StaYner Firémén Gel First Raise suynéx Sun The ï¬rst raise In pay for Sllyncr firemen was mnlld by Council on Monday has the ï¬rst gals mz mm mm mu MA 1m am 30 GREAT MAY IEussw liflMMllNlTY MEMORIAL ARENA or lhe purpose nlcctlnx candldnle Io represent um party In In cnmln Iecflnn TED STEELE Secretary Pmtcmps ODDFELLOWS HALL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Committee Rooms PROGRESSIVE EONSEBVHTWE mum llur pm mm you In yuur mrmhrr have uul ul mm mm mlrly HINHICII xwrvlcnlallvu llm mm Cummnlm um mm all lhv rlrtlml 01 mir mum Thr luucklnu mlrn pmrly Ntrunry mm um um ImnHL muq llu whnhuhcnvlnl mmva whlch llm Im mm Cnmnvnllvrn hnvr nlwnyl ntcnnlnl mu ulvm mt nu lmlr nIInluw or pnnullfl MUHILHUH am nlm vny mum In Half um um Iumn Imulr will he umm mr mu mmum ul xuvwxl In my mlullllnlum In ml mcuun II In my vlnn luring Ilw lhlrl lrw wrrh bclwrrn now and victim vlay In lrlmll ml pm Mrvrmmll lml mum wnunmmc II Iummlw Cunmvnuvn party lhr rlrrlurl ul Mnmw mm by wnmd wwmm lhmuuh llw medium nm mwnrnpcr null uvrv In Mr hy rullu rnm vrwm wm lamlllnrlm ull wm pny pmrammu nm lmw mmnmnod la wu KIMI Unlurlu and llrlpul thaw III who live null vulr Ill Slmnn len Tmuuuh mlr lrrml mm mm pruml my pm In nu flrlnl pnulnmmr uml lcrvrnll Imll llInL ll olNlrtl wlll lw luhln mnllmlr lu wmk wllh Hm Irlln Mllllllrr ululu Hun mu ma mumnuu um um muvlnm and yrnpln um mum yan no lullrw ml mulrr llm Ilon FIUIL we have mulu vnuru yum Iupwr will he Ilurculy npplrrlnlml June Thank You llrllwlrl nllrmllnu lllu cnnvrhllun of he Imurmlvr Cumu quVc Amulnllnn 5mqu Crnln llnmv Tllundny rvrnllIL mw lo numr Inc on RIM llldr umllxlnlu ALLISTONONTARIO Monday Evening May 16 ul 830 pm Friends ofSimcoe Centre Everynm Inleresled In ond xuvammenl I1 lnvlled In nllend llulllm lu 5M yml won at mm at my pruwllll npprmncrm 5986 5987 CONVENTION GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 41 COLLIER STREET DUFFERlNSIMCOE SPECIAL SPEAKERS will he held In he TELEPHONES VicePrtsldunt MCCAGUE Flnmcn wlll nowjet $150 per hour or ï¬renthan and um per hour or other necessary work Luck drylnz hosi Ind 1115mm Qqulpï¬ienl In Lb mgndrybl lhe quiz Cullum who In beenI member at 111 brlnde or aver 35 yem GEORGE JOHNSTON Slncmly Ypuu lmhuéy Taximm Lot 31 Con In the Villa 01 Sharon Term cash Roz Jo ï¬son Aucllnneer 50 Frith MAY 20 Audion sale of arm stock Implement and some household meal for George Jul In It Lol 14 Con lnnlsnl lbwnshlp one mlle weight was Churchill Terms cash Sale ll I30 pm sharp DST Jerry Caulh lln Aucllancer 5357 Slimany my 21 Aucllon sale at hnuschnld furnllurc urpcnler tools blacksmnh 03015 or the lulu Mlchncl Dirty ol the Vlll age or Tnuenham flmm cuh Sale pm DST Jerry pouuh lln Auctlnnecr 5359 heady buy 21 Aucuun salu hlzh class mustered and mdu Shorlhams Plus farm machinery hay gum and poultry or Arwnad Calms Ind Dnlc Agar ll Lot Can Essa Townshlp miles north of Alllslun Sale at 12noon sharp 1DSTL Term cash Jerry Couxhlln Auctlaner Ill58 Wednudny My 25 Important lucuon IL 01 herd of rcxlslcrcd liolstcln mule pm show Paul uy mndcm lnrm machinery cm at Lo 10 bclwccn Concussion and King Townshlp Grayhmuk Farm dlrcctly news the road mm Enlon Hall Farm green house barn Sale at pm Ihnrp DST Terms cnsh No reserve Ken and Clarke Prentlcc Aucllqh Wednesday Mny 25 Publl lun llun sule vnlunblc ï¬rm prop crly lncludlnn lno slandan llm bur The undornllmd aucllunccr hus rccclvcd Inslrucllons mm the cslnlc ul lhc lulc John Smith to scll by public nucllon lhe prem lsts Wul hull Lnl l2 Can Tiny annshllL 100 mu mm or In wllh hr ck house bunk barn lfl ntru xlnndlnz nine 16 ncxu Hand In hlrdwood balance worknblc hind Term 10 day Illc n21 unce 30 dnysl Sublccl In reserve hld Snlc um 05 True Aucllonmr 5650 saunay my nmulnlu ol the lulu Mn Mlnnlc Leonard 1n lllc vllln nl Slrnud Aucllon Inln lloum gld lumllum Ind clfocll Sproule Autllonecr 5M Vedmuhy Juno Auclon nlu lnnn Ilnck lm lcmcnls hume hnlfl 1100 for Olllnughcr HI Cum Innllfll Townnhlp mllc ml Highway 27 Sllc 30 DST Term cnhl Jerry Cuun lln Auclluncot 5041 Audience 561591 wu ccrlnlnly mlnl In lmn In the ovtfllfll Io hm plny wrlucn by lucll nclur mm by Hm mud Although me plan lelHVld and he llhllllaxl Irll CIIL he lnnluua Ilmull llrd Iflll lhr mule mnvrmrnu Im yrthIL ll could IN bulkr mm car Home Ike llnu nn mm ml lluy In Ilwul flu ghml mm Mum hullem Smclnl unlll ll due Inc wmhul llthlnd tho nun who rrulnl lhc or llm llmu NHL Ihry lull Illo l0 wotk wllh an El Jnuvhn nrruw Mule hul wlUI MI vlcvtr cuntmllnl and thin onlmlcu Hwy calm Hum rnllrfly llUurnl mmnll Fur nmlu plly and Tha Muulwyl Inw lllhlhvl yu dm4 and llllll All wl llvrn brllln Iml lrler mile lmducllun Common Moducuon cunvenm Ilny hum plmlucllnn Inlnnurr llclly Elllvll lulmnl produrllun Ixun urr Ilm In dum ol pmprrllu nml wrdrulre Nevllla Dune NIMIIII Drum runwoml lII lllmlllml mmd Yuun Van llnwklnl runway mm lhynu hunl at wnx nunInn Inll Ann linker Ind Mulon erd book nude Illlh Art cnjoynblc Thrlu new Iclrcucs Barbara llnnlun blllnn Glenn Ihd Jenn Nay Ire lllllu wank but to In their min The play hu momenh Mr cclcd by Mr Grccnwood but In uvrrly wmdy In men and me yaunlcr nclmm unluculnrly Mlsa Glenn are hlndluppcd by hnvlni mu mnuIMuh mu cncu In My rpm We punllon The Inn do not move around enoum on the mac one point Mr Omnde dullvm lunu munulnzue wilh he le nlhcr Ic lnr ullllnl In lun mw llmnlnl In hlm yuur awn whale of ma uven dunner um my mum mum Con run your 11mm Mnnkeyn rm There were Ilso aleMed ariill In The Monkeyajaw whlcih closes Ihe evening on highlydra malls note Yvonne Lacey Ind new Ice on the local nun Arthur Todd pram mm Peter Noy and dlrncuon and niv mlid perform ancu the lraaic mulhcr and alhvr Ihe lamlHIr lory Ihnulh LI nld null 01 melo drum commie the change of mood lhnl 11 the main pleasure of an evenan onea pllyau SlnnBlynu l1 Illa excellent lll 1h llOOlnv urgentmajor In Ihe upenlnl scene when he he ccnllll personllo on mu Cof lalnly he hu tar mnru opporlunlly Ihow what 1004 churnclcr nclor he Ihfln ln ma mlddlc play at he vcnlng ngh Arl Iluh Art Doug Grecnwondl comedy In mme respect what In nLcdcd In complete ho rvcnlnx ll cor Inlnly complete chnnnc nt mood tom the other lwo plays The SC brim Ind lhcrn are hm very tomnclcnl hlls ol ncnnz by Mr Gremwood Mr Noy Ind Mr naynu wlth lun Grmo the dc lllhllully ohnoxloul churwnmnn he llm play dolnu lho bur he can wllh htr llmllkd roll lhnly um model Even the mm chlrwamen Mar uret Woods Jenn Gram Md Lilly mug Ire small mlsterpleces characterization The load Ind Direclnr Bob McLean can be congratulated onlood pacing not loo rm to destroy he mood nag yall naver hgltlnz and Saturday night when the play wul be per lnnncd or he 1m 11ml wauld be well advised to urlvo only gauze the but at hr cvenlnz comes FOLDING D00 Save space add beauty wllh Emir new Modernfold SPACE MASTER noon that Elva gnu back all the floor and wall space that olduhioncd swlnxlng dam xlcni They my nslde the doarwny dont so In the way make any mm ronmlnr plan with no down hymn Ulo our handy budget paymml and BUDGET PLAN HOME HUIIJDIZHS Spacemaster IMUWW CONVINIWFDUI Ivcllvn cmnplclc wnh mam mm and pm nuly Iu mum Duly min Decorative ooly PIBKET FENCE The allpurpose plywood exccllcnl or hulldlnn rema dciliny hobbies and repllrl Come In and plck your needs nu ma Ind mlgknmu ln slack Also TIkeHome Pnncls or odd job Tough Easy To Use Install yourxc low to lnsung beauty Twice ihc wear with half the care Many mioun choose rém at Bea ver Lumber Huvcr Lumlm wlll help yuu 1mm yuur ullmnle and de II lur MILL hum nmul no chum wure Ind to help nu SYLVAPLY The New NAM lloma 12¢ EACH lmprovcmcm llnn Standard Gaul mam how lJlHu ll Nlll umml mu bcaullfy yuur Mum phunq Huvcr lowlnyv We wlll menum your wlnduwn or swnlnn llul canvuy we at chum nm Imnmcr anny mm mum murummlo mm mm um um purlnl nwnlmu and cnnuuy In Kay cuiuuu Lcluh nwnlmu and um upy wlll mm disliuclivo mm ynur llmm chly mlntc ummuxhly wwum mlmm my ulncl lint419ml Lumier mu mm Hnlshnd In man Mun mg mm1 lely mmum lrum Ilmplu Inmucuom lnrhldvd In chm lynckuul up In mlnulu th wl umluhlly lmmm lml YDUII 0an mam haw nqu mm to warm Lbigh Imperial own In II no 0m kl ALMA slmllyn AWNINGS and CANOPIES BelAir fnuun cauoms BTOIIB IIOUIIH lree Eslimules HOME IMPROVEMENTS Free esllmflelon home Improvemch arc regular Beaver urvlceA lully trained and experienced nan enter serve you whh Iriendlyycouneou and emclcm knawhpwr Savc flme lavevmodey ship newer Lum her ï¬EMEMBEn Yang via IIWIYI welcomed It Beav er Lumber Correctly ï¬ylcd compleluly assLm hlcd for as Inslailallnn by he hume handyman Doubleprotected steel Inlshcd In weather rcxlsung baked enamel from edge drlp chan nel gays 011 mu nun Blue or Ill ï¬nd Attractive Low Cost FREE ESTIMATES FREE DELIVERY MONTH