Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1955, p. 9

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thiamine or limit Examiner rfi BARRIE ONTARIO CANADAFRIDAY APRIL 19 1955 9ist YearNo 50 Section 2Poges to 14 MM ifiifr still liming Rail Transitions with mixed emotions older peopierwetch the transition taking place these days in the operation or Canadicrl railways Fast disappearing are many long established train services The wail of the diesel more and more is replacing the shrill oi the steam locomotive Eightycar dieselpowered irelghts now go through Barrie almost daily Just out oi town at Midhurst the streamlined new dome cars carry passengers daily to and ram the west coast on iast schedule But as the ONE and cPitnow have freight and passenger service modernized to equal anything on the continent at the some time old iamiliar routes are being closed Recently the CNR received permission irom the Board at Transport to close down the section of track betweenvAlllston and Creemore The service is still going but is expected to end soon That spells iinish tor the daily BeetonColllngwood passenger train which has been operating lot over hair century Freight service will continue between Beeton and Alliston Collingwood and Creemore only Some time ago the daily service between Allandale and Penetang was out to three days week CPR lastweek closed oti its daily passen ger run into Goderich although the CNR is maintaining service there One or the lost interurban passenger electric services in North America come to an end last week too with the closing oi the Lake Erie and Northern Railway between Waterloo on the north end and Port Dover on the south This 50year line has been losing business steadily to cars and buses and it was deemed no longer possible to carry the deiicit Freight will continue however It does not scemso very long since the electric trolleys used to run irom Toronto up Yonge Street through Newmarket and along to Sutton with another branch going over to Echomberg But better highways and more rubbertire transport ilnlshcd them back even beiore the last war Editorial Notes Only hope couple oi years ago the Btratiord Festival has become major Cair adian attraction tor Americans and in iicld where Canada had always been weak bciore Our scenery air and Mounties were line the tourists admitted But who would think or coming to Canada to see ilrstratr drama Had bccnprescnt at the creation would have given some useiul hints tor the better ordering oi the universe Aiphonso the Learned Two oi Canadhs biggest supermarket chains are about to tackle each other in 1055s most interesting retail battles reports The Financial Post Canada Eaioway is mov ing east Lobiaws may be moving west it may turn out to be one at the biggest retail developments of the year toplevel re tailer told The Post Canada Saieway Ltd Winnipeg No in the slipcrmarkct sales parade will be invading the Southern On tario market by years end LobiawOroc cterias Ltd Toronto No in supermarket rates may be moving into Winnipeg and the West last as soon according to persistent reports in the trade The opportunity to practice brotherhood presents itscli every time you meet human being June Wyman OPIbUONS OF OTHERS What of Tomorrows Scientists Owen SninulSunTinusl Great Britains crminnpiarerr lrrnrtilnrt Linmic energy program and its decision to procred with the tryrirugun burnt ilill tilllilli anxiety iIr trrrrl ruunlry conrrrnlng ils iulnre supply oi rclenllais Millll vii wiint lit bring sirltl in iingiirnrt iti llrll connection would apply rqrurily In Canada and the United Still What worriu many inraightcd people in there tobnlrlrl la tho coriilnulng dcrliun in the numbrr oi college liradrralos txirlnlrlrf in Domino scirnte lcacircrs At the prcsrat ratl ls irarvrl timt cvrni aoliy thrro may ho tow sclrnco grnduaicr inlch cried in teaching Jobs Industry oiicra collcge graduates more enticing inducements it il true that gust deal oi research is bclng pursued by science graduates allracred into the vast industrial lobaraiories But this ia applied research tor the most part Applied aclcnco soon could run out oi steam in the absence oi the pure rcscsrch that is aimed at cxhumlng new truth it is in the cloiatercd atmosphere oi the great gnmpitica that pure research reaches its esoteric maihematical iorrnuiaa covering 20 ieeroi black board once were beginners who might have mar velied at the antics oi aCartcsian dlvcr in tho banal at high school physics teacher Trial Balloon Trenton CourierAdvocate short while ago Prcmicr Frost oi Ontario told his legislature that health insurance was inevitable Hc coupled this with the rider that ilnenciaily speaking the minimum requirements or such scheme were beyond the present capabilities oi the province unless the Federal Government should be ready to contribute to make it possible it may seem ovcriy cynical even to aurpcct that suggested benefits uttered with apparent high mindcdneu might be relatedlo tho ssibllity that election days might be in the oiing Yet it is rather dittieult torrcmcmbcrm wcliare protect that didnt emerge at just such strategic moments Prcmlcr Frost was extremely adrolt lie is now in nice poaitlonto move aimolt any way on this issue and to claim credit ior the move For those who want health insurance hesu goals it as in cvltabic which at course does not nvalva iavor obla opinion or its opposite with those who might be opmlcd he can agree ior hardheaded practical reasons Should pressure become too great he can always point out that the project impossible without Federal assistance which ire knows iniriy well he wouldnt get it is somewhat dliiicult to know where Premier Frost heart lies but at least on his practical ride he docs realise that hora is it bid tor the lover oi the electorate backed by tentative quid pro quo that ii is hopcdwill cost nothing Beyond the act that there are many agencies capsbly supplying their own iorm oi health pro tection at price that large part oi the public can well niiord to pay and that or the less ior innate similar serviccs are already provided at no personal cost there is another consideration that aiiccia ua even more nearly This is the import anr act that the more we permit governments to or us thcmorc we put in their hands to do something to us And that is the point where auto craclca bcgin Misquoted Heard Often North JJay Namii was mllquoicd in the iavoritc cry oi those who having made statement which proves embarrassing to them whcn quoted in the press wish to duck the blame it is happening ircqucnily Thrcc roccnt inrian CCI were prominent ilil oiilccr whose name has been linked with that at princess made slate mcnll concerning thclr iriendship The Itaicmcnta were quoted in newspapers around the world He then said he had bccn mirrxuolcd LA prominent Churcilmnn mode statements con coming this lamp iricndshlp lie was quoted as saying the iricndship Would never end in marriage ills statement made headlines around the world lic said he had been miaquoled promlacnlaclor was quoted as making derog atory remarks about the southern Unitcd States in raid ho was mlaquolcd The public has right to be coniused about all this Who is right the people who claim they have been mquuotcd or the newspapers who print the rcmarkai Prominent people are conataniiy being interviewed by newspaper rcprcsuniaiivca They should make certain that whatever they any ior publication is carefully worded They should know when they are being inlcrvlewod and they rhouid think beiore making statements Ncwrra rs on the other hand have serious rcrpons bi in tiria matter The newspaper rcp rlacntntivo who II oblatninga quote on tlcklirh aubicci ahould any in ciicct task For olng lo qlilodl1enyou on this in my aiory is this at you III The newspaper raprcaentalive who lots on he is not going in print aomcthing and then does so is not being honrrt ilui itrc person who knows he in going in be ranted and then cries hitanoint when his alalclncnll appear accurately as he said them in print ll not being honest clthci iicrponaiblc people in vuliiiolil oi authority have no rvasonvlo icar being mirrruotcd it they make curtain their statements are clearly given in tho ncwapnpcr Responsible nawapaurra mual are to it that their reprcrcniaiivca Imto accuratcly Only in this way will we avoid rush at heart limI allowed by the cry waa mquaowdl it aims improbable that we or any nation or group of nations writ attain peace unrii each man in his own mind and heart treats all men as his brothers liddio Cantor 0WM0v0vO000W00V00M0WMWIWOVMW will till arm iterations Class Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday at Al The Wllwll iluiiriina loll our iiquure tuna mama an iilli liltiiitlE EXAMINEII LlhliTED CitiiilCK Vlcsiraaldcnl lilVEllJocrolsryvnauurn WAlll lrrairirni Ilrrnbsl or clean panama ar carr Airsraga Hot lalrlAllC Circulairon Three Months hating llvc lirit 6953 Is rumor dctlml ant Cars an rpm naramra mull rr mum Maovine Miles cannu nor arraw nrrarr 0le Ir naonr cwvan IIpoflntAndaol in rm urine in apart at run Imlhr oer lhm man 00 IVIICIIIMNI varsLI Anvsrrol Iv curt ovvlrrrl unaru loom NW mt la Omani all IDIth III In lath unlit use no law Dull Eat the rcientlati who sit staring at Brucellosis Inspectors Wilired Stewart one oi the in rpcctnrs who check caivea ior bruceilosls vaccination asked doun on about pay ior the last inspec tion Frcvlous council had agreed that the rate or this waa to be raised irom the loo ellowcd by the provincial department to too This balance which ia not levy would have to be paid irom gcni crai iunds collected irom the whole township Discussion has been given this matter and the manner in which it should be raised liowevcr its the inspection had already been done motion was parsed or previous meeting ior lion the clerk iound already on tile Ditch Supervisors in order that some agreement may be reached about drainage across the earth concession inr eluding part of thc Beauty1 arms and severe othernwilhout at at having In engineer make the levy alter survey which might cost as much as the work Fraser Sutherland and Allan were appointed committee to interview the parties conecrncd First Meeting Aleona items and School Assocl ation held its that meeting in the new school April it Members dlrcuased various matters pertain ing to improvements ior pupill Following the business session the iilm showing the township cenc tennlal parade was ahown had not previously bucn seen by many at the ralcpayerl some oi whom rocognllcd themselves in Owcns Speaks To Federation Branch Siroud branch oi the Federation oi Agriculture had aa apcakcr Ari Owens dirtrlcr ruptrvisor ior VLA Mr Owens who haa maria iWo trip across the Dominion calling on iarrncrs both ways told oi the many ways that inrmlng was being conducted by the 60000 voteranl who are participating in tho bencitts oi the Llnd Act He outlined the ncccnit or having top quality stock to and output mm ia only one thing that man airouhi be married to on lawn and that lg hil wiie he said Anything ciao should be to sale This was when he was advis lg lira rnla oi ony aalrnnl which wra nor pulling lia weight ill production llla advice was to make sure when buying arrda not lost to ask tor the name oi the It but to Iprciiy iirI trcltor brands and be sure to buy only tcsicd and approved Hi There is branr ui timothy now that inr cxccla the older variety or both pastures and hay he advised ilr Inawrred many questions on gran silage and pro prr rtnragr Tho anrwrr ir not yet inlly known as to how to star sure save at this crop he advised Only about 10 Invinbcra wcrc illtlll at the well advcrilrcrl meeting although every iarmcr in the township contributor to tho runrnbcrship by halt mill on his naltlnrlrrnl Thou who were in atlcnriancc were in accord that lilo lslk given was cxtremcly bunn iiciai capcclnlly to the milk pru duccrl Roodaloor Yot Many oi the rat rryara oi the township are Inglnn rig lu wonder it they will eventually have their roads in passable Iiiopn again Never in the memory at moat oi rrmrn arIna them town they burn but lip and stand bad so lung The continual wet weather herpa tima irma drying out Himl oi the itniil they our crossed must he do with anal tl The whole uil gooa track to the rains last iail which idli the water aoaked grourrrl unable to absorb it rnoistura Frost kapl tiria lhare till spring and the added rain turn any rprlngy piIea rilll spongy the payment as billed Thia mo iiililSlli unrest By Mort iieldr are still too wotior spring work Prayer Book Roy Cooper who will lera shortly tor the Diocese oi Edmon ton to take year probationary work on mission in Northern Alberta was prercntcd with large prayer book by Rev Lionel Rowe ci St Pauls lnnisill on Sunday morning during the reg ular service Mr and Mrs Cooper have only been in Canada Just over year coming here irom England lie was insirumcntai in organising the Boy scout troops tor the Innirill parish and has or the part revoril ontha been rtudying undsr the rector to enable him to master the Work which he has accepted He will be going to serve under the Bishop whom Mr Rowe work ed with previous to coming East The prayer book was gilt irom members at thevcongregatlod and other with whomha had been closely associated in the church ommunity Proloct At Belle Ewart Bcilc Ewarta new community building is almost reality it has been closed in and when the floor is down windows in and doors on it will be ready ior rummcr use ii is hoped that by the end oitho summer Iuiiicicnt rcvcnue will havc been earned by continuous planned activities to enable the hall to be lined and other work carried on that will enable it to be used In winter Considerable credit or the int work on the building goes to William Ruiiclt who has worked continually iorchr month Many othcrI havo lent helping hand andtha result is new build lrrg that would be real crcdll to any community west innislil the corner oi the township which is almost lor goticn part not only by Council bar by the road department has shown that it can accomplish things also Following mating last Febru cry when an association was larm ed at which Furyk wIa elected president iiodgcs vicepresid cnl Fitnlmmonr trouurc nd Mrs ltodgcr racrcisry it dr cidcd Io ncccpi an alter rn by Mr Trimblo to rent the associa tion building tor nominal or cna dollar Work at renovating has been carried out as rapidly as polliblc as well as outside work in coyrncc llin with community requirements Techage area hIVa been very nrlivc in air ng assistance and onnniiona were received irom Var liro Ilrothrra Cook Construction Ilobinmn liurdwaro Ilolri liubberact Co nndl2aall and Boris which were graiaiully acknow icrigcd as will be Isrlatance irom any community member on Mon day Wedneariay and Saturday when work rariil lill bury Poinlwick Fiona Improve Grounds Ar lrinawick this group have lnlll under way to hire ovnr and reouiliy tho rrhwi grounds at the corner oi lira highway They IN also placing equipment in the playgrounda One new plrce it equipment wea donated 0W 0m Regarding County Administration Barrie April 1965 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner pra Taxpayer in your issue oi April 20 is interesting and to cer tain degree Ilarmlng it is allrm tng on account oi the number or inaccuracies it contains For instance the writer states that one yearthe position at war den gocI to the urban municipal inn and the next to the rural mun icipalities As mattcr oi act the last three wardona have bccr reeves oi townships and ior the tour years bciorn that the warder wu irom town or village havr yet to know oi one instance when warden has been wincd and dined either by the member at the drum sit or by the county itciercnceto the county being governed by county commissioncn rhowa that the writer is not very conversant oi the incl in 1890 tbr Ontario ugiaiatura in its wisdom amended the Municipal Act reduc ing the number rcprescntatlver composing the councils oi counties Slmcoc County was divided intc nine divisions with two rcprcscn rativerior each division making it membcrr in the county council They were called commisslonerr and were elected or twoyear terms This system was continued unti 1W0 whenilwaa rcpcalcdnnd in system oi the county council being composed oi the reeves and deputy cchs oi the townships towns pnc villages again came into iorcc Inc is still continued ilt was thought that the mcn who administered lhr business oi the local municipalities knew more of their needs and were better qualitied to lock alter their busincss In the county Alter iorycer trial the commis aloncr system iailed to satisfy and the province reverted to the term er system oi reavea and deputies forming the county council The writer statcr The Barrio Ex aminer rcporlcd lost all that the County oi Simcoe paid no per cent or the costoi pll township bridges never rccdauch rtItement in The Examiner nor have heard oi anyone who did The Ontario Department or High waya pays 55 pcr cent at the coat or all township and county road construction 60 per cent rmlntcn once and 30 pcrccni oi the cost oi all township and county bridges in some townships the department paya higher percentage oi these costs The county docs not pay Iny percentage oi ih coat oi any township roads or bridges The county engineer is doing very aariaiactory Job with the lands at his disposal There have been very low additions to the county road syrtem since the cab break at the second world war The county uscssor is not con ccrncd about high assessments or high taxes lie is concerned only about equality oi valuation oi the properties in local municipalitics and the equality or valuatons as between municipalities in the coun ty will not attempt to reply to the many other crroncoua slatemcnts in his letter In the urge tax annum up This is long way irom the days when we can re mcmbcr teacher being rchlrco at substantial incroue to $300 when we went to public school by De bisa Canada Limited ilalkotblil equipment waa donated by lira con tractor Lea licriram Nood Three Teachers For Schpoi Area No Like hunting tor naedlain lrayalack is the task at seirclina or obtaining leathers thua days we have noticed alanrllnh vcrliscrnrni in both Tlra rrln Examiner and The Toronto Globe and Mail the latter let Ilnanl hundreds ni oihcra wlrlrh llll two pearl oi elnlslllerll for Icaclroro necdcrl or lira No Arno TOM arc rcnnirrvd iur uplrulnn and on lor replacement at tho leach ing aiaii Enquiry irom the cemetery about muita rhowa that two In pllu lave been received so in rt IrrIn ed on II 81 per Dear Sir Tire latter by Ves IBAAO nroKeasrsrr The old minister set thoughtiully in his study Since his rc tirement he was asked to oiiieiate at low weddings and the one that aiternocn had been rather special The groom was his old iriend marrying tor the second time alter busy tile in which he had won more than iairyshare oi success in the worldoi aiioirs All the clrcumstancesoi the marriage cailediorth the kindiiest and sincerest good wishes irom relatives and irlends In his mind heilved over again the events at thealter aoon the plain and oven austere ceremony in the vestry oi heChurch the dinner party oi select iriends with acetic noniai cutting oi the cake or toasts but with the easy coo rersation oi longterm iriends and with happiness that warmed them all He noticed then the limp leather Psalm book his gilt irom he groom which he had laid on his desk when he came in md his thoughts took another turn strange ack or them His own meagre that his irtend had given him that He had no pension gave twist to his houghts and almost involuntarily be contrasted the cost oi iii the arrangements oi rook Surely his iriend would Even as itcamo he pushed the thought away to one least of all his iriend Instinctlvcly he looked ior erhaps he mused the day with the cost oi the little not economize at his expense lie would judge more kindly interpretation my friend thought he would hurt my iecl ngs bygivlngme money and icit that in this way howould ut the rimseli and yet he didnt need love been hurt Six months later re had put it lie saw now he limp leather covorgavc pleasure but mustsusdthls one he said to and hand have others matter on higher planelhat is it he concludedto to think my ieclings would he took the book irom the men where that it was beautiiuliy bound and to the dlscerning eye himseii Halt automatically he iiited the cover and there lay two crisp twentydollar bills Another Resigns irom Coidwaier Schtni Board cowwrmawnio Goldwater School Boardwar waiting for an appointment by the minister oi cduv cation to till one vacant trustee ship letter at resignation has bccn rccelvcd causing sccond VIClIliLy llarvie school board recre tary received the resignation at iiarry Kliieran on Monday Form er tnratcc Killoran is moving to Waubaushcne Procedure oi ark lng the minister oi education to ill the previous vacancy was on the grounds the local board had iailed in its attempt to get citi srn to Accept an appointment by them Contention over school mat lcrs in the peat two years has re Iulted in rulgnatlonl oi trusicca and diatnciinaiion oi roridcntt to serve on the school board payer will not be influenced by them Yours vcry tnrly JvT SIMPSON Portugal in monarchy until lDlO has been an independent aim since the ma century Goldwater Couple And First Train Through Medonte COLDWATEilMr and Mrs James Lasonby were guests oi Mr and Mrs Fred Buchanan oi Oriliil on Sunday The Ccidwater couple were taken on drive at Orlllia area and returned aitcr tea on thairwayLJromc they urriyodat Eady tow minutes colors the now isatcr CPR train to the Wort want through There was Ilarga crowd on hand to ace the steel diesel powcrcd Canadisn airing it ilrrt run to Vancouver Mra Lawnby rccailcd that no and her husband wcre the only rcsidcntr oi the arm present whcn the tint CPI train went throuah Mcdonie Junction The initial trip on the line was in the early hours or thc morning but the Lazonbya had heard about it and determined to be present or the historic event csnrouussr Visitors Viriiora during the band with Mr and Mrs iii uter wcro Mr and Mrs Thomas Ill concr and Ernie oi Tomato Mrs Pile and Mr and Mrs John Pits and baby at Maple err Betty Carton Ind friends oi Tomato were home during the weekend YOU TAKE THE RISK owan You rssr TIF iTLL HOLD IOU ion as rare me Me

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