LIZCOL lEAVES FOR OTIAWA le and Mn llnrrls 11h In ex prtm Ilmlon and lo Ihou who stood rrady to help thclr dupes mumde 1herel um lulcly no duum In lllf minds um the prfllllpl mpnm um 1n hand the Mn Illn lcy uh hunth Ml very Ill Is now nlvrn xuxxl chance or Impol Lemnn educaled at the Unlvmsily 01 Toronto began his scrvxcc as dcmal omch wllh Dental Company and wns nl 1th to RCAF with which he served from May mu unul Janu My 1942 He proceeded the Un lled Kinglcm In February 1942 and served them and in Northwest Europa unm his return In Canada In 1915 He Wunl back to privale practice in Taroan in 1916 put on 12er me scrvice again ycnr IM or when he was attached In the RCAF Station at Trenton us dun ml ufliccr was promoted lieutenantcolonel in June 1953V whm he was nppninlcdscniur up mm at 13 Company RCDC Camp Borden LLCul 01 Crummey CD of Ham1X now Deputy Director Dcnla Surv ice at AHQ will bucome Senior Opcrmum at 23 Dental Cllnlc at Camp Burden Ont SM Plum No Personnel Denny mpnmsed plume call by leï¬palclllng lwo vulunleen who arrived II Inc Ilosplul vllhln IVlIlV utes But Mlll more bland was nulltd 0n leamlnx of Hill W02 Fun Hit IKCASC School lml CIL Tlnglty Camp rushed to Tornmu to domle whlle Mlll more volunlun ï¬lond ready ILCASC SchuulV 205 lXW lCEME 5nd Coll Mennwhllt In Toronto 02 lrlce of Army Tlpe Relay hid le tum wn more vnlunleen lrom Army lomulo and our mm CC Dallvllle 14 provide the nctded llmuunl rovery Blood Donors Save Patienfs Life ClmD Holden cmm may last week wumnn lay dying In SL Michaels Hospital Taronlo 0th mm tmnsfudon held mu any hope of swing ha transluslon at bloml type which vm uuohmnzhle 1mm euher LII lled Cruis or any olller Tomnln hospital The mllcnls family wu comma and synmu Mrs Iled Icy llanls Camp mz began me ngnlnst unu we the me or he dylng woman he maul at Mrs llnrlls at anama new Senior Operator l3vDemnl Company RCPC Camp Borden will become Deputy Dir edor 01 Damn Services an Army Headquarters COL LEMINhCD 41 Try lrlrvhlon on Irmovll NOTHING DAY no mt We Irll nnly mme brand rlelelun wrchlly Humm an mm mm rectpllnn Mlt MMEIWN nwunmn llnpllll loud Ell learn Ind Illl Hhulrlllu Mr Iny Advlfe all klnvlilull llulnllnllnn SUNDAY630pm TV GEORGE TELEVISION Illmend TV In Hlmtoc Counly MONUH REFRIGERATION CO Dunlap blretl lIlONI 2059 6231 rm imam Wm mm mm dims émp Call 1000 View man New and upon spam nan The Pinhmnl Touch moo Nun awn scam Ind wmnu IIYUIDAV AM 530 all On 539 New EM Ind mm mm Report mum mm In 020 II In Ian Ihl WEEK 1st mu lhl wnk Gloria Shnpmrd Allbton ls holidaying wth Margaret King CKBB PROGRAMSDIAL 1230 Donald and James Swllznr mm of Cpl and Mm Swimr Camp Burdén spent Sunday at Cpl and Mrs Gordons ML and Mrs Nmmns Kennedy and family ToMnham spent Eun 1x wllh Mr and Mia Elm sumz in ma rm mm ram 10 Th Eh nook uwnnnv v14 Hm Lunchun Dnu Mix Jessie Buyers Reg of Guelph visited her parents Mr and Mm lame Buyers at the weakemi 10 mm Imam Mr and Mn Ted Finn and am lly Donald Paurldxe and Mn Gilchrist of Shyner wcmznesls 01 Mr and Mn Harold Gilchrist Sunday Clarente Svmzer ind Min Max orie Switzcr Toronto were guesls at Mr and Mrs Switzer on Sun day On Monday Mls Murray Bonney and chudren Barrie spent the day wink her parents Mch visitors at Mr and Mrs Swanson were Mr and ME Ashwcll Thanh nnd Mr and Mrs Ronald Hugh and family Whflby 3mm School Hamid Henderson who huuc Cliftd position as Weber 1h Junior room an Ivy In September let at the Weekend La Mirna lum mer school In Tamm 0n cm Tour George Jimmy and Ronald SL011 accompanied 1112 large mrly of Hi club number 1mm Slmcne County on their our to he OAC nt Guelph last Wednesday In one New nudmm caumy nam 5mm Nun 550 Duluth noud 7m mum In Bun mus Inluludn Thus Bum Ind mum 71 Red 5mm Bun n5 mama Mum show no mu nos gxgmxmu In Tm no em 1m Im no mu ma auxmu amtI an NIH we Club use no mu llelflllml us mm nu Wu IJa Nan Kelmnm Hem 11m uJu Hallmd mum om Dan llmhml at Hod New on Neil nnaum 15 mu Firm Hum 11¢ka 40 henna1 Walker 50 Nun 00 Thu Blnll épam Nun Hudllnu pum to Good In venlrncc liplefll Eltelrlc your Crulty TV DIIlrlhlflorI CIILT rugnu Vlhree lllnu 145147 Dunlap SI Phone Bunlo 6442 In Orlllln It erl NI South In Illth II III KIM Ilnd hm UALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 2AM ua wuth In 13ch mm 190 In In um In Ihu us 0ch um 1m wm mu mud 11 In no In loo Maï¬a mmï¬mmc Exclusive 611051 TV Distributors TODAYS SPECIAL AT EPLETTS BURNS BELTTV vlcwtn In innIa Indlï¬llrlc ChunnelB Toronto SATURDAYI SUNDAY JULY ll ma v01 New unanno cm In mm moo man Pom student 1an Human Ind awn mu Mm Mnnldl 1115 New apex acute Ind wmnu ml cut nu Punk uh mm Cllhedffl flour 1000 In men mu Nun ma runny Punmu uoacmmx mum Church qunnv M1 um munm In TunA nook mm use mu Ina rmmn Eulmlnl mm or warm 1235 church menu mung nLunmm FRIDAY JULY youth Round As Prelude to mam oo Nun mu 15 spam mu Bullelln Bond an an no VIIIIY much Innay nun TIM no luck 11 mm nm 310 mm 0mm 100 10 Al Th TIII II HIM uo 1W IMO ï¬nd us mm Chub Elan III ml IV lulu cl Mung wet In Ynur 838 hi day July mo yuvtéuum 0o Nm mlhuxhu In in My male rumm an wnul I35 Bull on 810 35 Interlud mm nun mm 1mm 300 WM food as advertised Wednes Communu Wanna anon houndup au mum nan Tun mu blunt Mum Ruhlgomton flocked up with IIINDIV In Bani semen Commander 91Camp Borden re cnlly underwont serious opera lion at Sunnyhraok Hospxul Tur onto om We are bunny so rev pd Ihfl Ihe latex Eulletln Indi catesth Col Claik ls magnum Xng Avonlbw and we know lhe entire communlly joins us In wkih ing hlm speedy and cumpleti Ie covery EARLY ORCHAEDS The first apple trees in Nmm Salems Annapous Vallpy were Nailed lnlm By the Acnhlan Vw mum unm IIIDu mm An mu 1201 cum 1150 cu JULY uMPcoMMANDEn SERIOUSLY ILL am No mama marl Murdu manuht moo TM nllcl uunum 1010 mu 1m Maven mu Inn Bum DII cl mun who mo nuumn 1mm 105 rum Pulurn Lu mmnn nu ma nm on 200 21a Ynu Lm no Nun 33 Kitchtn mm 00 cm 1an an New unnum 525 mm mm Mn an Plrm Mum mum Marl urn an 1000 1005 Tcuu 0qu 10 out with 1an any manual 1100 Nun awn ileum and Wuth Wulunl 1an 1mm Pun 00 New um Mum nan Raund 79 nm In luxury to pnunl wrelly lor the um In no null mm 7mm mum 71m mpuf Bellman um xnmlnén no mm he Mln wm Nell Imamm in mm mm an am on New nndnnu Il Report Nu Clock 00 Ken Hemunu 15 um Nu Ieldllnll 15 um um Rap Mumm wmau nounn 515 rnm In mnnu sum 655 Nu cu udlxnu aoo counn our ml 100 uonnuv AM Phone 155 Ieldllnll lunar nu mam le um wunm ma mm holldly plly um wlll mnl hurl Ian In Ihrm Ill raml In mil luol mu av Joluparo It rm 1mm mu on man In MM IIHMIII MILE HOUNCIZII BALLS WMHNH POOLH AND MANY MORE nunm um hum INSECT REPELLENT INDOOR AND OOTDOOB KIDS HTANlIHlll llllUWl mm It Ml um IIHCIZ may 11595 IIMILH HOUNCIZIL HALLS WMHNH POOLH AND MAN MORE FOR HOME COTTAGE AND GARDEN WEED KILLER smmly nnpand eonlrnl humum wndl In lawn um um Will no hum camplm inmuuiu lar nu Include ox In as 21 Is mm rm bull um lam up $139 nuaqu aelln um ml Ilnwlh and Iullpvoof mm ud mum uml man Iklln min pIm Gan llhnhul uhulhnyl qul Illnchnlvl mmuu AEROSOL IN 130M FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS TIIUTEMI SWING SICKLH s198 $129 HIZH nurlohnznnr lssnnnsï¬smuvinun name memes NEW EHHJHGFI NIJ LIVUS HP 610 NFVI BOWL YVFF DOUIIlE HOMER WIRE STRAINER SUPER SAVING Rog $1 JUST 85c Ht II uuy lulunlly mu flur mam mu nu mm mum IN FOOD MILL 5298 mad mm CALLIN Imn Kw IIAII muL IIIIIIMI WAII on sun Iunvu or man Ann ADHIII ova wm wmoow mm In VNI Inn AND ovum or 1m IV In numnnwnl man all up uu AWMu ii