Banles must centrally located bflck duplex Four rooms and hath ï¬rst floor sime on xecond floor 52 rate entrance all hen ed mo em kltchen hardwodd floor Furnished Ive mom coins It Mlncls Palm Inside convenlen ce Pnsscsslon Erlck home sllunled flve mllel from Burlla on two lovely acre land Smnll lmlul nokslown nreu 100 acres of clmlce mt brlck hnuse newly decorated modem kltchcn lurnnnc hul Ind cold waler Barn practically new Steelslnnchlun ln stable water bowls mllk cooler hydro and wa ter anuzhaut Prlced to selL StlllSclllng Fnrms lo Farmers For Famlng LOCATION COUNTS var popular distrlct Suphln inst oi Bnyfleld Streell Thl seven yur old brink house has all the extra expected In x1 modern home This slx room will so very shortly nt $119500 SEVEN ROOMS Thl would be no erfect properly hr the young am reqmrlng bedrooms Very large hame in land location class to school Thlr house Ir modern hrlck IV store hnme wlth many extras lnclu my lame welllandscaped lnl All the moms are mm by camptrlson to many at the new homosi Full prlce $10500 wllh terms avallable SMALL DUPLEX benulllully nnvnied nldcr home into two il room apartments completely sali cuntalned wlth separate entrance nrlce $7800 with as low PROPERTY FOR SALE EgEFORE YOU BUY TRY $i300 down Jc BOAKE BROKER 0ch Farm nuslnes Bundlng Lots Mommas Lanna Apprals Clnppcllon SL Tel Member Bnrrle 11mm Real Esmle Board Michie REALTORS NHA iNIjA 5139690 DOWN PAYMENT Car He or $7000 Brlck Bungalow cumalnlng most Icalurcs mr your npfluvnlz 55 110 IAlr tondllioncd th nil ICuppcr plummng hm wnnr tank hcgvy wr mum 281 BRADFORD STREEer ncav mum Olalnfnd wllh your chalcc of calm OAll wmdwurk punkd insldc nnd out run Che K20 Insulnkd co chin uni buthromu Concrclo mm and sidewaiks umvcl on driveway culverts nnd midid Lam roomy duscl Lou uI olcclrlc outlets IClnse to bus and stumping can Ire OSchoul Jun nvc mlnuks away What more can you nsk lorl Ml modem conveniencu In per Xorl nrcn Then nrcnl mnw En qulm or uppolntmcnl N0 and mm nunn HENRY ELRICK EL MICHIE REAL ESTATE lnnl5 56836534 Owen Slrcu Dunlu OnML llrdrnmn luch lmma only yrnn nlll lllrnlrd In Iln CIdllllulofl Elchool Inl 11m luvrly hum wvll drmrnlNL ml llrrplnm 1w kllrllrn nrm nlr oll lulfl ll And 0nd lnmlluunl 1M wll lenty Illrulu Only ha lurk 1mm Iclmnl nml m1 lull llnr llu um 10 Ire lhln our nm Ilme nllvrnlltd mm Ilmn lmnl lumunluw lIKI led nu lerlnuun Ell lhll In voly nlrr lumw wlm In klkhon In an lubllulml arrI Tbll mu NlIA ntnlr wllll mull nun now pnymml 00 mm ml llnurh ll In lnm nlow with In rrllln cw IH Inkr Tllll ll llKvmy lumu wllll lurflfl lmlrutr am an rxlru lump kllrlnn In uclml um and all hullnl Om Mr uIIlur lullV Ill 00 JSLESSOR OFFERS LACEYS No OBLIGATION PHONE 5298 rlmm Irml rlml Imum wllh llh llfnvy wlrlnl nnll loulnd My mum 1mm Alln In 11 uklnl prlr MI MO wuh mo uluwn paylmn W4 lhdroom hllrh Mm mdy your Vlfl IMVV MANV MORE HOMLI UNIT IN All PART MI llll In Ill KC CONTACT WE MAY vnn Henry Elrick Hrlunn IIrv HAVE HETITJI IIUY FOR YOU PHONE 52 IIOMM IM OCOMMEIICIM RUMMM lflullnflLfl BOAKE REAL ESTATE mm Karma ll Bnymld at rn mu mm In Yam mahgg SLESSOR REALTOR Ofï¬ce Phone 5337 ms Phnnc 553 LACEY Businesses Appralsnh Tel 5934 $8500 FULL Prlce Solidiy bull broom rug brick bungalow on in niufli Street in group oi odur well keptup homes This one but lovely Burden lot with trees Ind shrubbery top quality small home or retired couple The rice in right and good terms can had $11700 FULL Price 4Budroom modem oii hauled home just ï¬ve an old and nicllg iocakud an get Street There munching Jingle garage and beautiiulb lnhdsrnped garden 10 This is the we bcdmnms down and two up piun oi house and is spotlesiy clean and decorated thmu bout $8500 This Is and ion in bedroom sï¬uccu mrey hnuse 1m guru at MBNupier Sheet own uymcm and term altered muku is very nurmiva buy $7500 Just outside oi town six omcd wui home with sixroamed wzJl ket home with dlnln room and bedrooms attache garage tun basement and on heating Near sdhool and bus lin Vie have mhny more good homes running in price from oooupwm nn cunlushe Pglghniguaéz DAY on EVENING CHARLES ROGERS REALTOR bunk 51ch East ERIC AMEfl ER Rapresentnuve Members Barrie mama Rm Esme Board human 32 1116 ST PHONE 26182306 $6500 Frnme bungalow in Allan dnie bedrodms xunroom living room kitchen and apicce bath room Lovely grounds and garden See this one todny lune down payment required $8500 Erick storey nnd m1 at rrescni rented up and down show ng good returns conirni location good house ior couple wishing extra revenue 13000 One of Barriu beitcr omu bedroom ilvin room dining room modern kiic en and bnihrnorn sun room not wnier heaiin wiih oli Yacui oak iloors throng out Very cenirnlr You have £01509 this one appmciuie the VA on 38900 room from bungalow new oak floors vary modern kii chen Incl bathroom Phone 101 up polnlmcni to inspect One Dun nlnw one siomy and mm mic read for occupancy soon NHA flnnnc ng Built by one oi Barries boiicr builders Smnil down po mom Phone mi oiiice or nppo nimanl mom son sAu CLIFF Bs BROWN INCOME PROPERTY We have seven good lncDmE propcrUex Showlnf gobd mum on Invcsl mom you an leaking or In come property us today OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY am lo ma SATURDAYS am in pm REASONABLE mans HOUSE IN TOWN Ewen Valuation or Sn Momma purpas MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE INCOME momw wo minute walk 1mm mu Iulnll mg and puhllc Mimels older homo mu exconllonully wnll bum nll mum 0mm 1mm lown mm to ma we mm 107 Knxu and In lurnncc IZDO DOWN bnlnncc only NM aruc Mmmn llvlnn room two nodvmml and bath ruc minute walk from Fch luInll Ulric lot Full price $5500 COMMERCIAL PRO EHTY In Ihl mnlrr CIlllcr nld Clupprllun SIII Excluxiw ltllllll LAIKH Ich HOME convul ul lu mm ul rnmnlnrd nym mrnll lwu lwu bedroom and one due brdruom 1m wllh Inn forth wnlrr cunl Ilokcr mund Wlxlu Aldo drlvu Iml Jrnr crmlnl block map No mlmm wnlk lu Fvu lnlnII In uood ml buylluwl WlH ylrhl tax lmur nncu um bollrr mnn WW COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Wu Ilulrn nml lwu npnrlmrnu Imllxl hrlrk nu IIMV mm mnrnvm lunmlnllun Ful numm HM Wllfl till Mnlrd Imsl lhln 10 Mill nlxl mluulo walk mm ulll qu um utw Exrlllllve lllllnl TWO GOOD llUIIJHNO mm rm ll nml will Ill lrerfl JUIIT mrnunr TOWN la 15 700 GM Irdrn wrll llrlhl mp Jack Corby Ru Phone MM ulnke Frnum suyner 255w fllchnrd Fnddcn Manager flu Phone nu mu IrunnyJuan on VLA Chum nl hm Hmm bunuluwn will 14 nr arm clwllv arth nuxmï¬n mm Comm be muv II 07 Lou 5L l6MOJ Inna mm Quun Mung 2071 lo xm nur Ankuuuul lhunr IS Wm 0N Duekmmn nmliflpl 1mg 00 150 Apply 131 in mum BC Nzw unloth wllh pf no ImlbljllW0 may mu aL IDTI IllV mm lllm bflh uh uh alum ll momln ENE Jnm 10 Ian In Hum 01 mm oobvlu Mondayï¬lmy nmIx pm Saturday nm5 pm FINLAYSON REAL ESTATE 10 CLAPPERTON Sl PHONE 2151 REPRESENTATIVES LISTINGS INVITED mnmenullves Harold ramm Mos Ted Culhbefl W9 Charm old 2811 lugs 57 Emilia flaw numuun mum room com room ubln gur ue 100x150 Bl Cadr Paint tummer ner near Rama 52000 down Wllum Houstan balmy 16515 ROOM House In mm 9200 Amily wood ONE me better homes brick house wllh gara centrally lvca led rooms on floors thrnulzh out all huran urnnce all newly decorated App to Box 51 Bar rle Examlner 185 151 DUCKWORTH sum lwn storey roomhome dammed In pastel shades uak fluor through out landscaping in excellenhnun dillnn Owner eavlng mwn Fin ancing can be arranged ED 624 Contact Calms Reulml Owen Street Dial 2455 165940 15000 APARTMENT Dwelling rick suites our toms sum three ruomsnl sell conlalncd all heating 3341 Yearly inpomn $2150 you gm lntemstod 1n Investment this nature cull Marshall Representative Coulls Real tor5 Owen SUEeI Dial BETTER an average bungalow rug brick three bedmyms nvlna mam dlnlng room and knchcn uak flnors lhmu haul ull mums aolous Mutual on room1m pace nil begun and many other extras 1m 641x135 hasuu is localcd in In cmuslve nmn Apply Marshall Representallvu Calms Realtor Owen Street Dinl ma PROPERTY FOR SALE 53500 FULL Prlce for well can slrucled bedroom bungalow am flc closets largo llvlng roam aak loors closed ln pUrEhdeEXn kitchen and balhruom equlpped wllh slnrms and screens garage In basement large lot localcd nn Donald Street close an lmnspor Iatlan and down own Finance can be arranged EDrfln Mar snall liepresuntallvn Cnulls Real Emile Broker Owen Slrcel Dlul 2435 105 60 NATIONAL Housan homes law down paymem bnlnnec an month ly payments less lhun rent solid brick or brick veneer construc tion spncluus llvmg mom bed rooms wnh nmple closets onk floors bum in kitchen deep base ment sullable for ulure recrenr klon rooms healed wllh upodate all ï¬xed furnace Select your home hcfore the spring rush Contacl Marshall Represenlauve Calms Real Estate Broker Owen Streel Dlnl 2435 165960 kaome hairGnome Wesfvn Lovely summerhome on well tread and lnndscnped lut wllh 50 prlvnle beach Choice view across the water nghly rnslrlclcd sectl Lafgucll Em lol wnh pm nlc waterfront or lhc water with uunrnmecg access In and use of bench FINLAYSON REAL ESTATE x9 Cluppcrlun SL Duane 115 an SIMCOE SIDE BEACH Summer taliagc lnrgc morn wlm Inside convenience huge sun veranda lully lined wilh hvln room In joint pine decorate inside nnd out full luxnlshcd Including new mu nn Inblc lop slave nice 1m well read Garage Open mad nll wlnlcr Really In relnxin location I5 miles north 01 Barr Frlccd right or nick 51th Comm ll Lacey lcullor phone 5190 Hi nayncla 5L Dnrrlc 2359 HOME SHANTY BAY LOTVSW SHANTY BAY NAME ADDMSS TOWN onn Lake Coltnzc nTnnL 5m htach flood flmlnu Phone mm cvcnlnu mnaoo FOR SALE or Rent mum cnllruul nl Wasnn Hench Ccnlml lhunn Hnrrle 10 Ill5 SUMMEH guugue vim SUMMER COTfAGES S11 rrnl Ixncl IOUIUUII nnll Icmlln Du 70 nillfll Inch 21 CHICKfL Do ym hnvc yuurl Ilunlurn haw ulmrd punm mul anthemIA Harm Ilnrk mm lurk llld Urknlly 1m lylrdl wher wlll 11w lay nlul yuu brlrr Ihum 5mm Irunlrrl IIml lry rm 25I01 READY ETFdrrAGEs DELIVERED $100 Down 27 Monthly Mathews Cullaxc Co 102 Klnxswuod Rand TnmnlnPhnnc 01413 Please mnd lllcmure to summer at lull mu Mnybr 54mm my point um wu duu in mm early duck huylluL Ink mm 1m ml hmy mm Mlxrd ullull mum amml nmnm Iur July mm vnl ma now Auk mmcmm Amn Cuyvllnd 1m Hw um lhunu cm ygu miy um ml winn mm mm prlcrl ulu nu Innl In loll Ihnrl llllllldv cm In rump hum wrll inuwn llnlzllrry Cnnmllnu nu ymvrd wlm ml uwn lnomllml mvlum ruvevlur 10 can ml Munn mm nILMOMIE WM airc UIm In much or 1033 For mlu mum In Inn Mid umnlnhlllly urv drr lly Lllm Iur hlvc hill hmnl 411mm llmn flllmn llllm rur ulvu Yulï¬ulo Hump 00 um ll xu nun gnLWï¬MI ynd no Lw ï¬nL flock mm llama Cu Imp Cnlumblun um ll ml Rock NM llamp ero Imenl Akbar Immu Birth or ul 11H lnr out My pr HII Ind coora uh am hand lm or II vllu you cm anon XL LACEY LAKE SIMQQE Realtor CHICKS Illulll llllllllln Mka uvo rmnlyh Inyrll ml no mumu III nu Inn gm loll nhnfl 28 Bradford SL 32 High St Owen BL Owen EL 51 Dunlop BL 10 Dunlop Members of the Cahadian and But the Ohtario Associations of Real on llnyncld UL Dunlop Esfafe Boards and the Barrie and Have well established local reputation for com petent and ethical real estate practice Must bé of good moral and financial standing in Disfrict Real Estate Boards are the community clnvperwn Pledge himself to abide byVa rigid code of ethics founded on the Golden Rule which provides for the protection of both the buyer and the seller in real estate transactions Must pass written examination proving his abil ny to competently close aWéal estcnte transacï¬oh and draw all necessary papers correctly To Buy Sell or Finance REALTOR Real Esfafe Broker All Real Estate Agents lh order to Qualify as in Barrie and District Only HENRY ELRICK MICHIE MUST BE HCENSED For SofetyServiceSatisfaction Look for the Term REALTOR PROPERTY FOR SALE CHARLES ROGERS CLIFF BROWN BOAKE KELLOUGH COUTTS REALTORS LACEY SLESSOR HOW MUsf cam These manor Firms Phone 6387 Phone 2673 Phone 2435 Phone 5563 Phone M76 Phone 4000 lhono MM Phone 0381 mdï¬ulm MR CAMERON his return ed In hll shop 60 Maple Ave and LI now accepting Inaan TRAVELLING tn chlna and Cu gnry middle June Wm com Conlncl Pnul McKelvey aunmi MRS Gordon McQuanIe announ ces the ening at her llalrdrussin her home am Can nu Phone 121 LF CONSIDERING thinfl can Iult Hlnllfl Welfare Spec an by malL Embllahed 1904 our 0006 menu 14 um pnor nunled rendyu Scrupulou Vacancy sm monsan 11 Dickens Pan mica wnmxm 1041 nowv availableinvgr lo year perlcds on resinuntlul properly only Bunders advances arranged un ntw construcUon SLESSOR HugerAgent High Class Regislered Grade Shoflhoms Pigsv Farm Machinevy Hay Grain and Poultry Lot Can Essa Twp Miles Stall North Alllsfun mun by Puhflc mum on DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Telephone 6801 mun Roscwnnd Ransom Reg No 414054 born Sepl 27 1947 fresh tau at IonL um Avum Hawthnm Red Rose Reg No 367303 born March 1947 fresh call tom Sensuunn Rose Reg No 411966 yum Sept 11 1919 resh call at mm Lny Prlmrosc ch No 414967 born Jun 1950 call at foul due lo freshen In June Vlolel Ransom Reg No 139534 11201 Apr 23 in trash call on Dom Bose Reg No 439531 born Feb wgll due In rashen and 01 June Annie Primrose 01 No 439535 burn Apr 11 53 mod Hawthorn nzcl REK Na 43953bnm Apr 19 1953 bred SensaunngMphncg No 439537 Scnsaunns Mn Reg No 439537 burn Sept 23 53 open Margnm Ransom Rose born March 28 Hi npen 2rd Sire Essa Valley Coum Re No 355450 hum Jun 1954 dark red bcnumul bull Rnnn Shorthom Cow years fresh ml at out fled Shorthum an years mllkinx due freshen July Red Shorlhnrn Cow years due freshen June 15 Red Shonhnm Heller yours at 00 due to Nshm ln 59111 Sharlhnm Heller yvars call foul bred agaln mum shnrlhom Heller Aycars cull nl on bred nxuln 1101 short horn Cow yum milking well bred ngnln Rod Shorlhnm Cowy mu uh tom bred again fled Shonhum Hell years call In hut bred nzaln fled Short horn Heller gears rush LY dam ox lulu Rad hartfmm mm years fresh lul 100 RH Shnnhum Heller years Nsh call at col Red Shorthum HuHLr yzm Inner Fat Slncrsfl years Shonhnm Holler Call mnmm ll or malslrtfllnn Shudharn Bu munlhs Hxlblc fur rczls lnfllon The undéslgncd has rcéclvcd anlrucfluns from iii FOLLOWING gAmï¬ moé Tnmworlll Sow brad Tamwoth Sow bred Figs monlhs old 11 mm weeks old POULTRY wumux lpr mm blondcued mum on Gul IMILEMENTS John Dorm AR Trnclcn you old good us new John Deere Trnclm LI years hydraullc lnndrr Imd buck rnkc nml nhnvnl lnr lundlnu Kmvnl wmrxno rnln swmmr um ya and an new on mun Mom mu Jmm Dccrc Trnclur llllulun flll cuL yrnn 1101 In nrw on 1111 MIl SHHnnlh Trnclar Culllvnlm llll Sprlnu loom mrmwn mum xmnl new lnL Murruw Tmclor lluw gm nimlr Cucknhull an nl new 0be mm Mu 0m Wny 11m yrm old 5m lluruwl lnl ll Dollvcry aka lrl uhl Int Muwrr IL Inl uwrr Mnnurl Hprndrr on nmhrr 100 Irrlll Mr Hill Ir1 Land Ilullrr mun Drl lvvlllmr Iml um um mpnll nlrnlv Drill Iulnlu lllller Axwwhrcl Blrrl WIQMII Ind mrkl rumpltlu 5m hldlhn Wllun nnx Hm Dad Wlan with link mm Emd Npalr ï¬el Belle 2000 In many nu ma runnhu Mlll Ind um tam Ilrlr Culnnl mm 10 Ron nw am pnnlnl 1mm 000 mud pull Huh nl mnml In Dr nul Mnklnl Mumnu unlul lnm 1M 12mm nu 1m fllvel ll Woodl Ill Irl mun Grimm ml Pulp mum Dvmucru bull Whul burrow Drum Sol fllnfl IImeu flméhlnl II one In am AUCTION SALE IAY onlï¬il Tom cl uy 100 HUSMII Whnl 15 MORTGAGE Lqmgs TUESDAY MAY 24 AT 12 NOON BIIAIII DST Aim Shawn alln nnpu ï¬nd many other mics 1w mummy 1m Tenn uh No may mm ARWOOD CAIRNS DALE AGAR 10 MORTGAGES PERSONAL un PM ICAEIVEY 3059st Tel 5934 4212 nmmz maimfltmmfl oflssi 5m Oro 15 cha weak old Apply lï¬n hed RR Oro Stnuom Pluck mlqu 1m mu wcll started wuï¬ï¬‚n Molr RR Cooks 959 TAM Chun your Tam Saw 09 gm goon EarMchgdepl REGISTERED Hereford Bull 10 month old Phone flru 1y 19 FIGS und week old Agply Ewan Jennett RR Barrie one strand IHflZ 959 10 FIGS winned also youm Sows ellgnflE mini AR A150 450le 19 Phone Blarlz CHOICE Yurkshhc chnlings also Scotch Collie good watchdol and childrens ch Curr Cruishursl 959si HORSE yam bl Tank geld XngA laud worker qu cl In harness Best on Elan Llle 505an mm north on iourgh um 969 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 wasL Xpply Mrs wnuam anger way BE Allmon phunc 1211 BLACK Mam years n1d weigh about 1600 1st negluemd Shan horn hull one year old ButtÂ¥ Bros phone Ivy 12131 96 PIGS weancdfnlso sï¬nnhom bull 14 munlhs old rngmmd Com MM wgst Nq many113 Lciroi YORKSHIRE Bonn strong nd vanccdxcglslry breeding ncï¬rlng service age Percy Carscnddun Bradford 05940 nmmum horn hull also Young Saws bmi mths mu Clark phone sing tame some lambs muntï¬s old will range for paslum ï¬ll all Phnne 334r42 Burrle al menlvflmc 95060 PUBEBRED Jorge 03w Wm pm nrs or sale or wll Imdc or lot in cnunlry Sharpe comer No Sidcroad and 11m Cnn lnmsfll ssuso FARMERS Dnnl glvc ynur sur plus milknwny Fm to me mg 40 Yarkshlrc Pigs month old $20 nplece Take one at 40 51h Cnnccsslon F105 mflc west Highway 21 Phone 6113 Elmvalfle WESTERN Slacker Cnlfle at the CPR slack yards in Alllsmn every Wednesday rum am IL Andgqsan 53 YOUNG Hulï¬cin Cow fresh Holstein Heilcr due in early wm er Ynung Herclord and Dur hum Steers Kmahdln potatncx Max and Beaver seed onl How an em Mklhum Phone Harm aom Er phone Mon3 Emu 351 ng RED Firmch Dnschund pu pics weeks 95 each Phone smovzn White rcglslcmd years old gcnlle pct 75 Family xnlng overseas Wrilc House 18 RCAF smuun Edgar EllMUD INTERNATIONAL heavy mm Cultlvnlor II luolh on rubber New ml spring Apply Wnllncu umbm Cookslnwn phnnc 4312 394900 lxuu nvyllppk at me mnrm Why seï¬d your Imoncy acrnss the llnc Lacy FRUIT VEGETABEES noes smug BIEGEST BEST LOWER YOUR COSTS BY HIGHER YIELDS rs uunnmmaa WHATS NEW IN SEED CORN Mummy munm uï¬a mum uoumu Acull slump lflAlNll Inlly 4mm dualpd pullnluly IM Mum yluldg IVILor Nrriéï¬lu Iumllll mom 1man mu am my 9le non mun com 6N CORN coor mm TEN rmmzm ï¬ll0P QUALITY SEED CORN nnl um mun Hllo mum om lnlllmlm 966qu 5T7WILL ALWAYS BEST 205869 ORDER MODERN SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE MEN AND WOMEN Nb semng Nb Sollcltlhg Keep Your Present Job in wan Pram Mammy In Cash minimumslso Monlh Wrmen Guarantee An VulICanndmn manufacturer and whulcsale dlstxibulnr sacks several honest Indusmous persons to er akc pmmnblc mprchnn lser mute Fronts an enormous 200 In 400 gram AH proï¬ts an NET OFIT as there IS no 0V ERHEAD Ynu operate from home We establish your mute cnnvenl an yuur home FREE OF CHARGE Educallun experience me physical disahlllly Is no Businm 0ppofluq lmporlanc Qunlmcallons are to hours are hour weekly relcmnccs lar ar acltr honeny nnd $996Immedl alcly Avallnhle as lnveslment whlch ls Iully sccurcrlvby lalest patented equipment Company provides ynu 30day optlun to dnublc ynur Initial Investment and your cqsh pram lnmmc 1Frelcr ambltlnus nppllcants who would llkp ulld yp Ill ushï¬s tn over $10090 operators selected will em pad to this and by our cnrporaflan very liberai nnnnclal Crud expansion pgogram crlnu mind 4m Mm ed want subsgumlal wee incnme lmmcdmtely and are pre pared 10 make decision dn samcihlng about immediate allcr nu he fuels are preseme men wrilc fully Flaunt Box Emile Examlncr 295359 um nun prompt ersnxlml Knlcmcw ense Include unc Box Barrie Ex amlncr 2953 THERE are number 01 Wmlcm Irnnchlscs nvallnhle In Onhflu and EasternCnnnda or Automo llVL Retail Slows We are oner mg mas opponunny lu responsible people inmcslnd In opcrnunxihclr own busmcss Take advanmge lwcntrnvc yours cxnrlencn by soclnlng with Canada mos pro grcsflve Auwmnlivc Chnln Seven lyono stares now In wnrnuon For further lnlnrmnunn writeta western Tire and Auto Sup 1y le 10d Head Olflce Landon allm BE YOUR OWN BOSS START SPARE TIME Accommodation Wanted DEDROM House wanted ln Bar ric dmrm Phone 2553 lléeSQ on anoom up ROOM house or apartment wnm cd or pnssossinn lmmdlnely Sgt wuson phone 1159 un yum for busnuss womnnIUn urms wmc DcVflblsS Canada um PnQFELSSIONIAL nun malvunu mm children rcqulrr family nmc er Jungrl Cunlmc ZGlPllawa Idiomnon Whnl was probably the ï¬rst or mnl wan lnlllnted by an employer In the Unllcd Slate 0r penslon Inn qmplnycgsInncr lhc no at 60 was lnuncfacd lnr 1375 YIELDS FEED 2951159 uaaw