Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1954, p. 1

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Inur roll Irlvulml nu LInlhnnlw HM lu nu mm hm mm llnwu mu mku Mulch nu nu play mm whul m1 mu sllurvl mm um mull rlmnp 01 um All um mlm up In uluuwlu lmn mm In nuulul mm nunzrclin mu 1m rulmlm moll nl mu 117 um In vml Airhlllr wml winch my ml HVUKIIII In pruHiln Ilwv All III In Illuh mumvim wurk helm curried out by lqyull Cumulqu Nnvy Irogmen in the Watch on tho mncrs Quurlch xit Pflilbtung LunL yrnr In those sumo walemlroemor Jury IornUl mu hml ruLucd Lhn hulk uf Hm rhlp lmaummm Which wmxljrought Illulnlll mu Luke Erin In lflll lhrj lull Hwy rml mmwl Take Gunn Slrnel Playground for Example Like the other six playgrounds the lawn ll opened the youngsters 01 Bane nn Monday 01 last week and by Wed ncsday nrurnlng iLs enrolment was 1557 chlldran with more expand is capable senior lgader PM Ham ilton had things well in hand by that timr wilh he assistance 01 Kalhlcpn Tory Thumpson and Ron Butler And over at the shell orerl Iable un the slrlc oi the Rrounds Uullg vdlunleer leader Calllerinp Coulis who happens in cidentally to be he daughter he rmrczllnn cummllteea chaer man Sandy Couus was helping with the crafts work Aruund and years these ymmgsxcrs are Imp1g but learn much in the way exp lencc Out 31 the swimming classes that Me hold cALh atmrnuon 0m Bench under the direeunn ulEruce Popplolanumm another vnlunv nor helper Michanl Ikdmund wim gives welcnmc assistance in Brute and his four main helpers Joan Samam Cathy Coleman Ann Harris Ind Juan Smilh all of whom double as playground lead ers for part or the week Bruce niw he with Hm lay camp held op the first four days at the week at Oru lhc mur Senlnr may ground Gunn Struct St Vin cents Qucuns and ShearIn turn Mnst the day camp supervision is givm hnwcv hy The 12w the playground nllendnncc wllll one loader always rcmnininx the rnornssnn WILFIHI NM thcjrnl Prslly or Wrsurn Onmrlo ls sccnscnlcd nL ML ln ImuL he Im on Sugurdnyw The Barrie Recreation Committees 1954 Summer play ground programls good example of municipal planning for the future Not content withvlts past good fortune at be ingcnbln to obtain the very bestrln young Ichdershlp the chmmmee ls ensuring contlnued sucééss In this Jleld by training even younger leuders through lt volunteer system 90th Year No 79 NAVY FROGMEN EQQATE SHIPAT PEINETANG TownPlaygrounds Open Added features Include Oro Day camp gleadership Training NewTredd SCENT ON FAIRWAY IIII nMrlrII Ill Mr IN zmul ml llw Itllmlrrnfll IWIF Ilul III Ilvr mnnlmr lllllr ul mm mm HH mum wmlhrr umnlly mm rlovrmh The Hm Column Turn pun Ill pin Illr nrrhnul lnkvn In In llw inhlllly lhl lnl Mrmkrn up who uh hunkyy pml mknu whnll I1Ithmugrzmllhullhr wl varluu lhr Imllum Illr nukwl luv In mum lu Mono wibfiifiéfii and mom um ulum mum Imi WALLH 5c singlo copy byth hlnkngn lATROIJJNG OFF the old nnvnl dockynrd lnnclnhn 1n Hm motor munch mm which the Navy lmunmn oprmlul whllc annunn Promwr Jury nnd hlu Mn In Mm rrcuvcry any lnIIKu all In the wnlrrn nmuml um um 0man Qummn lcnolnnu An lnmrnllng point nboul Hm Mum M100 which mm rendered by the navy In the nrmnmlwlnu In all nature or their work In that this In lhn Ilrat lime or over mo yum that linan personnel have nclunlly been on duty at me am tort mumsl Ihcrejs guy mundawjlas Jar as playaround are concerned Obsid rcnhav¢ lgmlkilhdr own choice andstay Mungaha 311 Thus whu wish and filesenlor play giounds inayfinkonrhey may vyémaln In m6 lunlpr Thgre lsnn mm In mmslzjescmu adieu he program com mlMeEopflrc recreauon body Jprgtnfnpgl ton who works 919w lywlth is pJayizrofindsuper SPF 13w MWnex The leaflets thnSgariop plnygmunds ivlth the senior lender Mmrd first er Pat HhmiubnKhhlEeh Hammer andvfian Bullch Dunn SlreeJoan Smflh anuIr und Frances Wild may SquXnuent Catherine Colt than Lox my and Bob mom son Queeni Ann Harris Mnry Jackson nfmfi Ken OfCunnor Shut Joan Sarjennland Myrna Synnuu Nelson Suuaxe Thelma fill and Mfiry Maxim Lions Club Ind Pa 1331 nnd Lgan Bowman Brock ll It lshuped that he Junlur play ground wgll hgve an opportunity lu havc special vlsn ta the day camlfi 3150 élsan Squnn Lions Club fonheriy Sompumlsn and figoclgjhnlfifl plaxgrqunds hlve smallgxmglfiutfons fiun the our main playgrnunds but hey proA Vidc gwlniminunnd other excellenl programsdqthelr young enml mng eehdo Lhufieék hésup 15ch Illendngcc playzivfinil to look after any stay athnmes Imgmen have now located hnother hulk 0H Muguzlne Iglnqd land It bullévcd from constrllctlon that It may bn the Nxmwnsh sister ship at um lcoum sch Both vesspliv wciu or anln In 1032 with othergcvcrnmbnwlokeh buHhey wérc never sold Mlor period of time they dlalntcamtcd and finally annk 80 Mr no nlntcmcnl hnr been mndc us go the mlslng this qewlymund skeletonnhlp Ehéflfiarrit7£xnmin2r The SL Johns Aminlance Corps supplies first aid kits to Barriet piaygrounds an added safety pre éautloh 1h parentshpun npprecla and when they goswlmrnlnlras they db every atteidoanwhzn the weagher permlts the yuunzsers have Jhc best ofm1iervisloyi ind arely din quhundred any 10 swimmerslxoni tht In of échn weir old amt up can uabqard flve wetland bussaun la Ilun to thgbeach thgy ec fin EicéfiiJNjflfiYii wumsmucxrou CYCLE BYfLAUTO Alan CrdwshnvJaged seven 156 PcelSlreet was larmnale 96 cape wixhom Injury ihtn flm car Myth lnlersegiiqnnf W21 llnmun and Baylielvdfireou armmd pm Saturday Accpnung Io police Alunxwas ridingwcstcn Welllnmon Slreel buldidvnm 5mg or1anas beam on Iofithe 1ntersccllnnqflc wu zrpzed by carniglvenbn Albert McFadden 52105 Wcrsleyzsmqt and lmuchd mmflds cycle but was Hollilnjqredu be well up last years no past hat maxkiwi reglslraupn In 1953 was aroundaoo Seven weeks at phynounduh Mlle is what leader Ind children lflke hlveto look toward to al Ihe bennnlnx the season From nlne oclock In the morning until 430 pm In aflernoon the sup ervisedv program 15 available 101 Lb chndrcn in town with the reg htrams rum live to about 14 yam 0329 mi are hot day only mun vfihgre is ninmo hug filgnSek BARRIE ONTARIO CANADAZMQNDAY JULY 12 I954 Mrlkmluvll Iuhl pull My wrl nu mm my in mud lhe wuum Wllul rich and I1 he nut Imuml hm unllnl an tul lln Iv We murk lhu loll lmuMer Ind II lllld ID Will Inch ll wlnl nuLuxpunlm he um nun WII klllrd Ind our InUuu ww lnjuml whrn lull llm lnltk wtul nul bl couho on llllhwuy 00 Mr Hrnrllmd rurly Hannay munung lmunrln um lnnwunulllnu fur arm mu John Htlxmoulll In Put Ilmvw Avrnuc Wllawdnlu dlwl nvu mlnutu mrr llu lvurk Xuva fivefoul llnro lull um In 11 nu Mm ml munqu pulllll In lhu hlnllwly nhmll luur mllu ImllhwtH IIVIleunL rnkm lu Ymk fuulny Muuluvlll Houdlnl mum mm uvm cuu null Inullu wm hunk MN hrunull Hva murmn 1mm drlvu Wllllm Hump ID at Cnllrln sum lmullnl mm ummy Aveluw Iml Km Ivoy ml n1 nurmm nun all Tur ml Ila drustd ladle WIS LOBA No 75 Waverlty East and drum bind wn um 91 Clmpbclll Cross LOL No 78 mm Inllawond Ptel County Ind hut Iodxc nluo won It prim lnr coming the longest dhunce in nu cekbnflon Once Ignln Wlllinm nrllhln 1mm lecrlcy LOL No 00 wofl mix or he ohm mm on Ida Illlly BrlHIln 06 yr young And ha ha been 75 yun an Ornngemnn Th oldul womln un puma wu Mm Nellie AllanBl ol LODA Na 55 Alllndlle Shu hu hem member the Dunne Ordu or mm Younzm member an pme was mu Cnlhie Hlbon II My mm mm Dlulhlen Wlllllm Juven Ilu Lad Cnlllnuwund She hld recelvzd Ipulll dbpcnnllun oln loduf the norhul lmll Charges at pending Inlmt Fwd Peacock 35 of Strand RR allowing twocar crash the intersncuon at Highway 400 And the WI contusion of Innlsfll on Friday nllht as rem of which Peacock and twu Wlllnwdlle men were taken In Royll Vlclnrln Hux plllewllh lnjurles Peacock he mzxfl animus In lured the three sustained sever hgd lgjurlfl Inqmock Daudlu none 19 Wthanu matted seyere shock Ind numerq on out pnd inflict murmur in Chang gluhtue Th ladle at Blue Haven LOBA No 29 Bun1e were nudged the has mlrchlng ladle In th 0mm Pundc Snlurday It Stuy nu Judgm lor the mud were Ellon Mould New lawull Jlmcl Ulrrlu Ind Willim Emu Culli lnlwood Willowdule recclvtd hmkrn ONE KILLEDi FOUR INJURED TRUCK GOES OUT OF CONTROL ON HWY 400 NEAR BRADFORD Barrie Lodge Prize Winner Best Marching THREE TAKEN TO HOSPITAL STROUD MAN BADLYJNJURED FOLLOWING HWY 400 CRASH Newl cnpy Is flunkl dlreclly II the colugen Ilium fill uvenl utnru have baen pnmhued which II In telfwl Iflnd Ivor win men In the his law yumThu Exmlmr to provide hem caverns bu llrumlgneq cmltr boy ysumlo XIrover put Barrie rectlvel urvlu md glhbllghqd numbn or dealer callus In lhaillflilfl lo serve run customers an In hepr Wm Ihla llolhy The Holiday Time or Cheooh Inger or me Slmcue and Feypenlelt Buy me Ill duv Bruno Flynn photor npher hu been cruman beaches tumIn nod plqture Ilufles uul all In one am edygopjl greny yyl undergvuy Distribution wlll be conflnzd Ilflcuy In tho belch bctweon window on he nprth md Belle me on the scum Co In of The Times wfll be In this It lhc Enmlmr omno of Lpenpla Burl and an hit Holiday Times New Paper To SeryeCqflaggs mu hm lhibfiiu Pub linked by The Burl Bummer In It can Like Sku wejnd Kampala BI The films will luv rpm nnroxlmlely 2000 summr nnwwlpqun muy In um wondexul 0n lulo holldny laid with The Beouhn Tourm puhlluunn of mu Mkde has the nnlr one ngw In axlltznoe new wackly newlmbuf will be hunched and Law flu flower lmplct nu comuan Clur 51 lb Em cu 1h nmmnuk Inna Inga 1pn91lhe1fiv6f occupinu An Iqu lhe McDarmoll mam mum lmr only lurnlnl lolllnl lhen wt Il nvrr llnllr Ind llrll mm In lnu uh but MCDOhmIIh nnd Ivey wrll lluuwn mu Tho annull MlSur baseblll 1am being llytd In Clevellnd on Ntsdly Juy 13 will he bro km an the CBCI ndlo Trum Clmdll and television London Knchcntr Hamilton Toronto Oh luv and Mnnlruh netwoxlu hat dny ml 115 pm EDT cpllgrbonc mulllple cut and bull Ind mock game between tum repre sentative 01 HI Amcrlcan Ind NI 110ml Lugues Ind hklnu blur ln Munltlvll Slhdlum will he des crlbcd on radio by Al Heer and Jlmmle Dudley and on TV by Mel Allan and Gene Kelly The Ola brodual wlll orlzlnnl wllh the Mulull Droldclsllnu Syslnm whlle he elem will come mm the Nllnnnl mandcmlng Cnmplny NOTE ll Incltmcn wrflhcr shuuld prevlll Ilmnnuve hrond Uch will be for rldlo Tue dly July 115 pm EDT or Wednesday July 1015 Mnv or pm or 115 pm EDT Ind for TV Wednudly Ml pm or 800 EDT The TV nulwork In not Ivllllblu mudy evenlnl or Wont Madly mumln lhr Sulhulund wnlerhll In Naw Zulnd on of flu worldl Iilul his lolll dvop mm The accodenl occurred Hound think and cording Io police Peacack was unveilan em on the concemon rnadnhnul to cum um north lane of lilxhway 400 Concert At Queens Tonight lfleqltest Ptogram The first Industrial exhlblllon held Jn Canadl was dflsplny of Ihepraduots Naw France Quebec in 1737 Rose who wn lnvelllng north Immpled to uvnld column and he swerved to lhe left he wu Ilruck In th rent by fine Puccck Bulp out6n lo 1h roudwui Annual AllStar Game Broadcast Televised CBC Tlhe pmzrnm MILbe much the hm l5 glven the Strand com munle Elldln puny Last Wednes dayeniurlnl mamhn by Scusa Ind Allard 115M papulu numbers And by special request In Choco late Soldier musical cmnndy sel ewonvwlhb which the band won yrhe the Grey County music m1 ynr ago Tonjzhl ll Queens Park Barrie duzens Band wm mean the corned of their summer Monar evening szfles commenc Ingaz 930 1110 our Ind bun MIAMI ll Wlln lmm when VII moved Wlm In been and vital In Nels which an cod MI Car Stolen Here Rpéovarod Later At Niagara Fall ll model Mlnnllm In Wllrln Wlnr lnl 8L IIIIO whlch WI llalen on runy qu Wu no and Mudy In mum wu nlnnm III hnn AynId III InflllelInll wlth IM Ihlfl 171mm Iwu biauoil vmflm 1171 no 1an Man ml nml Alanna Mrl VPrelent outlonl In Ina weath er unnamed Friday uvl vu llhle mollly nanny whnher lid on Siturdly morning the numeral flood It but be cunu wumer hm In Ill wllh Sunrhy beln flexmt any Wéather Outlook ynseflled Afier Pleésant Weekend July 10 am cum TOWEIUNO WATERPALL Tgmpanlmeu were HONEER EXHIBITION my b0 Chlrmlu II In mm ha nl Nn II mom or an mm mm so ml Junmn lhn InfillII Mel and dummm Mm died L17 wm nu pawnmun Ian at tNHlllll nu wlvwhxlc nl mllmnuvlly wu Hmnull by llvml litmud Hnll 1n mm by lull wlm nun Chllrmln fur llm wonm cl umklnx WI Andlovl Kidd of suynu Im Cqunty Mum Thu openlxu prayer wu Ivan by Iu nm IL Sydncer Mn munch Gum secm Gum nllrk Chum Onmlo mum Addrruu wm Wan by Hon Fan flown M1 or bulletin Slmcm ml Nev Downer MI lnr Duflrrlnilmmo 0mm who won lmludul May or IL llllckhum Iv Ellyn 11mm Mmln lilunnr Cuunly Mulrr WM Hlxnmr ler CIMwnu uv Hum ml linllM um linrwr nl Tumnm Mnfly llralul Maury um 0mm um nl 0mm wm Is the greach day at he yclr he observed 101 mm pcobln hls prnvlnre II should holldny They have holldly In chbcc on the ZMh or June Why shouldnt We hive holldny In Ontario on lhn mm or July Mayor Snundm lold of march lng ln 0mm parade 1n lomnla Ihnl vrry mornlnz of being 1m premcd by he lnruc number of New CIHILHIHS who lined Inc plr adn mum They hld mm mm muancs when lhcra was mu lmcny Probghly Ihgy did no un durlyrwurnr 100 year ago Irtllnd CI II better Ounndl In every My mum lhe Onnu Sa clely hu been dolnz business hue or 125 ycau deemed 1M spak er We don wuu ever lo 1an In 3m lreedom wt enjoy 1w llavo In freedom foreveryone But the Ira thaw Mm ballcvn In llb my fur only mm nwn belle The Hmfllrl HIE Unlon Jnk thfl brcoma Hm llbmlu of In world lhmuah thl yurl when ll HII llown here In bun nu China or Gumnunum In mud dcmnnd Hui ruson lor the mm or he liberty wpr been Mayor saunders of Tpronto ini Stayner Orange Parade ICIKNUR HON TAD AUTIIDII Illflll nn phrade maxin1 Mn Emu clwullflo lna pllldl which mmd It two oclock luok over In Imur Io vi jun 31 mm Thm war mum ulendlnru mum Wu wn mm Ind lhn ulwunan WI Arunud by Ina Wm lilmcm wuuu Em Elmcnn IndyI won pnrncnl In lrua number nutu uam yur Wm mmch vInm Uu Km winn lhn wands wan IUIL lmrlnlmnhrm 10 yum Alntr Ihfi um Will INIHVMI In um wuy lawn nl buyntr wm In luvrly lutl Ind IRWIII All Klmll nl Mlllln TIIm llllull vl nude an unrqu mm mm lmnlr1mm Nu nml drmm nnd name vrly cIvrr plpm Inrludlnz nlnnyur yhl Ahan lnmnnl Ellyn ynunull In lilmcol Coumy Ilun um mu lulumud Unmllh Hu mouulan war In mylnu volmm Drumzrmwn Tho painvlm Inlqulnu llm mm tulllcrrullm mum mm ll Amm gunman nu mmhd Human Nlnynrr mum Ind 1M onto II wny to punwk mnmn mnlnhunlnm mllnn Ind hum wk lo UM Th ymlrnm thin held amtled sung ml he nth Nhofi Mu Vulhtr The Wlnlhzr wu anl Immy wlm buron aloud anon me blue Once unlu an Order lound nu nln the clubnllon nllhau the mu an or Iylnl Ind Hull may hIVI cu dawn Al ltndnncu Over two thousand members 01 the Ornngc Order men women nnd Juveniles celebrated the nnnlvcrsnry the Battle the Boync by mnmhlng In the Lrndlttonnl pnrndo Snturdny nt Etnyner Among the marchers was Ills Worship Mnyor Lestlc Buundcra of Toronto Deputy Omnd Master of thq 0man Lodge Brmah North America who had ul rondy pnrndcd hr the city that very mornlng H00 Marchersjn Slayner Parade CelebrateBallle of The Boyne Toronlo Mayor Second Walk of Day din 1m Whlm wn le Lmlc Jullc Man 11min Pipe mind lawmanmm Sérvins THE TOWN OF BARN AND COUNT 0F SIMGOI In Wuvary with liln ml drum band lug lump mm In ml mmhlng am all In ruyll fwlu Invl nunnu Nut 0mm Funeralinn VIIIk mu Cuta hum 11m lump but mmn lnr Uni 1nd lmmm dummy he lIrlkI nluncuvu In whuu Irah and mm with m1 rwu Illxmnlly AOL 7M IIIHI Qurnn ElllnbNh LOIM 1250 UhHmH 1mm In whfln wlm up nut all Munn ml n5 wh Nu Ind 41mm bImL Iml ulrmrd ml plygr iuwmumn 1m rm wllh uh Iml dulnu lmnd Avmuwr Klul Hilly WHIlam Ilnndy ol lelllny on llrn while her lvnlIy 1111A 7ll WIN IMrnc llw pmqu In whlle and arms Mhll Looker hnmcdllfle Pm Mulnr Sllyner Mdlm carrying lhr Union Jack and Iccmnpnulrd by null Lmnny Looker Then cnmn Wm le11 Dunc Cecil 100er Vyrhrldlt El Slxncan Cuunly MluhaL nml Vlllllm Yuunu 31m Huron Wu Slmcoo Caunly lluhal Followlnl wn Ihn unm HM Irldbt mum ml 1mm hum 10 Pages Two Sections suynlr Dru Hand lad by Dur Hh Lumen drum xnaorrnn balnn lellln Ur Lcdzc 3011A Orlllla Slnco 186 Tum lo pm 11 menu Urdu of Illdc Mm Iml

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