Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1954, p. 14

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Al ha close or me service the morning scssinn was held in the church The appalqlmenl or Mrs George Bush Mincsing as secre airytreasurer was ratified and the mlnules ul he Inst deanLry mealg ing and financial statement were read and approved Mm lunch served in the Sunday Schoo mom of UM Unltcd Church lhu ladfles mut In the Orange Hall for the alter noun sussinn Mrs Newlomsmilh SL George Church Allflndnlc Vice deancry officer led In dcvallnns prayers for lhumisslonnrlcs tho sick Illdfm peace minulcs Sil ence was observed or the members who during the year had passed to higher service He applied this 10 wnrk The very name Womans Auxil lary suggests help and encourage mam he stated The speaker was thanked by the ladle through the deuncry alficel Mrs McCuchcnn Ven Archdeacon Light hour delivered my msplring ad dress on the and influence of Bgmzbas Son of Enwurngemenl he was named Earnnbax devolcd his life In encourage others first by Ihe use his wealth Chrlsflnn stewardship secondly by believing in people and thirdly by encourag £ng and slrenglhcmhg hers by what he was hlsllfe and cxninplc MineSing Parish Hosl Io Delegates For 351h Annual Meeting Womans Auxiliaron Wes Simcoe Deanery Celebrauon of holy communan was at mo am wllh 113 com municuan conducted by Ihe recmr Rev Ttubhs and assisted by Rev Adyc ruraldean All saints Church Collingwoud Mrs McCulchcon dcanery ofllccr spoke briefly an the annual in Tor onln and urged everyone in aucnd next ymr She outllncdplans for hnspllnl cammillu one out or Each branch lo ennlnct Hie visHors in Barrie Mrs Grassel in Culling wood Ll member is In hnspiml The $111 nnnun meeting at West Slmcne Deahery the Womans Auxiliary or Ihu Church Eng land In Canndn was held in SL Palers Church Minosing an mesi dn June 15 cordial wolcomg was given by Mm Harry Fnysmn president the hostess branch on behalf the visiting branches Mrs Myu of Co lingwoml replicdl tmknxn EXAMINER WEDNESDAY sum 1954 THE FORMER MARINA llllOW received two lovely wed ding gins irom her friends at the Barrie Works of the Call ndinn Guncrnl Eloctrlc Co bclorc her marriage on April 10 Elwood Wyncs There were several April brides the lucnl plant Jul Nru fwolvc Hrnnchcs answered the An Aprif Shower for Bride war nm mHIhm Ctlnmlhlnl Im Imurml lrllh lIn Immhm fa Mrs Parsnn was the next speaker She spoke or the help available from the memum department and showed me new at sludy ma larial on India and said beautiful colored slides and projector were available as well as Curios etc Some 1E money placed in the red side at he envelope is for free mam um She annpunned an educallunal conference in SL PeKcrs Church Temple on Sept 30 Work within file parish is vllal part 01 Work We are our brothers kecpe Miss Parson at Toronto Spoke on her experiences at van work 1m summer when sheiravcliod abom 3000 miles in isolaicd smlinns oi Manitoba when some lon izmil ies were 15 miles from neighbour and only got mall every wa weeks in winter She inid oihuw ihc dhlidrnn loved their Sunday School papersand how appreciative the people were begging them to come back for more services There is need 101 aduil liiEraiure as won as children and greai need lor war km on Lhe vans nf whichlhcr are more iiIan 30 roll call the presidents bringing message and brie aniline of their years wnrk Allandalc Barrie Enllenu Colllngwnod Creelnote nuntmun Llslo mdhurst Minnslng Sinyner Sunnldale and Wiser Bunch were we reprcscnlbd Mrs Chunnen Mlncsing sang solo which was much appreciated Miss Leppinglon spoke at yaulh work in WA Lima Helpers Jun ior Auxillary and girls auxiliary Last year um GA gave television sci to Sirwchan liouées Leadnréhip is Headed shi siicsscd The deanery 0mm presenmd two appea 21 Help or school for relnrdcd children on the Mohawk reserve Branuurd Overseas hursafics for kind arten yqu In Japan hnllhxgds 61 suéplus lunds will 30 to me first appeal and one third the second Mrs 17min dealt with two quas 0315 zrum hequoslion box The resolutions commuch pru scMcd rnsolullon thanking all who had helped with the success 01 the metHun Mrs NewlnnSmlth st Georges Alunaalc invited the Deanery mcel in Allandalu next year and the invmliun 7a heartily acgepud again dccldcdto help sup porn boy 1n Palumpin Boys School in India Rev sums pmn aunced the benediuon mwas scrved by lhq ladins ul Mlneslng branch Bruce operation Ilnspllnl all hope Mr and Mrs Roy Frnuu Vlnd sur and Mrs Crook of London 5171 the wlukcnd vllh Russ aml Mrs Bartram Church Servlcu Qullc number hum men um wore pmcm nn Sunday mum mg or um church 5mm Mn Manmrmuc rendered the hunulllul gull Mon Tu Jesus Sunday June 21 Dnlsmn mcmum wm wumm ruwnjllll nu The lAdkS Gqu mm at Mrs Alvin Lcnnnrds Wednesday evan mg with gnnd attendance Mr and Mrs it Dnvcnpufl North Bay and MaxYon Downer Toronto spam the weekend wnh Mr and Mrs Downer Cungmtulatluns Angus Rawn on son Hem ankli Mr and Mrs Robins and am Hy 3150 Mrs Rulh Lummis and sun Hercklc spent um weekend mm equafle Balm Beach Mr and Mrs Lamb Barrie visited he farmers parents during wuekehd Wychridgc Womuns Inslimle ca tered in banquet on Ffiday at Midland in hunur uf UH munly council Ivan Plkv Tomnm spent vcckcml mm STEAM IRON was presented an April brfide ghe tonin er Elma Stacey by he gellow workers nt the BurrIEWqfiks or the Cnnadlnn General ELgctrlc Co bgfore her marriage Emle Raycrnrt made the presentation on hehnl onhe workerg Miss Stacey marriage to Joseph Tlmmonsvtook place on April 10 40mm ML and Mrs wnncrs Kllchener visite mexr snn Stuart wife and amuy for few dnys Cungmtulatluns to and Mrs Angus Rawn on the nnivnx Mr and Mrs Blair and file ormcrs mother Mrs Balh spent the week Balm Beach Mrs Drummdhd and Dlwm Cnpmnl vLsIllnu lwr nar cnu Mr and um 11 eruhL ML an family lormcrs and Beach Mrs cm days Squmury April Bride Receiveé Giff from Workers ranxp 0m Srrvlrn The 101 mm 10an member How much Life Insurance and what plan days with hury am and Mrs Inmlly Spun WYEBRIDGE and Mrs parents bum in DALSTON Barrio he wlll Barr WaLnn In due Womuns Inslimle ca bflnquul on Ffiday at VI hunur uf he munly ml WHL Wrs Charlcs gpcm Shnday ASK THE LONDON Lllll MAN Chester holidaying Wlml in llm right unumm Hulurnnrn for man my running Irwl mld wilh ny funnily nulmlmihililirn UIml Indiry in tho rigII our fur Inn to buy nnw fur Imluya nmlu mu un lhe fmnldnlion fur lnrgrr lnnurluco program in Ihn fulurr mm mnkr nurr rnnugh mnury for my wifr nml hiltlrrn if ulmulllnl liwnml uf mumy In my the bill if lulu illnrun lmln alle III my rnrningl Am wnlll lulnn lhul will erulr Ilgv f0 IIIW or Inn yrnrn nlmml an we lln Highly impnrlunl llIxIl not 1hr riglll nxmvcrll f0 young man like IllsdulcV her llnxpllnl undérwcnt Royal Vic 1m week work humc spent sun Wilcox wilh nounsch at Balm London Life Ilqu llEN Landau Canada lnmmlnm Imnpuny Victoria Archer and the WV hu will parade to Dalston Church on Sunday evening July 730 The Lale Siephenlerry The headall sympathy 0K lhl community goes but lo all mem bers he amlly of Stephen Perry whn died In the General and Marine Huspflal Collingwooa on thmiuy name vlsnon Mrs Goodwin Barrie Is slhyg ing with Bill and Dan and Judy Orr while their parents are nway Mlnlnnflhndflnlly Two Carloads 0f Mlsslon Band mmbcrsjaurneyad An Hillsdalc Inst Saturday for rally wuss Bessie MncMurchy was me Vspenk er Lunch was enjoyedan the lawn All Import and lime Congljntulallans to Jimmmm and MisstucmeMay Dacr whu were married In lhe summon rmy Chapel at Gnderichan June Miss mm mm Woman hull dayin at her home here for James Manlloulin Quilo here an Mrs wmm amino SunnidaléCornérs Mr and Mrs Ivan Or are on malar Ier to he WcsI Mr nvcrnlxlll week mu IIck up ynur en mar work an your llmlly an Ind mum llle um morning on your wly Ia work 69 Collier Shch lrnusnnu me number attended the ll und Mrs Dougl lhelr dauuhlur OVERNITE SPECIAL BARBIE DRIVER111R CO LTD not dauflhlm Drama TIL Wlllis Readma HOLLOWS Smith rMprtqr To Vesl Island Readmnn and Mr Douglas COMFORTABLE CLEAN CAns Phona 2772 qun madman Enjoy the convgnlcnce DllIVURSELF AUTOMOBILE of lndlcs lmusseau Tea Mllduyinp nnd chudrm and Mrs wu lndlcs from sseau tea at Knncshnws Ind Im or Invented Mu Thom Barrie In and lonfChMle spem he past week at Trent Rlver with htr molher Mrs Mprrisom Toronto at he Morri Aqn comic Mr nm Mm Allan mu vmted Sunday last wllh he Inner par enls Mr and Mn Mane Mn Balls 11 tclephon opualnr or the Bell Co King Cliy Mr undMu Merle Lyons nnd three daughters spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Joseph Ballordl Summer llCAF Cynne F0 Jack Dunstan em or Nnrlh Buy an Sunday He will be taking course there wiLh the Tim dur ing ihe summer Hall mum chmh Speaker Mr and Mrs Dick and daugh ler Toromo were wilh friend here on day anick smoke Don Galbram and Mend To ronla were Sunday vlsnors with the farmers mother Mrs Gulbrnnh llnm Hawk and Mrs Ht Mlss um 54mm Toronto spent the Weekend with Rev and Mrs Duke Glrl Guide Award ML and Mrs Wice nnd daughter Mrsr Kelman and chil dren were in Ornngevllle Frldny evmlng last or me occasion 0L presgannn or the Gala Card and othprbaflge 01 tumor Ihelr granddaughter Margaret daughkr Mr nndM Creighmn w1ce Pendant Paulmar members of lheGlrI Sumo received Gold Cord hdnnrs The presenlallorfs were made In the Princcss Mar garet public whoa auditorium men run Annlvznary numbe from here mended the Sunday fihool anniversary service an Rlchrfllllvon Sunday ev ening Insl Weekend vlelors at Mr and mm Barnms over me weekend were Mr nnd Mr Roy Barncfl and son Michael Mrs Josephine Huncku and Gordan Annis To mnlo in hex mica chm Sunday mgrnin 3n Tqmperfmm Nawlywefln hum Wul John Clnrldgn nnd brldl farmer Pat max Vlmln amved hen on rlday um um weddxng Mp Ihmug USA They will make their here um um prmm Ilnlldnylnl Gilda Mr and Mn Don Gllchr Mr and Mrs Gordon Willlnms Detroit Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer and sons Bolton and R01 and Palmer Tmonm spent Sun dn WHh Mr ma Mrs Free Next to Gray Coach Mrs Hfiriy and Mrs mm dnuy her daughter and Mrs Ray nlr daughter Aurora an Jam Cook Toronto Whflesldus Dowden Jghtcr Mrs un Friday Cook Weston Her and son1 Ray Smilh thlca Gllchrlst mi mm lhmuflh the their home were at Mr xtén vls sonlxllaw bride II visit wuamnaton and Mrs learn an chLst Tummo are holidaying he an12 Mn and Mn Dickerson sperm Sunday with Mr and Mn Waller Hurhburt 3rd Line Mr and Mrs Elmer Pace and sum Tomnln spent Sunday with Mrs Fates parents MI and Mrs Oliver PeMll Mn and Mrs Luke McKennn and children Prlcr and Balm Ham Hton were recent vlslmrs at the ham Mn and Mrs Goey and M5 my film spent Wednesday afllurnnon with Mr and Mrs George lake RINImnnd Hlll Mk5 ymsy Forrest and Charles Walks spent the past weekend at lheh respective homes Mr and MrsW McMésm at Ended Wardens outing at Sprinzwnter Park on Wednesday Clltlord Bull and niE vlslled nz Gnldcn Valley and don Lake memly Mrund Mrs mm and Miss neuy of anemia sperm um wonk endwith Mr and Mrflmmas Eulnmon Mn and Ms mm and Bruce amended nleces wedding 1n mmntn an Salprdnyxx Mr and Mrs Ernem Ellsmorc and children and Surfing Mchulny 90933 30w plays 91 Tllden Lake Enice MEMnster new 15 spa wcelt wglhllis parcrfls wH61d2n sneeuvme 3mm long weekend with Rev and Mrs Newman Mrs Evoy span tow days in Tommn last week her slslor Mrs Cowam ramming with her for vlslt Mu Pellotrer of ivy spent Wed nesday and Thursday wllh Rev and Mrs Newman number Va from me village attended lhn Thurman rp uninn in Svprmrgwaler Park an Sal urdny Mm Gourluy Omawn Is vlsfllng Mus Hlll nnd Mrs Coward Mr aim Thomhs Carr Ud ney visited Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr during he wedkLnd M155 Dom Simpson left on Wed nesdny for Port Perry where she wi beJl urine present meomofs MOST FAMOUS Ea Ft MogToRou TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY CANADA IIIIIII OOOOOOO MMMMMMMM MIME All MIME ZOOKSHHVN NIAllm ALLIHION HTINHJD DENVMJI llAlllllIC CRAIGHURST fvnyofi THE CROWE COMPANY LTD GIIAV HOS HIDfl HlillVlCI Mdron HA filllllllllNGH TOIIIHINUH KOWTUIK MOTORS CUNDLES MllM STATION llllNlllll JUSTIN PAUL ONTARIO ONT0 ONTARIO ONTARIO NIAIUU ONTARIO NIAIUU Bailey pnntoam worth mul lan have been urdznd by the CI Idlnn Government mm UK firm The Onmrlo Deparjmenl Highway hu used Bailey bridge cxlcnnver on the construtllnn of Ihe TransoCnnada Highway In Nor Ihem Ontario they have also been used Kn hydroelem develop rnenu Imnmr IIMHUE THORNTON ONTUH COOKSIUWN NTMIIU illl MOIHI IT IlMllll ALI 0N MM Wt tpoh WNew Delicidus omenqu Vuvm Heres claim flush sharp drink with my 9nd 13m And what flavor Youll 230 in delkiuuhlendlngnluwfipen iumy Gmpefmit and tangy Lknes Treat yourself and family today Tryvgnhclnjny this new ilaan BAILEY Pomona unot mun AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE OR COOLER NHNHZ NIXON HAROLD JOEY MOTOR SA IAIlM Hll IA MUIHU ALLISION I0llN WATSON ILII NO MOTORS FRED WHHINH MchMY BARR HFHEIL mm nun ONTARIO ONTHO ONTIlll ONTARIO ONTAIUO mme smxl CF 35 lebnflam are planned lulyfl I1 eln hgngrflot pr Munq fen agogmayesi Vii nigh down In Saskatchewan Th2 com mum In charge wants as many to pamblc of the 9000 bleflie delivered during 57 year of prairie pumice BAIHHH MIDHUIKST llAlHllH ZOOKSTOWN ONTARIO NU ALI 0N Ulllll IH 1m Virle nwu Wm man wrnum Tm Vyyob HONORED DOME SIMCOE DI COOI illIS M00 PLUS DEPOSIT MOTOR HA AUTO PARTS mum mm mm STATION IIAIHHVMIH IIIOMIHON DUIINIUIKI JAMES MING HART ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO NIAIUO ONTARIO

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