Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1955, p. 4

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WEEKLY SPORTS cmmn Cenlul Omarla Secnmlnry School Ammuon Guam my mum ruck ma Fleld mm wlll he hela mum Cullen wm mucu Ithonh plnlclpallnl Four rnomln lleld evenLI wm um lha cossn Tuck mm mm no pm MAIN BOUT Frankie flan Holland Vs Ramon Zapata Mcxlco CHALLENGE BOUT Larry Knsaboskl Rentrew Skull Murphy Ireland OPENER Blll Curry North Buy vs Put OBrlen Montreal Omar schools competing are BrockCanningmn Banting Mem Drhl Alllslun Mldland Colllng wood Orfllln Gravenhursl Mark ham St Andrews College Rxnh mend Hill Aurma Newmnrkctand Plekcrlni College Barrle Collegiate wlll fly thelr colors along wlth 12 olher schnnll Saturday at the annual Central Onlarlu Secondary School Assocla llun Gourzan Bay dlslrlct track nd field meet at Plckcrlng Coll Lloyd Percival dlmctar at Sports College has been named nfllclnl starter for the meet Four mom lng field cvenk wlll start the mccl Iwayl Track events start at 130 pm egg BDCI Track Team Compete Saturday In COSSA Meet NEWMARKET Saturday May COSSA You must be scared said Larry Knsaboskfi These were the key words that made Skull Murphy pick up the pen pad sign for the challenge bout that will hgadllne the pro iesslon wrestling card at Bangs ArenaTuesdaymght The Skull duin like the news Kasiiboékirdemmided one all with no time limit Murphy shunned and gruilly requésted hen twooutoithrge falls with onehour time limit THE BARB KaSaboMames The Skull Into Challenge Bout Tuesday llnylldd so BBENNHNS AUTO ELECTRIC Prolcsslonnl Wrestling up Barrie Arena 845 pm OKEEFES BREWINO COMPANY lIMITED For real pup and power on those hllls and maximum fuel economy have US scientific qlly luneup your carJob Includes curburcl or spark plug and tlmlng adjustment Work munship tops Prices right llaudEondilion Your Car Tuesday IIAIllllE Barrie Greer Ares Fvanie Or lllIn and Newmnrkel will gun nr league honors finch team will play an 5nme schudulu openlnl May 18 and filled llnlsh August Ofllclnll DI Greer Aces report ed 20 player the Quecnl Park pracllse sculon last night and conrh Funk 11an ll expcclcd lnvc some lmubln 1n sclccllnl nn An expected sixth entry from Gravcnhurst was East to he wny side when no ofllchl mpmsenu Hon was made at Ihu groups no and nnnun mecllnz 1m night at Barrie Court House Greer Am open In lilmvnlLI May In and the same lwn club mlum Qumnl Park lhcbllowlnz night or Burrlca home opcner Orlllln husl defendan champion Newmarkcl Dlxons In their homo opener May 19 whlln he Dlxonl dont play before name Inns will fly wllh Elmvnlc llle vlsllou The league amended lho mollon wlllch nllcd ur In pllchinfl db lnncc be 38 Ice iupllc the buses narrowed la 55 tel Thu moxlon now calls for pllchlnz dlxlnnccrof 1m Thu Bnrrfie District Lndlos So bnll League was nlrmwed to our teams lhl Season when wax an nnunccd um Edgar new $9 pp had wllhdmwn dun lo nu pay mnterlnl med into the hockey cushion It Iran The bout develnped into emul blauddhlrsty brnwl and the referee ileppcd in after min utes and stopped proceedings EDGAR TOPPERS WITHDRAW LADIES SOFTBALLGROUP The pill wrestled on the Arm flour more than they did In In rlng Kasnbaskl was rlled Dyer ha illegal treatment received and rhona m4 LARRY KASABOSKI wlll gun or nvenxe ln hullllner HUDSON mum mmcm morons Saturday and Sunddy April 30 and May ushered In the lmul season for 55 Lake Slrncoe dls lrlcl wu literally taken over by nnlhuxlunc unllem dunnl the npcnlnz run It WI the lnrzcn npcnlni day In history ncrnrdmu In pom lnmhr nl number cl fishermen and volume rum lrnlllc Every mum and hrldzc mrm In the ofignjn Ima Be mihop why wllficcupy um The Ace xncclved blx min when Mnrflnrfl and Mary Ellll 111 Utopia turned up or me work out Slmnz Mum and Doc Holders Ihuy are almosk sure lo make wlnnlng blds lcnm berths RECORD FISHING OPENS SEASON opening lineup The bnltln or posltlan mu been urluu In thu ldeoplcnnnce nqd only dLfllnlm bun wants to square mallers An ex perienced veteran 91 the rim has hostral flavored dnlllrhack er who claim he will Next weeks show bxlnzs buck lrappler who proved populnr ln Burrle last year Goodlonklnz Bill Curlrot North Bay wlll mike his season debut In the ener against Pu OErlen Man cal one lull Mmlnule aflall ll Muld he an acllun packed scsslon hegxgeq two akilleld perlomerl Blue 17 lunlly one of three ulImr match has met mad Mexlcln Ramon Zaplln nzninn Frankly Hurlol Holland The win goes to the am man to score two All In 60 minute time lelt 17 GOWAN SITREEI VIAU morons anHIlr AMIIICAN MOIOIS COIOIAIION nounu smmcm mm mm now suomm wnumo mlus om on UP to 30 mus omen vuu mm or msu colouns FRKID wnm Lowm Many cod fish were ukcn wllh rainbow trout In In Ipccklu up In lbs Incl German brawn up to lbs being reported No doubt most Munmen were nu happy to same or mm to brook rout which would be top In lht cullnnry doparlmcnl Mus good cnchu wrrc ccurbd mm lo IO am Saturday mommy but Sunday aha wu pcrlccl dly Ind mnny amines touk Ihc oppor tunlly Ia really enjoy hemselvu ln duo autdoorl Plcnlc pnruu wcre nbsnrved on many nrcum bank and regardless of whth the calch wax suckt or curd breaking mul evnyonc stuntd qullc xnusflcd Tribute was paid to Ihe work done by he club professional M15 Manure Ann Nlnld Dl HBmHUm had its quoln Innk Vflllflng and new splnnlnx reels wrrc nollccnbly In evidence The treasurer repon zlven by Mrs Lnndrevllle showed that the club had urban hank surplus over 318011 The remm carnlvnl showed net profit of nvrr $10011 Max this required for he clubs annual apcrntlng cxpenm but there was aboui 3400 left to add pfevluus years gurplnq cc cap anl report was Ivan by Harold Cooper who pointed out that very high pcrcenuze nf Ihose taking CnnadIIn Figure Skatu In Assoclauon mu had passed lhls scnxnn Indicating Xurlher pm gress In the Mr Walls presided and present ed report oi the clubs progress oi the past sensan Among his recammundntians were that the carnival should be held on two nights instead of one that the sys tom oi reserved rents be Improved lhnt further lightening he made in the work of costuming and program advertising sales For 1hr meutlnu um pmldem elect was unavoidably absent due to special meeting at the direc tor Royal Vlctorin Hospital of which he ls business Idminlslnfi tor Mrs Leo Landrcvllle continue as secretarytreasurcn Donald CameronWu elech ed presldent ol Barrie Skating Club the muum annual mectlnz last evenlng In the wown hal municipal chamber He succeeds Wallsp president or the past two seasons ll Other nfliccr and dIrectora arezl lsl vicepresident Lloyd 2nd vicepresident Harold Cooper Rnlph Snclgrnve William CrIleW Ted Jams Nocl Slephenson Mm Chlrle Knight Mrs William Dymenl Mrs John Craig 0m Cameron New Piesident Skatinggclub 59191101 DONALD MOINUS WM IAMlllIS MIIIOPOIIIAIIS CAMElIdN Those altcndlnz were Irene Pay ne Evelyn 31 Ongc Norml Fow lltr erllyn Hutlmnn and new camer Pnl Whimsy Jackie Jor den l7 last year home run Ilug er will return ll he club car 10 vale suitable summer employment Shu II thh schflul student at Owen Sound were Mar McFarland Marie Smlth Gladys Penlcy DD Fletcher and Janet Brooks Huwcvcr new and unexpected entry cropped up in Ranch Mens Wear which will be sponsored by Gard Roach and consisuna mostly of ECAF pcriqnnui living in Bar The new entry 15 rumore nee deep in talent and possess hemendous bench strength There Is every indication that Devilbiss control as Xavorltes by the time that the sea sons dpeners roll around bluer disappointmentwu the withdrawal Edgar RCAF Tap per wan mafia such tremendous hlk 1n lholr debut Inst year Team oulclak lost Imported pitchers Jack Hultman and Red Crooks and tell they were nut strong cnuush to compm Kn senior com pafly blher anrIeavnre RCAF Flynn mm Camp Borden Mlnulnz Bar r15 M5105 aqd amxc DeVilblss Camp Borden request for flmd 11th and Sunday gnmns dId not pass the approval of the league ex ccuflve The schedule be dran ed by Bob Malllnn will incorpor ate week nigh and evening zamcL The Flycrs hawavcr passes the right to arrange Sunday or flood llxht lame with nppaslnl teams Handful Attend Orllllas entry In the Barrie Dln lrlcl Ladics Soltball League didnt receive much encouragement at In nrgnnluflonnl meeting Ihls wcck Only handlul players mended many vqlcmns absent slx loam are scheduled to xhoot or the champiamhlp 1n the Barrie Dislrlck Scnlnr Soflball Lculun Ihll season with lhree entries from lown and chree mm the fibula For example they have the leagues lop hurler in Hurry Come who seem la grow nixanger every season Lu year he was the big wglpnn In Lellon champlunlhlp run No of the irony lop embark Ray Brill Ind Ted Hudme are wllh DeVllhls Ind cum nub shed star web as Frank Hutch Imon Danny Getuela Bur Pow Blll Raycnn and Larry Campeau are reported headed Inr action with Devllbln mu Crooks Danny MacDonald and Jack Home are newcomers to the local mm and have given nod account of themselm In prnclhes Crooks 11MB ulnw on lhe base palhl ha been lenr It can almost be said that Barrie DeVllglss will be the team to beat In the run he senior softball chamqtonsmp mm mm SIX TEAMS SLATED FOR ACTION IN BARRIE SENIOR SOFTBALL DoVilhiSs Loom As Favorites If Rumor Reports Hold True Vow oau III Mud rlllvlfl ll META IllLNIITI II um wunulln nm in IIIu lmh nun Ind Iwul mull ml mm pm In wllh Mll nhulphlln up qnnuly mirthflu mm your CUM muur Ilrc yvmv ndu NOW fillDP PIG STARTER ATTENTION IAllh UHINH GRASS HILMII Hull It lb III In INLV NII 50 muan Ill hauled per Illler lln Ind llllI nuv flflll KIKUMIILIIH luur VIII ha utlnl II Iwo wulu BUT THEY man ill0P PIG PBE STARTER 5131 rem loo pnumlu um lull pawl 11 mun MOREATWEANING MARKET OVER WEEKS EARLIER THE COOP HOG FEEDING PROGRAM MAKES HIGHEST NET PROFIT FOR YOU PIGS WEIGHING 10 LBS AND In men willow whue Mac Donud seem handed or renalr duty at Ihollflop Hone ll rum bred be me prlle oi the min lnl leasionl tremendoul bu ketblll Iur duran the wlnm he ulooked uponu the mums his lhmer on on In Oanlda Ind UnllLd Sula will vle lop award In Ihe reckless breathtaking sport on lhe Ilrpon runways Barrie Lezlon could develop Into atronler contender mun expect ed 1H repofléd that chk Hull min the mumm rom Orin who played for Edgar Toppers last year II headed for the mound nd will be uuxh opponent to Ice They Illa have huldaveu Herb Thompson suva tunes Doug Ket fle Johnny Snnche and Al Thur Pllyers panicipaiing in the first game at the schedule must he sign cd to caniraci Final signing due in Wednesday June Motorcycle Races Edenvale Airport The Brllish Empire Mntor Cluli Toromo will hold Ihch annual momrcycle races at Edonvale Ak poll onMondayLMny 23 Cloning dnte or entry Into the loam Friday May and may be dune by contacting mercury Jlm Walton phone 6471 Pr Me but must notify the league accre lng ope wgek advance mlni dueIsrifieV weeko May MOTHERS DAY on mile noth of Mimic Served tram 53 run Aflnlll 200 Chlldren 00 Take mother mm the family to OWAISSA LODGE SMORGAASBORD DINNER MAhll ll IIEIJAIZTS low Returning to the Lezlon is third baseman Red Thurlow who should lend lower ulrenzth and lnnelder Cam Crlpps atA defunct CGE Mlnuer Ken Balkwlll apparem Iy hu uncavered good catching prospect In George Cucullck who more well known his net mindingexplulta durln he wln en But Cunullnk may not have too munh aolnu In pitching strength upping Huffman new Barrie entry Roacha mens wear expected to need plenty assistance In the way Eluyen Mlnesluz will probably he same last season while MAP Flyen nirCamp Borden and Angus will of unknown qugngny Eu Interest mm as In the senior wflball group and fans are lmhln or the am break ram the wire luck Luke mmbull Johnny Snnche and Ron Blrnle all aged velarans wonk be coming up with ton many amine name bu an other nutstring hurler would un questionably make Legion rayon tender 56 ELLEN ST Iru llrllmy mm mm prim IIIN 10 ll NUON NATIIIIIMV 70H YUlm UNVIZNIENCE Al Condltlon Radio enter SunVisor Whlle WI TIMI 1on lane Munon wilh Crum Top ToneTuned cllmllmn warpan nml lhrlnknnv 5m mu cunumcml me llclulc lnntl Cumblnuthrn mm mm yrnrn Iml ym wm mum mun mmm nml llumml by the hump lmnllymnn wm lllc In Mpwlcncr IllllNllfl ivfihup RIM rummvn Hu lllhlw Iunrl Lumhllwllun duur me mu huy In your huum Phone 6685 lllfllllll HUMMER VENTILATION wllh nnlbslumm llclurc Paml Artur In wlll lml rusl bulun vr never uun pnlmlnx iUIlATUII DEMON or lhc ruluur and drill lmrmuny uny home mudurn mlanlnl ulhullmu or llmllHuuM wlUI lrntlaul nhuplldly nml bum llllZClSION IIIHLT wlh Llnlr Iumhmln Im nr JIINKI The Pidan Panel Combination duor suld excluslvcly nl Denver Lumber ha cvcrylhlnz youve Wnnlrd or your hamu plul runny Improved nnd valued leuluru Dlsllllcllvcly fluent and bcnulllully nxlmcllvn the new llclurn Panel dear um nlvu your humv dcllumml ncw lace In hnr many Jllh lhc cxlcrlur dcrnrnflnu and duly The acllnlurlnu nulprool Icrccn of he lnrxc llclurv Punch uivc you but iummnr vrnlllnllan and lull View unuhslructrd vision In wlnllr the large llarm Ilclurn Imlnl If all he hfluht wlnlcr mnshluu ye are fully wmthcr and drall Woofld lur comlun ILUH MANY FIMTUIKH VALplZH my Int lo we lhln dour boluru yuu my my comblnnlkm dum mum mmm mum and much ulvo you the ulmuxl Illvlnw and mum uuuouk wlnlrr um mmmur wun complete wrnlhrr vxulccllun mm sun VENTILATION wllh nnlbslmlnw Buggy Hyman 1595 1954 METEOR NIAGARA COMBINATION B001 MUST BE SOLD Tho Améctiva Budget Priced 7Wllle IDH This Week AFTER Terriér $65th F01 Bajteryvln NorthISimcde Oglllln Terriers the North Slmcu Baseball League are an the luokaut tor another mtatran pitcher Ind good catcher tolal of 22 player attended the cpenlnz pracllsc but elzhl them wet luvenlles Jerry Hind Bob MacDonald and Gander Ross were some Inst years reluIIrl at the lnltlnl wnrkoul Thlrd baseman Dnve Laklng Edgar was back along wllh two new addltlcnsY Tubby Barrett and Barker arm erly of Colllngwoud Barrett an cxccllcnt centre llnlder bulled zaa lm neabon whlle Barker banned powerlul 32fl average Presldem Em mum stain manager will he named in the very near future Téam prrsldent Bill McGlll ex pecled to come up wnh suitable reinforcamenu som time this week and up later than the open lng exhlhiuun game with Midland India May 19 The Terrier have two delinlie hurlernan hand Ianaxvex Rend lng and Letty McFadden curve artist lmm Cannlnllon Emma are being made In cusx Ron John slnn out of retirement Wllh wlml rllcck hlu xrs nlul cnmblnntlnn Innr lock no In lane 51 BARRIE 630 pm

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