Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1955, p. 10

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Thornlnn had rel musIu mm on Mundny eVehInu yum am Central Glee Club at Barrie put at Mr comm In the Orange flan nndcrthu ausplmol the Weekend VIrII IItSzl Franklln Stewart Mrs Stewart and John at Ottawn Am fist GordonI DuIIon Mrs Butter and Brenda Nnrlh Bay lpEnI lh weekond wlIh Mr and Mrs 10 suwnn mumu mu Mrs Malum Mrs Lennnx and Mn Wm Intended thejlm caé Fmbylcrlan In Colllugwnod Ins week Word was received here an Tue rluy mnrnlnn of the sudden puxlnl cl nonlnnld McKenzle at hll home lornnlo Reginald was lucond son at Mu McKenzie and lhe Jule Add sun McKenzle um Will born here I11 yum no He attended No kphool Coukxlnwn nunllnuauon chuol and Torunto Pharmacy mm which he graduated and VILUMBING HEATING LT Dunlap BI V4 9950 BRISTOW Housmom Image mm Munome In Inuuululy by mlun ohth MAI Inn On mmnmln mm tr mom hm Efihcnns run cnnmn nmo momI In mamI Nllllll hill Wham cunnmnusromunmom mom son Mlmdul Mann LODGE CLUB CHAPTER GROUP News of Thornton Muslcal mu Berenvamlm 2i Dunlap uwm and floor whom IARRII ONL cum IIANflh mumu lowed the drug profession in To sum For the In 12w nan ha nd aka hing any owing to i223 condluon whlch enused his En He is survived by Ms widaw wn sons and dnuahter and two randsom Also by his mount mm McKenzle of Thornton wv bmhers Hubcn New To onln and Olwalk nIMennon and 3y two lsten Mrs Lnnxdon Cllftord and Mn Maw of Thum Dn Elmmen tank place In Tannin an Thursday ullcrnuon Specm Presentation hm crowd gathered Ornndc Hull an Wednesday even lnz May or presenmllon to Mr and Mrs McQuay Card and dancing to Benttyr or ehpsim provided entertainment un til the chairman Neville Jnmimn addressed the authoring He re erred tn the disastrous lire the previuus week lhiit took the garage and home of Mn undMxl Mc Quay He spoke at the important place the garage busineu had been in the community and paid tribute to Arthurs happy smile in ace diilieuitles Then he committee presented Mr McQuny with well iiiied purse at $1007 ta which much more has been added tn hei Art recstnhilsh his hualnean Both Mr and Mrs Mommy expressed their thnhx tn nil who had helped in any way Nevuleulsn thanked the in brl undo Innlsm and Coakltown whose brave ellorh saved the vil lnne from further dlsnslc Reeve Olbblns extqndrd his good wishes to he McQuuya and spoke at he Imporlnnl work he Innlsm in brigade hnd nccompllshed Lunc was prDvldcd by the 1nd in nndlservcd by WI members and 01 on Art 13 nnw open or business on he wm 11d of the meet umll luch Hme nn his own guru in complelzq crun Mr and Mrs Hadley spentHm weekend In Orlllxn Mr and Mn Evereu Cook Ind lnmlly were In Toronm an Sundny Incl hndthebnby christened Sundly lnflbfohlo Mrgnnd Mn JFerrler 3pm Sunny ln Tommo Punch PMpaned The Iunernl the ma Harvey Whlh hu been ponpanM unm Friday Mly 13 11m tl K11 unnyrParpn In Rama BHBYCDPHIITS 0A1 mi nimvum ml rnlmmaruonn pm H333 to Head atk BarriéfArena CALL FRENCH MOTORS BELLE EWART Phone 597 15 BRADFORD sr For genuine Chrisienlnl THE ERIKSONS masters of head 00 hend arid ham to hand balancing urelone ot the feature ncts of the wérlda greatest indoor clrnurflOlyde Bros circus who will present two attendance enturdny my 14 In same Arena Au mlsr on tickets to elther the Mlernoon performance begin ning 215Iorrthe eygnlng performance which gets unaer lwny prawn $12M adult am 806 for chudren and stud bnts The pgrformnnce 13 sponsored in Barrie by the Can gdmn Legion hinnéhJ Molhprn my Benita Sneclll Mame Dny setvlcu wu blcrvcd In Sunday School and hurch servlcqsrin Sunday also we hnble wnrebflmued mnuld Hen sun at Mr and Mri Bruce Mr and Mrs Gibson and dnuzh Mr and Mrs IL Mennry studlm Tnchen Renamed Mln Elsie Cooper and mm Mary lcnnuy of Tcnrhcrs College Tn anlo have rammed nflcr weak brnllinu And lenthlnn in Thornton an Mr and Mn Glhlon Ind dnu Rum and menu olannmo mil lhe wukcnd with lhelr lulhllr und Inninlnw Mr and nwlmon 77M fiesof Enzwcnv LIMITED dnggggggguqQIEnn 471W GOLDEN BAXTER Vllh Ilium Minna can be men unliulc in the North Alrlcun dmrl In Ihimmctlng heal one Am cillcl palm Iml cool mm and 1min cnlllc Hun lhe Illmlan mddenly dimppcxm and than nolhlql hm hm ycllow mud III the harkonf Im Imam no 10min lhew nw lake wlm may bnnh mm Ilulc vowbonl mound II ooked Io ml Iu climbed Inlo Hm banl Ind paddled oul rm half mile baron In mluu dlnpmrcd Ilul mo mm mmy m5 dun mum Illa 0qu WM badly nhnken nnu falling um 44mm amidy aunt Mn and Mrs Monary Dr mzevllle Ind Mr and Mn Red dick and son Slcphcn mule were gutsh of Mr and Mn Biggummy und Mr and Mrs Fnrxuson Wu mxnhm span the weekepd with Mr and Mrp Ednr Mund 011ml Man The WM of LODA H58 Buyflr Mlu Mnrllyn Denney also Mn Dorll Gnuley and Mn Donla Cochrnnc Illended Grind Lady In Guelph mt Wzlk Intended Imem number from hm mended the funeral at the Iain Mill McMIMcr Ulopll on Mundly Sympllhy men to the bnrenven sunny Vlll Mr Ind Mn Mnrrll Toronw vmled on Suhdnvaflh Mr and Mn Mann Week an My wen the week endwith Mrs ml Ins 6261 stunden Ind hmin WA New The Indies Plan WA and um Plulettu hud mutual dluodu In It Stmud Cummunny Hall on Snlurdly frhere was him lunar Ind bake sale conduMEd Alon wlth the New flops sum Hulh Jnksona have mned ihelr new horn on he lflh llfle hex door Don Wnlhces Wel come Xaextended In Mr Ind Mrs Jnykson and nmny llunl DEIII Appolnlod At the men xprlnl mum at the Gm Chapm or the Deanery Scum Simone Iha Blihup pointed Rev Llonel flown to Rural Dean of South slmcae the Plrllh Innlsfll teal Mr Row to be very worthy um Ipeclnl nppontmem and wlsh hlm AevLry sums Chunetl Guild Muslin On Monday nlnlilJ nine ladle malund to El Thomn Anllcnn Church Toronto to mend Chun cei Gulid mecllnl held for inrla number oi Anglican churcnc In the Tomnlmdlome Aliur in church mvlces lha ladle re iumed lo the Parish Hall and hemd pcclui weaken laclnl hour over cup to cloud lhl pleasant evenlnl Ladle unend in were Mn Slunrlen RoweC Huntvn Lowery Ferxuwrf Coleman Crow hunl XL Blmpkln mu 0Wel lhcrlll sandy Servch 11 Im dlvlnc laxvice will the form Rununn Suvlce This II th Iuson at he yarn whun we nxk Oudl Blessinl upon all the labor and mm dlaplnycd Ln mle1 he seed Ind prepulnfl or harvest We nsk elch Imliy klndly brlnu lo the mvlcq lml portion n1 soil Ind some taken seed Iymbnl of lhe m1 Ind need from our homu 180 pm II the annual Confirma uon Service hope large can lremhn wlll be warm to wal come he new communion lnlu tha family lh parish The Euhop ToruMo Bishop Bever ky will pmlde and he II re ute ln June his will be his lull cinch vim lo Innlsfll sunny School Bum Thu Sunday Echuol holdmvvery Iuccmtul sale homemndn bak lnu Ind hunt In tho mrku on Suturdty Procpedl nmounted lo Sl PAULS mm mum Mn Damon Mrs Ed How Mn VanDonn Mn clmes Mm 8cm ind Mu De earmen rum WMS Pruby er al mceun on Thundny Mly nl Colllnzwood WANew Cranial United Church WA held heir May mean It Mn Lloyd Hmh with pran MN Damonwu In chlru at he deg lonnl period Thu mlhlon fludy bank chllper wu rend by Mrl Fulton Hum Mn Dobsan ered yrnyer or rho mlulomry Mlu Enlicknnp One new member Mulan closedwllh he benedxc p0 DUNWP 3T IAIT efwn mm 91101132550 BUGHS HARDWARE Youll In so phased lo proud wanyouPAlNTITYOURSEU with on moqu Km pom pmmu kindly ma fay5 llmlud Jul GRENFEL mm Gilda on lilm mule with Mlh at Roll mm In mum at mlnum whhout mull Your human can Md lha um dl N0 PAINTY ODOR No dunln ploblom II III whm youvl finhhd Ibo lob Pnlm mlah unhh qukkly hum mam whh luu DO lllml Yawn 14 mm TONI WIla an MM 01 umbbod mum you In lllm Ywmll hmlly wllh wu held In the Unlled Church on SundIy momlnp The ordn ol service on In IeIfleu wu allow ed Mixgum Shore um let an The Buy lsalcf Ihb an solo yer Have Followed Me Rev 11er Veal had plendld mess mm ten luund ln Prov was my mum sonIndlendu md beloved by my mount Nu bnblex were baptized Wan lI Ellmbelh daughter 01 Mr Ind Jilla Bowman nndLynn Dur ene dIugmer all Mr Ind Mn Mun Rowell Amde Guelph Muslin Mn WIrd Gondlellow II It and ing nellnu of tho Band mn such Dumb Womenl 1m lule Ind Pm dam Conlrrunca Guelph lb Mr and Mr Cnuehmln and 3mm 13ml wished wnh Mr 21nd Mn In Puma an Snnduy WA Nlm TnnWomnnI Aunnmion mo 5m home Mrs Albert Ind Ru xell an 1m Wednuuny maxnow wlm In nflendlnce 18 member 1nd mm vlnlkm Thepmldenl Mu Doullnl Glllen presided and the worship mod wmmken by Mrl Herb Dcklman The mem ber voled I10 the Benlur WMS New M11 Churns Donu mended WMS Preabyturlnl held It dolllnawqod 1m Thundly 59mm unn Lunch wnl served by 4mm Juno mweunx Mrs VnnDonna llth DI Sexflu warm WW1 DI new Mullah my Sam splendld menuarmor present on Sunday marnlnz ma spatial Moxherl Day lurvlce When In Sundny School Joined with the church 11 um RM Lamnurcux and Jury Donnnly were in chm of tha telvice new Funnee Hunter nve an up pruprinle cddms Alice nnt Geomlnn Colo Cnrol Spark um My Mother BlbleJ An an them by the thnlr Mln My Sweel Mamet Durlnl vcc John Edward Shck mum Inn Mr nnd Mrs Funk Slack wu milked hm III The nln or arm flunk Ind Im plemanu for Frank Holmu on Wednudny wu qulle lucceulul The WA sold lunch Funk hII xold hll arm and II muvlnn mm In home on nghwny no nou Em smiliml Contractors or Farmers No Ind mum Dames Ind Pin 1th Run or Drued Dallvml on thu Job hy IHIQI EDENVALE Port LnrlnxQnurl9 ammo mum co Builders WHII for price BARRII mmdmdtlohthe mam hutch Extenxlam They decided not have mm My Ind help lief the Wurdenn ban ueL Ben French Wiverley vlwprddenl 51mm Pres byterh we present Ind unmth reeling mm the Counb Exec utlve Mn Elmer French WIV Ch undress puma simple mm Ivllllhle Mn Good Izllaw raid paper Tempennce Gulnlnu Ground Ind Mn Aubrey Omen aelnuonflWhen Joined The Churéhfl mullm was closed wnh hymn lnd the benedic unn Lunch wn mvud by the hosleue mined by erAuhmy mien Ln Wednasdly evening Irle inlherlnl wnrheld In lhakhlll rumor Mr andMrs anm who we lcnvlnu cumin In rnmo wm whdnudlollnw ennui lha JamelInn murder ind arm slnllnnlJno and Anne Ind Erlnn wen qnllcd to In dplnuorm And Douala Glmn run In nddmx and they worejprnkenlcq with erlllnhc lnm nnd cnmemblc Brlnn wt ven hoaxMm my and WIndn rccelvud doll Jne JA MILEURNH YOUR LOCAL mama 32 Dunlop at Ph Repair mmadenlnn Sterile and Chanln Relinlnl Emln replln whlh you win Its SHAKEllS lol COIKSHIITT FAMOUS FABMMACIIINEEY FULL RANGE OF COCKSIIUTI IMPLEMENTS SPARE PARTS IN STOCK DEMONSTRATIONS minnow ARRANOEnBXPEM smvmmsn Up to mm EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SAVE UP TO €10000 ON I955 TELEVI ION SETS OUR RURAL READERS 11 you cannot geL In to town to tnkendvnnmze at the LOW CASH RATE Just 1111 1h the 10m punted bulow you W111 11nd the CASH RATES 101 our resultsewn classmed ads on tha Cluaaltled panes and mull 1n the correct amount Them 13 consldernble snvlnz 101 you In dolng this CLASSIFIED AD COPY Nnmo Address Amount enclosed course we nu glad to take your ad 9n the telephone at the chum mm or 4c word AND cow WILL THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE IMPORTANT NOTICE VALLEY TAXI 2433 SHKKEELASMGARAGE limo 1m umnwn narwnm cnuncmu Imn amoun EXAMINER LATE Emiwfll Pm CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE BARRIE 2414 Your Coéknhuu Duler or thls Ann Pleuae use pencu Ink wlll hm WAIT UNTIL pm and If your carrier boy has not arrived her DILIVIRID Io Your Homo nnuAnnma CALL and Ana med n11ny and 2mm an For the In 1011 good layup Lunch wig um Elihuy Vlllhm Ernest Selwny Sudbilry vhltpd and Mn Mcngustux 10 Mt Ind Mrs Chmes Jllnlenn KM 16 Slewifl 166 Urié FIOS xpent Sundu wlth Mr Ind Mn Kelth Rowe nnnlni l£lEVlSloN livery ifliluflfin iup VII i1 oqileuhwlm REFRIGERATION CO HI DUNLOP ET momma svacuuzsn ALL MAKES op Phone 2059 PHONE HTIIOIID MIDI Wm

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