Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1954, p. 5

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EARM KITCHENS AND UTILITY ROOM Mom mum In inrm kiichons Ihouid be ranged to provide the greatest convenience of operation Sn also shuuid siuragc uniLhand accessories Carciul attention to deuii and equally icarciul pian ninn Is munlial maximum em cienpy is to be maintained The sink Cdnue Eitelric Funcliun Preparaiinn nl lands which first require wnicr Dish washing Cleaning up chuircmcms sink resistant purccliln cmlmt slalhlmu mu wilh 5m duuhic hawl wilh or dralnbnardfl Counter space cithcr side the sink30 on the left hand side and 36 on me righthand skin These dlmcnsluns cnursc shouid be reversed Int kithanded per Ivn Storage Space or CulluryUtcn slls Inr the prnpnrallon vege tables Fund prepared at the sink Dishes and gmswhrn Dishwalhmg Supplksz Tc towels and aprons Garbage contalncr The mus saustactory place 101 sink centre 15 beneath large wlndow which provide 11 vlnw 01 the larmyard and whlch admlls lulural gm to the Interior of the kllchcn as well as the sink cen uc men Knlle Buck Tnk rack made of wood or piywuod strip which has sms cut In It tn accommodate various alzdi knlvm and whlch is bent In mm an arc The are Ks ullached either end In lwo woodcn hoards of the lam wldlh which mucl at right angles larmflng quarter cir aim The rank Lhnn allth In It Sid of wnll cupboard and the from covered WM ShEBI Elan nr plus 50 um thc knlfc blades are completely enclascd but vlslblr Pullvom Board For tasks which are carried an mm sman pmlllun Hm nvcmgc counter height 30 may be on Wmv Loukll lllul kld run lhuhu 1m Bl DUNLOP ST EAST mumm OUGHS HARDWARE lllt llliNTM ILAN INCLUDE EVERYTHING YOU Nlilfl ITS HAHY T0 BHMXIIIY THOHI OLD FLOORS IF YOU IT YOURSELF Vllll CLARKE FLOOR HANDINH EQUIPMENT 555 Mllu Noulh a1 Illnlr Im Ilwy Na 11 Drive out of lawn or qulcker senIce ur plum collect Slnnul 56fl22 Pnnms snnnnn Limiled PAINSWICK nk acid cmnmel or smgle or or wilhnul DELIVER Authovlnd Inuit of Hunting and Hiking Llcomo PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS TO high Mkad varying the un tual heighVu the counter to ob lain work surface he con veniml height pullout boards should be inslalled In the ham cabn incls Thuc boards should be large cnnugh for such lush culling up mca and hupping veg clnhles The device for hinglng owcls lypn nbLAlnabie In any hurdware 5mm ll consifls of three rods at achcd lo Huge nr swivel can nccuon The base nblnnl In whlnh by helping you nvuld mislnkcs In buying and doing The following tips will loll you where to gel sound advice what klnd wish Expert Advice For Decorating Is Suggested Expert advice on home dream llon can save you plenty ut Evcrynue yells home run hltler Ind IIIIII why no nuny purple haw been rnnl In or the ML luv mule In quallly materials low cr prlm you In llllnlllnl lo bulld or rtmmlel helllr all hull CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT ynu In mnknlnml mumm mu nur ramplrlr mm lnlo nmlI mulmmt vao Ilmn Iml mum m1 nu yuur um um hrnfly nml lull lumllh Iqulpmfll nulullll an rnmvlrle lmlrurllnnl BHIIHIE PAPER INDUSTRY SKILL HELPS WALLBOARD Every 11 usetrom every bit of wood That would make an exponent math or the paper industry he nations blues usem wood plflp In line wllh he proposition It was the paper mfll chcmlm whn developed um of themes wldely used building malerluis In America todayinsulating honrd To make Illa marevplemant or Amrrlcuns more than Miller square cut each year an Inlu sidewall sheathing mo shramlnn lath lnlurlqr wall and parlllloning nnd mm other Insulating and mundprqoflnx materials Larger llnell Lowu Coal These maleriak are uhapcd Into panels much larger than the nat ural wnodvptmcls they wen evolv ed tn Cpllim As mulL aIznablc savings xn labor cmlsnrc achiyved In Instan the towels are stored should be vented Perforatlans In the dnom In one method prnvldlnxz Ide quale vnntllauon Vcnhhle Elm his unit simple conslruc Mon The rcmuvablc stock size wire baskcL arc llghl 1n wclzm and naxy lo dun Thcy are hooked Into drawer which is Gflmllnr in size thr drawer units bul which has bccn lcfl bot tomless to allow maxlmum vcntlly anon am 31 can cxpcctlnd hnw much money ynu will problbly spend SchIce Manlncs The trlck In using uhcsc home and decoru ng publicallnn be aware of whal ynurc louklng 11 in each and every plclum If youre thlnklng buying new xuh In lhc near ulmr cancrnlralc on living rooms as you pcrusc those maznzlnrs Notice pnflcrm fabrics styles and 01hr fuck which could enter In to your awn dccurnuvc schcmc flank and Pamphlets You can no plcnly hon mm lhcse Mnny MC frcc while nn ulhcrs an uflcnd nululnnl CUM They are ubluinul 1mm mngutinls and mm hnnm shows or dccontlnn uxhibl15 lleullcn Mubl large dfimrlmtnl Vlurr have Incoming denun nmns wlurc udvlcc ls dispcnsrd concerning overall heme docum on In mhm yuu may oMnln Advice In sundue lrpartmcnu mlnl wallpaper curlzllm cm on how lhKSC prmlucL mnuld be nhcd lhLI advlcc and ruumcl uumlly rm llrmnlnn Tm ltnu town 11 mullllmlc nullK and profits Ilnnsfrm lmlm Mlnlcr hr lurmhlr or the Amulrnn In Illlulc of Dccmmu Shop cnrc mm lrcuralur lrnrn um uunllly nml lypv at work he at she do 5mm makfl llo xcrvlrt thnrxr drxmxllmx on sale Incr rhnlullsc or mm prnllL 0mm leny durum yuu or lollsullullunl nr Ilrnwlnq up plum ma PHBNE 2556 limpet man similar woo clap hoard siding nuén For ciarfiplc uldcwnll flanhrd wllh Vcrsatz nsulaun agdlng up be to 357 Similar sivinp mull when In luinlin board thenihinz is uubsu mud or wood sheaihinli Anoth erianior iniheir invor their verv utility Twoor more insulating buayd malarial llatil siding shqgiigingl wall Ddimml Ihc Insulaufi value Development Ind Orlnnal mo mm paper mill assigned research slat lhc lob nl finding pracllqal use or the wasle prod ucts of paper production They devélupcd prncm or combining pulp rum mill screen lnzx win pulp tom lowgrade scrub trees They then compress edrlhe mixture dricd to arm thlwclgm still boards They quickly discovered high lnsulatlng value and loan lhc board was Irealed wlth hcmlcal 1n prolcct against decay term He and walrrr The product has been cnnsmnlly Improved through the ycamv and the home owners mndernlzallnn problems have been greatly aim pllfled his Hvlng condulans made more camhrtahlau And all humus they wantcd SLAM the wopd Acknowledg mean StampsACanhaim Simple Home Job Repairing Broken Window Fixing broken window at home Is quite simple apcnauon Haw cvcr some sman problems are bound to arisc parllculnrly 11 you are repairing window or the rst time Hun wcgivc some ips which should help you lo do the Job and Ivoid some no common crrors Must broken wlndnws can be fixcd wilhaul taking the sash mm the rame However It must be dorm from Ike oulsldz and IhLi should appear dangerous unlumn the sash ram I05 lramc and lake It Indoors Remuvc the moldings which holdlhn sash In place and unhook the pulley cards or spring hallma nus repair slop or course i0 clear broken glass old puny Ind glazicr puinls mm the sash chan nuL Wear zlnvcs or thsl Then use 1tu kn nr chisel to scrape any old puuy Ind mum palms Be careful nu lo cut inlu Lhe wood as damaged sash may allow mln to get In and lcssnn the the sash The Mndow pane should meal urc appruxlmlcly 110 shorter Ind narmwcr than the opening Illuw for shrinkage warping and wmher changes Dr are cnv Iuhrlcnlc the glasscm wheel th any hump huh all and Infkc um um pa manila he glass may he laid directly In um chanml ur lhe hnnncl may Hm be lined wlm puny mc 1mm method provldrs addulmml pmcclkm In pruvcnllnu mahlure lrum enteran nruund lhc mac the pane and lulu lhc aash ll bhuuld If he srcurcd will pain lnnc 1n Ihr me rod um palm per side 10 hr min Lnrgrr nerd he 0an vrn Ill Illmul arl the cutter for each nul Tn break the plug hold he pant Ilrmiy an opposite 51st the cut line with lhu lhumb nnd furl ingcr each hind Give the glass sllgm bend away mm cm and ltwlu break or run the mug lynglhvl we cut thn drlvlux pulnl 1an me Up Um rlnnglz lulu lhe wund Hold llu lrlvilln lIml nmlxm lhc nrmrudlnx sldc wllh one hand and wth Um 0mm turn up 11 lrhrr with Immmtr unlll he gLulcn pain drlvrn ulmll hauwny In um um p0an lxxlvc bf drlvtn apply the for Dependable Elacuicul Work llcsldcnuAl llltl luduntrInl Vlrlux llapnlr Work lehllug XIIIch Shop 54 So Ma St ROI hrry Sr IN OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Snlo Wfifinu muy Prulcrdunnh hnld cnll Cared fqrBrushes Last Longer Better Painting Results Youcan save money and gel bel ler painting run you take pmper can pa brushesold and new Hcrca ow II easiest to clcnn palm hrush Immediately alley usc Use may in am hand and he puny knllr in the other and ln am up crallon swish down the shin of lhv sash Thcypypply puny with one hand and smoolh ll with he nlhcr Howcvcr the amateur usually pals on small pkccs at llmc and shan us mm mm place with puny lmllc Onc knllu with W4 blndn ll recommended for his pcnt work Another mmhod lx £3 roll pully into lam slrlps and apply lt 1n sccllonal lcnmhs before Alter cleaning away ckccss pui Lyand bum skies of the glass inusfi be cleaned putty IS iuerrére insiamng the glassallow me Job sat for few days buinrc painung FOB ALI ELECTRICAL CONTRACT WORK For House Wiring and Power Installations or new Homes and Industrlal Bulldlngs For Prompt Service Pickup and Delivery on Appllnnce Repnlrs CALL 1N0 DOWN PAYMENT uumm man 44 Dunlop We plugging 90 days mm dzflc of implication to llrstInymtnt Low lulunil Mes Up In years to my 3880 SOUTHWOOD ELECTRIC 67 PLANS FOR THE ABOVE AIIE AVAILABLE AT ALL ILANING MILL OUIl STAFF CAN AI VISIJ 0N SUITABLE MATERIALS BRISTOWPLJMBING 0n Material Needed onslnrmm Screens Cupboards Recreation Roam etc ll Vlctorln Sl D0 lTYOURSELF 72° n11 nnqmcr Jar or can Mn suapy solution nnd again wash 1hr brush In descripcd nhovc Dunt worry abnul genius pain on your handsalls easier In wash off than to clean it lrom hardened brushl Impenumur Leptyne in la nr can slashing the brush horoumly mom nr ur can 01 cleaning solu Hon at turpcnune or Lemme to rcniuvc the cxccss palm Next uklng the brush in both hands and squeeflng duwnward mm the Kermlc to he ends he brlsllcs am the llquld out at Repem until brush Is Me mi ccs llquld HOW III IIMAN lll Inn Now you an hm MI unn mydem hullu Iyllem wh lmludu IAmmnuI In my Norm Am mu Huh moml Inyhln nul Iylleml wllh only on amount to who haunt yuu plan 10 use he brush again wllhlnva ftw days suspend the brush in cuntaflner n1 brush cleaner DoNOT allow brush stand on brisflcs Drill small hole through the ferrule and Insen piece wire In prevent hrlsucs from touching the bottom It brush Is nut lo he used or while wrap In paper Jacket to keep brjsuus In proper posiliun runw book It mm Idvlnlum and warm air luulued by mam Imhlrw dllven In Nn wlllnl or obdlklly nqulml or Ilm cl nmmmuu pmuun Ilum filled In room unlu lhlouh mull lkxihk coup lubn Ml an lumd down in mukd mom Ind qukHy hwulhl up mln whn nuled lJlmlnIllmI of which lnl mum Ml 0mm good brush ls gooddnvnsl mcnl ln liner palnllng and shuula be treasured as such Youll ind that brush care ups will gn long way towards prolccllng your ln vnstmcm nu nu Cm In ml to no In all mum on ukybongfiu alum Barrie than me THE BARIE NRA SMALL HOUSE DESIGNSA unique exterior appearunqe hlj been nehleved by architect Rom oi Toronto in the design this twostorey house Through the unusual mhinations oi the brick end wnod exterior finishes end the unconve tionai window Irrangeméuts particularly the gallery effect over the atalrwy and secundfloorheiijthg common rectangulnr shape at the flatmoi house zets an entirely new look Thu mam dining and living mum extends the mu width cl thg hnuso and Hxhwd by series windows which arm In mew11 ionking out on the rear garden and lnwn area Three amleite bedrooms and bathroom are located on the eoond fluor Plenty of cupboard space ls provided thu denmnzed kitchen which wpnrnlcd mm the dinlnz acctIun by count with cupboud Ibove The mini acumen oi the how is 1365 square loci while the gubie mcuurcmont is H351 cubic icct The cxwrinr dimensions are 33 an int Working dnwinxn or the house known us Design 521 any be obtained imm Central Munguzn and Housing Corponiion It minimum cost HOSE SPRINKLER The PLASTICS Have IT For Your Hardening Needs VINYIAITH PLASTIC 50 BLACK PLASTIC FEATURE PLANT Hose Noizles cnrnrmncuw PfllINlNG SHEHHS ECONOMY PRUNING SHEARS WESTON NULINII llll IllllNINl AllAlIlfl IVI GRASS SHEHRS SANITARY INSULATED EALLUN Jllfi 259 Innislil SI Phone 2429 GARDEN HIISE MN LINER Wllll Vllll GOING FISHING IMNIH TACKLE BOXES mm Ilvnlm en nu leI runll uwllrh lolnplfle wllh lullrrlfl unzmmnv FLAHIIIJHIIIPQ AN lOlllllNU NIUlfT CflflP EXAMINER MONDAY 716N331 PICNIC lll FOIL ll HARDWMH AllIJANClZ NIOIW SVTOOLS EQUTFMENT Lon of HE PARKING5ppcc HTOI IN AT 55631 am REG 5525 110 $110 82593441 nmn AT 98 $379 79 98 I9

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