farmer Marguerite Traw bridgc of Espanula and they have two children Faye eight and Wgyno flv The Rev1Cecii Dunn who WI lnducicd 1m Thursday evening minister at Cenlrni United Church is gradunic ol Emmanuel Coli eee and McMaster Univnrsny and comes Barrie allowing an net ive andsuccesslul ministry at two and half years in Grace Uniied Church Iiamilioni Mr Brenn was born Xn Weslover near Dundas0n1mln recelvlng his earlier educnuon 1n the school Dundas and Hamilton Gradu Ming 1mm Humilwn Normal School in was he mush schoal In nnarhy Freeltan for six yeah prim In emegiqg upheysity 20 In nnarhy Freeltan forusx yeah prim In entering umversity tc qmplgte his traxmngfur the min Upon grquauon ML Brenn wen to Espanola on theVSpnnish Jliver sauthwest Sudbury lawn which had thrived Inthe twenties pupacompany town had become 3mm town during the deprasslnnrldden thirties nnd was convened Into prkuneroti wru 02 fin the early tomes nir an Mrs Brcnn lock for ward to an internclung and pleas ant pawnale In Barrie Through July Mr Brenn ls tak lng 1hr summer services the congregnuons Central and Col lcr Street United ChurchLs which are being held In file laller church znm 3mm Wwmmmv mm H354 SaildiAmblacnveri1g me at he Arabian Peninsula has nch ur Mvers REV CECIljl BRENN FROM GRACE CHURCH HAMILION NEW CENTRAL UNITED MINISIER Phoné 2059 or call at 118 Dunlop Street East N9 M323 on Amvans Duh Ila le flporlll 0m cm nlllllnvlLle POI IZVEIWO VISITING OUR STORE FREE GIFT Conunued from pan one commence special training 1m lrnnsler In the Armnured Corps will be the segond convemon far the unit since the and the 2nd wurld War Originally nn nnIitank regiment the unit was converted to field arullery al though Raining he name 451 AndTank Regiment Convert 45 AT Regiment To Armoured Corps Exullcnt new The conversion the SH Antl Tank from field regimen in an Armoured Corps unit is certainly noldm resull oginomciency Five time In year the unit has engaged In firing at lhe Mealurd Tank Range In Sep lrmbur December April May and June On our occaslans hr regi ment was engaged in tactics In support of lhe Raynl Canadian School at Inlantry at Camp Bor em composed permanent force troops at lhe txprus request nl Col Elnghnm 1350 in com mant n1 le School of Inlamry Col Bingham who commanded the Royal Canadian Regiment In Korea was high in In praise ol the artillery work lhl 45th Anu Tank He said he had nnl seen accuracy In artilleryxllkc HIM of ID 451 oven In Korea The 45m AmiTank also worked on cummnm mnnunuvros in April wllh map or Inks us well as the lnffltnry NEAR CENTENAIIY Thch Republic of lndina universillos CalCuMa Madmfl nnd Bambny wen all nundcd 1857 AT NU 1IIIIATIIN TU ll Ire wl II ninthlol Ilflnomlullnn nl Ill ITARI Fl Alllnmlll Ir Ill yum Imam II yum rnlwullrmp Mm Minna mum rnlmmlul Hm wmuu Muhlm Ilmpllly ume will In mu Dulmlny Am mummy Alllunll wlll 1quer dmmlmnflom new lnmvr nml may Fully AynMIN Wnlm Ihowln mlny lulu luluum wulwlny mm lulu Imlllll pmnm REV CECIL BEENN HOME DEMONSTRATIONS LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS THURFRSA1 The only lull lutnmllln Mr IIIt Inllnu you ruinHr Hpr nlnlnr Irllull urhlllw lllnlul MHhIlIIIIII lululllll dnv pawn nvrlfluw In My hull 4km qulrnl FREEXHIBITION SHOWING mm mmxrr the £5254in FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER um ULAIHJ HUI Al Mr and Mm Brcnn met M19 members at the congregauan per sonally as they filed mm the ser vice lo the church parlor where ple recupuan Look plAnce Foliowing remarks by Mr Brenn ewressinns of welcome were heard mm Rev KL Clemens rmresenung me Barrie District Ministerial Assnciauon Mrs ory president the Senior WIL Alderman Fights Lost Cause Re Popcorn Addiction Mrs Doidge president of I11 Junxor WA Mrs wium Creed president me WMS Ray Bishop lerk at the session Sidney Money chairman at me board at slew ards and Dr Perkins assist anl superintendent the Sunday School Alderman Paddison ox pressgd his View have had lime experience these hot dog wagons They are anly nuis ante and clutter up me trnflm on the streets Anyway dont Ihlnk we should have that kind of com pemian here against our own people who 5011 111959 commod NBS Deputy Reeve Girdwuod Laid thai it this wagon wercdo operate along the town streets he could see mathers being bothered by their children in buy Popcorn and whnievnr else was being sold Central United Church was the fcenu or an Impressive Induction service or the Rev Corn Brunn HQ Thursday evening July It In chnrge UN service was Rev MacPaVIsh ol Bmdfurd chairman at the settlement cum mum of SlmcuePresbylvry n5 slslfld by Rev Jr VeaLS ul Mine sing and Rev Eugene Beech of Burton Avenue United Church Barrie The uur delivered 101mm Xnducuon sermon to the congregation mm me new pus tar An Infumml Sbclnl pmind lul luwed wilh Wreshmcms being served by the ladies Conlinued tram maze one dogs and the like We have enough of our own people to look mar the consumption mink woum he protoc 1ion the mothers keep this on the 5mm added Alderman Horsey said ht undemxmd that lhuso wagons had now been banned in all the larger cities nm only from he point 01 View nuisance but ulsa from he hoallh nnglc ThLy nrea nm mm ynu are having carnival but nm or oper 9an mum Lhu 5mm he Cun llnuod Alderman Robert Gold said he did nul feel if his man were alv en license that he should be al lower on the mnln strm They Rev Cecil Brenh Inducted As Central Pastor The chair presented special mu lc or who occaslan un amhcm wuh tenor solo by Jack Slcmr am soprano sole Mrs Ray Bishop 399so Conllnued 1mm page one Some of he numbers 01 the tour were Dr Sark vLcr president the Inlnrnatiomi Conference of Social Work lPh Natherlands who is also see relaxy general he League or Unmarried Mather of thé Neth erlands Miss Wlllink lady sonalor from the Netherlands Mr Niuhun from Belgium president otthe Cnmmlflee of Soclal Services nnd Miss Ladame Miss Salome and Internationalx Group Social Workers Here From the Senior and Jumor wa mnns Assuniauons Mrs Jory presenkd Mrs Dewell with car sage while mm the same organi znlluns Mrs Wilton Creed presem ui lu Miss JanetBewell an alum lnum my and Jams Bewell Jr apair or heal ends Dainty rnrrémments and sach hnur bmughl the uvcninz In close Although it was agreed In turn down the request for the llconsl Alderman KImJE Km In file inn word Perkins road Idler expressing an helm at the tim grngatlnn their appreciation oi the rnInlstry Just drawing lo close and extending best wishes lo the Bow amlly In thclr new hnmc This was fullnwcd by proscnln Hon by Ray mam clerk of ms Slon purse money Mr Bowen whqmpde me ml mov Ing ruply The choir ruprcsomed by Nahum Parker prgsemed Mr Bewell WiHl drsk pen set and Mrs Bewcll wilh needlepoint picture mesmng ram 19 Ban1e Min isterinl Association was expremu by Rev James Fergusun of St An draws Presbyterian Church are having enough lmuble as it was with parking and doablewrung Persunnlly like popcornflu rnn kind they make in these mm waguns with the 1mm poured Alderman Killzle was mmqu by quosflon rum monum of muncil Whn said was mum and 11 mm mm another mmnbur may beaxle mm However lug pvmevcrvd 1n mak ing his pain and addrd Wlwn see popcorn wagun on ma sum1 am hr first one In huy But npparonlly not Mr Kilwlc Central Honors Bewell Family Ere Departure Chairm5u for cvcmng was Chumllr dean OK the um gmng In medal congrcgnllunul mccllnfl In he church parlors Wednesday evening June the members and adherents Cenlral Unilcd Church bad2 LIllWEll Rev Howell and lamlly on me eve nf mm departure for the newvclmrgc nl Harrlstnnl lllilKIZ IT IS llln VI Ilsplzly zll lllr LNJI um ling Villllll Free 70R at least tn Darrin MONARCH 69 Miss Jackson met wilh same he uplognlus whun she was In rommu aucndlng me Inlernn Hnnle Cordercnci of Social Work Thuy expressed wish to meet and talk with some of lhcir uwn cuumrynwu now living In Canada It um lime and Also to see and hear aboui hnnlth and William gymvlccs as hey are an 0man counly Miss Dageni social wmkers 1mm the same cnunlry Mme Parney Red Crass Mme PrunIcr social welfare and Mlle Rozal Aocln welhrc mm Franco MmE Knflnn mm Israel Mlle GonshDL lawyer at the staff Child Welfare Agency 01 Belgium Misx Eusmninnlq mm Bulivu who Is In New ank at me presenl Mme at UK Henry Slreat Semi mom Miss Taussig at New Ymk but Czechaslnvaldnny and Mme Pelamobn mm In samc cuumryY and Miss Frflnse ram Germany vlm is now studying In rhuadel pma The laur was originally planned or 100 delegnies ll was cancelled when the rcgisirnliun all helnw that number Nineieen delegates were so disappointed thatflue eminence our cummiiiec under lhc chairmanship of Mrs Parker decided on the last day 01 he Connroute in go ahead Willi the plans Miss Doriha Jacksan managing director of ihe Chlld rcns Aid Society at Slmcue Coun Dy Sun dirbclur oi Simeon Counly llunllh Unit Frank Dingman chic probation officer Mm Um Slmcoe County Juvenile and Family Court and Miss Louise Culley rmrcnilan direclflr for Simcoe County were cnuniy xncmbersn me our rummllioe Mrs Armand MaxInn Midland spent weeks holldnywnh her parents Mr and Mrs Mauth Dowllng Mrs Fred Martln returned m1 her home In Cundles lasl WCtk arler spending the winter with her daughters Mrs Carver Buffalo and Mrs Garvin ank purl NY Accompanying 1h mm were Mrs Haney from the provincial department of public wellarc Mrs Cameron Parker PuanclI Lake whu was chairman the Conler cnce Inur cammmw Mrs Carlet JJn Robinson at Toronto scereury nl um committee and mu Mnrchnnd week Mary Mn Green has ruumd from vlsil wllh Mr and Mn Donald Reid Calgary Alla Mr and Mrs Juseph Emma and lhair daughter Wm B15 View num Olmwz are spending week with Mrs Brunams parents Mn and Mrs dewrl laPlanlo Harry Minnie presldent he Mabel Sprou Montreal and and MN 1mm 5pm and n1 Oluwa are visiting this wiihfnr and Mrs Sprou SL Emlui 3DAY SPECIAL OFFER mnclllnr ml will he lend to you or hm fnndlllun TRADEIN ALLOWANCE hl Wmhlug Muchlnr Munnllru Mnkr Min Muriel Knupp who has been ill her home her in three weeks hnvmz spent the past few months In Parry Sound lLn Salv urdny morning accumuanlcd by M155 Ddreen Davis of Schomberg1 for Calgary Album where they will be nursing or limo ollow in which they plan to go on In Vancouver and other points 1m Western Canada before rulurnlnli their homes urLlay nflcrnunn tor London Eng land ll jofln her husband LLCol George MC MBE Who mem ber 01 the Canadian Bisley team mceived leller 1mm her husband Just bgtore her departure staung that he had received an Invitation to garden party at finding ham Palace on Juiy lpwhcn he wil be presenth to the Queen Mrs George and her our chudrcn Curtis Suzanne Elizabeth and Dawna were nrrive In England by TCA on Sunday Mounlusll0u School ss Na Am Nu Madonlc Grade in 9Shirey KLng Jan Miller BDnvid KinuMurris King to 7R01and BCIIMCI John Pnungc George Clark la flLarry Anderson Bernard Bel nngnr Peter King Shirley Todd Todd Mary 1105 King Dnvld Pol lagm 10 fiRila Eerlheloue Richard Eulnngcr to 4Patricia King Ruben Belanger Geange Barr to SShiHey Ann Bel nngu Paul Grenlnr Kennclh King Susan Pounge Linda Barr Willls Amos Ronald Wilton Dennis King Rosemary Buchamm 1a1ph Twamey teacher Banu Ind um Rel mu Bunk recenfly mended the Nor lhzm Ontario helium Julienne of the Ontario Assaclnuan Ru 3114 Board in Sudbury Mr Mable dlraclgr or the Ontrim MOUNT ST lOUIS Real Estate Emmi Mr and Mm Monkman with Mn Ind Mrs Chrence lud dell Kingska motored to Huntsville over the weekend and flayed at TallyHo Inn On Sun dny hey had dmner nl Klllnmey ladge In Algontmln Park and mo lored back by wny ulBancmn Babmygen and Echelon hills or three lnyx unly Ill lhls BBYSflNS Mm ceogge yihurlcfl 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST mom 4m ICE CREAM CANDY CHEESE SANDWICH vllhllll EASY hone Stand LUNCH AT TOASTED lllifllllAlt VM 0050 BAD OUTBREAK ARMY WORMS IN ELMVALE AREA finalkc mum whn mama um um autumn mg uqu mm be manning the worms They In practically over III enllr arm and olhu arms on mum llne hzve Im been ltlanhd Department at Arlcullurn nfllclnls Immediately called In Dr Hamming III De mflmem ol Emmnlnn OAC Guelph who has carrledoul In lnspccllnn Farmer In be net are urud Io mumex new Im mdhlely Mlhongfium om Ildel or new my lonk an right the warm my be mack mym Illler In The lollowlnz pnIsnn recipe runmmendedla be spread In an evening whcn the worm teed 25 pound bran In on paumlol Parl Green This ll mlxtd wllh wllzr Incl molmel In the lnllnwln pro porllnm two quart of mal mel In two gallons will hum Hancock mutant IHtlllllrll npresenhllve 0r Simeon North my lhh morn ln um urlnus outbreak of Army Worm rm occurred In Elmvale nu 38 BAYFIELD ST BUDGET TERMS huge mirror 4Duwer chm Full Panel ma klbbun Spring SprlnzIllled mums Low Priced Luxury 5pcé BEDROOM SUITE HOME FURNISHINGS REFRIGERATION COMPANY Dance at Thornton Orange all Friday July ll Old time amt modern dancing 9130 Jennys OrchLdra Lunch cuumor Admll Slonfioc Gala Barn Dance n1 Burma Wnlcs Barn Just north Ever eu calming he chrglan nay Islanders Friday July Lunch cuumer Admission 750 and 500 727BW Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Cum miles nnrlh of Hank on nghway 27 miles south Elmvalc Music by Montana Arl mLmIon 500 2llWF HORMONE TREATMENT Rubber yields 11 Mgh an up cent nbnve nurmal have been ap tnlned In experimenu with hor mone treatment the rubber lhrea barku WEIGIHNG PROTEIN device has been developvd 1n welsh bus of prulcln Extremely Small mass by measuremem at the amount Xmy absorbed hy the pllccs teslnd PHONE 2843 mm mauvmcy

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