Robert Calvert architect Opens Office in Barrie Service of an urchltea smuu not cost anything Robert Cil ven who has just opened rm oulce It 53 Collier Sheet lnBanle say an Inhlled should elmer save he coat of ill fee or glve thin much Edged Mue by better planning an dc gn cannnt be In wroirz bush Buuders today have think in ma o1 mum and cents and the arching must do llkcwlsc in get the maximum in cmnlon and con venience for every dollar invefted Mr Calvary siudkd amhilccture the Unimrsily Tornnlu after Xivc ymn as pilot in the Rnyal Canadian Air Force Since he graduated he has practised In Van couver and Toronto Far some I116 he Hume Planning Edi an Inn Canndlan Homes and Gar dens where he concentrated on lower cost homcs Smce minim the mm at Flcury Anthnr Cntvtn he has dcvnlopv ed practice in speculative hund crs homes up has worked on schools churches hnspitats mm and ouicos hut cnjnys design 1m home most at all would sooner design rcaUy good house that why can cnjuy than anything else says Mr Cnh mt uis mm recently designed the Toronto Trend llousc for West cm Woods which IS now on dis piny tn Tnmxuo 4n nuklla um As cthman he Publlc Rela llons Cummillue of the Ontario As scciallon of Archilvcls Mr Cni VCIX eels Dull too many archllccls congrcgnh in me clubs whurc flloy canmvl nvdquatdy serve the smaller communities Thc IrC 11004 pmfcssiunnl man and has an obligation lo ster lhc individual and he commun ly he said He Is Just as Import nnl the small tnntrn as In the large Ln To show that he means what he says he has nsland mm hi my partnership Ln npcn ofllccs in Dar rln and Markham TownsMp mm mm Mr Calvufl is manner he Makhnm Tuwnship Planning Board and the Toronto Board Trade when Mde why he chose Barrie he mm have been 1hmugh hm In durum lhc pm your on husinvrs and 1ch up 1ch or the tuwn 0n mp hnlJ can come hum from 1hmnhm mnrc easily than can 1er down Iuwn Toronto and hen im the ham 10 ï¬ght all Ihr Way umrnn lmlllule HIMME Wmmns lnnlllulo held HIch Junr moolinu nl Mu Clmnrd Porto Mrs Gunluu Thnmnson vicrpmnlvm pmldrd After he nanlng 0m Hm luammu Eral um Ihv Mums lrnycr Mrs Illll Douglas uzlvr the mull flu ml was well answcrrd by naming mm IIMIII kllclIIn nrllule Ilnn HIt nmxlr In hnlil Immi hilklnu bflk un July I1 nl Mrs Drmuulnx NH 10113 wnx dunnlrd wank Uu swlmmlng pau Ind SID lihmry prpmnmlun cup null mm Mrh pmu wax mnle Mm llc lkH qu Mm F1rl lurulr wlm urn 1r hr rmnlmmny Mu Mnclmmllrl uwr wwr Cun mllmn Iquuy nlul mnlnl nl Mnnnhlrd wth was wun by Mu Jnck llllmhlr Lunch wn wrle lny 11w humm nu nm Ivy Mrs LCD llrll Ilhl Mm Emil Dunn Mr nnd Mu Win luvm lumulilm hull wnn Mn nwnL Mu Dunnm Iluu ltuuulxu vmmm mmor Mm mum nunmlc noun cALvmr THE BAIEIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 5H Hpnulhlx flunmlrr um Nu ml IIrvlnu 11 mm Soplic Tanks and Weeping Bods lnslallod lltliCMiT HHIIIU TANIKH SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Cl HILLSDALE Inna mu Mu Pump¢diߣl99lned SEPTICWTHNKS Iunlluuerl VHm Mum JUNK lllllllLly hllr nml mmlly Mr Ilxlrr nml nnlvlw and HM IHMAN Noonmcr Phom Bunll 5827 Sunbelt Fall lnrle crowd oi over 100 at iended the atrlwbeny lentival It the Prlnee at Penn Church ind enjoyed rand evenlngl The nuc tion nle netted the ladle nearly 370 Mac Jonm Ind hil arehutrl played lelectlom on the lat rcoi mud variety program war given lnnldel Conintulatianr ladies an very aucceaxiul mum my NannyBaby sitting age He bringu servie touri enda The community hall has been turned inma day nursery and baby ali ting centre where vacationers may leave their smell ones 01 any age by the hour the day or evening Open in the morninguniil one oclock we feel it will all great need whenvparentu want to gel away and yet know thell children are ante Visit the centre 11 the village oppualte the bus ie mlnnl and see the setup at toys swings cram beds andcols and then plan reel vacation or yoursell Bingo At Avenue Grill Blnlo larger crowd turned nut to try their luck on Saturday night at the Avenue Grill Mosley Rd at Dixie Bingo are run Friday and Saturday nights during the summer and selection oi prlzes are niicred and proceeds go towards the new recreation hall or Oakvlcw Bench Lucky ioiku this week Included Mrs Bediord Mrs Staniord and Jackie Hamel An urgent rnqeurt ls made to Ill residents to come out and lend hand ill the blngns Swlmrnlnx Lessoru Swimmlng lesions start this Fr day at the Central Wusaga Com munity Centre and Oakview Beach under the suaervLsion oithe Sim coe Cnuniy Recreatinn Service and Red Cross Society series of six lemurs are given to children ram Slayner Schonl years at age and over and iull program of Waler instruction and game are planned OAKVIEW BEACH PIIII Gila Fllr Oakvicw maiden got togclhcr thK week at the community mm to make plans or another gala bin The air WI be held Aug and at the Avenue Grlll Mrs Fleming had her dnugh lnr Mrs Ken McCulough vislllna her this week mm Toromu Mrs Wllliam Home had her son Alec and family visnlng 1mm Ful Made my To Toronto Mrs Jean Howe took in tkvlng trip to Toronto to bld farewell to her hmuy who am moving the west canal 1h week Ann born spent the long weekend wilh Mr and Mrs Inhn Murray Wayne Dunn murncd with lhcm tor holmay Mm Slcwan Mrs Fergu sun at chburn Snslmlchcwnn Mr And Mm Marshall and family Banln were nib wcck vletors wnh Mlssvs and Turner Vnkend Waller Fred Pascnll Nnrlh Bay Mr and Mm Wllllnm Mnlvlscn and Inmlly Cuuksvnle and Mk5 Helen Duddy Crelthlfln spent the weekend with Mrs Thomas Mnnlson Mn Ind Mn Dallon mec and Inmlly Mcnford called on Mr Ind Mrs Charity Thumrmn Su dn and ML Pumghrr mung rclnuvu Mldland Mrs anuos ls spending cw Elmvuln wILh frlcnds rmenuunn In Tcachen The mrrnu um chdrcn held In wclnl cvunlnn the school Mun dny evening nnd made me prrscnl men cuflcc all In Mr and MN Mlle llclL who are leaving mm mmqu here or In pus mm mm MI rm Dlllmmm and Dun nhl Duram luroMo mm Sundn mm um Mn mm 5y lmlldnys Elmvnln unl lhrlr Lucky tolku Mrs Redford Jacks Horne is made to I11 THE BUMBhEBEES took an early lead in the ï¬rst round at the 06 house league bowling playafls1n the third game of the playofls the Bumblebees met the Alleycats above Iran to right In the rant row are Jack Mermtt Ll Pledger John MaoneyGlynts Horvath Mae Fleur Jo Dunn Kay Harradlne Gnu wllson anti Hugh Knnc In the back row lett to right Arc Len Pledger Laurie Spencer and Art Wright ca New The Last Column Continued from my ona Domlnlnn Day saw the Imoping at lhc color by the Governor Gm Hals Foot Guards In Duawa and naturally was up 10 see how the Army was making out The ï¬rst person ran mo was run While lhc McCollanlnnac represent Hive Kn Barrie In the cam 01 my duï¬ts down at Ouawa had to go and visit the Dircclur Fire Fighï¬ng or the HON Heulenantngmnnndcr Simpkln you have pmbably gunscd brother of the Exam ï¬ncrs ILGS Yes Rs small world Ottawa Wig very Interesting Dld manage lo get glimpse su Wlnstun Churchill and Anthony men when they arrived or the lam wlkh St Laurent mysnll and few thpusand ohnr people that ls Than nl course there was Cnn chnrallon snunrn Pcrsonally lhlnk they shnuld nward prims to vlsllors who can navlgnlc from one slde that place to the other had three dlflcrcnl nucmpLs berm parked the car and wani od where was wanting to go Towards the qnd my slay ll was qulle dlllcrcnll was bellan hell orluaehcr Lhrough the lmlllc with all lhu Galllc lndillcrcncc 01 some at those French drlvcrs down mm Tram lights L11ch were fasclnal lngl You came up to the Ilghm and ll you are wamlng to make lo turn you dont do ll when you have her Hoofma would be too logical You wall far the red llghl lcrsumlly thought the xylem was screwy to bugln wllh but mus admll HIM ccrtnlnly got on Io ll qulckly enough and was soon swlnglug blithely lhmugh nll lrafllc 1hth wllh guy abandonl The only thing um marred my on joylncm ln drivlng was lhc num ber of mvplc knocked down apparently should have stopped at some the red llghlsl wllh thtlr grandmblhrr Mrs kyw 1m topper mint Nurllum Rhodesia have an annual oulpm nbuul 260000 on Mrs Mcrvyn Gamon Midland visflcd hun thorn15¢ ck John Ritchie Dmuu vismng Mrs nuwm Bowling Playoffs Ge Underway IHECalvett spurns COLUMN II In unlrwnrlhy lhul Hu worm uanuu will Um hluunl ulluwlngx lnduy wrn unklluwll who Cnunrln wns bnnL Th our ckrlpllun mm L1 lulsrllnll llmkry oullmll INIHLI Mktllmll nml many nlhrr 1qu13 lulvr ull hmldnl unll Mum mlml Aluu 17 ur unlnuulhlllrrl mum numrmun pm Illaplul In luul mndlllnm 11w Ind km lunchll Imn lmwll Irlrllflrhl uu Inhuy Hmluol mum mum mum ww lug an rlannl hrmnr mlmml Hurling mu wlrlllnl mumn1 nnmnumu nun yum ml lhc mumI lhrummo nl hulllln Illullfln lml mum Mnuy ur lhr mm Iupulnr In mu fluu um mum In nn mu umm mum Hm uu um ulhrr umrlx hm 1m mum nu ma mun much humMm pmwuum Huckvy II nnr mm ll tnlno llIlII bring mun aflnr Conlulnnllun Ilrvrluplxl Inplrlly an Hm mm um mum and liloumnl mm vnmll lnlmmllunnl Iluhu lu lhr 2m fanmllnu hmllmlI Icvrlnvlnu 1mm Enulhh nnnuy lnlnrll lrrlnmllmll vnuur hem Ilnwlmll ha Ivvmlvll IIIHIL lull MI tlrvllnyrll lnn wldvlyuluywl IIIIXH 1mm mlhrr lhan llm chm mllllu rum mmlwl mm In the truly mm plume lu rummlrvl lulu va nl mu turner pmummn nunI In Um hmnluimL Aml mum rmupunllvrly MW hm mum mm my pupumuy llw 1m yrnu lhnrl mum Iron Indly Ind wlul ll mun lmpurlllfl Inc mm um pullrlpnllcm lull IVII lulure mm whlrh luufll Illll you mllan Ilmmlleu dun murh III vlrlly llel IIAVHII IIII1 mllly mw Idlllllum lylfl Ihty III mun hmunflomly In prove uml Itullhy pulrllu InlunL Calvert Your zommm um wagmom WI teumn nil nkomd by In Mummy Colvul Hnuu 411 mm 1mm ude nnw only Ullrlun yam wy lrnm lhe renlury mm or unreamuun 0m um pm n1 yun Cumm hu mwn In wullh lml In nunm lmnnx lha mllnm Mnrld Zlmdl Icvrluped ma mnuuur In dmlnp In In llrhlnlnrludlnx In llrld mm EmWeW MIMI lo ammo DISTILLERS LIMITED Calm gm Ispnu ennugh came hldcsmach year 10 supply leather to put sales on the syms 2000000 scomsn NAMEPLACE Gretna village Manitoba iusl north at the 15 boundary was named 1882 alter the Scottish 6min Green CAmE LUBE DESTROY Sales and Scrvlcc LAWNBOY MOWERS BOATING SUPPLIES 91A Dunlap St Barrie PHONE 3018 mnnun morons mglwln ouquln MOIOI Findykaxaldwlu vndu Outboard Melon In pm book ycflaw pawn SPORTHAVEN shining 25 hp love Pelelbmum Cam ur mm llm Bnrhhï¬ou ANY usan can Market Square BULLOBK MllTflRS MEANS MANY MILEH 0F TROUBLE FREE lllllVlNh LOW MILEAGE AIR CONDITIONING IEATIIII ADI AN IIHA NUIUII JUNT VIJIIIAIILIJL 1953 METEOR COACH 1950 MORRIS OXFORD Ilium AND IIIIATHL 1949 METEOR SEDAN 1951 METEOR COACH 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN GENEROUETERMS YOUR PRESENT CAR YOURg FORD MONARQH DEALER EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE Al SIGN HAS BEEN usm cxn LOT NO 90 HIGHWAY AT mom 51055 $695 $695 $595 1951 MAY IF YOU MU INTERESTED IN ECONOMY IIIIH IS IT Barrln MAY PbSSIBLY BE THE DOWN PAYMENT 11 GENERAL MOTORS VALUE IS HAM TO BEAT UllZ IJZXHIA NHI CONDITION 1950 FORDCLUB COUPE 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN AN EXCII INT IIIJY AI Tlllfl llllKH 1948 PONTIAC COACH 1951 MAY FLOWER Recondmoned by expert servicemen or appear ance and perlormnnee Inspected and checked or safety Priced for outstanding value Trulhmlly and accurately mwertlsed Wnrramedby your FordMonarch Dealer and backed by h1réputntlon 1946 FORD COUPE Phone 5526 DB TRUCK $85E $65fl $3975