Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1955, p. 17

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mens 1° Mu Herbert Hulhes wu hum lo 0mm womens Insmuu an Apdl Mrs BohertKell Inm duced her 4H Club MI Ind Mlu Sylle Ken Ive plpu on Cun Idn Food Eu ml alumni maxim WAX MAY R311 11 wu Inlweied by current event Ind ch ynymanl ul John Huxhu read lum mnry the will work Ind the lrcnurerl nnnull report wu rend The cunvenm prcmnlcd their re Histqry ofArea lnrerests Qilford Institute Members The glrh Ihuwad piclum of du 1mm mul nnd explnlnad whlt mchIcked and why The mem bm enjoyed the lhLl demomm unva Mn Ntllly Yr uflmd lo mm wllh the ladle of tha lwlmmlnl clam Chagry Creek From 01 Chumhlll con dumd the elnctlcn of afflcm law chlnlol won mldl nlmnly Secretary Mn John Hughel nulllnnh Mu Pryke and cum mltlu Mu Dales recrnllon commluee MrlE Dnln Mn Olhbanl Mu Wlllilm Slutnun any Mlu Girdlncr nm in llnndlnl commuluel were Alrlcullurc Mu Roll Nullly Clnndlnn Industrial Mn Sturicnnrhomo economlcl Mrn Huwyylullg hEIllh Mn Crongn Mias audlner munim Mr Prism Emily hgrl Imn1 Ell Thank you loner were read ram the Save the Chlldrcn Fund Mn Baker Mn Ruslell Mn Dnlu Mn snovuld nnd Mu Sawyer rend rcport lrorn lhu diurlcl dlredurl mcounl held In Conklluwn Hull Much 10 Mrs 8311 Infills Bell were lppalnlad delalllu to thl glitrlcl Innull nt Stroud on May Wundcrlul nn humIlluuqull Hm Ihcnlh druIpcrlccl III In unlumblcl Jacktl hnl rcn Ihlrl In bottom and cxlcndcd Ihuuldcr llnc un llkv your luvurnn mnn IhirL Canvcnlblc nctkllnc In nwcrl your whlm the day Chum cullonsllrllwl ur Iulld lnurm 0700 MIIILI Slur 11 ll 10 10 40 sm drull 3H 31ml JbInvh nckuh yards hilrpnué Vuyin nplo In new Iur rum Ige Scull nulrr ln ANNE ADAMS turn ul Thu lerln Exlmlncr Ill lvrn Drpl 00 anl Slvcel Well Tnllmln nl Send TllllKlYFIVI N13 133 In mlnl mnmpl annual be accum vlll or ml pnuml lrml umnly NIZE NAME MHHIEHK HTYLI NUMIIEIL Shirted Outfit 75 Boyfllld Sh in The nmulnn new Hm ofcu lhnla lmn clulutnenho Suulul Lllle Ill CI In Iho World Joe llkv bulkl hunde II upon at mum like brmn In mine ynbcllcubly loamy Try IL Youll buy II 40 Miles Gallon Parks on Penny Rides like Million mt m1m° Meflronolltan HAROLD JORY MOTORS helium mmung Lhn hrnch be held the ham Mn McKunflc HLBIyfloMSL dlscunlon was held un tho wldely Idvcnlscd 110mm 50mm than for Molhcr my Mum member named thn they would rmher have he Inmlly home to zuthcr or rented to dlnncr out rmher lhln gm junk ur the day Suwlnl for county chlldrcnl wellnm way dlsmbuled and nev cral mombcrl aimed to how wllh lh retarded chlldrun rummnzc Inle on Mly Mrs Buwlu reported on Dr Phllllpl lllk lho annual mggfln Quq Cyncer Suclegy Mrs Brown Again Heads Coronation WI Llulol lllll Coronnllnn Womnl lmlllull held lII Innunl mccllnfl lu Holly School on April The Druldonl Mrl Brown wnl ln the chllr Ind Iller openlnl pxar elm rcpnm af mndlnl commlh loci were Incllvcd The next meeunzli to Vb If Mn Funk Kenx home Roll curlil When Id like to live and manual wu lnrmd over the malarial remrch convenu Mu Ruben Boy who look hu tuplc the lund bumen No 11 Hluhww ind Lake Simeon rum the townilno dnwnru the mm 1an Wm uwnllmhury She recHad he church on tha huhmy Zion Ebenezer St Plull And St Johnx Ind he Ichooll uwmllla Fnd bluklmflh snaps thn hunterl plrldln whtru Cpokl Ely 101m IhaHolllnd River how Nam 1950 hld vlllon la clear llkcfram pro perly whm today mm no name 05 comm GumIn Nubm hn II maréy on tho other Ildb Gllfurd rm bflniln nrmnlcd for help for tho Immqu bunnr on My 1D motion wu bed In huld 11 1h meeflnll lnthe cyenlnu Mothers Day was me lunlc nl tho May maulan ul flurrlu Wom enl Inlmutn held at tho humu of Mn Creluhlun Zfll Dunlap 5L Wm on Tuesdny Thu mutln or the mceunl wm 1Thu wurld move forward un the Joe llllle chlldmn and tall cnll was little luxlfl wllb molhor In It Mu Buwln love rendlni nhuut the oldumn cmme Mon orlnu Day held In England on March 20 and Very Inlcrcsnng paper on lumlly nnd molhurs 1n parchlnr wu rud poem rev cited bg Mrs All was en tlllpdf My Moth are Hcr mm Min Anna Lcwll WII llld ulunK wllh Ihlnk ynu male and nlher cur rcspundnnce Annull marl were Itvm beluro officer vncntcd lhclr chllu ho dumbed me hmmm new cry and name of he ywllrl fluwcn nfiwllg 1m lnAqho Emil Thu meltini clued wllh The Queen dellnlnul lunch wnl mvcd Mothers Day Theme of May WI Meeting Mn Watvirihinkéd Mr Eoyu lnr her wongimul nlk Institutes Mrl Cnmpbull Strand on your own signnlurc Fast oncdny scrviccUp lo 14 mnnlhs lu rcpuy on lcmu yuu sclch Loans also made or docmr bills repairs shupplng xpcnscs nny good reason Phone or mm In laday pugguom FINANCE Nam uve xplamfld He he an of whlluver Bonk Dunlap 5Wul nund lloor phnno 5529 null om Nu ml OIIIIA M401 ululm 35M 1935 WHA Rummage Sale Successful Nefléd$33826 The regular manlth medlnl Wcmenl Remitl Auxlllnry was held In their room at the ho mm on Tutsday Mly Th pml gem Mn Hgflmn presided Nemynve roll clll Alter the regular minutes were read Mrs JLewlu uuv the ma urcr report mowlnl $9740 In the convention lund $35188 in the me uvlnl fund account $99714 in ma uzneral account Ind $270 putty cum Letter of thanks ware read tram the hnxplul band or the do nation of brunt pump and plas tlc cut and mm Mr Hngun Ind Miss Helun Shnnuhun hospltll superintendent or fluwm Tho meetlnz wilh he Inning or God The Queen Relrpthcnl were mvrd undo he Ionvenenhlp ol MImBcntlcy milled by Mu Collum Ind Mn Ar Ornhnm The nowaleuer The Volunteer which ern nu by the Ontario Hospital Auxlllnrlu Anoclmon wnl rend It contained many help ul luuculnm My 61qu wanted that thin ncwamtnr be plnned up along wkh succecd mz newxleucrglpr nu thu member rend The Imlllule has arranged for euchrc ll lhu ham or MHE Dyer on SMurdIy May tllhl Th president enquired round publicity lur Hospital Day May she wu Informed that pres Ind Ille were noutled and council had proclnlmed the week 01 Mny 12 Hospital Wpck dillrm president conducud the elecllon Installan the lollnwlnz IPdecnl MuIH Brnwu vlce pmldem Mn 11 Pryde 1nd vice pmldem Mn buckle ralnryIreuurcr Mn Dawnln dxmlcg dlrnclor Mu SrIIIey Illunlk dlflrlcc director Mu ll Klnlr stnndlnl committee convene Rexoluliunl Mn Gnhnm citizenship and educnuon Mn Johnxlnn Mn Prlcn hlnorlenl munch and currmt cvcnla Mu Dyer Mr Srllley hum and ham cconomlcl Mn Campbell Mrs wmu nurlcullur Ind Cnnndlnn Indultrlu Mn Bentley Mu Lcluhlnnf commun ity mlvlllu and public rel£10m Mn Collum Mn rvlnci lud hur Mu Kcnwcn publlclly Ind preu Mu King Mn Moore brunch dlreclorl Mn Loulhcrd Mn Jahmun Mn Klnl Mn Fllhcr card and lowers Mll Morrow Mrs Brhmun planm Mu King Irwu announced lhn Mn Clay nn Slcwm wu In Toronlo mend lng mu udvllory mauunz he Onlarla Holpllnl Auxillarlcl AI melluon Mrl Orchard rcpamd 185 damn irmlnn wrnppcd ln April nnn Mn Gublu rcpurlcd 303 articles 01 mm lawn Mrl MchrrolI lave de nllcd rupgn of therummage nlc Arnold Bulhhun Barrie Phone 6451 Oct Ihc money you need on your own signnlurc Fast oncdny scrviccUp lo 14 mnnlhs lu rcpuy on lcmu yuu sclccl Loans also made or docmr bills repairs shupplng xpcnscs nny good mum Phone or mm In laday JUN Lin or CANADA Llle lllm Ind Annnlllu dander iriswered Phono M65 youn T0 monnow napmns on mm you no TODAY TASIYHDBIIS Lulle thing mean 10L Yu ltrthe 1er extrfl that Ive degnet lo fomL Simple maln nllve touch performed In your own kitchen cln turn everyday dishes lnla foodm far gourmet Take In ordinary bowl can somme or nuance Addu unble spoun argued olrMthluned crou lom made 1mm tndlys emiched mud Ind whit have yau on duh brimman wuh flavor and mmlnhcem of he elcunce of hy cane dayl The cmuton hp been uvurlle and of many nntIonnutle or many centuries It has underznne chlnze talk was pnmd from country to country generation to nonunion but in enema It has remIIned the Inmer Each nutlonnl Ity hu It Invarlle way prnpnr In croutons Incl lhesa techniques aflcr great varlsty to tha modern rook One day you may wnnt tn Iollow the American method nnv othcr umrynu muy want to try the French tcchnlquc nr noniny rcrve Pallrh croutons The Mr Todays Recipé held April 29 II was lhc most 1ch wm ever held Gross receipt Nara mm with expensu H753 lulvlnz net $33826 Mm VIchnoll thanked everyone for ho coopernucn hut had made the mle Inch huge mums letter at hunks wu nrderod mm In lhn merchnnu who donalgd ummnue dclalled rupon at the munl cnlnnal meeting of Dlurlcl No ha Onturln Haspltnl Alsoclntlon ml the Hosnltnl Auxlllnrlu lu oclnllon that was Huh the nurses ralldanco In Burrlc an Avrll was zlvcnby lllrl anle Fuur umber rum the local uuxlllun ulendcd ml menllnl Mrs Slew Mu mam Mn Bullock llld Vln Gablc liner of contamination wal Irdcrcd mm to Rev James Fcrzu gun on thu honor rccenuy accorded Ilm Mn Duke was Welcomed buck oflm nuxlllary alter rccnnl AVON Ninas The meeting Adjournad and mom mlenqund delightful lunch verved by Mum Chrlnlc and Mrs Butler TV GEORG YOU PAY ONLY 13995 TERMS $3M WEEKLY IlliMIlMlllIll NLY NON AH Tlll IIUNIIlYMAII5 AUIOMAIIU VASlllill AND DIWHH 124 DUNLOP STREET EAST Mll Al NOIHHZ mu 19995 Im tedlniuuu fim dunM he luv Whatever your prdzmm ynull flnd amnion will add an lo noodles when they are urved II vegetable For much or Vince add bin parsley la the noodle andcmutnn mixture Your lnmily will let plan xurprise too If you lop your us semle at mauan meat or fish dlshcs with croutons lnslend the usual hrnadycrumbl Were wIll lng to wager theyll love the cum chy consistencyvlnd nutty flavnr Croulons wlll add verve to vene llblu at any mull Why not scrve Venublu In Polonaise The mean the veaelahl ls boiled themed well Ind topped wllh crauwns welcome chlnge rum the xsull buttered vtgezable Hale are few mqlhnd in paran croutons Ranch Cronwna Sllce bread Va thick remove ritual and cut Into small lqunrcs Mek tablespoon butler tar ench all of en riched brand Cnok over law bun sunIns unnn unul the croutons Ionian brown These will be rich wll caramel flavor Amman Cmumm Slice and dice tho brcnd sum as above Men tablespoons butter unlil mm brown Use tablespoons butter for each cup of brand tubal Pour browned butler over the bread cubes and Illr Mather quickly so that bumr will pene trate the bread Sprnnd croulam on cookie sheet and bike 20 to 30 mlnuto In 375 doneo aven lollxh Croulom Place thin Illccs of lresh or dry enriched bread on cnokle mm Bake In it 350 de xree oven until bread is golden brown Remove lrom oven in slnnd minute and crushbrcud TRADEIN WEEK 36 Hayfield Street THE BEST BY TEST UBBYS for mln In ucnce ul sm alcon dmunsfin film can shown In survey which nan mm In dian religious dances through the to dance of plenum la modem mechnglsuc jlve The following films are selecled mm lhe May collcclnn at um public library The film explain how he make lnvnlvu revmlnz the How chain of lakes and mnneulnl up mllu rough mounlnin to up wllh rollan pln keepan part of coarsely lrnund Four mulled buuer In desired qunnlily aver crushed crauloru Punslay cmulom Slmply add tu any of be above low tablespoons of lnnly minced parsley whan ready use cxm when in umw mum Momuln Cundr ninm MW Wuhan pound nl clnlhu clun In mlnumMnldl nu Hal 1nd line to llllvm In Qopi ImluvlAdlon rump1h pump uphily mo In wnh II llnhhud llurlnnrlllo III II mmv In plul pow vcll MM lully Imulnlod wnlurplul lubblf umml their and wllh rubhu plnu hlnay hm huh mmll wuhor wlh mm Avnlllblu Norge Refrigerator Freezer 1060 560 TRADEIN ALLOWANCE 0N1955 NOAEE WASHER TradoIn Regular Customatie ileirizemtorFreezer Model 01060950 on in net Freeler Storage Capacity 00 lbs Proper Temperature AlwaysAutomatically Main tains ZeroZone temperature in large 80 lb capacity Freezer Chest Moist Cold Compartment Handidor has doubledeep shelves and Daridurs with Butter Bank Cheese Conditioner EggNeai Twin Porcelain Crispers Meat Saver Bottle Basket Gold anodized aluminum RollOut shelves Alaska Tone Porcelain interior Overall dimensions 57110nlgh 2W mill deep $1500° milii nuownncn AND BEST or ALL You CAN BUY NORGE FOR ASLITTLE As Model CW 21 Simian when an Mk Cooper Miss Denney Ind Miss Marjorie Clven lhmnlu Teachcrs Colltze lll observing Ind known In Thuran Schouli this week Ampk Church Call The oonxremlon mnny Unl lcd Church hlvc culled the Rev Mr Bernum Chuhnm to be helr pulor commend the first Sunday In July no call ha been accepted WI mm luv NIin WMS wlll meet II Mn Wan on Thursday May 12 40 Plus not than in dly Walther Erin Run Wm the beautllul wuther seed Inm hmuednnnlnz and alrdcnlnl aMJn lull lwlng hIn iremenduu water puwer po lenllll Lclm To Swim BMW 11 min Thu hmo cpl mung confidence lumlnz undnmcn an and pmtlclnz Ira Ihnwn Th6 19M navlzauan amen was shone han mam amen by 1a day for ha Canadian luck at Sault Ste Marie and ma SL Lawrence mum gtggNifn3I AN mm WANT An FOR FRIENDLY ESTIMATE THORNTON llllNT BE POOHIll BY HIGH PRICES 19995 6000 BARBIE TVINTENNH SERVICE UPTO mimm BEAVER EUMBER BUILD nsnm BUY BEAVER 58 ELLEN ST BARBIE PHDNE 59435944 Fdr Prompt Codrleou Servlca nuv UNDER mm numm PLAN uy in mm homo Immu monh Fret Dellnry Wllhln 50 Mllu OUR BOAST IS that our Installations materials prlces and servlco cant bu bunt We lnvlto you to cull MONTHS 10 iAY JOE BEAVER AT NO OBLIGATION im

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