st YedrNo 56 Somethigg Everyone can Do About Water Actidents Each year In Canada between 900 and 1000 people are drowned In swimming and boating accidents This is tragic toil and something should be done about ii Obviousiythe ï¬rst step is more care when in or on the when But assuming thai there will continue to be some wawr accidents there is great need or people trained to help in such an emergency It is in this phase that John Ambulance Is making an importan contribution with its Save Life week from May 18th to 22nd During this period at John is ottering to give instruction in artlliolal respiration to all those interested enough to take two hour class of demonstration and practice The classes will be held nightly at eight clock and there is no charge Those wishing to attend are asked to register in advance by phoning 2316 Not one person in hundred knows how to revive someone who has been pulled irorn the water in an unconscious qondition We can think oi no more heartbreaking position to be in than to have to stand by helpless when rescue has been carried this tar It is to be hoped that many will take advantage of at John Ambulances offer to provide this valuable training Long beiore Biblical times when somepnc had to be revived he was placed on his back Vgnnnhqt pitchwns thrown over his chest and abdomen Itwau thought that this hot pitch would cause an involuntary gasp which would start the victim breathing ngnin Next week May 18 to 22 BL John Ambu lance In this area is holding Save Life Week The Idea ls to min during this per lod us many people as possible In the use artiï¬cial respiration In an cum to re duce the number of drownlnzs that take some 1000 lives each year lnCennde It is interesting to note that artiï¬cial respiration is almost as old as recorded his tory However it is only in comparatively recent times that methods have been devised that are really effective One method mentioned in the Bible was that used by Elijah who when ho Iound boy who had stopped breathing laid his weight oh himand removed it repeating this procedure until breathing was restored Another early method consisted of placing the victim over bentover sapling and mov ing the sapling up and down in an effort to restore respiration Inthe nineteenth century the victim was lashed Ince downwardsovcr the back at horse and the horse was set on at trot with the belle that the logging would form nlr In and out at tho lungs Mouth to mouth breathing still used somntlmcs to stun brenthlng In newborn Intnnts Is described In the New Testament The uso or handoperated bellows and the pulmolor replaced thla method When peruse tho conquerd ma heroes and mo victory Mighty generals do no envy the generals WAIL Whitman In tho eighteenth century the French In troduced tho method or rdlllng drownlnz person over barrel to lako water out or the lungs However 13 now known that very mm water gets Into the lungs ln drownlng All oi these crude methods each at them enjoying some success have been replaced by three surer types of eriiliclnl rerplrnilon each which is tnuxhi by St John Amb ulnnco hnd each oi whlch la proved life saver These are the Silvester melhod Beliniers rpm the llolger Nielsen method No hours irnlnina In one these systems which John is offering to anyone who wishes to take is class In enough to lenrn the iundnmcnurir oi nriliielnl respiration uh perhaps to rave life during the awlminlhé nndbbnllng Jonson mu summer Avuu HM luld MIC Clmmllun 51x unlhl Yindlnl Much IBM Itl fllnl wllh llll Audll Uuruu CucuIuum umkcl In Ind WALL1 lnddm I1 mm Hull In tn um MN run nun not um um AVAILI II Alwmol II mm ullln lowl ll IIIII C1161 hm IIIIM Ml In on IlaNI 69l5 Al Thu €sz flaw Examintr Eï¬itnï¬al flagP arri2 mm Class Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Wllum nulldlnl Im om Banm nude THE IIMUUE EXAMINER LIMITED mm curmcx VmPmldm mm lumpn on In Canadian industrys grab for grade has this year slowed down to the carelul pluck ing or particular graduates toJill speoiilc Job openings But that does not mean that the 15186 newly sheepskincovered Can adian university graduates which have started to troop out or their ivycovered halls will have any serious trouble flndin appropriate work reports The Financia rest It does mean that the students gold rush days are over and that they will have to work hard to keep the Jobs they get In dustrial talentseouts have been calling at the campus or every Canadian university since last September Nearly 90 of suit able grads have already been signed up the balance will also be working though they may have to compromise aboutltheir Initial goals It man does ilnd the solution ior world peace it will be the most revolutionary re versal of his record we have ever known 6eorge Catlett Marshall Cheese may improve with age but that surely isnt the way with butter Yet Ottawa seems to think so says The Financial Post Again this year it is expected to introduce its summer plan or store the from and eat the old By Juggling prices just as the grass is getting green and butter normally reaches its peak oi qualityrnew production will be channeled into government ware houses and the stun stored last year will be moved into consumption This is iunny way to sell butter especially when We have so much of it And it isnt working There is twice as much government butter in stor age this year as there was last Editorial Notes Mldllnd Frea Presn Herald In 1053 ms CNE npernlna revenue wu $8M mllllun In 1951 dropped 10 $560 mllllon Expen les were reduced 53 mllllnn but Inc dlflerenco wrote the denvlt Ilnry Ercllh revenue ware nown 97 Ind nvenue pnsxenflcr mllu dullned U1 Growing compellllnn from bum Illlines Ind pr me an we nmwer Evan exprcu volumt wns down as no wonder that the CNn lnnklnl carefully at vnrlou enterprlm and um the new Monlml hotel wlll he npermd by prlvnlc chain The phln manor of ml lhnt the union wuo Itmclure or hot employee made any further exlcnslon at ms nu ma lhn hnslclry neld Idublnunexparlment HINDIA lntcmu on 1h mhnr hind will no be bound by fluid nll unlnn conmm Why would not be 1m more In kueplnu wllh um 01 bclnl Humwn thruuml In plnccd in but or olhor nu ulxm IrrIVIl ham or win lur ll orderly dlenIllIon Our hlgthyI Irv In ll wlndowI memslom Onurlu hruugll Mm hey uur hllh Clunllncn ovdwm Iuthellc DIME mom pl Inl Ind Her In vnco hulldIy nhmuon lllllnl Ind mom lmmelva ulunlxvlllu Fumlcr carrupondcm cull uur lucnllpn lu iho dll ordnrly Ind unnnlllry candnlon Ilnnn many our mlln hllhwayl Th II the mu thnuxhh less pnopln Ihrowlnz mm vnrloul klndl mm motor cu wlndown In mmy lncnllllu the high way no Ilmply Ilruwn wllh Ill mm 01 rubblxh brought lovlew with thu depuluro oxlho wlnml IHOW OPINIONS 0F OTHERS CNRs New Montreal Hotel We um pcnundcd lhll HI tondlllun ll not new rovelnllon to ma lilahwnyl Department On lnrlo nequuu by Highwuyl ofllzluh hnvo been nude la molarlm to can tho hnbk Ind Ihuw ruler respect or um good mm orderly 0n Mrlo Thu prncllco In lhu mun of circlesnan nnd luck at my interest in kuplnl our hlghwnyn clcnn Ind morn ulrullvo to flu mlny huuund of VI ton whn coma into he provinch duxinu tho handy Icunn II should and cnuld ho mutated lmlo Icnu n1 clvlc pride or nullr mum or kupln ommo than and whnluomu would noon pm In cm In the unuvnry hlblL Cumcllun thruth 101 enlclmcnl II rounded III dlulcull form remedy Thom who mater drlvlnl plenum Iuppoudly cnhnnccd by cnrclcu hub 01 hrowml lulu mm Cu with down are hlrd to clluh Thef lelccl mo Included udlnm In rural undul rddlnl lhemnlvu or flu relqu ntcumuhllnl My 1ch and um uclpo ductllqn Why would not be 1m only nndccrllnly rqngaln yuplnuwllh deccnry mqu lmmd RubbiSh Along Highways In In and mom lmprullv lllllo llelcrmlnnd lllfl lezhwuy In Iurlnl my lllllo Ilelcrmlnnd turn by thou wha um hlzhwlyl In Ihlrlnl lumo mvunllbfllly or cl Hum Ind ordwr would mnuv much lhn upnn which camylflnll ml Id not be 1m on uplnu wllh deccnry rown thruuml In open or allon unwindl In Onlula wuu mm mum mum Im mm cuminL mum Mm nunr mm Innm All LOOIE Null ldcnl AIIIIID nnzrnlnn In IuIl nun cunmulnl mum Friday anlTl WW Cnnldl mu public pllcé hm mulure our lurmld by vllllnl up Hwy luvul mu ordarllncn In and muko hell lmprullunl ol um mi mi In and ma lmprcllluql Indmulllnly mm lnll ll wlndvW wu nd dllpolpd ml of In humble our Ih vllllnn BARRIE ONTARIO CANAQAFRIDAYMAY 13 I955 Ihuw DVII If vlm ho Examiner Feamre Article Th olhar day Clnadlm cull uuue rend the new awry um bu lom 100000 in Wemblay Slia dlumybondon England Newcnue hna beaten Mannheim football whllb Manchuter wn short ane player on the ï¬eld dun be injury This hippcned In the recent Soccer Cup Find whlch the peak of the Enzllnh IMO muon But what my culleuuo could not undmund wu um Mnnchum nId nut pinyed Iubsiiiute ex piIined hn in English 50cm nn Iuhsilluiu were allowed Eleven mm uch 1idewok the lieiflv Ind Med rilhl thruth the varied no lame There was only and mi period during the nmo ThiI In ompiulniy daluml myJInIdlIn lriend flow oonlrl my promohr ha din II in Ipoll Incuuloqwhlch draw crowd at mMoby Incl Ilupld rule llow cuuid ll mania expected to Ive or their but and hold flu nimfl nl NI crowd without InhItl In to give them lllila In How alien could Huh thin hlppen baton ti pm In oran upped He even IpecuiIie on the posi lbiliiy at oinz lo Enginnd un on lhu FA Board chInulng Lhi Ilupid mic Ind ï¬shing in Enxllsn menu with now look The 1m in that ii lm were to follow out this piIn today the 100000 In lhnl nl1¢d ihu IiIdlum Ind nvcrnl 100000 more lhmuzh out EnnlInd would probIbiy deem him hemiic Ind drum him out An Englishman ahd His Sporl All tum mun lull ml upon Inicullum 59 um Ed wnm Gibbon Iuthor nl Thu De cllnu Ind F111 the Roman Em pire Gibbon mm llll on lh mm hlllnrlul wurk which II or lhu molt purl nludy flu IE1 enco mvcrnmunL Aurlcullura II bull InclullryY lndaed ll In an hull of I11 lnduflry Ilncn mo tmlrc populnllon depend uvon the Inner for wry oxlllznce And ynl the Armor usually hn In nun who mnum In hu rrvpollllun 01 Inc or mhcr indul II Moro Hun ever In thLI In mcchnnlul Ind Iclonunc lurmlnl ho walrum flu mm II d1 eclly and lndlmlly alloclcd by IIXIWJII HM Ilm rem mm Ihu ml on In Ind lhll 1mm ImplmKnled mun luwar III llnhll huulelnlvl lpv Illuman nmllnu Ind luv Incl vollunn lu II hum Iml TM ll nhmenll Inllrell lrlc uodl rule Inna mm In In by um pmml Olbbu lllfl Ill lulu mud it It upon urkullurl would be Iv mml hllh mm on ulnar lmlmlrlu mun uwmullly hl llII tumor 90 mun hu Muc llun 11mm ï¬lm by lllmuhl on urdullry 5nd lrldo nlnld wpll have to eat cmt tonight Dan New fun ubur In been mund ol In luau out ul mm nod ll an By NEVILLE BARNETT Hummu Nuwn Editor High Taxes HitThe Farmer By LEWIS MILLGAN ed In Irlcntlnn Hnll 1n culvcrll Ind mu umullo mnl um vruducl ll nut 01 UN lull ll nul menuan enll Hmll wlv ely mlda Ilnl Ml lulunmL Mr llll Ilm mumm llx luv Ihu 90mm flovrl Ind plus 01 mt loud ln camped Iml lbwd mluulnu In Imuhl ll ur lungm mm Hm uurchull Am rmln lur flu Wfm Ipylhhc wmllu wu Cheper prlru or In nu Ilumep mu In purchulnl pumr upln gulfr dammu of lh would to anumlvl nuw hem er Iml wnul hr mlk Inch Ilul wuhlnl lhe ull mnnulnclund nu IImuMa lnr lllllon uln vlnu lm enllr 1m Ihecu an mu md drnlnl II dunund lublllnllul whldi VIhim mnulm better Im In of the nuuntry Than tho lam lhu would hippen ihml wiria gull betwean the amino oi ihn American on upon Ind thlioi the Engiilhmnnn wide lbs Aiilnlic My iriend think of Rubin wonAmi iu Ip peli to in paying nudimcein ierml oi upecincie Something which mun bq kept going at top piiciu or thin iumuiiu wiii ling ciipigingi My friend know pubflc It In Enlllh in dllflcult Ia undermnd Ind completely llloxln cal In this mercenary Never lhelen am And thin particu lnr vluwpolnt cln bu mud la ï¬eld lpom om 111 fax hundnz 101 human In Enulnnd this done on horn hnck lha Hunt Ind with hound never dogs By mlny II can xldmd crunl upoxLMgpn It entail um running to mm of oz by tho hound and can ï¬qucnt mlunnz the fax by am be truly nld that tovcrnmenu can tux Indumlu out bullneu The steel Industry Ind Ill tell cd Indunrlu no of mumY nut lhe only one mu wxll be roHovad by tho hx rcduclmnl Ind whnl Mr llllmn my Ibnul 11 own he nld lhw prim reducuom In ho mlurnl hupn um vur owu bullncu will be mm ulnted Ind nllo beema we be llvo that reduction In uxu man medulla Ihuuld help um oungu ha unhor lound dam opmeyyl our counlr uyuum And he uddm Ol mum will bu undmlond mu mulnlom Inca lower price by thin cum puny wlll depend upon whether wuzn Ind ohcr tom an be kept ram mlnl uflhur Ind mun lMUnl tho bcnuncill olfecl ol ihc rcduclloxx In the nle Tho Enyl on to witch mm for 11 um be locus or uleku Ila ravnm hen pllynn In their llna but ha naval expect lune or much helphyed up luvs unauth in Every Mum Foxhound will explnln that quite nun mm wort awry hum Mom publlu union by pin um om In an conn try dawn no out uhnl ly mince lo the uri wun OANADA Mn now lug Infill qmnlnlg ntrfllï¬h return 110w luau In ï¬ndad In mm mu mum Inmlm lmflnullun 1mm mm minus 11 14 Illchum nuruo upommm mun bum mm and par Cumin am 4300 Dutch bulb mun mun nun MOM 19 no 43111 Further Light On The Subiect Of Tooth Decay To the Editor Thu Bunla Exlmlner Dear Sir Rumnrkl by prom lnunt locnl member of tho dunlll profession conclrnlnz whalher or no to zlvn any than chlldren receiving tho anpolla vaccine hm embllshed Vlcwpolm that Every purenu Ihuuld Iludy The dcnlllt cell lhll Ill qum should be cllmlnlled from the at our children In In nvold lnom decay Ind donlnl mpplu AI father lourvnhlldren mm ud ml to more Ihnn panlng Inter in any lublm whlch pertIn lo thelr health It lunar mum at lnnth decay than by nll mums cul on the qunr cuum our chlldrnn wlll lunar urloully lroxh malnuulllcn but men look tho wnndertul teeth lhey will have Thll Ilne ol renonlnz ll In Im preulve thlt wo Ihould curry lt lurther lnlo all the dutllll thut could ponlhly affect the wllnre of our chlldrenl Tpkc the mutter at Iutomobllcs taertnnce Hun dred Ind hundred chlldren Ira lntured by Iutol every year Io why cant we ellmtmln nutns It would nerlaurly Illcct our nntlonll nanomy but there would be leu danger to our children Boy all blcycle Ind lltlle lllll tumble when on roller Ikutel lo we will have to do leY with them Ion And all the lfttle ltlnzcra that hlva been cut with tickknives were luld and to end letI not even thlnk about lL Well Just 10 ahead nnd dun0y nll knlvu Cumin llnu trees Are com Itnnt mum at Worry on any climb lrm Ind omctlmel All out at them and Wu heard at the occulnnnl broken result We unt huve that can we Wnll hlve lo cut down every tree In the country rlxht Iwny Itll mnku our perks look Alck and well have low flooded Irenl evory lpllnl but lt will be blenlnl to know our lane wlll not he lulllnl out of tree Ipd hreeklnu l9 Our lnmlly you hlve to an Puppm nomeumu nip and kittens have been known to much pnvlnz the my or all kindl al the man hnmlylnx lnlcc 1011 mamM When think the dan In Turn to pan laufleen plem cullunl uconomy at tho coim Many Ixmm believe much more pracuul my riddln um country in lo uhml them Th In hundnx circles II the men dImnw lnl thlnl man an do Anyon nuilly nuuh an otlnnce mu counzy am at coum thin no nhln in newly 1n Enlhnd The Inn mllon at tho Amcxlun wny of No II mug and recanlly bu num the marked lncrcua In ontl lax Ihooll hlvo hld In uudxlnn blmlnz ol locll huntl spectacle nppnl In upon nu lilo lined Ill lollowlnl Thur Ire nook ur mm mm md Imdwy bu ml III ollnwlna or mum at in other Iumple of MI KM to In on nlhor hm Inn flu wortmm on In mm In tho nilsump canted held on llnmpumd llulh on In IrLchlIl Sum MIMI mmdu mow Onu dlf noun punpl my Cun udIn col ulna wlll lurn In EA hu lnkroduced rule no submutle In mcar and Enallnd hn rculnad Alhu with 12 man Tell mm Pullh lhe an Bunla Mly 1955 Forllelh Innull convnnllon thu Ammlhm n1 Clnldlln Adver llmg 1n Toromn which the CInIdlIn Weekly Newmaer Am Hon Ind Clu Nownpl combined in prexenmlnn at than as wookl pnpzr ndverdl nu un eIIurnd by 10 prmnmlon of Wu old ma Ill vAwnrdud or oumlndlnl comrlbutlnn the Idvmlllnn indullry the mednll want to Scott lannnl dlmtor Idvomllnu and publlc relation or Domlnlon 5mm Umucd and to Schnbckonhurur Manuel new pmldam mu ACA and vlcepml dentflounh Baum sum lncnrponnd 0n tho lomln Iwurdn Iny thaCInIdlIn Week Nowlpl Alloclnllon wu raprelmlad by In mlnulnrdlrcnlor 1mm or ISAAC BICKERSTAFF Members oi womens missionary societies usudlly send their services to or away places by way of the little envelopes in which they place their offerings Sometimes howover iho or away places come to them and the liiile envelopes am not needed The WMS member stepped briskly along her street on the way to do her shopping Good morning she said smiling at woman with two very small boys Nein said the woman uneasy uneomprehending ihe WMB member searched her mind for some way to express her goodwill and welcome to this new Canadian without words without time to think without anything The spire of her church visible over the house tops gave her an idea She pointed to thespire to each oi the small boysto the woman and to herself Church she said smiling Sunday The new comer understood the invitation the doors iriendship and fellowship were being opened to her Jo she beamed And sure enough when Sunday came she and her iamlly were at church and though theycouid have understood hardly word that day they understood the welcome oi onc me her who was on the lookout or them and ieit in it the we come oi oi iriendiy Canada lease will you help Months had passed The language ier was being passed The newcomers were getting go start in their new country But not all welcomes are of th kind oliered through the church The husband had irlends who met new Canadians hunger or iriond sh and desire to belong with the hospitality oi bottle and qï¬auuoflhvmuuum iï¬ifn anh ï¬ning hu newcomers now saw their new country In dlmront as They now ln tho bruuque lmporronnllly uomu of la olllclnls They row ln the hard lmpnllonl laces of so who wero too busy to lake tlmo lo undorrlond the 11 en English oz bewlldured people They now ll ln those who comfortable themselves cnrod holhlng for tho nnzuluh of or allow human belng But they saw also In their neighbor Please wlll you help 01 course she would Before her explanations and phone culls mounlnlnn became molchllla Before hur lntemt and personal concern conï¬dence returned ngnln All wuu pm rlghl To anlulo her und all her klnd most worthy ambassador of her church and country thla nmo piece In wrmon plmlllul tn Dutch lullpu becomlnl In Clnllll ah In mod umbauu of mu wunlry IranM MM 0mm IN mmlam Mer C4 wlm 9nd mu 117 W521 Hï¬Lï¬Fmx 35mm with tho BIKEï¬n Allenm Voml nounnu mum buldo nu mm at gm mm nu lnot 111 Oflgy Aï¬cflypmt uï¬i 3001 FEOGANS Get ACA Aayeriising Medals Section Zches to 14 BCIINECKENBUROER umm um on