Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1954, p. 2

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Wig All three Allendale churches are tozmher for acomhmnny service at 730 mm on the hwn of the 10°F Home Trinity Uhlirch lnBarrie has two services Mnuns Land sermon hy the new mm Rev Allan Read at am In the éVchlng this Sun day here will be Evensong at ucluck and Aflmnn by Mr Ridden Combiné Services Barrievchurches Summer Months During July seven union chunh servicu are helm Md 86mm St Andrews Predzyterlan and Flu 321191 have combined with hexvices at 11 um and pm in are former church Rev Jams Ferguson 15 In cmutzez Culiler Street and Central Unlt ed have combined buz wflfll mam Ing service only at 11 oclock In the Iotmer church which has been newly redecomlrd Rev Ivan Brenn the new minislcr of Can lml Is In charge Music is by he Collier Street Unfled choir under the direcflfin Tuflurd or ganIsL in Aliandnie two uhlllthes Fm Hood Prisfiyierian and Burton Avenue United hnvu united lo murning service in the owner church with REV Muir inchinng st Georges Angiican has marrdngprnyer 11 nciock A1 pm Mn chd conducts service mum Church on me 1th Vespro For meéficumn 01 services see direchsry dn page 10 of finish Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Crest miles nnrih of Barrie on Highway 27 or mllas south Elmane Music by Heplones Ad mission 50 ZUWF Cnmmencing Sunday evening at dusk regular mowlng or general lmeroslcd Mus Bnyvlcw Park Sponsored hy Barrie and District Illm Councllr Silver collccuon 7940213 Dance at Ivy Orange Ha SM urdny July 10 Old tyme and mcdnrn dancing 912 Standard time In Bennys Orchestra Lunch counter Admlfilun 50c 79 SK erys Parish Annual Garden Party Wednesday July 14 am iuppnr 530 pm St Josephs Audllnrlum Adults $100 children 59 cents Everybody ii wclcumc vrcc Sluuun corner Ann and Games of chance flsnpond orange Irec white rnlce gums hut dogs pop Ice cream rlqnd blngo 79930 BIG EELS Wolfe cu found all Pacific coast symelimes lenglh OK eight cat The SlflEaldLd marriage ELIM Imcc count in Brlmn operam about 100 cdnlns In vanolu Hum happened few wroks no In the own New Mlhon ln Enl Innd nun nnxnru Cllnrllv Chandler md nu ulxl cur bndl In need 01 In Wlrhnul lie llrchild ID ID ll MmlllL nlilpptd lhu mum um mar nxlt nnd did the nrnlnl mmln Thorn mull be munl or kswn In nu nary smnrwlmn bul lll3pnu it along us In Jun blcnumll llrklrd my Inncy nun he Ind hln wllc not run or mm It wm an Enulhh model Nllfll um hr pm It In llrnl llIen smnd mm and lounh gran AH wnl hr rxcrpl Ihlfl Hw cur wnl uullvu buckwmll Thrn pm In nvum nnd ll wunl lnrwnnl hlllfnd of hwlnu luur nltwl nlmul nlul mm hunk Chlrlle hm nur med hmk and um luwwnnl uunk know what make Mr WM mm the mhhw hul ll could only happen lo vnry uld mudrl He hml nmmblrd Hm durcrrnllnl um wrung my mum Thu wonl hnmwn nmlku In my wlllu my 01 nur In Hr mm my an nm on im lm mlr uunmy um mm dwckrd mu rxnmlmd null pm Irmllh mrlr mm nul mm In mlku IHll ynurwlln wont 1m ublr In my lhr rnr wlu In mlmr whrn Ilml orwnnl hrmuh lhn mun aka llw Imulrl your churn um Mr llmmlmhvuolnu drlvr lunlurr ynn lmy lul your nun uullor llm Imml you wmn nml rhork Hu lmmrllnl 1qu lllui llkhlhn 1km whuluwu um UNHIIIIN Hut NM plmlp lonl mp le Uw dmrnnllnl Iharnn numlun mum nvrlnlu than dmlh nlul um um lnlr mm IN drum in lhnln whnl wnm ll lnlk nboul llrll wnk FREE ADVICE mum um Clnlum will vmllully mm whlh WI Illu 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN Canndns teach Pharmacy Gradilate ROBERT FEERIEE Sc at Toronto who graduated this year Item the Iaculty pharmacy nhe Unlversny of Toronto Eldest son Mrs Fem3r and he Iain anrman Farrier Toronlnv arm erxy ot Cnndles he received his publln schuol education In Cundles Juhn Puma 1mm Continued mm page one dlclmcm in the crlmmnl code for pmpllc who neglect treasures hlslnry Mr Fisher snld In point In out the manner In which many hlsloricnl plnccs have been MI in 1811 mm long tango ruins Throughout hls talk Mr vFlsher mnlnlalnml connection wlth SumL uel Champlaln and at one point he said Chumplaln would say of Panttang Why dont ynu fix up that beautllul Mnln Street dle and trim thLueeamnave the eye sores He would thlnk Itstrange that we havent dnne more about henutllylng and plannlng our tuwns jSiIould Emphasize Historic Resources He expressed belief that Pcnntnng were In some European country nqd simllnr opporlunlty at picking up the mens vhlsiory existed lhn iownspeople would be hiring 11 min In lldok after 1252 things and construcllnz II bullcllng In house lhcrelics sincerely hnpe hat eflnns will he mnde ln Permian in To rank nnd 1n OHIWa ohave me Unlvenlty or Western pmmo con nut 10 opolnle its summer sohooL here or many yum tn come he sallL luronia very precious little comer of Cnnndlannfl Mn Flshen assertcd Samual Champlaln would say Wnkc up get the lead out or your buuls youve got wonderful heritage In Huronln But you must spend some mnn ey 11qu you 50m alter plher Canndllns or contribuilom to ward preserving hi hbmrw You should have committee lo no out and acquire funds In carry an the work ML Fisher IMEKL The speaker menuanad he nT my Sam Steele and mid Irlb ulc In he foresight these re sponsxblc for crccllan of memor lal thch was unveiled yislcrdn Speuking or Samuel Champlaln he ulnasud he should be made he nallcnal hero Canada He palnlml nut that many 01h Am mm mg BIIJelCrouReps Viewfacililies At RV Hospital Continua from am on profit when has mllnld ung changed Mulmum Ionice hen1 can It minimum can for may people an ponlble the year hIVe pissed membcr benefit but broadenedin uep with advanced howiulure ind more recently supplemental urgicabmadical banl ems war lutmdutrd ln prepay doctors bllh incurrad while In hospital Blue Cross Service bznenu which covzr the iuilcost of standard wurd or semiprivate lcc0mm0dallun in hospim and the lull cost yracucnlly all news ary extra servlcts menu that the hospitalized member will in mosi cases have nil or nearly £11 his hnsplul expensiu covdre While enrOIment In Blue Cross is basically and best through gmup place of employment Blue Cross recently Inlmduced nun group contract without use llml lorlhuse who are no employcg whlre there are six or more an 1hr mu In on County there are 110 Blu Crass groups 43 01 these in Barrie Taking in Camp Burden and he Oanndlan National fluil ways the perceniage Enrolment In his particular section very good cnmmenled Mr Robertson About 40 percent at the total populnlnn 01 Ontario enrolled In Blue The vnrlous advantages Blue Cros he polntellhlfl lndluded ad mluldn hospllnl Wllh no down lpdymem Ind no red mfie its value oulsllle Cun 13 particularly ln ihu fled equal bnnéflm for dépendthts In the Vprlvlleae canvertlng 1mm nnc roanonholher Hamid vparjlc lur hlbute In group leaders or mm mu Work hmtsFérguxon the hospi lnlhnara chairman pmmednt the biting Greetings mm lhe Tow Barrie were brought by men Eldoh hospital cy was shown rut Ihe mm the meeting nnd wit served at he nuISEi resldahce Ihe close of the Mgéynodg Thughm 0055 cum has vhned Mmiand and Ormln ln recent weekI alsn on men 01 me pat could be canfl sldered liar his honor out were would always be eellngfimt Kn naming one mound had been logallen mum Champlain was visionary who Md the inundation at Inc Mar lumes of Quanta Ind 61 Onlnrln In mukin him uul nnunnnl ham nmwnfldenl than wanna be no ragga he said Mr Fisherwns lnlroduced by Deputywpcaker llobnsom and Mayor George Kerr In ex pressing thanks assured Mm that never nu knowledge had he townspeople objected spending of money 10 perpetuate local my meessor wumd Jury wanJ ed lhl mcotlnxi June Building Permits Increase Comlnued 1mm nun one 11an ll nrmow 199 anlcr SK bulld or sell Mrs Spnnls MClnp penan SI lbulldcr Jnmu Slnclalr Gunn SL lv Walden Frnmlx St Nam builder self llpllrl or Alternuns Mrsr ONcll RR AnKus drmollsll bulldan nl 62 Essa Rand Mlsa Rlchnrdmn n1 Brndlord SL nddlllon lo lunch runm bulld Effinl Lambert mmle 5L Mrsl Squlunlo Cumberland SL rrshlnjlc dwelling Pnlcmlck Dunlap SL lower wlllng an Ihlrd llnnr or mulng hull builder ll Morris I33 Maple Ave Thomas Mnrlln so Gunn SL rvhulld rllin my bulldnr self valnr Shnnly Bay Rand convm nlnulc dwellan in duplux bulldcr Hill and McKnlglll no Cook 3L Vim anktnburl 10 Sanlord roshlnllc dwrlllnz bulldnr llobcrlmn lmcoc 5L Snso Mary SI mvcrl roams lo npnrl mum lyllold builder MurrlL 8311mm Ava 12 wlulllu 71 Mnry 5L convcrl Inglu dwell lnq lo lhm nvnrlmcnls bullder ll Scrulan 139 nrndlonl Morrlson Bl Cumberland rt bulld from purch mm lr Lrnnnx 153 OWln Irilllnfllr ntirl dwnlllnu um muni Mdrnn dunollxh curlan purlun 8L mu Wu are proud have won choun to do our part In lho renovation 36 Worsley St Dlal 4313 Mluolllnenu JIM PIERCE Nb Worthy BL rink til 70 Clflh hum Public GENERAL CONTRACTOR Io Bocrl Tire Service upon the open ing of hair now Hm Ihop MEMORIALS TO PIONEER mm Conunued 1mm page one pmce unll some limes he ulhur and keeping 1L opponents from exercising the Imnchise freely All in Steele 1112nd John McKay of Tamnlo recurdndhl maxanon thus fihe crowd was lmmemcl he Roblnson mm wire badges and oohpom seslon we polling places The mama to be the strongzga pnny Karma lhree days mm un Mummy 3mm 110m Stuclrs manume mm Maura mailman nglmng upjjgrggit 11 With mge Ihem was mgreallglnm numch Caveman holdlnu the nng andl vinvlng Mr lhe 14an mensl henhs Toned the way up atho polling plate and from that nut Steele dad um poll An nmusln story teen Ann drew Hunter told hit design at one Lil Steflcs banners The candldmé name was Elmes or Elm Steele Ina sn to make thc word inlemgible lo everynne drunk or sober banncr was scrlbad on whlch was picum woodsmms nxe The handle de noted 5an while lhE nxu Me was Sleel and me two pan sign fled the lnscflpunn underneath Elmc Shel the Back Wnods Powir crgnos picks shawls and human qulo want into aziion recenily in clear ill gray or iho consiruciion dfihe Canadian Ndiionui Railway new 20sloray hoiel In Mammal iiha busy seen above lull thaw edumoliiion of temporary ironic bridge uMhaCenirol Siuilon site At right is skeich of whoi iha lurqe bani will In more Ihan 1000 guestrooms will look like when ii complelad In 1957 Batman the houl and la lniemaiionol Aviation Building Is ZBnoray ollice building whichihe railway propoqes to IIOC The area expoeiad to develop ihroughprivuia cupiial inio masjniilcenixhopping iheoire oflia and oporjmenl can largerlihon Nev Yorks Rockefeller Cenier mans Friend Tough Enough One the clccunn poems of he firm was mm wood And 151ml good Dolnnrc human And that enough Although on lhls occasion Cup taln Steele of Madonna was Lhc succmlul candldalv conunucs hls lcrlnn Humor hr heavy Expenses Incurred he Cantos so rulncd limnccs that he nevnr recover cd from the hluw and ho hum School builders Dcnnls Slmnrd Ltd Inlnswlck Canadian Oll le on tanks at service slnllun Anni 5L Mrsl Perkins 1807VLakc share noad Torunm Ennslrucl ch Cream Relall Store on Hlnku St builder Constructlon Cor lTamnlo Onl Nelsnn Scr Dunlon sum uulldcrs Cnnuman Oil Co Ltd Toronml DUE TO THE homlndnux lncmue In dvmnnd we rp quer ndlllllnnnl sales per unnnel lhmuxhoul Sumhcm Onlnrlo Bl ELNA llle wurldn mos uulllnnding nwlnx mnchlnu M4 WE mm endan momma on hlcvln on and Mnununt udvulhlng 1m ym SECURE nml lucrnllve iumro Lx nvnllnmc lo nppll cnnt wlh prnvm autum lul dlrncl Ilka record EXCELLENT DRAWING AC COUNT nrnmxcmcnl MILY In wmlxm lo ELNA CANADA liTED 143 You Ht anonlq nl SALESMEN xenenfl Flgctlnn inleI he was not mnfimnlc Steele had been anthJH 1541 as Baidwin Mrormur but he was man at great lndependencu character worked hnrd In the Inletefls at Slmcue and was dis posed to don wlh Each question on Its merlts rather than alum smct party lines Amused Destrtln He was therefore accused by same having broken mam wllh the Return party and of having nftvr twn years In parliament lrnnslemd his support tn the wither 2mm in Hm Hausa 01 As sembly LIn file It electlon or the sec dnd Unlon Parilnment Wlllinm Rnblnson was returned In office and later served alenller afFIn nnce ImpedorGenLrnl and chin anmlssinner Pubch Works nnunw my 1851 herTary Robinson had even captured fair measure upportln Smcles former home municlpallly of Mndonle In the nlrcuon that ymr against Relnrmcr Alfred Wlllson Dene Ewan Rohlnsnn carried Madame 394 Orlllla 660 Tlny and Tay 650 bl I081 Om 82100 SaVe 104 one 1cm which Scale was thorious William omnséri rcprbsenléd simcou steadily 1mm 133001857 He made number 01 Important trea Wé record and cut records to sult your own personal requlrcments Use or studlu If needed For rates and In formation RECORDING SERVE momflmm TIRES and TIJBES CAR BUS BEERS TIRE SERVICE WEVE MOVED 3133 BRADFORD SI We Cordiafly lmfite You to Visit Our Newly Renovqted Larger Location HOME OF THE FAMOUS LONG WEARING DIAL 4126 VULCANIZING ROAD SERVICE FARM TIRE SPEEIALISTS TRUCK TRACTOR FORMERLY THE LOCATION OF MORRISON CO LTD Wnkend vlulmrs wllh Mr and Mrs Willflm Wnlmn were DArcy McKcrnan and son Danny Do In John Mamman and son Kenneth Windson am far Tnchu school plcnic was held on Monday asmnoon June as with good number 01 children and anhers prgsent Sports consuxcd of games men and Mllgnmm which all enjmd Durlng 111m lunch hum Mlss Dycktm4mher was presenlnd whhu silver cream and sugar an my by Luna Walton on bnhallot thepans Wm nddrm Was rnudby Geslle Schultz Miss Dyck expressed 1m uppmla man for the mvuly gm ML and Mrs Bmemn Scnlt Imy and Joan Aumrn visited nn tlcs with the Indians and headed lhe Canada Company or length of time wmne married he had no 1amlly nnd he died about 1875 Thus he Steele ramuy and he Steele memories mnlgnilyl lived him and was Elma Yulw vermn Seelc the man who do lama Robinson on only one LILc llon who was honored in Mednnte ycstclday nncmoun GRENFEI 6539 GASOLINE MOTOR OIL yaqmwm Mr Ind mu Sony mxum that Hzlen Slut daughter Mr Ind Mn Frank sump pigenjo no mu W13 Barrie on Friday with ommyemn In on 114 Reich very sick hl All hope she will Loon be teellng better OFFICIAL OPENING TODAY um vu Aan Ill will Loon be feeling better ANCIENT CASTLE Cudw Custln one nilhc prln GAL Tm WE POI clpal curly buildings In the Wclxh PRINTING PHONE M11 part was hull In the 11m cenhlry BARRIE 15 Blyflold sum 2nd Floor Phona 5931 DRILL 32 Mlnlssan smee East 2nd Floor Phona 3505 mm vmmcs av APPOINVMENT mom for EVENING nouls GROVE ST him and 11mm We at Lambert Electric are very pleased that our firm was awarded the contract for the electric wiring of this location mu Impn1 tom Lumber Electric BLUE SUNOCO canvanlanl officeswhich ls nuns you Extends Congratulations mg or the grand new premLses or Becrs Tire Service to Ellsworth Beers upén the oiflclul open lein loiriEe Kin The nrm wanna drlved mm the Latin Vulcan meaning god Hr lion mu na cup 13 experienced It vowmo DEBWAfIIQN Phone 4301

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