nu mld mm at lho 1W Cnnllnur 1km schnnlx whlch were nrlnlnnlly In lhu pruvlnce Ihm were now only no sllll ln nxlsluncel Thuo wus no wish on he purl We run vlnce In hnslun lhe dcpnrluru lhose schools lam It seems hm llwlr nrqnlm difï¬culty in net tinu qunmlcd luacnm Ill rem wlth luc rnlcpaycrs cnncnrncd and it Is up Ihum see nun lhelr runrcscnlnllvu Elva hem whn lluy doslro quesllon naked nlmul lhu compnrlaon of he will uducnuun bclweun Lclroy and Hnrrlc was no answered the Mnnklr dld no hnvc he Burrlu muns However he dld my um lllmllunls gross can wag $30000 nnd net cl $12500 which wai lhn chnrxc mnde tn Counly puplLI Enrlu Gllmour Secrelnry or he Lurny Board slnled mu thelr grass mm last year was $21400 Jack Webslcr lruslec he No Arm Publln School Band old um nudIanc that he persunnlly hnd no rcnscn lo crlllcllc the Le roy Contlnunllon School He had wnnml in send hls chlldrcn lo the BDCI and had taken Ilcpx to ï¬nd nut how hls could be done Now tlwre were pupils fluentlan rum the Men all lhnl nllhnuzh he had pnlxl or he advertising in the nwcllnu he had nut culled ll William Rullcll BEHO Ewan mm th within walklnu distance In lho Lonny Communuon Schnnl luro wtre nuw about 300 chlldren BEAVER LUMBER nunn EITHER IIUY BEAVER 50 ELLEN ST MIME Fay Prompt Courteous Service PHONE 59435944 BUY UNDER oun BUDGET PLAN Up umno or llama lmprnu menu MONTHS TO PAY Free Dallvery Wlhn 50 Mlle DEALERS NAME HERE DANGERELELD iiï¬rï¬ï¬mmib Comer an Dlul m1 Jamm AllOWANCE on YOUR msm mu JDE BEAVER iIN AllOWANC Fallawlnl meellnl 1n Strnud which wu not well attended was agreed um the dlslrm now In Bunla ma mould remnln The June session Cumuy Councll le be the me whlch the huundnrlu may be chnnled Mr Wehxtu nld that they nowl had pctltlon xlzned by all thu rltepnym tram the 8th and 7th concesslunL He uld that tho Home and School Aunclntlon at the new school at Alanna Buch were 01 ldly bchlnd an oxtemlon of tho Enrrlq Aren He wanted to em phnslze that the Public School Area Board had no part In the chanxlng or lnterlerlh wlth thu chrny Conllnultlun col lhelr Board dld supply thu bu mvlce but when asked why the publln Ichonl puplll had to walk whlle the hlnh uhool puplls rodt he could not otter an Amwer Pelillon for Award Ditch Olekslnkl Kurdener an the Md Concession lnnillll who hncl hi crap mined in yur with water which came down all the high lnnd and flooded his pro pcnyl naked ihnt the dilch be owned Thin water cuune which has bun belura council on mnny occasiont drllnl swamp arm 01 nurden inndx Thue In more mm being opened in me am nnd the uxull brush all but pclltlnn in required maka nn lerd ditch has generally 1m in malls in Abeynnce Jack lmlhu pruldcnt the Federnuan of Axrlculture fluted um part of hi lnndl drained lnn Ihnl bnaln He wAuld ho prennrrd lo Illn pLtlllon Tholnrnlun rnlcpuycrs In lhu garden men need someone help them la let MnnlcpoLdilch put Inwopemlon Tim Brutallmls Commlueo were present mpccllnz the payment he Inspector cc 50 can Ii has not found any way Hnnnco hls ulhlr lhnn mm the lcnnm present lhc Ins has no 115 ul innal Life Guards Fol InnMil Park Thy Alcnnn Beach Home nnd School Assoclnunn um lellor nakan hnl consldcrnuon be nlvcn hnvln tun Hm Illa xunxd hc mark during me Iumrmr mcmha Wu MI lhlt ho num her perom unlnu ho bench and wnler wlmnlcd In nucndnnt on duly lhm Thay would be womlhlc tar lho lwlmmlnl and nlw lhnt boulu wzro nnl allowed to be brokm nnd loll In mg wnm Alleges lnaiflcloncy Blg Bay Hotel Flu The ownnr of he houl hurntd ul Dlu Buy Polnl racanuy wrnlc mklnl hat pnrcnl at land uwncd by lho lnwnshlp Ilunl hc wnlcr from hll propuly lold him it lhll hl could often hh llclll1e lo lhu water He clllmcd ha hid bun luld lhn In cuuld hnvr bun Iupprd hld thv flltnlhllll workcd rfllrltnny when my prnxan cc 50 can It nd any way to numb mm mm the lcnnm miller wan Ion ll THE NEW ORGAN in St Judes Anglican Church Thornton was dedicated lest sun duy afternoon April 24 at special service highlighted by the presence of Archdeacon Dann of Toronto iormer rector of thechiuch and the choir of st Georges on the Hill Anglican Church Isllngton The choir directed by its church choir nmster and organist William Sam pre scntetl the sacred cantnto Darkness and Dawn or the lame congregation that filled the churchJorthe dedication cer emony Present for the threethirty clock service were many visitors from Toronto and others from Peterborough Sunday VIsM Mr nnd Mrs James Mnlnr ronm spent Sunday wllh Mr MXI Fred Vlnuy Away for Few Dnyl Mrs Duncan Shnw spam dny wnh Mend Moscoc also visited mend ul Twch Klnzslun crici hone in mm Vlsltlnr In slnynrr Mrs Pulln Mm Allun and Mrs Russo Mcï¬lwnln visHld Mrs salflph Locke In Staymr on Thur ay Hunday Here Mr and Mrs Hurry Iuhmnn Eric and Elulm IIlmvuk spun Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Slrnlh reached the prnpcrly It was then wllhin cunlrullnhlu prupurllonx Only ruccnlly he had cut hla In surnnco by MI lolnl $25 00000 he was kman man on he prnmlsus llv nskrd cunsldcmr an or flu nlc lhe lnwnshln mm as way lo rrcnmpcnu him or some hlx loss Sumnwr vncnllnns or he Kchnnl rhlldrcn arr In the nu 1m dlslum ulurc but 1r some mm mm schnul 1y pornlst In wulklnn nn the slrccl lmIcml uu he side walks Rome of H1 hullda may be mum In hospl Council dccldul Hull nn sale hmrl wnuld bu consldcml Tnnl Hurt Slrnlh hnd the mlslnrlunnlc tn SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT BULLOCK MOTORS LIMITED mkcl Square nnrrlo CROSSLAND Ah nous Anns cxpcrlcncn rcqulred JEwsLLans Lclulc WMChmnn Tu and and and JohhsMunsvilloiZlfllhlflsphull Shingles NEW PASTEL AND STfKNDARD COLORS Mary 3925 square THE SABJEHNT WEITl STEPHENSE BIG DAY EVENT THUR FRI SAT ONLY STORE EbR MEN AND BOYS Deseromo Dwight Mount Dennis North Bay Burgle Hollows Eeeton Weston Utopln Ivy Columbus and Alliston VBev Pellettler the church rector was on hand tor tha dedlaation and Installation of the new crash The aucred cantata nitro duced by an organ prelude Midnight to Cuhjn recounts the gtory or the Resurrec tion the chorus flrsttelllng of the deuth of Jesus on Caivnry and H15 betrayal and trial As Chrlst me from the dead the choir and congregation sing Ye Choirs or New Jerusalem The cantata is the work of Fred Pearce Baltic1 Phone 246 Jm ml Récfeétidn Dirétior Nalmed Id 1955 ORA Board Continued irom page SCVBHWH both In and pmfesxiunnl people were doing in the ï¬eld oi rema tion He considered the develop meni oi chenrlui personality ex ceedinziy important Ind thaIiecn reatinn contributed toward thi It was his contention that courage originality in positive approach and inyaity ta what is best in life muld all be taught ihruugh rccmilnnai activities urea expectation and lul nllud this wu 1h Dr Ewe Zelllcr hand at tho dupnrtmenl health physlcnl education and remnan the Universnyv Weslurn Ontario on The Minor Spun Issue DI chgler has nlscd same pertlnenl question regaldin he ndvlsabllltycal In vulygnz bnylnlrom the to 12 in highly competitive spurts These hive created cunslderkhle controven during the put yur In his nd ms on Saturday nluht was humarouu torcelul and un dmtnndtnl Ho mkcd about the lmpnrtnME phyllcal activity or boys nnd stated that tor the most part they were not getting nearly enough of thla training Ho thought the phylical activity promam of boy was not tuned enouzh and stressetiJhc need lor develnplnz mnny phyllcnl skills He nlsu muntlnned thr lmpurtlnce at address whlch wu may COATS8 SUITS HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROM THE COAT STORE 39 DUNLOP ST SIGN OF THE BEAR CLEARING SALE smmouswu nanmnxnmmymmnugmv 41955 balance oi recreational Activities so that younxswré Wuuld early learn to appreciate beauty in con verse with others to make things with their lands While Dr Zeit ier messed the need or runetb hes in ajpmzmmot activity he depihred the type at highly organ ized competitive apart which too youngsmra on long trip and over tlred them emotionally well physically Overstrain oi vitai organ might result lrom such competition In his opinion young star should not engagein inter city competition untiithey are 15 year at age He urged that there be more emphasis on teachini ba aicrracreatiunai akilia to ALL boy in the community not only those who had outstanding ability to start with The annual meeting theOn min Recxeauon Anodubn we 0mm DAYyr gendleyd 310W BLAKE sr mom 5915 Remember Amour Day 15 May 80 Plan To PAINT UP 64 CLEAN UP BARGAINS YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SHRUBS CLIMBING VINES PERENNIALS $1995 OF EVERGREENS In impumnl pan ui the conier tune and wu hcld an Friday morning Rzparts were given by the Prcsldenl ii Biilzrd Ajnx Ind chulrmen various commii Garth Ktye of Wnlkerlon was conlerence chslrmln and before the mnkrence ldjoumed had been elenled president the ammo Recrelflan Asquclauon qr the éomlng year pioneer nunow gauge railway hull lnmflvnnd closed nnlyelghl yam 30 may mqruy be back In nervlcc aunlnr 151149 13 ml ortmnduc to Blnennu Funnlou 1m in Wilks Ind it resurrection will be due to band railway dmhusiasu who have armed campï¬ny to asxlso Ihc reDpcnhll pg the railway ANTIQUE RAILWAY ROSE BUSHES CANNUALS