Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1955, p. 17

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Dunlop St Owon 0n the morning Mothers Day at Collier 54er ml Church par 01 the service we devoted to thechrimninu nineteen child ngn The babies baptized on the popular dniu were John David sgn at Mr and Mrs Ander wn Kim Edward am oi Mn arm Mrs Lorne Carter Mary Lee dnuuhicr oi Mr and Mrs Courtenay Joseph Michael and Yvonne Maureen children of Mr and Mrs Eugene Finkbeiner Jo anne Louiu Vincent William vid and Deborah Lnrrnlne child ren Mr and Mrs Leonard Gillespie David Alan son 01 Dr and Mrs Cameron mu Peicr Cimrios son or Mr and Mrs Gcorze Lonxstntle wiiilnmArlhur son Mr and Mn Mitchell All Plnyccx Baby Punt Armater Siud by Babyleght Pluym Canadas Inl Known Icky unon TVIII Mill CALDWELL DRUG STIIIIE as called The Examin erl Mténllonélodntclo the aux pa that wax repealed In several Issues yrlor la the Theatre Gulldx presentmlon ul on old supernat ural talc This admlnlcn 9t rana 1belnz made to ward any literary aerlccllonlsts who may ha lurklnn 1n the wlnza mnle var tu murraw nlth Bahjfl Mum and Jacobs have right tn urn 1n lholr graves Mr Jacob could well bu amazed to have his Invorlln Monknyjs Paw bundled around as glue work 01 Snkl and Mr Munro may be Just lnsulted not helnl allowed to stand an lruc merlu Nobafly has called The Exnmln erl Mienllonélodntclo the lqux pm that war repealed In several Issues yrlor In the Theatre Gulldx presentmlon ghul old ulnarnat John Lawrence sun 01 Mr and Mrs lawrencc Parry Dlnne Eliz nbelh dnuihler at Mr and Mrs Cnmcmn Robinson Robech Ellen daughter Mr and Mn Ross Rodgers Donald Paul son Mr and Mrs Harry Rulers Sheryl anms dauahler at Mr and Mn Shurldnn Eompht Drew Francis sun or Mr and Mrs Hartley Srnllh Slanlcybwllht son at Mr and Mn Danlel Taylor and Brlan Nor son at Mr nnd Mu Krn ncth Trendwcllr MERE EXAMINER IRIDAY MAT Hf 50h mmmh mmluhlc liquld lulu Cum vcmilued Wuh Iml dry In lmml ful silvery nurmy Mud pack Igt $129 mm mm um um Li 7hr IV durablr mqu Ibt Wuh Ind pu dry In lmuxiful lilvuy ubt Hm ll PAH Smooth liquid latexIWlltI pmof Vtmillml Smldnblt Wuh Ind pat dry Pink whh Ind blur In beautiful my box IN HAY YIANSMIIIH IA 10 Dunlop St Opposite Queens mm Phone 2098 Clll In nuw lnd order yuur uka or Mulhen Day Prlcu Me Me wlll decorum take for you In only 10 extra Gm Suggestion Take Mother home llclnus Dutch Choéulntcs or Bun Dons DUTCH PASTDIES CUP CAKES CAKESV DUNS DINNER ROLLS RAISIN BREAD HOME MADE BREAD COOKIES PIES Its the FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY More and mute people are making Dutch Pantry their centre in Home Baknd Specialties N0 DELWERIES WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Tousl oi lhe Town Dutch Imer llonnhnld Illnll In broden Tuudly nu Thundly ovrr CK DONT MISS THIS SPECIAL MOTHERS DAY OFFER In IIVJMIH Jquuanlwuve km linnl will mmpmol min Tul nml In ha with late for girl Pmcl lue whim pink And mlllh Sllvuy lynx Im lvuyl goldm box or gixll mmx Hll PHI 0f pun IIIndInmnul Iilk thllnlclxylunJounILluine Pm dry Pink whlle Ind bluq 9M9 Texllln block prlnunx skechlna and pnlnllnz are he xubjccu on the agenda or the spring art and craft weekend being sponsored by he Slrncce County Arts and Crnlts Assaclnnan Blue Mountain badge near Colllngwood an the weekend at lhe Inwhich nc1unlly Saturday Sunday and Cnrporal John Lee of the Onl axlo Provlnelal Pollee and Elmer the Elephant wlll be vlslllnn the Sclgaul or Relnrded Children on Mondaylo launch safety caml palgn slmllar to um lavan eon dumcd in the alhor elementary schools or town The school twhlch names old Klng George School has flagpole bue ls lack lng Union Jack tally alongside the Elmer safely pennant An ap peal ls belng made to anyone who Ia flag sultahle lo school to make the donatlnnhelnm the weekenrl ll possible fAYIllPIlHlPIAIV Pam hula plulic Wlmpmuf Wu uud pat dry Fink blue Ind while In beautiful lilvuy box box our de mo im Hum 190 Delete the loci hour bllrf lmslmxs meeting was held The hostess served rclrcshmvnu Al the clusc he evening next incoming he nuxmnry will be hcld In the home of Mn Clnh Ilubcrlsnn on Grenville St on June One the membnrs Mrs Denney was me spcnkcr al the May mncllng She describcd taflm nlhcrlnx he lhrcc monlhr lull her son who Is 1n the 110an Can udlnn Navy had made to 50th Mrlcfl She had rcctnlly vlllled hlmnml his lamlly In Marl imu nnd showcd plclurc and souvcnln cl hls unvnls The successful lnspccuon nlghl on Monday was rcvlcwcd lho mommy mccllng at Ihe Wumcnl Auxlllary lo 102 Squldron Mr Ca dcu on Wednesday evening at the home MIL Wflliam McFaden sgncy Avenue There had been In good allund mac and the rcccptlon room lasulully dccnrnlrd wth sprlnz Hnwm was crowded during the vening Pruldlnz nl lhc tm tnblu hnd bren Mrs Wle Ind Mr Oaks The odltr lnstruclur will be Mia Dorn De Dedery Hunt charman urns whose nnuve any Buda pestlnHungary masher at at Ncrlhern Vucallnn In Taronlo or the pun cw wannabe also sculplar with her own studln In the city She has been engnxed Sn the two arts for thtyyyean In all Registratlnn may be made Ihmugh nu ufllne the Simeon County Recreation Service In Barrie Thu mm the guests wm be staying 1n ihc Imallcr lDdgefiLlheskl resort Ruhr lhan inlhe his barn Roy Passnno from thaKenneth Ford Studin in Toronto is ulnz to be lhe insiructnr ln ihe first craft An outstanding leather in this lield hcis graduuie of Central School in London England He and an hls puplls John Arn liold came to this country several years ago and taught for two years in Monlrenl balmc snitlinz in To rnnlo In addition hls splendld work in iexllle deslin he teaches rt AtICcniral Technical summer schnnl and he lacl that he ii In nrtisl as well give him An excel lent 9ppropch to design Inspection Night Most Successful Cadet Auxiliary gum deaconess of Collier StreezUnMed Church will take panln the scrvlce and two member at Burton Avenue Unilcd Church Sunday School Audrey mm and Brian Wiles will ml IheIr experiences In cnmp last yenr Monday M51121 22 and 23 his YD Sunday is Camp Site Sunday in cfinnecuan with the summer camp at Simeon Presbyteryarms Uni Church and the 11 oclock murnlng service at Burton Avenue vglll be cln1 inlérest Rev McLean DD Mach armor of General Assembly of the Pretbyterlan Chuthn Can ada will preach at me seven ochck tuning service In St An driws Church on Sunday gvgnhl brXMcLeanshome mixch SL Andrews Plesbyierlan Church Vllorg4 BC lh morning servlce nclqck the mlnlster luv Jame Ferguson wlll be presenled with memallulwlndowln memory ithe lute Mrs George Brown by Mr Brown The unvelllng and dedlcntlun will lake place under Lhe direction of the mlnmer Special Service WiH Mark Camp Site Sunday Mddgratbr Will Preach Sunday AtST Andrews unwnnncnmmsrm 01mm SUPPLIES INTERESTING ms mm nu nuns LEATHEBCBAFT SUPPLYSHOP Announce The Openlng Of Their New Clarke Clarke Leathers he spcnkcr al the She describcd taflm lhrcc monlhr lnur Is 1n the 110an Can hnd made to 50th had rccfnlly led 0pm Mondqyflhvough Pvlday 830 mingle pm Located In In Tunncvy on John ip Bunlo Amnunn was drawn lo lhn fact In Ihe Junlnr Insmuto Achlcvc mom Day wan on May In Elm vnle High Schml The dislrlcl Mrs Fayslon cmmunxty acuv Hles convennr was In chm the pmlrnm and introduced Mniur Cooper of he Salvpllon Amy who make his work and showed mm of We In Afrlca duct In he Garden by Mrs Adam and Mm Priest wu enjoyed and nppreclfllcd by all The my meeting oi Minuinl Womens Inliitute was held at the home of Mrs Foyslon with In atimdance or 24s Run 11 was answmd by In exhibition of ma wintzr work Plans were made tor quHHnl Mn Johnstons home In the week May 10 Thu canvenm and committees are menu in the neu tulure or me urinual hohby how which will be held on Mly niinéchWiISH were the choice of he malorfly zrgup qr the uxlfinslon come Mrs Mazulre puma an the findings 01 the comemry com mlqec In regard to cost and ypu olfphtangp sq lh cprqethy The meeting closed with The Queen luver potluck lunch hallowed potluck prngram followed and Mn Dudley rend mm the minute of the first meeuna ho lnslltutewhlch wu very interm Inz Mrs Robinson read one Edna Jacques poems and an about her lHe Mrs Wgu gave very xnleremn tending 21nd Mrs Arnutrdnx conducltd conlesl Mrs Broderickjeud some aruclcs an CancelF Salvation Army Maior Addresses Minesing WI The canvasseu lor the canfnr soclely xeporled Ihflt owing to bad reads the canvuss had not been cnmplmd They were asked lo Uy Ind have this done by May 15 The date of In mecflnz has bun changed 10 Wednzsday Mny 25 Ijhu an lmpnrumrmeeflng and In good nuendnnce enema 15 lnyngld Strut 1nd noon Phomn mt 81 Mlnluul Sim an and Floor Phomx 8505 mm mNINc Iv Ar ommmrmoul ml MNINO nouns In mm mm on may am April menunto Band Rel Womens Inslhute wu held oh April 27 In the Memorlal Hall 12 members Inswerlnl lhe roll Minimum paying 01 can The flnanclaLxepnrt shawed very zond ynaxv Several letlm lhnqkn were read and was de cided tumflkéyu donation to the cripplld childrens tuna lhc dll trlcldlreclor EIVE rcpnrt the district meeting and dglezltex wm named or he district annull In Bond Head WIS Members Enioy PotLuck Supper Wbmens tlnstitutesi kflvkh II mam you Calla mime lillulmp dragon Ind chrysamhcmum farm ed the mung In Mansfield Unlled Church or thennrrluc of Min Donn Mynle sneer daughter Rem and Ma Spear lo Lloyd John Hmry Wilkinson Ion Mn lune wuklnmn 01 Man gleld The brldn lathe conducled 311651250 Vivére Mm Dunn nng Mrg Foyson The June meeting will be Mrs Johnlwnl home All hmndmolheu are espuclally In vned The bride 15 lurmer member of the hydro Llafl 1r Burk Father 9f Bride Officiates Spring Wedding Rites The coup lo on wedding trip by plane New York the bride lmvelllnx In cloud grey sulL topped by ulhrlmp wool coalwlth black amensarles On melr return they will be making melt home ln Toronto Awaltz lgngthjown ulnqua crystalaue was chasen bijer sls kr Mrs WHHnmAlkn n1 Penelan Falls who was mum of hnnor The flovver Irl Min Jnnlcu Allen niece ollhebrlde vmre man coral lmck at crymlcltau El wore matching bundenugtnnd car ried lluw daisy mum and pin rpsebu Donaid Phllllpl at Cohocunk we gpomsmuq or fils hquer ep fine mother at the bridrrecelvad the gum in ammopiece flowered silk dremyearlng beige accessor lesr The grooms mother who also receive was wearing grey poodc cloth run with coma an accessorlu Theyw0rt commas or gnrdenIgL leen in ynnrrlage by her lather the hrldg mafiwcmnl mm length gown embroideredhnglah crystnleflewlm threeHer swarp nmkllnu Tanning Ino the sleeve The fun skirt leatured pointed bnsque Bu shining1mm veil llk Illusion was clnzht 10 crystnlgue headdress matching he gown The loyelyenxemble wns completed with lunr whit kid gloves The bridewore her grand mplhera pearl Ind lvbry earring and she canlad pnlehplnk Clmeulln Weddln music warplayed by M113 Robson and theJolnlsl was 151550 01 Battle who sang maximum Pmyu durlx the ceremony nnd Through The Year at the IXKMnl ol the reg weddlni of yllde inleren look plncc oh Wednesdhy Aprll 20th 1955t when Mk Dannn Bernice Dgnccy younger daughter at Mr and MrLStanlcyRlnhnrd Danny Fanelon Ell became 1h bride Robert OthernePhllllps son Mr Ind Mn Cleveland Osborne Phillips of Cobacnnk 3hrun mornxnz cgremony wokplnce at the hum of he ubrldel pnrenh Viflhufl WI Emerson um Nbptialgaré Held For Donna Dancey And Rio Phillips 87 Maple Avcnuu Barrie plane ma 1101 TRACY Mréi Vernon Speerwu mntrpn alhbnor her listeninxiaw and wamn ballerinaImam gown in penanckblue min andnei The bridesmnid Miss Julnaiie Wanen oi Gnnunoquo was wearing sim ilarly liyied gownin nilc amen They wore sliver slipper Ind mulching headdress and loves and curried bouquet of American bnauiy roses Ind lily the valley Flower girl MissErundn Spear oi Iroquois niece 47 Ah bride worn an nnkiedenlih mlixe Iallnln lawn with hair circle 01 white nmi yeilcw roses white shoes and bride was glven 1n mnrrllge by he brolher Vcrnon5peer of lroquol She wore ballerina lenzlh awn of while nylon net and late the Jackal of lace llnzrl with sulln wlth unllned lonn pnlnted aleevu and peterpan collar enrlcllédwlth seed pearl and man applique pearlrlm med In held her minlength vell 01 nylon net and she curled while hlble crested with Amer lcan Hmutymsu lhe Hohhhrlnicermflxiy nméur brlde uunl Mn Arthur Speer 01h phyld the wedding mum MI Dorothy Fenian aKln cardlne noun the bride an Blen This Home Indlll Wulk cglde You only Lhé all51m blind gives you wipeclean plastic tapes and cards you wonderl new dec possibllillull ImunIul been InI dual No other malln MIan nukes life In uyl Smooth vlnyl plmla npn Ind cords Imoolh nutpron Aluminum thineach Ind every 11 ho Imoul dlAflgIXALUR demmem dams unmwn pug my Ives Aulnmnlll wll Ilulllun Avnllnhlu ll rllru ml IFIIICII FILTER QUEEN SALES 0F BARRIE Only mnplolrly Ilulnllnl WI cylin lrrn at GM Introducing the 1955 For Limited Time IFUIUIIIIIIIPI Mnlllhl NHMIII $22435 REG All 20 No II Hléflwoy SUPERIOR PROPANE The bride molhcr wore drgss ol navy blue sheer wnh red IC cusorlc and the grooms mulher wax In navy mph with mvy Ic cegsories They wore earnles at American beuuiy roses Th re ception was held at he church glow Shg urrled among pink urdenlu and lily the vlllty Mumy Wilkinson wu roomi lnln In his bmfller Perry Kirk patrick 01 Mansfield and Mvr Morrow of fin uncle the groom and hrlde wen ushers Moore Shoes 54 DUNLOP ST EAST SHOWING OF WHITES INSTEP STRAP WEDGE BLUE RED TAN CALF away Phone 5404 00 FEET NORTH 07 MINKTS IUINT 06D liming Over 20000 Onlnlln Huuuhnlda SIZES T0 to 1095 AAA TO Get your 51ch early Linens white caif whitemcsh Built by Moffat Exclusively for anm fuel Keeps Cooking Top Cooler BumIn MmuluMlndvn Each top burner mm It Centre Blmmcr Burners for Complete Cooking Canlml Two Extm nab Olnnt Burnorn Xnuy Oven Wlmlow and Interior Oven Light Fnnwd HllcnlOlldn Bmukrlcu Uruller DRESSY CASUALS SP Range Top Bfirner Ignition InstaLite own uny pllat joy WITH CUSHION ARCH Featuring For awtddlnz trip to Squflaun Onurlo poihb Ind the Unlled sum the bxlde wore re tweed sun wflh red nccwfla and engine of rose wuh apple blos mu nndlflv the valley Mr Ind Mn Wilkinson will live on Ihe grooms arm Mansfield Guests were pusent tom Iro quuu Gananoqua Nupnnee Khu on Tuxonto Conn Alma Guelph Klncurdme Hanovnr shallow Lake Chcxlcy Tara Owen Sound Tenn NamY Brampmn Rosemant nnd Begum 1095 PHONE 5375 LIMITED rapel

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