Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1955, p. 8

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SHOWROOM 65 Colller St Dlal 2487 urc yuu vnul 1n truly Hm car 13 0mm comm Llc No 1113131 Lullruul black Hnndum lrunnmiulun Whlla wall Hm um wow urlpl bunullmlly uml mummy IIuamllncd Ilm urnm 11 Nu Au110 Twululw blown mm mm bvuulllully kcm lpullruly um s1225 tmw Hum mm Lu Nu Afifl 7w limo and my nlr mlullllonlnu hun rr mu um 11 now um um unnullzgs mm mun He Nu AHIUH mm Mur rmlum unllm wlmlwhhvhl wmlull 31225 mm mw um um uwm Iwhubly mm hlm rnw OMII Ll mm lvlvln um Mum ullrMllvv lmdy nun mun mnme Ilmml 30ml um huI un Imu My IHquId Sprllu and Hummrr my lluL umv lMuu mum lAr Nu mm rummum lmlmnlnhuv mlhml mdlu mu nlllc mm him In uwllrr DANGERHELDMOT In an IN NIL All302 Ill ruul Muck Ilnllll Manor and dulruncr apnea lo run cmzv cm comm Liv Nu MuUIU Zlmm grey and blur nmlchlnu cuflom lllu cuvcrl dropIran xlru lgsuclllfl lulu COACH lylc AMI100 Zlune um ptncurally new llrrl WI runnlnu kt31095 lgfiuuniuv MZIMN LIL Ammo Llam unm mu mnrwn olr wndllmulnu lunlu your1095 mice uburc mm A1071 TAN Ur Nu Mum Ihlnhu mm ml mun vulvu Job rum mod s595 mm inluu mmcll IlkaNu MIMI nom um cunluln h4aner unproven muh In mechanical wmllthm mw Hulllnl MCII No Aum mull llvrl Dark mmmc um un mndlllunlnu huor1095 mzv film1N flu MMOI lurkuqox nlllc blue nlr condlllunlnlhcnler mmzou COACH 141 No Asam ween mdlo alr cundmunml lhll rrpnnu Ilun mny be purcluml or nmlll down pnymrnl and take over puymcnll Mmon HHIMN Lin No mm wuum rndlu oulslua um vlm mud 1er tumor In condlllun mm mm llc Nu mu Iluhl lllrvy hul wulvr vallr and mod llm mm mm murlt IAc Nu MLouu lurk hllw nml In Ilmnntulule rumunon Illuhuirvl wllh cullum mum and lwulur prucllrufly 345 mncmu mun Me No AMI021 unlu lnl lurk llnllh Tllll In the IHX modal 14nd Ilu ylvuly slylo Ind mm clmv 1mm lIL Mama Hum unyllhln In wry pupulnr ur In the luwnr prcml mu 51 ans uni um CHEVROLET sunm ma cfmvnouzT COACH 1951 cmzvuouzr SEDAN mo rono sunAN um nonm CAII cmssxs roumcsmmn nmvnnym mo MERCURY lANlZL 1m CHEVROLET sunm um PLYMOUTH sunlm 1917 0mm mu CllllVllO COACH HMO lOlll COACH HMO HUICK HHIMN I953 I953 LIE IMBBS Dyna Fluw Tllnllnlninn cur tom ndln lwu lane lumunlle Ind Ivory londtd 1m nun vuy low mlleul ANNIVHIHMLY HI CIAL 1953 Swimminrlual meeting or the swimming pool was held in Hiiisdaie school Friday evening Hurricane anci did damaze to the mill pond making il impossible in hnid swimming until paired Accmmiilce at live was lormtd lo head he project They nrc chairmnnuneevc Ei im Gan lnn necrelaryimrurer rs Mike Frnwiny Leo Burlheiolte Mn Harold Martin prcsldenl of Silver Mlpiu Wi Mrs Guidon Thompson Swill rmenuuon Member the Unllcd Church gm prunnlnuon beaumul leathcrcovcrcd Bible and two cups and saucers to Mr and Mrs Emer sun Rogers who are lenvlng short ly fur their new home at Mcalurd New Owner Thn Hlllsdalc superiur Slnre opened on Friday April 22 undcr new owners Mr and Mrs Hun 1953 BUICK SEDAN mz nuan EXAMINER FRIDAY mum 29395553 thfluzhompqm Tu nur many cuslamvrs and Hands we exicnd apcclnl upenmu allurnoan on being held at on Monday May from 04 pm BEAUTY 30X SALON 15 COLLIER STREET rnw OMII Ll Aswan mm Mu nrwly unnumn umclm 1me Hun Mcpr mnme Ilmml ma mu hul um um Inlly muuuu mum and Hummrr driv mm mm lMuu mum lAr Nu Mam rummum lralmnlnlmv mlhml mm mill nlllc my mm min uwllrr um um MIDAN LIA Nu man7w limo uuln and my nlr mlullllonlnn hr 14de um 11 ma um um ncnrcu1295 mm 211mm He Nu AHIdn nm Mur cnmm unllm wlmluhhll wmlull 3122 mm mw um umv uwm wuhulyly klmw hlnL ULDHMDIHIM COACH Llc Nu AU Lluhl urnn hydrnumuc trnmmlulon mm radln nllrucllvc le Euvcrl Annlvuury flplclll cum HHUAN Llc No Abulm Tone luv nucan murlur umum IUp cuvm flIHV CHAT Lll Nu 514 Dark Indul ll blur fllrbndmolllnfl hmllcr awry fenl urc yuu vnul 1n truly Hm cur OLIIH COACH MC No 1315 Lullrmll black Hnndunl lrnnnmiulun whlla wall me um wow urlpl buunlllnlly umll LIIIClnlIy IIuanlllncd IIEV NHHAN Llr Nu AllIlU Twululu blown and brle bvuulllully kkjll IIVUHKIIU clrun ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LOCATION HlLlSDALE MICKEY swans Formerly at 24 DIlnlop so East Is Now Located AI Entrance Clapperlon St and HYACINTHE SCOTT AI lhls wu cluznruhlp 5nd edu cation mucxlnz It was turned over the canvcners Mn Alvin Dren WI Mcelln The Hlllsdnln Wumcns lnstllule held thelr Aprll mceung Mrs Blll Douglas Mrs Gnrdnn Thomp soh prosldnd nullcall was wcl answered by naming place and he hlghllzht of Made by Mr Brennan wading and childrens prayer exnrrplc ln parents The Young Peoples Society gave presenlallan pielure 01 then group la Rev Moore Sunday evenlng The church gnve Rev and Mrs Moore presenlation on Man dny evening at suclul gathering New Home Rev and Mljs Mome let on Wednesday lorlhelr new heme at nexdnln president Hum W1 Mtg Collty Bnrxle gave mum on Ins mu lessons Next meetlnz Io he held In June $15000 TRADEIN AT lEASTAllOWED 6n any car 6m lot valued at $650 or more Goovgo offal $56006 vorthn of used cars to celebrate his $2195 YP Pruénlallon Hunre lnvllnllun our new promlsnl 81895 31595 1595 Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile CadillacfChevrolet Truck Dealer Meeting closed with God Save Queen context on nnmlnn the film of the USA was won by Mu lick Rumble Lunch wax served by the homes Assisted by Mrs Hurry Trcw Mn Gordon Thompson on behalf or lhv lndIns presented Mrs Joseph Len with set at safidwlchcplnlc and cup or her splendid work In he past two yuan home hak mx sale was plannudJor Saturday May inleonl Store In Id the mill pond rcpulr proJch Mn men mm paem on cducmlon cumsNI uuk melalllc ten ndln Iomlllc Irlmmlulun nemcla blllncrd en lnurlnx Ind uxperlenced wurhml Ihlp Mn Drennln lnlmduccd the weak er Kennuh Ellis 1611001 Inspector Midland who then hi topic Education or clthenshlp and mld the more xlmplehook my at lhc teaching of Iuday and the Importance lclllnl the thildnn flndlhnlr awn meanan lite and than helping Io guide them on rlgm way Our chlsz of marrow are bur chlldrcn of today Mrs Malcom MacDonald lhnnked Mn Elllx Tho 1951 PACKARD SEDAN 1951 HImeN 5mm ruul Muck Ilnllh hwlor apnea lo run at cuuv Heemne um Llc Nu Mmm unn blur matching lnlurlor Very clean lhrounhum 1950 mu In damn CUMMEBCIAL mummu 10th ANNIVERSARY Sula continues with the low low pvicos to suit ovcrylprmpcctivoiai buycn NEIMN LIL ANMIN mu mnrwn olr wndluuulnu lmlto III uhurr lhrrn PREFELT NED Me No AMI3N durk bluL rvd Icuthcr lnlcrlur Lcunumlcnl lrnlulvugln nun ul low prlru ANNIVERSARY HIELML 6qu COACH IJC AMI100 Zlune ptncurally new llm runnlnu llke Olden Anzllcnnchurwh In Cun ndn St Paul Church It Hnmux wnx bum In 1750 Nu LU502 III nnd dumulcrY wlll OLDEST ANGUCAN cnvncn Quick ulllllclory renulil Ire experienced every waeix by hundred of bmlnuu ilrm and pllvlie clilum who pine Id vullumenu In Tim Barri Ex nmnor clugiilefllY where buycr Ind Ielier mint you luvs prnpcriy or licies inr nia or nrvicen Io amr all to Ill Exlmlnu rimmed Id depulmm an muli in your mum being plned buiore morn than 25000 puumm buym In tin Centre Simon market For Imnll lnvulmentul nppraxlmnlely flacvrnllthom and dolln ml elm pro pefly wu Iold quickly Ra nqu Ilka Ihln piano the ven dor he buyer um the ml eatu Im And It pleuu The mm Examiner By pm Tllunday In thin 21 hnun Illey um pup had Ippund on tha real than at tho nut houm wars mid to pmons who lurned than prapcnlel lhrunlh my new paplr Idvtnllament Artlvlnr The Exunlner ofllce Mr Ron cxplnlned Hut In Wednesdnyl paper ha Ind lllled our honm or nla Id hlfl Inllrllcllon thlI the lame Id wu to run In the Frldny my Our But Ad on Bolng Dvlvon not Primd REALTOR SELLS THREE HOMES DIRECT ADLETS Cancel the Id hive uned ulefl tnr Friday In bringing down mother rlxhc lle mule Eaten prominent Bar rle real emu broker Invlsed The Examiner yesterday Iner $1395 lm a525 T$1125 $1095 EImus a595 51150 1095 1295 particularly impurinni now with spring mailer oi any way he said Funnon will need new hurls new machinery and new ni ilchmcnu Many of harm who de pend on ihnir cream cheques lo take up the inéome slack will now be able in make the necessary prepar aiignl or wring work Ana manyn ally worker re xull will be natured employment 77 fix M1 was almost certain to be reflected ln urban employ ment rum slncc farm purchase rover Just about every type In dug sund rnlnmum prlce for inner or In othcr year mId Wood at Alllalon lumen will be ahla to go ahead and buy at least some Ihe thing hcy need Thls lg mg was almost certain In recent month men who prnduce cream and there are 0000 at them in Ontario have bcen un certaln Ihout the future and II result have been cnulleul tn the matter ofimnktnn purchases Announcement mat the support price or butter at 55 pm pound would be conUnued lur anomer yur was hailed by omen the Dnlazlc Cream Producers Market ing Board contribution to re duclng unemployment In Canada Cream Producers Hail Support On Butter Price 58 Llc IIJJII Iwo Inna neklml tan Ind 011 ord nay AI rundlflnnlnx hnler lruly Ina nr ANNIVERSARY fllEClAld 1950 CHEV FLEETLINE mmcmu nmcu le N4 AMI021 unlu lnl blurk llnllh the IHX modal 14nd illllllyl ylruly uni mm lcnuv mun llu Alarm vnrv all We rommc mmN LIcINu A30 103 mrlnllh mm nu Wm IIIWV IMCIL Aflurm Huh urey III very mmulnr ur In the luwnr prlcnl urmlu METEOR COACH Llc Nu ASHMO rk urccn mdla alr cundmunml lhll rrval llun may be purcluml or nmlll down pnymrnl and take over puymcnll ULDH SEDAN Lit Nuv AMOJS Oxford urcy hydrumunc lrnmmlulon aurucxlvc Hnllh rnzlnccrud 1n lllu llnm ONHHDDHTJ lrldIUDn on henlur mph mmmc um co or thoroughly cllcckgd ANNIVERSARY fllEClAll 36Buyliéld Slreel THE BESHY TEST for lDIh ANNIVERSARY Car Deulor in town The Ipuaknr appeared through the courluy bl Dink Stock China warc Hunl Slecle was present for lhn evening to mnke we draw on donnnum at Juper Ware mm the Inn won by Mn Cam eron and Min Mary Mnchnqan 1th Ibeikur we Intruvrruced Ind thanked by 1h dub president Mn Walllcc olnr in CI and mm oB he mlklng of pink leperncl plate wet um shown to the ML lame sixlid In this tllrn Ind In lie final film shown durlng the evenlng deplcunx he msklnz at Jusper tenpoL there wsre many shall he lsmous Jlxper Wm deslzned durlnl the cluslm sevlvnl 01 ll last hall the lam century The firs mud toward clssslcalm and term was seen ln Weldwoods blch hull wnre Lnler he vclopcd the smooth velvety ware mos oflnn sun In blue decorated wllh classical Ilium ln mm usually ln whlte desllnadln the urngclul manger ol nnclem Greecs iurlnfi th your nhcnd Mr Wand STORY OF DEVELOPMENT CANADIAN CLUB Conunue¢ Ironing one s1095 1050 795 895 The mmerhn wmé wm meal at the home Mn Cecil Cameron on Nudity May Vhlur Iron Wlnnlpe Mn Duncan McLeod of wmnh peg has been vlslllnz Mr and Mn Campbdl and other relatives Oelehnllng Blrththy Mn Kcnry and boys Thumv 233 Bradford St Dlal 4981 Our Starter Service Is for people who DONT LIKE to be pushed around Be assured at qlrlok trouhlé tree starts by regular Inspec tion at the battery starting éhnrglng nmllznltlon clrs cults With Difference noun SERVICE PflqNE 39m smoun Collect mansion mm 5311va Llc Ayana Two Iona nun culnm ndlo uhlla WIII llnm Thll II Iho Ill Hlx Chlel Illn Ierlel ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 1951 PONTIAC COACH PUSHING 15 OK DODGE uElMN Lia Na Annon dcup mm mm llullh mu llrcl mulor ln ncrlccl run nlnu ordur GUTHRIE 1948 33 BAYHELD ST nr 12 CLAPPERTON 3T Auto Electric Service BRENNANS PONTIAC minm Llnhl green mmqu mm rubulll mum dlrccllonul mm NO Iona nun culnm ndlo unu Iho Hlx Chlel ANNlmmmw uILuuu when is only Buttan PHONE 2464 BARRIE USED CAR LOT ton warm gnd Mn cécxi Cun in Ind madly al horn on Sunday la help Mahala MA Gunman blnhday Aslumptlon College Windsor Duhstand Jesuit misshn school In 1351 Over to calm Mn Cunemn lelled the Parliament at Oakwocd 1m wcck ASSUMPIION COLLEGE 33950 $595 um 3150 31295 25 3105 man 3m ms ms l550 N25 15 Jul

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