rltmeult to reallze the ml alue and nccnmpllshments the juted Nlrtlons unless you vlslt the heudqunrters In New Ybrk and the lnternntlonal peace organ lmllon ln netlon Mrsr Haber Er Smllh prestdent at the Earrle lWomens Progressive Conservative Assnelatlon who entoynd spcelal luldedtaur ol the UN recently wlthunothcrmember at the local womens pollllcal group Mrs yEMontugu Leeds reports that tho vtslt was revelation to her It opened my eyes had pnufldu at the nmnunt at work Qah thought that had nne lntu 3th Unlterl Nauansr 5111 two delenles wha travelled 16Ncw Yor wllh sixtyï¬ve other member assoelntlons In On tnrla were fortunate ln havlng as gulde or part at thelr vlslt 11 member or the Cnnrdlan permam cnt delegatlnn to lhe United Nu tlons lhcy were cnlurtllned nl dlnncr In the delegates dlnlng xopm where they were dlnlng long wlth tnmlly at Indlnns lnti Jhlngse delegates and other members UK the world family at nntlons Cnnndlnn member at the sec rctnrlut talked to the group or all an hour nr so about the work the Unltcd Natlons and an swerefl questlons All ln all the Salty had an nppollunlty to vlow the UN through nltlclal Cunndlun eyes and guln nn lnslght lnto the part thelr country plays In the urgnnlwllon They were told how much Canada has done to help promote the work of the Unlted Nintlons but were also Impressed wlth the lnternutlonnl outlook 01 workers therewho were des cribed as snrl at world plvll scr vants wlth no axe to grlnd polnt at view that must be maln talned by UN personnel tom The coopcrauon between na llnnl seemed 10 Mrs SmIIh tn he cxhibllcd £51 the mu Mural tenures were alsplayca In link dual of the bulldlnl Canadians eel prdc In he vflsnurs enhance doors gm 1mm Canada they are made an alloy Cnnndlnn nlckel and 111m The clnsslcnl ï¬gure in bus relief on Nu dun nprlslm truth justice peace and bralhnr mod and llny mapanca In slnln is representative at the donor nadun Cnmdlm Ill from Mdnlreul was their our guide through the General Assembly bundlnz Among Ihc enlurcs she pointed out was the new Jupancsu pence bell In llUle cnurlynrdu lolrly rerun but They were munno1 In the nilcd Nnuuns post alllce in me basement or bulldlnz where no umps can bu used nlher than nde Nations smmp because Ilcndquarlcn Is extra cultur AROUND tTOWN PHESCHIBES DISPENSES One member of he Onlurlo pllonqus rnlhcr flu point View hm lhu fabulously ex nslve building wns unnecessary maximum cnuld have burn onnmlcally built nnd th mumy Ed Could have bccn llalribukd unwan avme Your Pharmacist Your Physician Ill 31 mm owesmu to less fortunate nationk But Illi olher womln diamzed the UN were no heautllul thing she pointer out people wduld no re spca it the way they do 1110de ol neceelnl seme menume type Ihal do no rench the headlines ln the newspapers have been mud he Unhed Nt uons we Cnnadi 11cm who mum nuns Luu mm greeted the women ram Ontario was anxious to impress upon them He told how most oi the rescin lions oiihe UN an enforced purely by morn force fuck um illustrates the sincerity at me member nations union can cunpcrmc to the extent that they have done in an tlng up he organflzauon he United leuns It seems this hey will cnnpcrme on larger Issues wnh all the talk hydrqgen bombs and alluuL visit the mud Nallon should give hope everyonen eels Mrs Smith ll muck me he only hnpe for the world And she did not 1an mm the average person has any conccpllnn Just whnl lhe Unlled Natlnns ls and what lt ls dqlng Mrs Smllh and Mrs Leeds dld nnt spend lhclr enure vlsll to New ank on such scrlou huslmss They were fortunate cnnugh 10 get orcheser seats at the last mln ute Im lhc dullghtlul musical nl Ihn Wenllcs lho Boy Frlend and wen to the Me or Ballet Theatre pnrlormunce Srroud lnstitufe Presents Two iLife Memberships The May meeting of Slroud Wo mens Insmtfle was held in the communny hall last Thursday wflLh Mrs John Cawnn In the chair The roll call How Spa meeting was nnswcrcd by many wjuy Ind Sniormntlvc ideas mm hc opening exercises the minute the April meeting and the treasurer rcpurl were rand by Mrs Muhulhmd was voted unnnlmously ha Ihe WI account transferred to the Cred unlun 0ch in Strand Cammunlcnuons MMWUMJH from Mrs lawn or holkmd gram or money was mm Innislxl School Falr to be held in Slroud m1 my Mn Black outlined ldcns fur the Barrie fnlr cxhlbll plum and suggested hut mumben sum pol of brightly colored tollaze Io help wlth 01 pmth Mrs Black is cunvencr this commluce wnh Mm Campbell Mrs Fox and Mn Cawnn as hilpers An nouncEmcnt WI made the Ir lmup open house on Monday tven Inz May 15 Mrs Goodklluw announced plum or In annual nu lrlp this year In Owen Sound on June Fullher infuranon and llckcl may be had from Mrs Goodmlow or Mrs Cowun mp0 was zlvun by Mm Glbhlns In 11 absence Mrs Thompson on lhc cancu dressing mndc cuMIL and It hoped to have lnulher unlhcrlnl or lhll cause 1n June Mn IL awry rc poncd on the lunch arrangement or the dlslrlct annual on May and Mn Campbell Ipokc brlcny hopan that runny vossiblc would nucnd 1m aculons Will moved by lht relldnx sec rnlnfy Mrs 11 GoodhllavJ HIM UN mw mmnry be numorlud pur chnsn bncr case or flu Shoud WI bok nnd llllrnlure Appllcn llon will be made fur shorl course In MHllnrry mm nnynne In lun rnmmunlly and dnlu wlll ha nnnaunccd lnlcr Wllh Clliluï¬xhlp All thml quf XL luck and Mn ll Hugh1mm look uvrr Hu mcullnu Mn lhxuhu woke on lhn molln uuod clllzcn not rontcnl In lull Ill hr Ind hll Illcc In Hu mmmunlly umnblu rlllxrnnhu mu mm lnr the 1pm 1m nl In 1hr ronmmnlly 10 be ll Imml rlllxm nnu llmln III Man In mmuunlly and do whnl ht can In hrhy mmw vucnl Ink wlu mm Merl by Mn annn wlth Mr anun g1 pgngn Nil Hlntk InlmduNIl Il nxmnkrr m1 nfllmooll Mu CAIuphLll dmrm prtlldwl and mrmhrr of Um tilmud WI who HM how vlrnnd In hr ml xlmnlna her own lnslllule In III mum riparlly Mn Cnmphefl ducrflml In All IIHIHINHI lnnllnrr llm maltup mm drwrlmml nurirnllmr Wmnrnl Illlll no homo mmmmu luvlrn tumlfmly Ilrvml lhr dwwrhmul uml Women Institutes ME AND MRS Clare William Allan Jones whose marriagel incl place in Trinity Anglican church The bride is ihe former Dolores Isabelle Jory daughter or Mr and Mrs Jory or Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr end Mrs Jones oi Barrie Alter wedding trip to Ottawn Mont real and the United States the Sailple will be making their home in Barrie can mum lts place and Iunctlans ln lnstllute work There are we dlstrlct In nunls in Ontnrlo evnry year and la nren conventions with mem ber of the dcparunent at each one to report an the work at the de pnrtmEnl Among the many ur vlces rendered are the dlslrlbutlnn and publlshlng programs ACWW snnn sheen bulletins 1800 clrculu letters year to branches and dlvldunls nnd 46000 cople cinch Issue the maxulncpflome and Country publlshed and dlst lb ndr The urnom mm the spreury 01 each branch ls nakedlo tlll out and rclurn are all scrullnlzed and unu scrvrce1mr Isnn Widely nuwn Is the Frlendshlp Llnk he deparlmcnt has llhrnry at English books donated by Ennllsh lnslltulos which may be bormwld or perlud or three months by any branch ll Mrs Cumpbelll hope um more branches will show lnlcrosl ln lhls nnd that Slroud branch wlll do no and put the book In the Slroud llbrnry or gcneml clreulallon over the huemonth pcrlcdl Recéai Nuptialsaf 3Tihityfchï¬r¢h Through the extenslon servlm the WI delinllcly educntlonnl and mm help members kcc up wllh current events and 0H yuurscll project whlch are or all Ihe mmmunlly no lusl far In slllute mcmhcrs In concluslon Mrs Campbell urged all lonk back and look lor ward nnd we are runny tund mg or the mono For Home and Cuunlry In lhc communlly Inc we bulkr wives nnd molhcrl be cnusc the W1 WI mcmbnr Umuld nlwnyl he lnlrrulcd In the Dlhur fleuwnul be coming mecllnz Inr whn Ihu can Kc out of The World 71m and old mum at Elunlcnl Ilnrlnl Alfll Monday May 19 pm IN MIDLAND GEORGIAN HOTEL THIS MAY HULLIA ClMMltlJllN HOTEL WEI MAY 25 TM mmnnunllon wIll In conduch by Mr Ellll FREE HEARING AID DEMONSTRATION WELLINGTON HOTEL ACOUSTICON 10007 mm mumm In It Mall leflll musm ll Ilium I0 MINI XIII IN lu um mum human lu Ihlqu Mn MI iudol NW MWmlhm wl mm mlm hum hamm min lwmlllly mm In mun Imam Hum WT fienlimori Trdnlilstorflwilng or 106 Gay Ygur gMdnéyBezk 11 but for what she can put into Mrs Cangpbcualnlk was much alloyed by all and providzd lnler eating Incl to members in mink about In briei speech Mr Cowan Ipoke about we member who hnd alien unxLlniinlly oi their services ovm ihe yam nnd asked Mu Ray Goodieliuw and Mrs Camp bell in atop In in tram whore Mn Black and Mrs HI Hughes presented them ench with llie membership pin Mrsr flerberi Wallace and Mrs Leo Glbbon pre wngmmugrsemms lhéhénéi Bésiowed or them contest Know Your Chums was won by Mrs Juseph Cuchrane and Mn Roy GondiLllow allowed by God Save the Queen and cm mu hour with pup at Mrs Howell Elected President Edgar lnstifufe The unnunl buslms meeting at Edlnr Womenl lnslltule was held Grlmes Ten members were pman Following the open In exercliel dlacusslon was held rcgnrdlnn extenslun InnIces Flral halcc You and Your anlly Health and lecnnd choice Sal mJ The mono 0an yvur In Lhn beauty or nature Wfll liven by Mu Muttnod Five dollars to he um 10 lho cancer fund Eiucixnii ofllrcn roliowed prnldenl Mrs Howell vice pruldem Mrl Shenmown Ice Lu Cow sumo DoléresJory Becomes Bride of WfA Jones 111 mixflue at Min Damu Inbelle Jory dluxhlcr Mr and Mn Jury Barrie In Clan Wluhm Allan Janet Ion Mr and Mn Axlonu or Barrie look llcfl In Trlnlly Anglican Chum Barrla on SnluxdnyAprfl 30 55 at even uclock In the rennin vRev Shernng omcxma at on cergmony Weaning muslcwas pinycd hyMcDunnln rename minutes 01 ml the church ornnlsl Mn MIpmvlaux mean WHchwerc apt Roberta or Orlilllwho also aciprnved 11qu were melved compnnlad lhc solnlsl Wllllnm Day 1mm the minus committees and of Mldhursl in thc Ilnginz Mrs Anyirqu Cummlnz me iThuLoid Prayer and per splendid reporter the Presbyterijl Iecl Love inl meeting recently heldIn Cull Given ln marriage by her iath lnzwood Mrs Allen remarked er the bride wnm govm of mu Collier Sim UnllgdChuieh whlle nylon lack nmndy wiihWMS hid 1h lnrxesi number at pearl ulmmlnx Hci waismcnginldeloxnies lamsent at um cunvrml Noll 01 iuiie Hlullonlelli from lion mcmhnrahavlnz lone by buded can and he¢m1pd bus In Colllnzwood Mrsl Plllollb Nd roses gave grant crcdluo Mrp Allen mud The mnlron oi honok Mrs Mrs Wmlns for the is lendld ar Am BunXe slsier at he runuemenls made loi Mp bride and lhn bHdesmnld Mrs The program was lakenby Mrs Vlnchr Buffalowore lawns Fall onenlnx with Hymn nimuve nun and nnlwllh matchH33 tollowgd by mm by Mltl 1m hgaddreascs and gloves Thcy Gm 5mm madlflllhfls nnrrled hauqucls in yellow and by MISS Relve ande Frank while mums Bayes rendered beauillul sold The llnwcr gm Miss Deborah 0h Heavflnly Father Mu Dlnll Ayreu niece Hie bride were mun presenlwd mos Inimmn green mum with new and now accnuni he 7m and am chapier ernd headdress She canled all siudy hook onmdiamr mum 01 yellow and white mumx which the menu was closed by Snven link at Fnterbnraugh till pleslden lh Hymn all and mm The mixer ham Mrs Ayns BunXe sister at flue bride and he bHdesmnld Mrs Vlnchr Bulfniowore gowns mauve satin and nut with matchl 1m hgaddreascs and gloves They nnrrled hauqucls nt yeuow and while mums The llnwcr gm Miss Deborah Ayrel niece ihe bride were amen taffeta with net and How ernd headdress she canled 1taught ol yellnw nnd an mum Steven Hunk at ner nraugh was arunmsmun and the usher wererqarl ry 83 br wen um no the bride Ind Dnnnl Burlehbroghgr ofme groom recepllan ow lty Plush Hull where the mother me bride received wearing powder blue dyes wllh navy nc cessnrles and corsnge yellow canmuons The xmaml mmher wha n1so reached was wearing blue moire dross wnh nnvy necessaries and coxjsage pf rnd Au Him Wm Lmrr the bride and groom Ian on wgddinx rip to Ounwn Mon Ireni and ho United States the hrlde tnveiling in adiuid chrum hill dress with whit nrcessor igs and whim nylon fleece juckei wearing comma or gui den ulorinroszs On their return Mr and Mrs Jones wiil be mik lng hnlr home Barrier ma nu MILu um Outoicuwn mm Al ding were from Tnmnm Pem horouzh and Buynlo mintytreasurer Mrs Hayc mlslant Mrs Daley program commluee Mrs Shemdawn Mu Hutchinson Mrs Daley lunch com mum Mn Teal Mu Howell flower commluce Mrs Grimel Mrs wm Cockburn Sundlnz convencn wore an re Iurnvd olllce Auditor Are Mrs Daley and Mn Hulchlnsnn Pro gram me lo he prlnlcd Mrsl Hulchlnscn damned xlx tlnur bags or the 0111 Fnlr prolccl Mrs Hay and 11 Teal nlued the hostel 1n crvlng lunch The mecllnl closed wllh God Save the Queen Wheres your wire Mr Jones haie no wlfe Then who tell you what to FOR 150 mm AND AFTER 630 wlll um um In mm Id In nupm um Ml mm In DovM Ind mu on ll Wn In to Hm um In plrl EAST ROUTE 630 am 0150 am MU Im to 030 pm 010 pm to 11 pm NORTH AND WEST ROUTE EAST ROUTE mom mm Greer Trunspdtlulion 00 EM PHONE 594 NORTH AND WEST ROUTES anon 150 mm AND Anagagq TOWN BUS SERVICE HCKUI AND DELIVER YOU PRESCRIPTION Snme All Evcnlngrflcrrvkc Btnvtlnl 100 pm nnd flunnlnx Every 30 Mlnntrs 045 mm to 750 run 150 mm In MI pm 045 pm lo ll pm Ion Fylendly IDA Drug Store Mr Jones HILL ROUTE HAY WESTON DRUG STORE on um hour Ind lull pulr 20 MINUTE BIZIWICI lull In In lo Id lm put nth lmn luvlnl IM Flu lnlnla 30 MINUTE SERVICE mlnulu Io Ind ll mlnulu MI nth hunt 10 MINUTE SERVICE III put an Io And on pm rub In In III In lolnh II anllnllnn Ilulfl um TIMES so MINlm so Bnyfleld Nu lo Labia HOLIDAY DAILY Collier Street WMS Has Largest Delegation The monthly mtcunl of he Womans Minionnry Society Comer Slmu Unfled Church wu held In the haul Iudllnrlummn Friday nncmwn May 13 with the prime Mrs Allen in the Br he nbséhce of Mn Wluinx me recording secretary Mrs Ne McDonald read he mlnutas the pmvlaul meeflng which were up proved Reports view rucclved from the vulnu committees and Mrs Andrew Cummlnz gnve splendid insert the Presbytek lnl mectlng xecenuy heldIn Cull anwood Mu Allen remarked 5x321 ugngdghmrfl the hosing prnycr Nuptials are Held For Audrey Smifh And Fred Maw Mir Audrey Aiiredn Smith daughter at Aiircd Smith and the inte Mrs Smith at Wusaga Beach was married on Saturday April 23 1955 at oneihlrty oclock in the aiicmonn at the home at Rev Wil iinm Clements in Barrie to Frederick Genrgc MBw son at Mr and Mrs Hr MW at Mlneeingi gnu Clements uiiiciatcd It lhe wed lnl The bride was wearing gown of saiin styicd with an overskirt of nylon nei inset with lace and lace bolero acket henddreei oi pearls and sequins held her ehort veil nylon net and the was carrying cascade of red roses Her attendant Miss Muriel Rit chie at Eimvaic was wearing gï¬wn blue tagetllwith an mixer si were ny on net an luchflo jacket Her flowers were pink and white carnatlom Arthur Maw 01 Minexlnl was grunmsmun reception we held It the heme oi Mr and Mn Howard Ritehle in Eimvaie where the sister oi the bride received in blue teiietu wear ing cursnle oi whilecnrnntinns The grooms mother who 8154 re ceived wns werring hiuc suit with cornue oi rcd rose nu Knuu uwuwabaméwï¬wfl beige Checked mmcrlll will In whlxn hnl brown handbag and shoes and while IuVeL On heir mum Mr Ind Mrs lewul he makingfheir horn in Mincsing pgmmsgmm OutTallawn guesti ii lino 512d dlng wen from ann Beach Mlnenlng Knuluhy Elmvfla Ind Barrie Nov Megann Appolnimenll CAMERONS BEAUTY SHOP Dlal 3537 30 MINUTE SERVICE 20 MINUTE SERVICE 30 MINUTE BEIWI 30 MINUTI SERVICE 20 MINUTE SERVICE 30 MINUTE SERVICE Phone 435 rm numngmk MAEv 3m 204955 Notéd Sipfeakerat Club Djnnéfv wmmi wxmim RICA 03Awno will we demonstra tion of hlswork hqe qnjhe oPening night of the Barrie Art mu nu mum uun ua Inmwuub Club annualexhlbition Thursday May 28 The noted artist will speak at the club dinner in Trinity Parish Hall at 615 pm The club is holding its display in the public library hall during library hours on Thursday Friday and Saturday May 26 27 and 28 Born in Winnipeg Mr Winter studied at the Winnipeg Art School under Lemainé Fitzgerald Royal Canadian Academician he is member or the Ontario Society of Art ists and the Canadiim Group of Painters and is past prer idcnt or the Canadian Society or Painters in Watercolor lvir Winter is interpsted in painting people and their lives eamlng living byrnaga2ineillustration and design He has painted murals or the Canadian Faciiic Railway and the Mchyzhlln Library in Oshawa and has paintings in thepermanentcollectiona of the Toronto Art Gallery the Vancouver Art Gallery the London gallery and many private collections His particular subject matter at present is childrencircuses and city lire BARRIE HARDWARE 40 Bayfleld St Phone 364 cnmplgivnmrnryoui pnlï¬a mime nitmu nun wllh Ill coplml Inc one yur zmnnlee plus nervlce Dont 1H 1m be In llle In the IL lam our ynur um um painting prujcu JMMM hu pupmu In lulduu Nam Duonlnn thp In pklnvp your In CONVERSION 0N BURNER om nvnyw DWISIONQ ESSA ngAI mum Phnng 2363 Barrie 19121 Ivy JOHN KELLY man lulduu