Minion mm man number nt the Prcsbylcrlan Ladle rum have enjoyed Ihe splay dld lalk given by Mn Plul Rum ball returned missionary roan Ja pan workxngvumoug the Korean ghegg nln fhglkouerfnglyealzlqg Work on Park The men started In work on the luwnshlp park an Monday morning in preparnliun for lhc busy sum mer sonson WI News The Womens Inslilulc wlll meet on May in the Community Hall Mnellng under the cunvnngrs Road Inspection Member or me cunncil went over lhn roads of Ihc mwnshlp on Thursday and Friday and lnund them to hr drying up bul very rough freshman EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAYt $5 In an Road much inlllindalé an TucsdaYpAhll 2a YI Rally III Moonstone Douala and Duncan Cmpbéll and Murray Amos nllendcd the Presbyterian Young Peoples Rally held Ill Mnunstone and Hillsdull on Saturday April 30 and Sunday May Llule Hm Institute April 2a lmlnllgllon Seeding Compieled Several the local farmers have nimosi finished seeding on eder We Xn 1919 young Monucnl sales manager sumted seven hem much has been mmlly disahlrd cvcr since has $15000 Confmlefalion Life puliry Um ries Tam Dinnhilily Bentï¬l As mull hurcuivcs rcgnlar mnnlhly cheque or 8150 while lnlally dis mm mm he reaches Age AShi $15000 life Insurance policy continues in full force and nnfmIemiml lays he lxmniumsl If he is alill diunlllrd at age he will receive $15000 in cash or income At any age for any number of mum ynu mnysllddcnly TmII your srlflulnlly nsnmm Thur mhy ynu would be wine In inrluda Twin 1inin cmï¬t in your fr in nurnncewhcnavrrlxmihlnAskynur lunfcdrmiun Mun nlmul il lodnyl Sudden Heart Attack cripples Young Fther Gels $150 Month And Free Insurance Nnmo Imrlrcsn courao we nrc ï¬lm 10 mm ymlr nd the lulcpflnnc at he clmran mic or 40 word If you cnnnm not In to town to lake ndvnnlngc the Dow CAHII IIAIIC Mm III In the arm annlmI below you will Ilnu lhv CAHII IMIES or our resultgellan cInsuIIIrI mm on the Clnmmcd panes nnd mnll In the cmncl mnnunt Them In comlduranc nnvhm or you In Inlnu HIM CLASSIFIED AD COPY OUR RURAL READERS IMPORTANT NOTICE Fur Fm mu Illml Aimu mummy mIL HILL Ilwrrslnlauvr Hm CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE BARRIE 2414 Strand activities meeting In conduct of officers WI News Cnmpbufl was at the Cnronntinn Womens mating nn Tuesday Home use mncll Ink wlll blur USMHIWI mam more Katerina meeting Alllndnle REGARDING and T0 TrmsurLrs report given and all bills paid by Mrs IL Burning The mission smdy book chnplnr live was given by Mrs Jenncll Mlur business minute and correspondence he program Convener Mrs Bunk ing had lhrcc papers madby Mrs Mlldrcd Smith Hollginn and Life by Padre Young The Place of Prayer by Rev Pidgeon road by Mrs Estun Davls and Mrs Claude Banllng read Between You and Mn Moeum closed wuh prayer by he prcsldcnl Dumas Convener Mrs laudc Banting opened that the halo col lection was numplele nnd wlll be shipped rlghl nwny The mines scrvm lunch ï¬nd rlnmfly chnl around 010 table brought the evening la closc wlnnlpel mt Mr and Mrs Rudl Lufflcr and baby spun cw days with Mr and MrLJuck Banting heme leav Ing or heir new post wan pun lutlnh Cnnlennce Arnold Danling and anrcnro McQuny allcndnl htGuolph con rmncu nn Sunday and Mundny um wNk Frum lomnhl Mr and Mn Occumnrr spcnl UH weekend with Mrs Hnmhl Gibsun Sundly II lsllnllon Mr and Mrs um McQuny and Mr and Mrs Jack Hunting spent Sunday wilh Mr and Mrs Llndsuy nnd wiHI Mrs Dnnllnflx slslur Mrs Durhldxc al slinulnm Mrs Ray Webb ollercd her home for the May meetlng and the even ing closed wflh the Mizpah bene diction Lunch was served by Mrs Ross Hubbert Mrs Sheldon Bow man and Mrs Maurice Brown WI Meelln The Ivy Womans Instlmlc will meet at Mrs Jack Bnnling on May 11 pm Mrs Mervin Marlin program Thu prcsldenl will In pleased to receive uld WIIHLI cotton and flanneletle or making cancer dressings Everybody can map In thls way Leave wnh Mrs Earl Reid The Womans Auxiliary Christ Church mel nt Mrs Davis on Thursday April 28 There was good attendance Mrs Jenna prcslded and opened with hymn followed by prayers Bible read xng by Mrs Elwuad JunnetL After some dlscusslnn It was de cldcd that Bible Vacation Schodl would be spansnred he ï¬rst we weeks ln August wllh Mrs Clar ence Ferguson Mrs Wanless and Mrs Small ns commluce In make the arrangements bake sale will he hold at the lakeI on July 22 good cluzen sIL he Ind munuyl meeting week early The president Mtg Smallv upened the meeting after which Mlss Mae Ferguson canducleda mus inspiringï¬evnflnnal The Presbyterian WMS to meet on May ll n3 Mrs James Campbells at MS pm Sundly It Mooreneld Mr and Mrs Mel Ayers and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Ayers Maareneld Mr and Mrs ï¬uthren Allislnn spent Sydny with Mr and Mrs Dwgh¢ elson The monthly meeting the EV eninz WA St James United Church wns Held Wednesday even ing April 21 at Mrs Clarence Fer wflh 24 present Mr Flam Onhlwl and Mn Nonnan wnrs Meg ngsbytgrinn WA Nam WA News IVY Thl Black and Motto cunlunï¬ In Just 7mm ML and Skvnncr WMS News The WMS of he Presbyterian Church met 11 Mrs Gibsons on Thursday cvcning April 21 GW mg In Ihc condition lhc rows the nunndnncc was not as large as usual Mrs Hpgarlh opened the meet 1m wilh hymn and pmyLr Roll El was verse scriplure con taining pralse Minulns nf prev £uus mucung wcru mad and up pruvcd Then was discusslon on lhc correspondence Mrs Hogarth oak lhe study chapter whlch was un he educa lion three men Wilh the mem bers taking the different parts Mrs Hogarth conducted Elhlc quiz and hymn nnd benndlctlon hraughl the mlclln la closc The annual rally will be held in Allismn May 17 and members are asked to kccp this date In mind Psalm 25 was read rcspanslvcly solo by chgiv Gibson was enjoyed by all MIss Margaret Jcnneu and mend spam Sunday at home with Mur gums parents Weekend at cm Coxwunh spent Salurdny and Sunday thu with his pnr nls Mr and Mrs Arthur Cox worth Mrs Canulhlrs nnd Mrs 110 gurlh were nsslsunl ca hnslesscs social hour was span over he an cups and enjoyed by nll and Johnny and Mr nnd Mrs Art Stone Oshawa Spent the wcekcnd wllh Mr and Mrs Clarence Hog gurun Mr and Mrs Fusmr Arm and Bety nlsn Mr Arm Barrie ipem Sunday In Mr and Mrs Mer vin Marlins AND con WILL as THERE IS N0 CHARGE FOB THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI 2433 To the skirl of thcï¬ipes nnd Iurroundcd by snappin dressed color palrol boarlng uh flag Ihc Unimi aninns and lending civic Imsineu and railway ofï¬cials Joanne Collard preny little six mrulll granddaughler 1h ocoxumivc engineer of he ï¬rst Super Continental named the new llfllll ccremomcs in hm the CNR new task train the Super Cnnlinnnlal made its debut last weekem NEW 11mm In three dmmm EXAMINER LATE DUNLOI STREET IXAIUHE name ht rain thi Super Sundzy wlth lnrenls Sunday VI WAIT UNTIL pm and If your carrier boy has not arrived Ihcr DELIVERED to Your Homo DIXIE SMOKE SHOP FISHERMEN CALL FOR RODS LINES REELS mm AT Will Morrison at Beiieville had short vlsit with his brother Morrison the beginning oi last week They both mended Simcoe Prosbyicry at Orililu on Tuesday when Mr Morrison brought before that meeting mailer concerning Albert College Mr nnd Mrs Allan Newtnn of Egbert VlSHed ll Ernest MCCM chcons last Sunday Rev Macrnvlsh of ammo had mm mm wllh rm IL Marlin um parsonage at my ï¬rst or me wcck Mr and Mrs Fred Welsh were El 1611 home here duringlasl weekend Mu Fred Grosc who In the Royal Viclorla Hospital is 1m provlng Ernest Wice and family at Carn wall have moved hare to reside wflh mnlhcr Mrs ansnn Erncsf sun and lnmlly are also hen tur the present Vlsllor It lanomn New PIsIor REV Barnum BA of Chut ham has ncccplcd call from he pasturnl rclalmn commlllec lrlnlly Unucd Church or lhc combined chnrxc 0K Egbert nnd Thornton his dullns to blKin July Sunday Vlsmnf Sunday vlsnors nl Fred John slons worn Mr and Mr Wnncr Continental said Joanne who assisted by Mm CNR raffle vlcepresldcm shown nbova cutting ribbon to release floral curmm Din le opera ling vimpresident rig hands thc ofï¬cial train orders to con duclar Palm and lmmnlive cnginmr Collard Follow gt mmnny Mayor Jenn Dru Mammal commissinncd dis Super Can unental camely CNR Monog raphcr Mia Genevleve Gander as Mnulmals envny on lhc maiden run of thc nnw transcontinnnul IHON News of mm Wetland at llama VI with Brother Elbert Vlsllun New Resldenls On It Mend 905 pasun mrmoflerinx the lamd word Vn travel oomyort nnd con venience devc train set are needed mmmninmln jll daily uhedulo hflwnn Manncal 41nd Tomnm mild Vancouver has almhcd hbrunningftime for flu ggqsmmmeml runvby mum dun train She will rarry oï¬dnlrmï¬nn and Iokcns othe muslan 0mm Winnipeg Saglgmdun Edmonton and Vnnpollvejr at to an superhu nentofmnic Inlpmj Nation Surlon and qmlly and Henry Sul lan at Shanty Bay Mrs Mu Iin Mrs Thamscn Tom Mc Cahon Miss Fay Camrron Robin1 McAlllster MISS Aubrey HullleY Miss Maxgm Surgcnor all To ronto Euchre Indy The Angus Horticultural Society held euchre parly In the school on Wednesday April 17 Mr and Mrs McMullen gave good repan on lbe conwnuan they mended delngnle In Toronto on March 10 There were elghl tables cuchr and one at Chinese checkers Priz us went to Mrs Young with high score and Mr Shorl Mrs John Duckwurlhlone hand prl Mrs notiï¬lnhvgafle up oï¬ in ANGUS Corner Bradford John St SIMEOE MflTflfl PRODUCTS LIMITED 1Itnquiam Mass Celebrated For Mn John Graham BurialAlI MORSf Louis Iif®ï¬ituary 011 Sunday rank Genenl denn Freddie loved win human arm Forrest Mr and Mrs rcimord Robinson and family from Nov Scolin an visiting with Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinson while Clifford Is on icoursa at Camp Borden RCAF sunny in Inromn Mr and Mrs Eidnn Laï¬mer nnd Mnrunrclm spam Sunday in To ronio with Mr and Mrs Wright raifdint jher cmn In SI ShorlChlnce checker prize Mrs G4 Shell and Ar Wr Duckwonh W0 cansomlnn prim lo 1th mï¬nlï¬s Sunday Call Mr and Mrs Chcslcr Kennedy and family Aururn spent Sunday wilh Mr and Mrs Brysnn Redfern summcr Com MISS Edflhe Culjlngkun Toronin 13 at her summercuunge here llosllllll Mr Welllnzton Dean Is pal lent Kn London hospital havlng suflercd slruke Hm mnny mend In Angus wish her speedy necnvnry ck Forrest Pane nhort ulness in Mm Graham was ssldant of ananlo St Frannls She also 19231 unck Int Bummer and Mrs Walter Schulls Tn are back for the summer sister Mrs Mar In and brother Paul chnesday April 27 rcqulem mass was celeb Franc Church by he ONeill nulsted by SundayAprll It the Genenl Hospital Mn Freddlar Mary Graham lwflq Jnhn Grahnm From Nov Ir Ind mixed in hm WI and mem Partsh lo mouth her Mnrun Tohln Scolln irahnm and Mm Fred uway alter 35h year Illalnng md mem W1 21 m1 celebrated Panzer Hm ducon Tuber Down lubdum and Enthu Culnm Prayen at the av lld mm dud by Father Enen llflmd by Rev Ludo Ind new Htaly The palliaan wan Ylpk uwlor Ctrer Mn Donnld Hurry Shlnlhnn chk Shanahnn Hunx Burke and Rub en Rows Inumen look place LouLI Ccmelcry Moum SL Name Of BeetbriDies Scott Received ngfs Medal Bravery tanner Torénlopollce suntan who 17 yem no won the eHys ncclulm or hls vinlor dlerl lnsl meek ln Weslern Holpllal He was Henry Elll Scull 13y holder of the Kings Medal On duty at Kaela 5L alallun the nlght of Feb 1N8 Sll Scull tackled an armed inmderar Hnrlng shot In theflrecl he look llhhllght and his plslol Ind run In lnvestllnle He lound mun Norman Ford dead on the sldeymlkuulmosl dlreclly ln gran smokvnlk of the pa of the pallet wllneué 10 the kllllng lulu hlm the murderer had fled up nearby lane 53 Scplt went nller him The knlnr Thqmnx nyflns nhrust sun Into the policevnfllc Vets Ice and pulled lhe trigger but the gun mlsflred Sgt Scan floor led Brynn with one punch Eryéns went in Die Inflows our mnnlhs Inler SIL 500w imv ofliciully com TOD BIG NOW but solneday lt wlll ï¬t Life Insuronce wisely planned today will guarantee your childrens education even if you should lie in the meantime EAST END GRAVEL PIT er Torémopollce suntan yelu I50 won hedlys or his vnlor died lns Wesern Holplul He was in Scott 73 holder of the Crushed Concrete vacl PM Run Gravel Crushed nonl Gravel Brlck and Plaster Sam Lawn Loam Loading From Crushér at Kaela 5L atatlun the Feb 1N8 52 Scott armed inmdem EHBBETTS Born In Berton 51L Scott larval year an the force belare hi C1 llrcment In 1942 He also terved overs with the Canadian Ex pedfllmary Force or most or lhe Hm World War mended 1m hl commuguflm 22¢ on we mew 1° KIM Medal from uglwuna Governor Albert Matthew awxrd Pm been nude flve met In the Mumy Tomnh Pelican Department lhcr lets Mercury Lincoln Maleor Denier OWEN SOUND ONTARIO Used Car Lot Next In Post onlce 0n car glvnn mu tree Aucllancer KnIlhArmsgmnrg SaturduylMay 7th 200 pm Sharp ALI4 MAKES AND MODELS DOMINION MIJTOBS GIFSANTIC PUBLIC AUCTION SALE usmpARs TRUCKS Mu leaves his wlfe Dr Frank Scott Kate Auken Barrie lee May bro con and two sh Nunon and Mn