Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1955, p. 15

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Inmsnn Tamnlo Nullomi edor of Employment or the In Blind Speaker on Work ol NIB Al lions Club COLDWAfleR Ulrika gn GARTSHORES SOP ANDH HERCULES Dunlap SI Mlple Ava PHONE 8195 Bagrla A1 BICYCLE REPAIRS Weather permitting Hydro Service will be inter rupted from Eiydro Interruption IN THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPALITIES AND RURAL AREAS ull lnnllm Twp llwrnlon Ivyfilllllon Benton Tolllnhnn Cooh own nndlord Ind III lunl unlumtn uved um III Mllllon 130 pm to 330 pm DST ALL MAKES See our SpoclaISprlnz Showing SUNDAY MAY 15 Take keen look at Aura HIVHIIHVIOVII IAI To mlobrnto our Spock Spring Showing wum emphMMnl llymouthn numb ulna Vuduuln Ilyln performance bl tin and roominul at price that will plan you Como 1n and no tho beautiful WW Plymouth It our Epoch Swan Showinger now STORE 117045 M1 HARRY TWISS TcflovedbyourmwsuwZ pc 69 says Today yran no the lohnslon libel 11 Hill ynur hallmark lorllle flnul clnlumn hi uilnrlng knowhow Ind ullu an fly in In mldelomeasure clollm Come In Ind 1ch at Jahnnon Ap rowd Roynl Yo Clolhe or me anal nlhu ywvv ver wom 25 DUNLOI STREET HARRY TWISS ész All 40 of0y smug1m Lb nun mks Dammit Um Club 1140411 nuhL II bmher Guam WilliAnson Cowu Ind Sev ern F1111 The weaker who Hind laid the dub um persons who have lost lhelr light 11k in be lmud the same as normil human bdrm He said some of his nelghbon seemed surprised bu see hlm pul ling up his own telcvlflon ner Such Jobs around the house he come roullne or thus who hnvo learned lodgercome their handl cap Mr Williamson slid oi the 22000 blind person in Clnldl 0000 wars in Ontario The majority of th slzmles receivad nuisance some kind from Cunldiln Nuv liunal Institute or tho Blind mére are number of mum dlvlslnns across Cindi Ill Ilmlb Arly equipped to zlve 51d Llhnrles or the blind pnvlda lung playing record wtm norm various kinds The apeed me machine hundllnl these ulkinl books run he Idlusted sun the llmner Brnllle book In pro vided pasme me All types of lamps are furnished and mere depmmnt or pm venunn hllndneu in VA ox Imprhvejarmlly dolemvn vb The snclnl servlce depmment lnvanflnlu vfirlou upe of prob lems and aid In helr solutlnm As well mnny urban bread win ners and hmuawlvu who II tlslcd than are blind firmer whose particular difficuth ltudledh ThuPublchy and Publle Rell Hons Depanment keeps the work at the Insmum before his public 1mg spearhagd flnqgclgl on The speaker slid was very Impomm in mm preqchml chil drcn without mm lenrn to he sellrellnngh In the Field Secretirlcs depm mcnl activities of 1m dmmm 51 you mm 15km Urgth Appeal fictuum of Burl121mm urged adv to heli the up in the unify defencanelwurk An urxaht appeal for volunteem to man die Ground observer Corps rum Centre in um Irelwu mlde by Murm Greer In 1n Interview In The Banle Exnmlnur Be mm ed that failurelumen ma Ape1 or voluneeul1 minus walk ening ha alr dewm lymm of Canada In todays atomic ale deemed Mayor Greer Cunndn mm llne ul delenco hefllns mm hue in Barrie Our own Ind mm mly naverhe khe arm or an enemy nhnlmk hue tho Job deiendlng Cenedi appends upohux well me Mr Force lnd defence organ rluuonlJn CInIdj lfllu Ground Obluver Corp wuorunlzed In October 1051 to help meet enemy bombers whlch might meek thme h=cwmrya radr wnrkf Ground 10bserver Cups Requires VolunleerslorAir Delence Syslem Polnunl out thltr elch enemy Mulderll fpmununl umbomb curlerfl he said one bambpr today had Aha mung power Jan Worlde bombers For fun anhe counm were kept mck Thug an 15 crawler gunman one 01 whom in Bit mu Home leather wlvu In olhm with the 1mm how to their work under nu bundlep bllndnrss Mr Williamson and mu he new Cantu or the Bllnd being bull 1n mum on Bnyvlow Avo nne south Snnnybmk hosplul It cost at $5300000 would bl hymen 3511 kind In The Employmem Deplrlment hrlpa blind people to find their most auluble type at wurk Ind to ldlpl memlrlvu lo mlnlnx Institute ire provided when mun useful index In lurned Plin men amcmwhn are nlwfllhb less Incite jobs and mks perlndl vlsluto how the worker doing Mmy blind penIon er Ite cannwlon ln ufllco bulld nu und strangle mm comm Sumo dnmrk room work devaloy InlXjrnyl arlld mphm mm m1 culelerlu mulled hi the 11nd An Eady dimm nlrl Once Spence who blind on me my Sudpury hq Lindsay Wluhmsvn is known Ruck In 1h Texom Cenml Hons Club where he has been me or 11 yun wu born in mm Indloa his um WW nvvbn nnh In whlbh lunu wlre broko nn muck Mm ton theeyetw mu as lnirudpcad by um and flanked by aw Chum char who uld nu lute at Blind wn dfln gm work Plus or 10016 Illendanco word dlmnuwd ber mm Depu ly Governor Herb Slevenl who rmlved one hlmoéu Those nwnrd ed wen Protldam Wynn Cluqnco Word sxeve Brodeur Percy him on An Cornell Gordon Coop Ritchie Llne Bill Phusant To Palm Rel Tipplnl Jnok flpplnl Inn Eliy Loverlnl am Wylle reviewed optinum at the rink during the nu Just cloud The Presldcm wu thanked by IL Eplm in his mm In conntcllan wlm lha rink Stayner Grader Bought in Barrié It me May onlnm Thu under mod one owntd by Bud Mnrlln Barrie wn mod on on tho wwn mm In wank Ind grand uumcmy Until now uyncr hu been dependtnl upon mdtr rental from neighboring munlclpflnlnl and prlvlle owner for men maintenance Suyncr Sun SIyner counall numonxtd hl muffin BMPEBY CURTAINS Cum nu uh cumin ulucml ullmd pmuh In unn And nylon YOUNGS DHAPEBIES MHBWISETTES NINE lolul III nunlmllu amtlbw mn nl In hln nlMln pm ml punt 26 CLAPPIRTON ST Mnama on hunky smnn Du In 1n maul palmmu In twp nm Ian Inn Jot nunw m1 nullIn ha In In In In AII Ildo hommld nylun run Oll Ind chuk lnahnnh In ll Ind whlu Ind beln Ind IM Phlm Ind um an hueml 1nd an up reason human evuy V01 agent In the Ground Observer vlullylxnpomm no only to umuves at mflllom bl ch low culunx but In uurlnz Cin hdll Ability be lb 10 fllh hack mould lodlYl atmule he tween freedom and Iynnny result In In mahupcn aux canny The chum of 2mm Iluckus destroying aux clllesls vullv in mud wllhout an eflecuvanel work at humtnayealnd em manned The volume com lmundobaervan ennnu dq um jobll must d9 beam In mlny Area notgnouxh chinn hive heded appeal to jan Clnndl all detencsulnul To undersltnd why mm ob ezveu are lndlspennble 1L1 necessary umlm why me Air Fares unnnrrely solely upon um 13 rmemod for both detecting hmme Amman And tollqwlu hon vullnl my aecm hummen or mm involvedlm the plume of electronlcs conunuedjhe Major clnbej said mu under cennln circum nnnces enemy lntrudencuuld lllp Umth the coupujf nqlr um brelln without heln delemd He exnlnlned thst redu Is not completely erredIve because llke televmnn lt warluon the new slxht princlnle Its electronic eyes clnnat see throth hllls end mounc tslrts Even more Important they do not elwsys detect lowflyln slreraft To overcome these week netselhthe Air Force needs ob rervltlon posts on hilltops root tops and other vsnule point throughout the Aral close enouuh lenerelly every ellht mlles so that observers can see and re port ypon Ilrerelt that ruder rnlnht min The Job the observers at esch post ls to report the number type course Iltltnde Ind poeltlnn Ilrerllt to the Inesreet fllter eene tre In this urea obeervers report to the filter centre In Barrie There other volunteers plot the plum course on map and put the ln tunnetlon together to tell the dir eetlnn at the worm VJpon the bssls or the tnlonnrtlon pllfld mm the observatlnn nests through the filter centre Alr Force tluhterr Interceptors are called lnto ectlon where necessary to Identity the unknown nlrcrm An observer It In lwleted poet could prnvlde the one lmporlent ltem of tnlormstlnn needed to Intercept enemy planes hetero they relch key tndunrtsl centres It an ettnckln pllne d1 spnenrs trnrn ndlr scene the loss ot Ilnlle mlnute ln detection by round observers could mean the euceess or allure at In tnter uptlon Became of the truth 11mg lar dtdlred Ivor Greer lhn nu of lnlle post on Ilert Incl luncflnnlnx wllh enoulh volunteer could mean dunner Ground observers are not flame defender of their own homes but defendm um um counlry Voiumen 1n remoupma at our ucrplly kly rolu In the Il delznce at IIN dllu nll over hu country Like chaln 111 round Mamer nuwork II IS llmnl lll wukm link Nounu um Ihll Iru hu welk links ho mphshed um herb lnthe Blnle Iru there In ten argumth pnm Xnlha entlru rellon Mayor Greer repomd here need or 500 mundoburvem To due only hqu volunlnud Air Force penonncl Blnle rum Cenuo In mlnlng volun leer ll obsewnlon pom ham Ind lhronahoul thn llllon responr lbnlly npldly pombh nut lhty can only train those who me the old camdlnn mm volunteerlnu or nervlce declmd he Mlyar The lunnr out Ippul or valunlun MI unhredad tho lest umu than lo them In the Job at waxMn mm lo hflp pmm can PHONE 3588 Clarke Clarke gathers Open New Léathercrafi Shop Avonlnn nt the allies mice In Ch Clarke bean lan nery nn John Sine his new been my Im lamentlumen in the Barrie am well hate wha and hmdy to drop In on their way throuuh In summer places will be plele 10191111 this new con veyan bathe spopplnz The handlern deputment of this firm hnsnpldly developed mm major enterprise In Same Indnow is one or Clmdns hr ut lemthemm supply mull order buunessel Ench yur the CanadlnnNI uoml mihmon Cllrke Clarke Lumen boom in the Mnnulnclur Bulldlnxh the centre at tracuon Mr hm lntmsud In lcnmercrm Demonllmlow nlhu cuvlnl toollnl and color am pm uHhI display Even for than who no but lanthanum mun visit tee this cummun displlf lulmmork will prove vxy Qtynun wide nun DoIlIauysel luthercrm km Ire mlnufnclurcd In the Bmlo plum Elm1H in head emu for tho hlndlcrm de rtmcm wnh direct branchu outed In Taranfnlnnd Manual Auléré Efigineer From Midland Aurorl enunnll hu Ippolmed the 1ownl um angina Robm Whue who win belln duties July Mr White in prenm town engineer Mldllnd Couneillnr Kenn Ne unnnnommmoum Loyal True Blue Hull We much not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord nnd ourselves your servants at Jesus like 27 out Wm youmm émsr SW cuvtm WW is MH mg osr wuss imaz III mon womlorlul thing Inn happonod Ior your SiIAPE Those booulflully sheor mulch nylon will qlvo you log glamour you never though possible No wrinkling no aaoalno ovor and scams slay slroighl always Shape zu onty lmx CANARY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Nylon HILL GOSPEL PBHYEIIEIIOIIP BURMIL Cameo 7M 5m The Firs TopToJoo Sheer BUNDAY 230 BUNDAY SCHOOL Bull Servlca Phqne 5319 180 pm OSTERTAd SPEAKER Wu wnnhlp an only mu had ylvlnl and All mania ncuwulcom STRETCH mnznumm amen Ind DUNLOP SERVICES pm Slocklng EVERYONE WELCOME Georgian District Masons Attend Church Service By 303 0n Sundzy May am pm about 150 membm he Masonic Order pluded lo church as vul lon at the Tolunhlm lodge Ihd tor the Innull duklpk tgrvlge War Mailer Gordon Million and hl Duflenham 0mm opened the lodge and wclmmad the mm run In ho vlllua Theypemde was under the jurlwdlcunn the Mn lilr Ceremonlea Wor Bro Hany nn Woh Bro Wllmer Filmer mama Deputy Gnnd Mattel0 Georllln Disch flexeder with other dummies walked ran at he parade whlch stretched nlonn he main meet burn the Masonic Hall so Chris Anlllcnn Church Scrvlco was taken by Rev Bro dePencler warn of Inside prmerly 01 Trlnlly Churdh kBIL He The ink lemn Wu and by RM Bro Pulmer and marmond by Bro Rev Jame DonIon Muonlx brethren led by WorBro Lorin Arnold or Cookltwn took plan In the chair Enllnwlnimu Icrvlco the broth rm nunln paradedm me hull and nsgmd gllnu ho lodu Bro Wright Ipuke impulsively pointing out marMunnry wu rellulnn but uepplnx mm to boner way to but um mane now pnld Io outslcjo engineering Inn couk pmbablymr recovered by hnvlnl man in own on the lab at mu 29 High Smén am unamn Mlnmu RAYMOND DANIEIS Orunm SUNDAY MAY 15 W55 nuSUNDAY SCHOOL ll ImBEGINNER8 DEPT ll himMORNING WORSHIP Camp Sunday WI Smh Deaconess Collier pansWORSHIP FRIENDEIIIP L15 pulpIlolly Sundly School umChurch Service nunr snvnnon mm pmHRESIDE smvlca Warm Welcome Awnlls You The Salvation Army Mlnlsler REV Mum BA HR FRANK DUTCHER OMInIII SUNDAY MAY 15 1955 Ixfl LuvCHURCH SCHOOL ll InNumryp mndernmn 11 mm pm MR DONALD CAMPBELL nl Strouc LII punYum Paoplal Soclely Everyone Walcomu 00 COLLIER STREET Br Mljor ma Mn 00¢le SUNDAY MAY 15 1935 Speclll Ezrvlm Cunducled The Snlvnllnn Anny Fenclon Fails ClladeL EONOETEE BRIGADE ll himHOLINBBB SERVICE 2M muleSUNDAY SCHOOL ALLANDALI Ilium 1R NowlonSmllh ImPIIOLYCOMMUNION urnMORNING wk inisurmflécildm mmHOLY urns warnon comuumon fillMSW mm SVIIIE With Diflannce noun sunch mom mu smoim Conic 4113 am Writam my ms myflnld at MW BRIGHT SUNDAY MAY 15 1955 IMOSunny Schuol 1100 130 Preaching Prayer Manila at Wed oclock EVERYBODY WELCOME The Sulvallon Army Citadel BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH COLLIER ST BAPTIST MINISTER IIIIII CHOIR III IIIIIIIIY IIIIIIIIII CIIIIIICII IIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIST TIIE TORONTO CHRISTIAN BUSINESS GIRLS CHOIR DIRECTED IIY MISS NAN ALLIN IIJLCJI ILMT METHODIST SBUBQHN EV AanflIONU ILL nulnnm Immy Inn Numry Church Hahn Imlo flu RoyI CnuflIn In Cldfl Cum limit pm SAINT GEORGES ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH HEAR THEM SING FELLOWSHIP 0F EVANOELICAL BAPTIBTB REV NULLMEYER PASTOR novCell llrenn 11A Mr ann Mariam Olnnlu MB mm Jr lqlcr and Br Chunk fichool aim pm MmYum lcolcl Mutlng DIYNLOI AND NEON flTlllEIl THAT SHINING HOUR BROADCAST CKBB BI Milk RING YOU BIBLE pm gmmaififfllfl £390 Ornnm In Cfinlrinlsfer SUNDAY MAY 1955 hubTHE MINISTER mined glu mcmnrlnl wInduw will bé unveiled and dcdlcqtcd In memory of Mn Georze Bmwn panTug Mu AN 01 Modernlon General Assembly 01 the Frnsbylcrlnn Church In Cnnndu II THE CHURCH SCHOOL All Department mas Flggnldg Memnr cpAPPERTQN 51 AT WORSLEY REV LUCK an Ilium MISS 911911531 SUNDAYMAY 15 1055 up51mm acnoon ImJESIIS AND JOY gameEVENING wonsmr EVERYONE mom Andrew Presbytevidn Chwh aw mug mauéou BA mum Collier smut Ru Allln new BA Ln mum Shenlnl M0 vn Mn nuhml cum 01mm FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH EASTER SUNDAY MAY 105 IM umlluly Communlon 90 munml Cnmmunlon Inl human nu Gullul Thin In nu World The Roy Sherrlnl 1000 lmPSUNDAY SCHOOL 00 unzMfllm and Emmn The Guldlnx 3hr The Rev Shorrlnl DMeCndrlnflnn Bundny School 100 umEvening Ind Mlnhmlry lllm The Sun II My Brother Lewll MA ED ornnm And Chnlrmular Lloyd Tutlnrd SUNDAY MAY ll 1055 ll InnMORNING BEBVICB Thu him who Thoulhl Ila Could Mlh NIVII Gum All Week And Slelp In On Bundly Barrie FiraPcm wlll attend THE CHUIICII Minot unrJnnlnr senior um Inlet medlnl Dow 11 unpxlndornmn ml lemm Duylrlmunh ll urnIn Wlldnun Ilonu Nnrt Dent Ina mby umln rnNunery Chlldnn LulaEVENING HEMICE How To lInd Relllty And Pow In Iltllllon comm 51 UNITED Owen and Waxmi SL1 drllnllrind Cholr Lend TRINITY CHURCH Came To Church imam filmInt Cnurch 90

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