mi Emma Bitumen mun 7mxAxsss Dy We have been TV wrestling Inn or years but now we know we won cheated Huv nu an evening to spend an the loan Barrie this week we won over and tank In the wrest an bouts at ho arena Thu were prgscm at what was bill ed as wrestling The ï¬rst bout wn rim ncuher contestant I2 inlu Ihe ring dressed in trunks dressing gown and mo Alter hut came the in irnduciians which we will not put The return Wu hunky exwmslicr Rnawn to haw been ui the clean iypn We were not able in he whni was being said owing to he nob and clamor of Kim crowd oi about 600 mm wo men and giiildren mnnnquu mgn Wu could unuurxlnnd mm the manure Ihut the contestnnla wcru hclnl warned ibout how they were nllownd to hlt cnch othernnut wlth clulcrl ï¬st but with Brown or upon hand The hullless bl con teslnnl prnvcdthen that ho wnl not in xuud hunnr he waved the Marne nsldn and wnlkcd tu wnrds hln corner Hu Wlll called back to hear tho llnlsh ll uml la Ihnke thu hand out Ilrctchcd by his opponent Th1 man was much smaller but Itlll husky plqm cl mnhhaqd New Perspfiivi in dzclarea hays talc they Lan one nnolhcr nxlcl pr uvy um minute linked Him we blu gcr allow would lmply nu ma thcr uvvr My head and brcuk him on the mm MILr tow nets lufluro In which the nu nt llu Inflcrnr wuuld havu mudc mm chlldrun of older dun scream and run for mother he clmngc cam for the olhn ix rhls oppmcm In lhc sp over flu whllu pnhu Ilmunen He had mkon mnny suv They kept going around th hard cu Mo on ck Aurhcc clawing and poundtnu Wresiling As We Have Seen il rarrllnynltvull pun Iho due Ilulhl Ilch lulu lhc lull The null volnl 1n Inwlnl lead In In rlru no lo bury lhrm In deep my wlll lull In mwrn mm loll Thin run in Ic romnlllhul by Iho mnlhodl nuklnl dxllll whlch In lllul med hnewllhI II My nn me no cknl wuw hull lncll deep Du yuu El duwn 1m uur Rum and nulme rvcry 1m cuuuc ML 5th luwlnl ML mu mlnn Job Ind nerd nut um anum luwn need In wry urchin mnnntr Ilul flu nun dnnrr mun hke mum run IVOII Um lrrrlflc wlflu Ill wlllch nnluu lnduluu but Im unnul Iflold Sow Seeois Right Depth For Fast Growing Plants llllll nrc um lor vlncl nnd bulhu Three lo llx lcrdn ulc unnlly mm In hlll And the Bmm lhhmcd om lo lhn num er dulnd ma pmuce tn Irmnzu your hllll In umme mm huwcvcr fur nuvnnmucu and one uxlllvnliun In nurdumnu mm II nImlIow much In whlch mod Implied lo nraw In urnInhl ensIIy cullIVnch row Illll no mound uI IuII cxrcpt In those IcclIons the counxry whuu rnlnInII ll cxlrcmcly heavy or drnlnnn pour Else whore II II IIkcly In In II hol low whore llld mo town In pro duce plnnl or noun or plnnls Ilmt have mom to uchnd out Inmnd uI Illndlnfl uprIum In rowI For In malt web hem mno drill Mlh comu hoe The language on the buck Harden seed packet which loll buyer huw lo now he Iced may be obscure to bcnlnnlng nnrdcncr ll lnys Sow 1n drlllh or wrhup mm In mm winner Thoribe hid hls hulr pulled he had been iklckad In 1h bodyhe hurl been subjeclomlny acts which would hnv made must men declrle lo itarl larmlnn We could not blame 331 ll he hit so It would hurt Th was lhn cue or real duncgnl The halrlcu unu dld not stay and wait or his adversary to back hu allowed him down on tha flmr and them amaui women Ind children and athm they began nut to wrcxlle but rough and tumble Getting his vi Um around lho neck the bin buy rushed lnwnrdth ralllnus that make lha bbardlng of he Inc aur lacn Wlth all the weed and turn hu could pm mm he smashed lhn face at his vicum mu lhlx We were mndlng within enuplc or feet and for mumcm wn vcn auru we were lo be the anvxI LHe muck the baud and the blood splashad aver flu whllu palm Thgy keg zplnc axpuna my hard He suggested usan his eet but retrained We euuid nut see why he hnd inkcn many swift enn taet train the other Thin chnnxed again and the tummy got his op ponent dawnmnd put him through much torture most at it ahlelded from the releree uehnejwlstlnz the fingers mparnlely which in lieu uninat the rules Ha Ilse would chnke him with an arm and the under man would try to les ture to the remea for help When this had taken on everything in the book the reicme linnlly nrd cred release This was easier mid than dune nndnlthuugh the oilicinl tried to keen between them the bi fellow managed in kick his plriner out the ring Tho dcplh lu Inn Innqu lumcwllnl ull lhc nnlulc ul Hm null In Inndy qum lluy may no In dcvprr llmll In hcmy clay and in nu wcnlhcr my mama be luul lwlco In1 In lln mull wrlnu wcnnm AM nll Mum rn huw In mnldnu dl new Innlxln Sumo unrdcnc mm nunuw plnnk ruler Kfll dm llnu IA ruler lo llnndlr hmy and on mII hnmly but my Ilqu rnul rlnlml Im lwun Iwu Itnkul will um Far while he had the best it He even Ihrcw the hnlrlcu one clear out of tharlnx and ho was none Inc anxious to came back ellhcr For mcdlnm Hm Icldl make lhu drlll by lelnfl lhn rm of lhu hm handle For lnruvr mlq usu lhn edge of the hue hlndv pruned Imhlly yuu wxml an lnclrdccp drllL mom hcnvlly or deeper uuwlnu VVAAJVJ nll urinal 071 Iv In mnldllll dill IllanhL flame unrdcnc Du lllc lhu 1qu In wide and ncvn pun ha hon Inllml ll lor ll wlll brlul nml yuur dm row uuy mm out In In orpmllnc Ill hnmnul an up we drl and try nvrr my You wlll noon ICIII lho knlck For mull Ida mm cdgn luck InIu loll mm lhlllolv drllL IBIIW to help the During the evening Jullc Mc Kcnzle nndï¬um Pupplnlun Qund lhe lucky 1pm chmn by lhc chnpcrones to win spot dance We would llke to thank lhe chnpnmncs or mending our dance They were Mr and Mn Cuny Trlbble and Mr and Mrs Run Chrlsxlc whu rcpmcmed me lrlncc of Wales Home and Srhuul Algocln Over the past few manlhl mum ben of Wm Town have had the Chilan lu Improve lhnlr danclnx They have ullcndcd classes held cnxly on Snurdny cvwnlnz helmn Teen Town Th1 Inmuclorl were Mr and Mrs Dnvld Odllhaw Wu would like tn lhnnk hem Jur Ihclr very blL dlmtlnn the tux hut and many umur mp lnrludhlï¬ lvlnx Sandra MncGruur also dolorva areal dull of wank ur lull lhu Hm an my mum The midgcis came Iiixi They were laugh mu In much ns their 5112 and welghl vunid niicw th reIrrcc In ckvan while chihm could prevent lhnm irum evading he rules by picking one or the nihcr up and carrying ilim squirm Inn back in bi corner flownwar ihcy nlm had their tricks such us using ihc heel 01 an unwum time from he cnrnnr io ban the licud he minor ï¬nally it quite show Whu should so Hull Ihe plum Is policed we do nut know bul samu unc lhuuld arrange prolccflon or he public Tenn Town lnxl Saturday even lnx natured come as yuu like dnncu undcr he dlrculun 0K Run Butler Numlnullnm for Teen Tuwnl cxucullvu to me comlnl ycur wen nccvmcd 11 mt Salurdnyl lamu Al Tran Townn mxl dnncc vhlLh bu hehl on May 21 tlrcllml wlll be link um um new oxucullvu Amlmllflcld Tvrn Queen ï¬lm In lhnï¬an Tm mxl dance In be Inst or lhln Amen Junn Sur Juanl lunklnl nflcr lhll party It In lu be drrnup not Iumml xn prcvlumly nnnuunccd each other The minor the only one In nulhurly undenvurvd in jet bclwean them the crowd foll owed and the usher cnucuvuwd lojelIn the lllluk 01 it Funny ma nnnller uflhn cun lcslunls calm back into 10 ring He held up his mm as signal um he wnl the winner However he was wrong them wax nu winnur VERY SMALL DOWN PAYMENT at BATSTONES putsazzewbumop 0mm JIKE onyvarcfér BulSones TireSerVice HEADQUARTERS FOR DUNLOP Fnimcr Pete Stands Dlnmnnd Jim Brady 0n no 29 MAPLE AVE Tho Worldl Finn Tim an lIl pvlrl nl punhum Hnlmm Mlnlmum $150 mun prr llnu Lem at 1am mm OHLY 070 Dow iï¬iblileo Ba Mnili Km CALGARY CPI The nllyl technch plunnlnubunrd hlu np pruvvd nn nppllculiun from lhn Cnlgury Cnnndlan Clllzcmhlp Cvuncil or an Immigration recep lxnn centre Peuunn nnalnn ho propuscd development have been runrad the Planntnz Advllury Appeal Cummlsslun IHEMVILSON womb xl unm lrcks We Welland Canal mllvl lenglh 1111 at lower ship lolal 323 Incl nu Hwy ply bulwun lcn Vcllnr and Pan Col lmrnu Jmnerl hlva nnulud Inca pruhlwu In due Iprlnl man needcd for ml or ulpmtnl In his nyd ulnl tom and hi crap laid Mon pen is in ulniu In min In no they inn iiImm pmbll Timl why Ningm ion or Arman kn inm 16mm Haul nmil Money box ruwul in the pling an be paid when crop moniu cnme in Niler luau to 100 Iiinimund ll no um can puttci mimi mun which mum ipprrcinle And 1011 ï¬nd uuil ï¬nd our mu often lwer We do lowibnulnm mm inrmcn um can ininiy lik to us you Hynn iui our unite maid in at nine In you an drop in or luli informI on JOHN NIAGARA Talks about NIAGARA LOANs For Farmers IMMIGRANT CENTRE mom 5922 EDUCE TWiAGAIN INI mncunv TUACII Llr Na IUD022 Illlnlnu blurk llnlnh 1hll ll Hm IHX muml nnll dllpluyl pluply Ilylu and mp IMO Ill EV CMCII Llc Abe000 1th my um II wry pup ulr nr In the Iowcr prlcnl uruuu Ill INI nonnv HEIMN Llc No MN dvvp muwn llnlm flood Ilrr muur ln purlccl nnmllm unlor JIM Llc AuODI Dirk blul Ind In Immuu ll tondlllon cqulyym wllh cuulom ndlo Ind hauler prlcllelllyrmw Ilm Ml IDNIlW UIIMN Huh nan mmlly lullullrfl rnbulll m0 lun dlrucllonnl lluhlu Thll cur will hive dark InclIlla run nnhh and In outnlde Illn vllnr Equ ppm wlth cullvh ndlo Ind Ilr candlllnnlnl hum Thll ml in mm ur cnndluan 65 Collin Slllin12487 oven Ilm Ilka new one owner Bpuklln 11th blue chum Illlond Ilp gllpyod 91 any gin oh our lot valuodlaiv$65000 or moroWe hav£$50000wovth ofxuud can I0 help celebrateouHOth Annlvorlavycnd the lama limo go In on one of mo 0K uud can 1948 CHEV CLUB COUPE 1951 PONTIAC COACH DANGEHFIELD 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 CHEV DELUXECOACH 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN SHOWROOM ANNIVLMMW BIECIAL ANNWEnsXnv armu $15000 TRADEIN In LEAST gaaÂ¥1495 Moropzs LIMITED $4645 $875 IMI MUNAIHII CLU COUII Xflll PLYMOUTH NEDAN IBM llOLlfl COACH III COACH mo BUICK mum Wll CHEVROLET HEDAN My My llnlnh Thll one owner curs whlnh wa Inld orlllmlly Ind whlcll wu mvlcud enurcly by In Low mllule llm MW ANNIVERSARY mom Asa1o duk malnHln bluo cvmll llonlnl mm ANvamAnY mom Hr Allm Two lune rem cullom rudlo ullflo wall lhll ll Ihe III Hlx IIlul llln Iérlu ANNIVEIHMII HI IDIII Full HIIIMN 50 MEIICUIW IANEI 1051 CHEVROLET COACH WM CHEVROLET NEDN Ml IIDUUI CAII CHAUHIH IMJ PONTIAC KHAN IIIJJVIIIH CHEVROLET HEIMN 233 Bludlord SI Dial 4981 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL USED CA LOT 397 $1250 $695 Ill mo 015 um nu ma mo IIH IIDI