Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1955, p. 2

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Conunued from page one Ind impnwe Cnosequeniiy our capacity to produce goods Ind ser vlces should normlliy cxpand Had we had this expansion during in past year our gross national pro duct in 1954 would have been hit over $25 billion Aciually was only $14 hillinn THE BAREI MAY 1955 Deputy Speaker Discusses Budget lt it were possible leplck up his slack and It the same time add normal rile of growln we would have gross notlanel product In 1955 11 little more men $23 bli lion He proposed therefore to recommend tax struclure which as closely as he could estirnnic would produce balanced budget if we had In urns national product or about $26 billion The one Allenleyini his ground work the new Mlnlsler of Finance pro posed ceruln welcome tax tqu spread sensibly over large pur llon oi the tnxntlon lieidr Dur largest source of revenue comes from our personni incnme IX and he recommended new schedule at rate which will reduce the ox payable by 12 13 or 115 of lhe lower incnme earnersr These channel are cmcllvc July ML 1955 and will provide zrenier purchasing power or vast army of Canadian consumers This re ducllnn in pcrmnni income thxo will be confined to the regular in come tux and will not apply that port the income tax levied under the Old Age Security Act nor to the special tax on in fislmcnt income The yearly cost to he treasury of this nhniement will be $125 million and $85 ntiiiiun In this man your lower rates personal ncome tax have been greeted wlth general approval by the ncapk Canada To ulve some examples the reductions lhe slngle taxpayer wlth an income 530110 pafld lax $320 in 1054 wlll pay nx or $300 in 195 and mu only pay $280 1n lull year at the new rates mnrrled taxpayer wilh no dependents Ind with lhe same lncame $3000 puld $150 In 1954 will pnyJMO In 1955 and would rccelve urlher rcducllnn Io $130 In lull year at Ihe new rnlcsl The figure or married lax payer wlh two dopendenls and he same Incnmp would be $105 $93 and 39L am sure these are wel corn savings 10 the Canadian lux payer It has been 11 by some that uur rate tax on corporate prn ls was very high and might dis courage lncnnuve The slundnrd rate mm Iwny man half at he cnrnlnlx of business emerprlse Sound and prudent Government pnllcic untourflle me growth and nxpnnxlon or industry It hns memo been proposed to nducc 1m corporate from 49 to 47¢ cttccuvc Jammy 111955 This move should 52er providc boost for buslnm As he nukomoblle lnduslry pmvldc nnlnlul occupallnn or many people find their product nblcs many to mun living much mum clllclcnt manner it has bun houth advisable to re duce he lax on molar car from lo l07 Ind to cut lhc tax on llrcs 1nd luhcsvl Surveys hnvn lndlculcd hut 80 of all nulnmu ble Ire mlleaze ls or buslncss The Govtrnmnm eels In ll reasonable to dn nwly wllh hls 10 yznr old Thrse mum should sllmulnle ncllvlly in the meter cur bullncss and lhe mun ulnclure and isle of rubber 1n and ulm lllfl HARLEM MEXICAN mmnh annln will lend Mlp port In lemInnnl bum unlnsl Chuck Molmr Amman Tumdny night at llama Arena on What Is uman to ha umulanal nrurcmonnl wrcnllnl cam nm hendllncrbnnnn mum averpopulu mldzuul rumor Pete and Dlumond Jlm army which lhould Mlpply enough Milan to leap lhlnu hnpplnl nlonl Thu openinl bom plla skull Murphy nsnhul Larry Kumbaukl The ukull new In introducllon more hr no changes In he upc clnl an llquor bear wlnu clzarmu and other lubncm pm dum but metal 10 alvs tax cllmnnlvd an wallpaper llanr ch Ind mnierlnla used pmducflcn of Vtflock nr pan lry These 11x cllmlnnlluns wull benefit rm and house bulldcrn Slmlxnrly among hn 75 lnrlll ClflnlM pmpmul In Ihc budgcl mlucllnm In duly nre mndr 1ar IL bentIll was Inhan Vo Muck and poullry or Inrmcn nnd nlso Ur tllhtrmon Cnnndlfln clvllmns Inde or yur or more may brln In mmchnld Ind pcrmnnl emu duly me Hwy have and llm urlclu or lcnxl nlx mam TM chnnu llmllnr la row ulon mndr In mldlrrl and anv SUPPORTS GREAT WRESTLING CARD rem contusion for all as Ind mlnlnfl ndnslfles wth have heremlore bun emp omry are now made pennlnent part 91 the tax lIw These in duslrles hav clearly esubllshcd their value in promoflng the dis covery egpanslon Ind develop men the naturnl resources nur gauntry mmeni employm wu mud erIchVe Immediately Thu Budget speech inst year lndlcqted an intention the purl of the Guvernment to undertake éump1cte revision the Federal Successlnn Duly Act nnq invitad representnunns relaxdin it Many plendld presentations were re ceived but the new sucnexslonduty hm cannot hemnde ready thl year it is hoped that it will be made nvnllnble In 1950 and tha present law as to Succession Duly wm stand unchanged pm that lime Then of Cnnfldmca Thruuzhnut Ihe whoie Eudlcl the theme in confidence in the lulure of Cnnndm The Finance Ministerl nce in he bait is his hope iorhigher Gnvernmem rev enues despite lax cuts it is his expectation that 1955 uuurxe In the Canadian economy will oiinw alter 1954 slowdown ThePrlme Minister slated mar the speech had been delhiered mnny Canndllns hnpcd or mix kind budm but dld not mHeve Ihnr was posslhlrf Jnmes Mulr Presldenl and Chairman of the Royal Bank Canada called the Budge strat egically canm npprolch to 01 problem other prominent citizens have described lhe Budget ns renlmkf bnon 1n husmcss and orwnrd sun In short he houquels out numbered he brickhM nnd he Heve the average Cnnadlnn well satisfied with the conduct me financial affairs the cuunlrn have Dian heard glowing re ports of our great npporiuniuu nnd our shining future and our un dispuned nwnershlp of ihLI mm century in fact have uilen made speeches oi his kind Can ada iustiiles hi enthusiasm but ramained for our new Finance Minisicr to suggest ihni might be well to spend lmie thought and little money on iudy how we mighi hesi cnpilniixe on our resources and realiza uur des tiny Royll Commlsslnn The government lnlendl In nn palm in Royal Cnmmlsslan wlth ln slrucllons ln look ahead and ex nmlne carelully our lulure econ nmlc pruspccls Th Iludy would include probable developments bolhln our produdllve cnpnclllu and In our exlemul markels It would lnclude an exnmlnnllun our populallon growth In bolh ll rulonal and lie distribution as pecll It would assemble lnlnrmn tlnn and snmulnle lhuuuhttully about me munllude Incl mu uur lulur requiremenl fur the arm vnrlnllts oi physlcnl amen Mn whlch conlrlbul to steadily rlslng level of wellbclnx am sure our provlnnlnl and munlclpal governments our huslncssmen and producers management and walk ers would llkp have ramme henslve nnd carclully docummlcd nnnlyscs of our vnrlmu pnlcnllal ltlcs lhlnk the work nl lhlx Royal Cnmmlsslon wlll do xcvual thlnn It will locus puhllc allanllon here and abroad In rnlher upcclflc and drlnllcd way on Canadian prospccls ll will gather lnznlher lhc considcrnblc nmnunl nl maltr lnl already in cxlslonce hul scab lured In many dlllexrnl places lhnl mow Ham on these pro hlcml ll wlll also promote and leulMe uludlcx I11 he mlny laps ln uscnllll lnclunl mnlcrlnl ll wlll shnrprn our undculnndlnx some cl he pmblmu we lncn and will provide uidul luldu unvernmcnla and buslnmv Ind In leader In all walks cl Mk In makan plum and nullclu or the lulurc The Cummlulon WI be up nlmnsl lmmedlulely Speculnllcn hm hm Me to what promlnenl Canndlnnx Elllflns wlll gel the till Mmllnmd lullcnl man In hem such Cmnmlulon Suprem lerl Jusllco Duufllnl Abba who as Flnnncc Mlnlalcr hnpcd len lmllnnlll budivll However he ll buxlly mm In llu Suprcmn Conn Canada and mlum lml Snmglun but New Cenifal Motifs Club Eniértairygd 13y TrgyelTalk dim meellnl ol the menu tinned Genus Unned Church Menl Club Wu heldmn mrsday April Zflvrwllh about 48 present Alter Ibounfllul supper served by the unlor WA lively ling songwns led by lhe vlnepruldenl Wmlum McLeod with Tre Irey at the plane Follnwlng IN Pickles réndered 5010 accompanied by Warren MacLenn The presfldenl Dr Doldze win In the chair as brief resume of the committees already an up We given wIthsome dlscussion on projects anticipated Dr Duldge 1ntroduced the speaker for he evenlyAu Lam Jnckson whn hrleb ed he member on Mexlca In gen eral allowed by calmed lldes and vivid verbal descrlpuon of flxdholldny thl calmu waged In The next regular meeting will be held on May 24 at 15 pm The program committee uncle the dlrecllon of len Thumpsun wm enmre lomemnl Insplrlng unthin erelllnl Further Snlcrmntlnn Ec nrdn the due and program be publishad later 0n behnl of the club John Pel leller Ihupked Mr Jacksontor his Inleresunl Intnrmnuve roundup oi Mexfico The meeting ndlburned abou pm wllh prayer In Baake Anothen meetlnz Increst to the club unit an church members la the United Church at Canada slmcoe Presbytery Mens Rally at St FaulsUnlled Church Orlllla nn Thundny May wllh lmner nt 5mm Maulstrnle Robert Gronm at Woodstock will spunk an Lny men at Work An evenlng slng mg devotion and ellowmm or all planned Ticket and mum Information are nvnllnhlu from Alen Thompson men miensud in clmrch ex enslon and elluwshlp are cord lally lnvfled1o mind the meet Inls ol the Central Mens Club Mineth Pavilion lieopened Friday Good Attendance Atrnss the bay at Mincts Paint the biz dance pavilion was npened or the summer season by Owner Mnnnger Slmucl Strnnsmnn on Friday night April 29 For so early it brought an attendance at wcll over 400 On Saturday night the count went to over 500 On Friday brief ceremony mlrked the apening when Bob Hunter who Is bank with his 11 plece dance band rated the dancers and weicamed nil buck Mr Slransman added Ms per sonal Erecting and stated hnl he had made promile to have he pnvlllon renewed or the tenson 1955 and had kept his promise Basket or flower mm Mend and business firms marked the oc cnslun min 1m btuumul lpot The bulldlng has been redecora cd 1n picaslng tints new screen lnfi placed the large floor put 1n perfect candluon mnd lhn khor pace or lhe upprnnch covered with maulnn ln green and maroon The Immense cellinx nwlnlcd nnd he decornflon 1h bnnd re cu renewed 1n xIlvcr and blue The lighllnz has received Ipc clll Iflcnunn and the doc tone the tailored tolling ls xelcvod by many exlm large and very pleas lnz Chinese lanterns rodand black with few In blue In comerl lenz aubdurd but cu mdlvn 111mm The refreshment boolh hnl nlm rcculvcd rcdcearallon nnd in chnrgn at Chcl John Bares orrn uly with Pryaonl Grill be able to we Another pmmln on Innndnl authority ls Mr Om hnm anerl armor Govtrnnr the Blnk nl Cnnndn who vnlunlnh lly rcllrcd ram hll poxfllon lbmfl nix momhl nKO In nnl known whether Mr Tower would he nvlllnble In like the evklmce and write report on Inch brnad nubch cxpccted hnwevLr um pmmlncnl and able perwnncl wlll be rholcn or thII lmpnrlnnl wulk whlch un play la lune mm In hc Mule Clnldla Iulurc Nu mumr who In thoun arm Hm Cnmmlulnn nll Cnnnd lnnl will probably num wllh Mr llnnll lhul cltnr umlonlnndlnu of MN mullorl 1er Mm 1n xlnvnloplnl who Ind prncllul pul lclrl WIH null vrlrllrnl IUHCIM are lnumlml Un knnwlndle Inlplr nllnn null tnurnlc Tlln Cnnndllrl nrpple hlvz Ilwnyl drmnnalnml nm lhry hlVfl nlplmllon and murnm um nure we III with the inmmlulnn IVlly mum In mumbling Ind murmlnl lir knhwlrdu whlcll Iu llldl III In lnku lull ndvunlnnr nl nur Cnn nrlllm IIHllIIlt In my um uprclnl or Hlmp mm or Illa rllllt In lrnm our wnmltmll annulment Zrllerl lJmlltd 00 Dunlop ML 2410 PLAN NOW MOTHERS DRY AT mums BARRIES OLDEST RESIDENT Lemupl Mllls celebrated his 103m birthday at his home on Kempenieit Drive yesterday The occasion was marked by inmin dinner also celebrating the birthday his son Reginald who was 56 years old Born on Big Island Mr Mills longevity is inmily traitHis lather lived to be 94 and his mother died at 100 Smull green onions were one lb mast sprlnlllke commodmes available on me larmm mark on Snlurduy mnrnlng Sevzrnx vendors were mnrkeflng lhem at 1ch cents bunghu For The Gardener For Ihc loss nmhlllous gardener who has no begun to plant hls Vegetable garden alone hulven ll here were mpplles like pencll pod beam al 25 com pound llld cam for plnntlnx nr ule the mark2L The lower nrdnntr could buy dnlphlnlum culumhlnc und pulnlcd dnlsy plants Hoadchoum lnadchccse sold well ll 35 cent pound and more was Illl uprlmz mnplc syrup mm Dro annsnlp on ma murknl sqlllnz In conlnlncrl mired lmm 75 com lu $40 Homo Baking The home bikan munlan wnre full dnlc squnru And bultur lllrll Icllan 45 and so cant damn and mlaln biscuits and harm brlnslna 30 and 10 conlz Ollmeul and dill cookie were 40 nnlx llnd lunar rnoklu md II 25 mm For 50 mm you caultl buy lmh blueberry chcny or npph plr and hruul nnd bun were plcmlml Vhllo lnynr cnku brnuzhl 50 Hull nml cup cnkcs wnrn cum 1mm um mumn were 35 mm damn Wins Simmons Fur Jacket Mrs McEuhem no Som me Baulevnrd Cunp Borden was wlnmr mmknt hack jacket In the uprln bunn dnw Simmons Co In Bur rle lhn dnw was nude hle Silurdny ammoon lrom llrn number enlrlu by Wllll puhllaher Dur rlc Examiner anlc uch candy mu 10 mm OURRURAL READERS you cannot not in to lawn to £an advantage of tho LOW CAB RATE lunl fl In the form prlmed below you wlll find the 0M 11 TEE or our rcnulLxmhm clmuullcd ads on the Clnultlcd pngcn and mail In the correct nmounl Then In tomldemble nnvlnu bar you In doing thln CLASSIFIED AD conv Name Amount nncloacd course we am glad to hm yotir ndon the loluphone the charm mm of word Atldrcn SATURDAY AlnlL so IMPORTANT NOTICE Eelebrates His 103rd Birthday PHONE BARRIE 2414 CLASSIFIED ADS llcnae nae peubjl Ink wlll blnl REGARDING CLOSE TRAILER CAMP BRADFORD Bradford Wllnzss Eradlord Trailer Cqmp nmnlcd Ind managed by Brndrord Rotary Gluh lolluwlng the loading he Hulland Marsh on Ocluber 15 and which in In early weeks was village boasting sum 500 popula Hon wu omclnlly closed last Thurldny Apr 21 Ifler being In apemlon about lx months Slnce early this ycer the hallcr camp popumlon he lnduelly dlmlnhheda people were able in return lo renovmd hnmu Oniy lew hmlue remained hut week They had been Md that Apr II was closing dly and hq Romlune ln chm were most firmelul um 31 cooperlled wllllnuy wlm lhelr phns Neither rnller occu pant nor RomInn had an em barrassing moment on closing day On April 11 the nu vlllnue wn lound be deemled and phm were lmmedlnhly pu In mm In dllmanlle the camp im large package and rIch fruit cake sold at 60 cents Bullcrmllk was 10 cents bottle Rhubarb On Market Rhubarb rundown Hm appur Ince the market 1m week sell lnl 10 um bunch The lrnnen are nwncd by the uvernmant These wHLbe sold by auclicn prices were large selling at 48 daten Ind ext 50 ccnls Medium mm Braided Mats An nllrngtlvc household Item could bought In In arm of braided mnl cllln or lhrru dul lm Embmldern pillow lllpx were $275 pnlr and knluod woman for small chlld wort three dollan baby IN acid or dollar COMMEHCE CONFERENCE About 500 dnlLKUlu wlll repro senl ovcr 30 cuunlrlzI ma World Cnnurcn 01 um Junlnr Chamber Commune In Edinburgh ln Nnvtmblr cxnccled um lhr Llheme he Cunurm wl be Trndr knowlnl no pnlnlml bar rlm pmmnm prncc ah1y constunl and 50 cents large bringlna xrndcs were 43 1Expéci Potlion Jranseltianada Highway Soon xpecled that portion It lust of xhnpseqllon umhe Trans Canadu Highway between Parry Sound and Sudbyry will In rendy or male some 11m this summer ML Allan said work on the by pass south of Oniiiia will mu lame time this year Followin Highwny 12 Waublushene he rnuie hen procegtzs Vin Hilhwny 10 P011 Severn From Port Sevem ii proceedsthrough vlrzn ierriiory to connect with Highway Gordon Buy relier purl oithi link in entirely new con Itrynilon Remainder at heanule to Part Severn dlslnnce 01 167 mun Inns been preennlncéred ex pected he contract tnr the man lsuulherly nlne mile 1h por on wlll be called won Mr Allan Ilaledwflh the mlddle 01 mile Ito be calm later In Iugnmer Th wurtherhbperni flan James Allan Mlnmer of Highways in ggcemrgddrugrnt ngeenl Grading in alrendy cumpleled tram Gordan Buy mum ta FODIEI Bay the minister lmled Conlncl or In nanulnr base course to he umd In the nearfuture Grad inl contracls 10 another 12 miles southwest mm Footn Buy hnvc now been Awarded cm Mmlle slrflch buwccn Fnolex Bay Ind Port Severn are Iubwny un der he CNR line aLFooteI Bar and an over as nerds 19 CPR Hino nLMadl er Elect Presidqin Midland Lions Midhnd Free Press Herald Jnck Dnuzhy manager Wulker StareaMldlnnd ha been Elfcged president Mldlnnd Llons Doughty seriously Ill fur the past few weeks In Toronto hospim and is reported to be lrn prgved Other olflcus numlnued and elected by ncclumallon ware Elll Jeflery 15 vicepresident Cecil English 2nd vicepresident Gor don Puke 3rd vicepresident GH mour Nuhm trmum Leluh McInlyre recording secretary Bob slnnwny Linn Tamer Dkk Tay hor Ind Ren Moflnl oMycnr dlr eclorl Not all the romrmce of electricity in in heavy mochinery Many small devices servo behind the scene Consider the fuse Tiny and inexpensive yet it is precision built lufeguurd installed to prevent damage which might result from overloading circnita When um blown replace it with another of the comet lilo if it occurs nunin call in competent electrician For remember tho fuse in protection and moire it pooaiblo or you to enjoy with safety all the benefits tlmt lowcoat electricity bringn into your home of WW Electrical Circuit Name Returning Officers Election Robert Brown of Endlnrd has been named returning omcer or Sinlcm Centre rhflng or he orth comlnz Ontario elecllon Fisher Gnnwn Hlllsdlle has been nngned rglurninz nillcer or Simcoc Byadford Man On Minihg Court Appointment Gear sma darl Toronln and Bradford satin Judge at the Ontario Mining Camt has been Announctd by HM gnvernment He wnl act during hc absence Mr Justice 11E Godson who is JOINS MIDLAND CAS BRANCH Mral Phylll Goodwln hns lolnwd lh Midland brunch at Slmcoe County Chlldrena Md Soclety mclnl worker Sherepllces M15 Petlerly who has relurned to To rnnla Mn Goodwin Is the daugh lcr Rev and Mrs Huihgl of nznraonlheLnke She hm had revlaus gxncrlcncc ll The narrowest In North Amman la rue Snus Cnp Under the Cape Quebec Clly phase 70 Guelph agency BARRIEW 15 llyllold SK and Floor ORILLIA 32 Mlulsnu Smut Eu 2nd Floor orlN MNINGS Iv APPONVMINTIHONE FOI EVENINO noun qu am milnu mum onvuqlcn officeswhich neurauryou EAé wark th um 3s mmaiiéi GmAR gm HYDRO Euchre party Aliandnle Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Wednesday evening May 815 Admission 35L 51 MyrfL Community Centre dance May 1n Stroud Hail pm Door and sun prizes Lunch provided Ari mission $100 5052 Manna Mrs Albert Clfirke mnlo were whh Mr and Mrs lhur Dobsun or vlslt Old tyme and modaln dlnclnz every Wednesday modern danclnn every Friday and Saturday Club 11L Joe McNelllles Orchexlra Mr and Mrs Arnnll Mulr and Fred McCunn vixlted Mend Coldwnle on Thursday Return Io Delta Mr and Mrs Tom Slribblo rc lurned toDnlrou on Friday after pleasant visit wnh friends hem Barrie Skating meeting Wednesdn Council Chnmhi Bulldinfl Eicclion general business anyone interested Mr and Mr Earl McMnslnr and £1 WM WPskendJ GWLPP SkflUng Ciub annual Wednesday May pm Chambers Municipal Elcclion of officer nnri business Mzmhers and interested cordially inyi UTOPIA aau

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