Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1955, p. 4

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Parkers lrlumph hvcr Muwllrr WI umbuuly hl blurll bowl In my in Amnour unhl Mucllrr held In lmpuulvn vluury mar Iumnln 1mm culnml my lhnlhl Klnl who Ilncu hu llvm uy rlnl Wlul mnku llw win more Im mullvo II lhll lukrr won um um wllh Imppy lcn noon llo druppod Mueller or In alum cmml In wund wllh lm Iumk And In on mum unlon llmlul OH mum on thin for IDA my um Pulmn mom llmm vamund bom but mm In mutr mud NI Imlcur wrellllnl tlrclu and only HHy lurnrd lu boxlnl v1 nlul up wntnh ho novnlhruxl uuml 3mm rlvnl In MIcDun Ild who norm hnockdowr In Ille lhlm round and hld Mllchcll In lrouhlu Ihrco nr luur llmu dul Ing ma buuL Puke produccd knockout over muchexperienced Klluse Mueller Toronto Almellc Club L51 or flu xecnnd rnund in scheduled Iveround future The win Ive Plrker record or nine KOI In 13 mm uninn we 105m MInDanlid niscd hil novice murk to mm win nuian no d1 em with unlnlmnux mm round decision aver Nurmln Mu cheil 01 Riverside Aihiotlc Club which developed inlo am of the hnxdeslioulht bout on ma Ihow Mendy nightl wu Hirrlu knockom specialist Lyle Pulm Ind newcnmcr chk MIcDanIl who curled tho colors The plh mcl lut mm on the pmteuhml wnxuinz cud Blh rle Anni 1K wu only the men llmlnury but bum Inch mnmen1 tum um oveNhIdaweqlhe sunlflnul Ind mph bouu Thu releree ruled me meetlnj no comm Kulboskl damnled or he dresslnu mom Herding furloust tom Ievue held cut Murphy wumed no maxemu of Kluboxkl bu he pair Ire likely nbe kguck AntiguaInflux wegk The brawl bmka on when tho Skull heaved Kluhoflkl from ha ring Indmun curled the 111M onto thn Irena floor mm mm tumred Skull zrlpped KIIIhDIklI head Ind rimmed II mm thn arena bonds The Im pncl opened up cut an Kunbus k1 torched Both mullets returned to the rlnz Ind the but slulcd Inln TM Skull med la leave rem the trulmenl wu chlml by Ku aboskl and ll look the romeo md mother wrmlcg Chuck Molnlr lo3rukho opp gnu £11an The rahme ruled nu mum at 1519 but Kunboskl 4110 mo mulu bout openly chullcnled lho Skull to any lulu at wrcslllnl mulch he wlshcd Approximately 1000 an cllcknd Elm lurnslllcs or lhe show which hudllned the mldm wrestlers Farmer Pele lhu popnllr hlllbllly mldv In Imulnl cameblck to de eIIJ fillmong Jlrn Kandy Larry Knnboxld want unnum cnck ll Skull Murphy the moolh paldheafied lfigumn Bndy captured he an ml will mldw bankbreaker Ilm he had rendered Flrmer Pm Edam by kicklni him In tho IC Firmcr Polo won the second lull with an llnliun swing tint made Diamond Jims head Ipink like tap The hillbilly capped the comebnck with the third Ind nnul tnllvit mule iglck Ind hody any Wins Continue Slxnlna nuloanphs um me win Flrmer Pete wu marked by Dlumond Jlm Brady Tho Ken lunky hillbilly look his me and uscd ll on Brldy mm the rclcrcc lntcrvencd BBC Score Pair Ht Palace Pier The Incredible Victory string or the Barrie Boxing Club connnued to march upward Monday night at Palace Pier Toronto Manager Orvnl Dosh chalked up another pnlr to mlse his count to all wlns lntlm last 33 starts Only defeats ln chls phenomenal record were absorbed by the clubs top fighters Paul Kenny and Don Wallace Kuthoski Sullers Head Iniury 3mm EXAMINER mm 4195 Murder Outside Mllchcll orlulnnlly compcled The inmhnnnl bou bclwucn 71th Flow ll HaulI glam Illlo Bl Ill MOTHERS DAY MAY LYLE PARKIle Anolmr Knoclnul the her have navnntcd pnsl he bnd Thnse hnpinz lo Xhon lul ulelnn next Mondly nigh an Inn to mmn other form of enlar Mexlcln Runon Zapata and Chyck Molnar wu wind Ilmr lel won the am ml with judo chop urns Mamas moat Mol nar nverled to flying dmp kick Indwan the second just when It looked like the Mexlcm wag gain to sweep bout with nepover toehold 38 BAYFIILD STREET All Wool Pile choicc of wnc green or grey Fcéluro Special for Mothers Day ilfiih Subdued Molnlr In he CHOOSE FROM THE FINE SELECTION at Clarks AXMINISTER REGULAR $5105 VAL 9x83 RUGS hur Murphy um or the Home nrc mix to make Mnlhcr truly hvllppy on her day Sunday May LARRY KASABOSKI vlsed Sduth Simcoe Baseball Hold AnnuahMeet Twelve mm nrc sum nmmao Tiejeviccullva In the South Slmcoe Intermediate to compmc qlnment The bout was nnl leln mud and mar an with mmer whips but when lwuded 0126 dslon wouldnt release his hold on Mnlnnr flxe referee wnrned hlm and hen dlsqullmed the Mexican Ind live the declslon Id Mnlnur The meme lo reluse Molnu had to hammer the Mexlcln lo the can VBS PHONE 2843 649 mumps mnum VALUE Ityllnz as made 8mm lnrnllurn of outdoor aummer plcuaurc lieu or conulnllnu two chnlrn nnu mm tables Its New WICKER llllflillI FURNITURE Soth dlvlnlon mm will play lrlplc schedule at pine home Ind inlne I1wa games while ma nurlh crn club will play tingle humu undAhomo tchedulc All um In me Nulh dlvhlon wlII qunllfy or he pluywflx whllc thn gap II noth learns wl he nimble Belemch voted lo dlvldc he lenxuu lnlo two secllnnl north and south Pnlxrlvc Bolton Alllsmn and Beclon mlko upthc much an Companion 1n ng north umup no Evercll New bowcll Lille Ivy Thurman Barrie Churchlll Ind Slroud Excnuuvu member elgclcd Clar ence Arthur Everett premium Hany Gordon New Lowull vlcc pruidcnt Maurice Hemcrlnlmn Everett Iccrullrytnlluru Win Lawn Barrie mamaswa execuuve Lcuue play will own about May 30 Thecxccgtlva wmrpcal May TnnOHK decided in kcop Pal Pullman on roicnainchlui or at lens one mar year aihny also decided ihai game called by curiewa will he numpinieq prior in the next game played bclween ihu lwu tum in lho rink whom the curiewl wnl called it how evcr the team do no meat anin in that rlnk in film rcauinr Ichcd ulc and the zamcjhal hunting on lhu alundlnas or in pinyoii pmcu lhn name will be replayed In an ciion b3 eliminate as much as nssihic the illreupx caused by we leaving the hen 3th or usually box to join in flahl an the ice the OHA pumd moilon lhnl lilo player ahaii in reputed to ill president and to uihcr with the much 01 the team shall be sublcci in such penalty as ills ideni dawns nccgunry Purim who molcsl referee or llnesrqcn in name will hundcd uu pcnulllc and can No or Buczgall Lclluc was Innounced at the league annuu arnnlznthn mccllng nl Ivy Three other clubs Coakslowu SQnynannd second Burl learn haveunl May 15 In cmcr any Mm beep arena the Inlugewhan he attended than council math In mmnlo over the weekend Emifiéjfgfibéhls fofl¢hiency OHAfHeIps Suspended Couin hmhtu blnlsh touch from In iva in during his mpenslon over ruleJnlrIcllon They mled um msmded couch could din eel hla temrhut hp refluvgd of bench dulks Burl We may Emma mes ed um suspendin colchrln warwhich woul almosthxbld him to enter the rlnkfiwn too luvere Denim or cum whn commlued his nm ollcncn Thar II no reIson nenllln me enllremm Indcummunhy by akin IWIy the mml chInceI winnan been me conch Hula exclmdv Ind dlnbeynd rule nld Emma However much dlIobeyI rule lnr the Inc ondtlme he Ihould be mare Inv omly penIzod and men throw the book hlm or thlrd lntnullon hush me ethru of in ORA dggided= lt would be we UMI10DI VALUE Ityllnz as modern tomorrow schedule complch wllh cummrluhlutunluk llllcd mnurw MIRRORs HARBERLITE ALUMINUM mlecllon lnI and Ill Til$01 Gm lloblu llnlc Hun errm In HM ll plltcd Emmi In Ielcct mm new He Is nnnmember nr 20 In um world to receive Ihl duflnz uhhed lwlrd leoid Bnlhud at Tnmnlo Mnrlbnros also was chosen at lhl honor but the prescnmlon Wu held up until Mnrlborn re turned from neglnn with the Mem crlal Cup orunlxcd bull wnh lh laund ing at the Royll Montreal 0011 Club in um r3931 um Seaflx EI maidTin fsavzn ride chuluel wire pm nmd Ind um MILhuVunIed lo meHCAHA ll munl meellnl me this lummer to be voted on by the rulem cummluea which meet wkh fin mumu Hockey Mme The prelcnmlnn mlrknd the um me In lh hlllury the DEA um mlnuzur or much rccelvcd the coveted gold hockey luck Many venous cu Emm wan 1n llne or lhl Illrd tollnwlnn mend Mu orlnl Cup conquest In three yam in Wmlon mm hockvey madam The most mummymla chlnze promsed was In lImxmte unnec essary delny on mum Iyxtcm whereby the we phyer mm all yould have to stand behind line orln box dr wn on the law urhne wu mum Ind unprov ed 1n vale OHAAWARDS EMMS WITH GOLD STICK It we long time cumjns bu Barrloa renowned conch Hlp Emma 19 new ranked Imonl hc celebrities Canndlnn hockey The Ontario Hockby Auoclnuon honored Emm at their nemIIm 1unlbnnqufl last weekend with presenullnn of the old hockey illlk award for outmndlnl Iervlne hockey 785 and up fihfidg Burs Dot GreeHs Practise When BurladreerAcu uke the dllmnnd In nle Burrle District Lad lu Softball you rival plloheu may Ind wealth lefthanded human Ice The Aer currently have flvn pormden mukllu strong buy or gnu millions lheAcu mu hIVe one the beat bluerler In the noun wllh ilchll Dorm Mduhmnd pitcher Dummy Miner Ownwields mum unably the tum will be Inuperlenctd on whole but will be enter and mulling Newcomer not mepmemln lineup bul theie yslood vutenn xlmnxux Where ll counu mom 5943 Your Vlnll In Alwnn Welcome BEAVER LUMBER ICOMIANXV LIMITED 50 ELLEN ET IIMIIUB Im lulllnl lru Dellan EnIHy lullulled yulmnl Illll HHMINI llm llchlro Imlol Door lrnrlum um luul lnonty vlnl Illvrllmull or bellur IIV Inn SM II qun lmluy youll Ilwnylbc llld yuu did $1595 Dilllncuvcly dlflcrnnl and bcnmllully II luulve ma new llclum lnnnl Door in llvc your home Idrllulllml new Inca Ill Imnnuny wllh lho rxlcrlurqlumrullnu and Hula The lullmull nullmun urnm lhu lurnn llclure lunm um you holler mm mcr vrlllllnllull and lullvch Imubllnlrlld vlllvu In wnlwr Hm lnme ulnrm llrlun IMllrll In llILI bllvhl WIIIKI lulllhlne ycl mu fully MMhrr nllll IIHIH Iruoled Iur cumlurl The llclum lunel Cnmblnnflvu Dour wld uclmlvcly n1 Jennr Lumbrr qu ovmylhlnu yuuvc wunlcd lnr your homo plu many Improved and valued tcalurcn flturelglflfizd WMBINMIUN 000R Thu Ilclurn llnel Combinnlvn Door Denver Lumbn only MANY NEW AND EXCLUSIVE PEATUHES ggfihe Best forYourHome Vllln wlnd check Mum and eomhlnnllun lock not MU 1595 COMPLETE lnoxpcnslvo andAttrache Storm and Screen burhn Iarku uni of yumRum Mienpuma Dorothy M1115 and ball hlwh 1n the drum canth um mlddl mu The man spatkiln rookie to that 11 Shirley PunkhuMwho pncuully his the 1110me Poll nun lulled dwn 5IIHW shown aremen In Held tuned infield ml Ind human sure beXwrenuln finchnlzmnd Pl Duwlhu jvrhlch ever In worth on In mound Sluddlnl th kflhlndtd llde the pill during plume ausan hive been laxm McLean Carol ww Blaine Corbett Mull An dzmnlndfiubm Blandé and Ill lhptewers IgiLhe 11m ll plwhefl coqld other ncelvlng mqre jhan sec ond look are Pauline KuntgHelen Grlnxer Ind Millie Andemn Both Kuntz and Grain an em Helden Ind mlkinz good alter win pulum 110111 with Euro West anotherfldzh yrcsperh The Ace hope 1211 ser vice of Joan Dickey 513qu or tmease the luml Mum ques tion mlrk Ind loulhut gm ll Dickey Is no Available neural av willprdahly man me In um sack lmleud ol mond haw Thlrd bu will be Iltcmahd he IAMLV finally puma m4 mum harm llllllllfllfl HI flu mmm UIKl llIlClu ll lull rnmm mun rnu Cflmbmlllnn pm In Hun nrrrln WHMK anan rm ullamm rum rlmm Im mun ml mu um um buln or min um mum vununv mcuMmn Dunn In mm um dulu hllmnny nl my ham modln mumI luhwhm manI vim mu an2 nm Mun rnxcmun mm vnn av rummu run In munn Tu la lullxlll flln um up Iml mm munumu nu rmuu rum mbhuflnn Doc Iulll um mu II mm mm Hen Tllln Cnmblnnllun Door llelarc Yuu 1th Any Door am rwlvlu rAnmI culmd nm um Io II mumt In NH nu mum nullwl mm um Mummy nun commu nu DIEM WM LIT COMBINATION Dllllfl 111 THU liXTlll FEATURED VALUES 01 THE Sluddlnl th kithumid llde the pill during practise uzhzm hive been laxm McLean Carol ww Blaine Corbett Mull An dzmnlndvfiubm Enamelé and III Meyers IgiLhe line up ntfionceg Hvll plwhefl could by same mm Ba eagucfhasnt recelved my unher word relrd Inz Gravnnhmt and unless they hive representative arm gen enl my Thursday nizhL flu schedule will he drnljed wllhlhe flv¢ c1331 Dfnpellpg wlu m7 helr nnxl Drum Thanway 111 alQuccns Rag1g nurungjn Novn 5an hn file highcu ljdés 1n the wotld wllh Ihe exlremo flue dufln July Ind August run nlna from 48 to Mack

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