ifilk $5 Overworked Electrical Wiring OCOStly For Homemakers POW pom overworked wlr Inn 13 headache and lhreal tn lhe most valuable min In our homes lodny the ma elaclrlc 11y says lhe Instllulu ol Eleclrlcal lelnll Electrical wllnz ls he lllellne or Ihe many labor xavlna appllnnccs noceunry to the nnd ern Canadlan way 01 homcmnkinl lnr urban suburban nr rurul llv lnflv Poor klmDy wlrlnl nnd nad cqunte scrvlcc enlrnnce cnpnchy choke manna and an lnarl dunk upply of electrical cumnt lurn make It Impfllllbm not the up pcrlormnnce bum mm észcmd THIS IRON FIREMAN OIL FURNACE MEETS YOUR EVERY NEED IN PRICE AND QUALITY MODEL 86 Built to Iron Fireman quality standards but at low low price package unit including Iron Fircmnn Oil Burner with all furnace controls cnmplclcly asxcmhlcd and wired Approved Cdn Underwrllcrs Lab Inc and Cdn Standard Assocn 84 Dunlop St West nrlmllnl lulu Ylullnl plumth IIHI mn nmy WATlll mu TIIF IMH run TI MODE UMP CANADAS FINEST LOW COST HOMES COMPLETE WITH WALLS Ell BASIC PRICE $2961 BRISTOW PLUMBING AND HEATING LIMITED FmMMnoMEZ 80 llnyllalrl RI ml E155 mUmmm no mm oo 32 an xu Baltic Is as slmplc as hat hen ng syslcm is necesslly In every home be 01 coal woud or clnctrlclty But the comforlahh hen enjoyed In our home during he cold temperature seam will not be nvnllablc the urnncc or stave Hal fed lumcieltly Ia pru ducc lhn required hm Elmrlml appliance nun have ndcqumc current 10 hm element nr codklnn honunu walot oic otherwise they pprfarm slowly Inkan longer than necessnr In do he vnrlnd lnskx or mm elucmcul nppllnnces by me mnn urndurcr remake Phone 3770 Naw modnn um nllmlln In word whlrh Iml drmlh III ehumlnl Mn nn mm In lotled lar rnmlon Ind mlclrncy lllumd Ilnfll Ilmpln ytl flllfllvl Ilnu Ihll onlun ll Ivelnl mndrlle Ill toll Ihll dnlm all Ihm plum lu your ulnllom Ifllrhld man And Inm vllw wlndam pln In Inlum Panrovcrworkedwlrinl to common in been old and new homes lhni electrical expert claim nnly nlmul 20nre adequately wlrcd or iadny demand in the liveran home ininrmallon on what ll needed lnr convenient sale nnd economical ndequnte electrienl Mme wirinu for both new and older home in nvnllnble lrcLl a1 churn iram nny provincial Elec lrle Service Lenaue reliable elec lrlc connector or me lnrlllule of Electrical lelni 120 Davenport Road Toronlu Ontario Clothes Hamper Of Fir Plywood Easy to Build Na wnnhdny Ild pemlnl more we throuzhnul tho or thgwzgk man ghe chum hamper Simple ox convcn on Ihlrd han the nudebuild Douala nr plywood hamper shown here an nLnHr lulu 0mm buï¬hrnom of qwly rapm ran an panel Me Inch flr plywmd HOILI or all nhould bn Innced In the Inn hlnxcd lop Bnlmm should he hwvlu Inch plywood ulw mblmy The frame 01 xv inch mm an be nmmblad with nail 1or use mew The panel and Overloaded clrcults are damm aul not only pour perlarmancu ol electrical nppllancca ll cnuled but under Ihue condlllom the wlru hen upto dnnucrmu dezrez chnrrlnl he lnlulnllon nnd evenl Uflllv nuaan llru um could have urcvcnled biinkwhen you witch on an electric iron or other nencrui use appliance you are ur an nverioldcd circuit The circuit will be Iupplyin about 1050 watts of current the flmit before the lusc hinwc or the circuit breaker trips and it dount take many oitodnyr Ippliancel with inst heminpeiemcnil to use up the 050 wpii capacity oi general purpore cirauu coiicemnker um up to 1000 With rclirlcrniar 150 in 000 watts nuiomntic tonrirr 1100 wniilautnmntlc hand iron 1000 and lamp 50400 and imur inxgps 150 With hi Ilawdownmara power um or longer parlodm glmu than unwary mum in hllher Electric him So much map Onlurlo householder pay somelhlnl close io 13 year or wnsled ppm thrnuihh gir Mad gauuloï¬nni mums It ay bgRolqndA gem oruldum n1 he Electrical Conmcidri Auncln Ian Onlgrlo PRODUCED BY THE Phone 2400 BALLVPLANING MILL COMPANY LTD ILANH AVAILABLE ON REQUEST The Los Animos Spuclnu withnm ulvlnu the up penrnnce bring huge m1 ranch house boast an abundance win dow bring an much as pvsslhle If the hrlghl auldocr Inllda Ench the lhrcc hadrooms hm nos vcnlllntlnn wlth the two frank bed rooms containing 0mm wlndowa DEE Fnruc corn occuplu an Import ml place In the feed productlon ummm nn many Irma upcclllly ln Ensxcrn Canada bring grown 1m hotn cnllllle and green ladder Durlnl the pull 1ch you several vnrlgllns cam malnly hyhrldl have been cumpnrnd on 40 Illul unllon Slnllnn arm by Ilia Cun udn Department Axrlcullure 1n Erllbh Cnlumbln Onlnrlo Quchec Ind Prince Edward hlnnd The orxv cam mu have Included Iuch vnrlcuu In Langluanw Al unquin Golden Glow Ind Wlscvn lln hybrldl Warwick 150 210 nnd 150 Wllconxin ACnn 275 335 155 531 000 025 and 606DE 1mm and Pride msA In Brnlxh Columbin rcsulu mu conducted wllh Icvcn hybrid an lhn lllullrnlion Slnllcn ll Arm man and Salmon Arm hnvn uhown lhnl bnlh Wllcamln Cnrm 135 and DcKalb 05 war nume Iary In lhr luvcrnl union they ma leslcd In lhz Dhlrlct Ex varlmenlnl Subllnllon Crulun DC mm hybrid sled ln rrccnl mm vmduccd nvvrnnn yluhlx mnu mg Irom arm mm nl mm rudder Mr Ich or Warwick 250 1729 mm qr Wisconsin 1Cnn om CUBH DIMENSIONS Olfcrlnz xrnclous cumhlnnlicn for Indoor and auldunr llvlnu1hc Lax Amman ls dcslxncd prlmnrlly for hose nmlllus who enjny In Innnnl living and entnmlnlng Mmbst ha emlrc area lhc hack Wfllll In balh the living and dining rooms in given over 1n lhe wlndowa allowing nr an unusual amount of aunlllm and ulr in lhcse roomL The window In the dlnlnz mom look am on me back terrace where your lnzenufly can be put to gonduse to make lhl outdoor liv in Mon Jun erncllvc ynu dulre quarlcrrnund corners are simllur nnnchud The purlmnn Hr plywwd hamper Lun be 1min cd using iml hlnnaulnr strip hold in place Forage Corn Tests Help the Farmers In Onlnrin mu Vlhmunhnvvn mu on lhn munm Emrlmcm inbulnllun For lllltnm hlvn ROOMS BEDROOMS an um maaw Lgcnled In the from of ha hnuu Mary SI Xfflkï¬ï¬ï¬ 210mg mucous AND OUTDOORS THE SARJEANT C0 FEATURE HOME OF THE WEEK Truck Loads Cor Loads now AVAILABLE Cunudu Cement LTD The UK We Ian yur nearly 30 mlllmn aid to undardcvclnned caunlrlu and Nflrlmu rennin or unniznllnru worklnu under II Unllml aniunl Thu nrllhh lnx pnym cnnlrlbullcn lo thl dclcnco of mo Ir world in tho Hint of all NATO mumbLu an lhn Unil cd 5mm ahnwn lhn me cllmm at the div lrlcl in on cool or economlc pm Lecllon forum corn In some caxonl Mr ylrld adder may be harmsud bul leldam do the rim develop On the mllon Arm nl Mindcmvya Gore Buy Ind Nucl lec In lhc Mama and Sudbury dmncu Wlsconsln Can 006 has producedthc hlghcll yield fad der allowed clouly by Wmonsin ACnn While com not ex cmivcly gmwn 1n lhh urnn II has been mind Um nun com can be grown to udvlnllze on mun Imus Such crop mly be used In lhe firm program In furnish luc ulonl arnge or huntor milk pruducmx herds In the Enxlcrn and Ccnlrnl Onlnrlo dislrlct he mrut prnmlllnz hylnldl of enlllnflc tam lulled nl ha Hlunmlnn Sln Hun nl Applwlun Bloomï¬eld Chu mnu and Wlllinmllown were Prldc moo mum as Ind boxn 24o Mama 71 Emma the kltchen Incas om an the am set aside or border pluntlngs Since lhc window In the breakfast nook also look out an thl little gnrdcn youll want In make especially doughllul so Hun youll have pleasing View from the kitchen or brglkfast nook The generous amount closet throughout The 14 Animus real boon to lhc huuscwln who llkes to have place to keep every Mn and llkcs to keep cvarythlnn In place you have but one car you can use the extra space In tho twocur znrnze for noraaer Every home handyman will up prove Ihe lnmllnllun the 1001 bench and uornge unit In the Ear axe And the whole lumlly will mm the protected back entrance to gamutyon Iheyorch Wm 10 GBX 27 The La Animal would qulrc at least 100100 Cubage at the houu In 10000 led cubnna at he znrnu II 7700 feel wau by but not tn bulId house gype In crowded arm This Him Media an luslrnllon of chlrmng Khrenwny Avn uvmnmm uwrr Wmm Phone 246i comblnutlon of brick stone and wood being uscdlur Ihc exterior tinlsh However should you pre ler shingles brick or mnsnnry you would ï¬nd Ihc resulls equally hnï¬dsome though perhaps not us dlsllncllve Since no laundry ls Included In the floor plan of The L0 An mos should be located under lhe kltchcn 1n he basement ml hause The healan plant Ihauld be located under the llvlng mom Blutprlnla Avlllablo Complete plans and spccllltatlons nr lhls house and all olher Home the Week design are Ivnll able at moderate cost For Him prices write to the Home Bulldlng Edllor Barrlc Ex nmlnor C12 and enclose selfad dressed 5c smmped envohpp nw lo 10 dhyaforn reply flependublo Elcclricul Walk lor BUILD Simcoe Block H5 Tlllln SI HI 2335 lnï¬umlll WM llepnlr Work lehllnl lelum nenldcnllnl IIII PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTHHCWIIS COMPANY LIMITED AUTHORIZE Safe AND SAVE WITH BETTER cnll The him In feet long and lee Inches 9n h9 beam powered by gunmand motors were given their trial run allawlnl He lnunchlnz by Superintendemméy Armstrong 91 OPP hendqudrlnrs znrnge Tn mnlo an 1th Bnnu wm bé slntlnnv Id 11 Brucebrldumpne Buysvmc ln Mï¬skaka hnd um third nlHnncy Hnibor at meuse OPPchnch mom Vlcmï¬a qubor gamma my was launlch THiee New OPP Boats Three new pollen bum Were launched at Grew Bpat Work at human last Friday Wm An ynu lure you havent lar gnllln lomlIhlnET HOMELY HUMOR DRIVE OUT QF TOWN FOR QUICK SERVICE or PHONE COLLEGE srnoup 591122 When it comesIo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS SEE US FOR ALL BHBBIEWELDINE MACHINE DENIS SHEARD LIMITED EAST END GRAVEL PIT We know all Hue answers Crushed Rodd Gravel llrlck mu Plaster Sand Milt Smith in nunl6 an lllghwny No Crdshcd Concrete Gravel Ill nun Gravel Yflllll Lawn Unim Loading From Crusher GHRBETTS COMPANY Phone 3744 PAINSWICK By Demé flank How Wynn KmhnrJ at Sun bout lulled Ia hulhl We knnw he enenllal lo make man his hulll hu would hm bun halter ht Md house cumplelr and lolld Imus Ms mmulled belore he mummms CARRY COMPLETE STOCK n85