IImno 4013 Mule Ont THE LAZ MOST SUC MHIICNIJ IN THE ummmumon BOWMAN nmmluvm In In um nun In Fnlrou liqulpmcnl Company lld II Leyla Ana lmollln 11 ML mu 2m 54 mm BL anhlnr IJL I47 Bnyfluld SO WILHUIL HIDE STORE ENETANG STREET ORVAL FLEETIIAMS STORE ESSA ROAD LEX GORDONS STORE BRADFORD STREET Dutch trader vislllng Mnnhnflnn Island New Yuxk 1615 knew Furl ansau GARNERS DUNMH AHLY VISITORS Jnmlcmn Mlndrnl vlklld Manns In Ham and Churchlll rcccnlly PM Mr and Mrs Glmlnn Jnmlcson gnu Ilmly Jnlo Illinois Vlilltd 1an rercnuy Three L0ca MerchdntsOpen Modern Premises Affiliuied With Red and White Stores The Red and White Stores ex pnnslon program arrived In Burl yesterday when three locll husl nessmen opened newly modernized store In umnaï¬nn with this pro msslve lood nrgnnizauon urns to Road Gordons Grocery 151 Brad lard Street and Forbes Grocflerla 132 Penulung Street are he three local stores now carrying Ihe Red Ind White tanner To obuln the advantages mass pprchaslnx power and the neces nry merchandlllnz lupervlshm market successlully 1n Incompati live and industry each of the three Independentlyowned stores wu rtqulred lo provide complete eludes for nnmtnp shoppan cnnue helm membership Into hi pramgm could be obtained Throuih lhls Illlllaflnn the stores hiya become alllnd wllh he lumen wholesale grocery ï¬rm In Caneit Th Red and White wlth aver8000 stares in the Illlea en apnrallvo grocery movemam ln Ihe Unitd Slulu Ind Canwin Ovar 300 slum are now apexnun in On larlo and rocenuy three were npan ed In Midland one ln Peneunl one In Culdwuler and tour In Orllllu Georgian Bay Commission Endorses Brief Orvnl Flacmum in ch well known proprlaxnr of Plulhlml Grqaery having purchnsod ma businnu alum year no ham mu mu Dnhlan Mr Fluethnm told Thu Examlnur that for the pm 50 years more has hecn load bunints operated at hls meson lo cation on he cnrnar Essa Road and Cumberland Slroet Besides modernlzlnn the exterior and unlamlng the slum Fleethnms have Installed fromd food enh lnet nitservch dairy counter an ice cream cablnm and enlarged he mnnl coumqr mw selfJer vlcc pollcy has bran nduplcd and Conllnued mm pagqoncl met collage were being used for yenrmund rosldence and some occupan had become weHnrc prochm lnr Slmcoe County He was advised lhnta bulldlnx bylaw deflnlnu summer cunnze check by health ommls might be solution Cranslon 101d mcnlher inl that at menu lhut margin In connection with Mldlandx mom to impruve suhsiandard housing area Premier Leslie Frost had given he impmslinn similar redevelopment program might be exlcndcd to other areas Mr Cran Ilon flld Minn Midland wu ax plorinzlhe puuibillly of replacing 40 units perhaps adjacent munic ipaiilic should be advised so my could proltcl themselves azainsi possible influx of relidrnis who Inllhl ulnhilsh undeslrabln dwell nxsi Mr Pcnrson snld matching by law or jolnt plnnnlng board mum be me unswer Mr Kodcr mmlnded he mm In that each municipalny must pls lu own bulldlnz bylaw He said the Plnnnlnu Department has The enuumem announcud Mnrflucrlw Grncc dnuzhlcr of Mn Hurlsnn Woodbrmgu and the law Mr William Barman Hur rmn la Grnydon chruc mchard mm of nude son of Mr and Mn Gram EMn Rlchlmxon Bar rio the murky ln nke plate on Snlurduy Mny II 1055 33 oclock in Wondbrldg Unllcd Church Wondhndgu Onlnrln 50 wllh In Ihnnk the Unllcd Church 1h Womanl Inllliulc Ind nu mnny Mend nnd nclghbou at tho rural flowers and mm whlch luculwd whil pllllnl In Coll lnuwood hm llal Mm llnrm lhnukl Ir Akrinll and lhn nurm or lhrlr wonderful cm Mn wllllnm McOIlllvrny Nrw Lowell 50 IN APPRECIATION ENGAGEMENTS Orvl Flamm ustnmerure pruvldnd wkth push typo shopplnk cans Lu ooxdon Lex Gordan inldBnyvlew Gfo new on Collier Street and boulhk his present stare at 151 Bradlord In the spring at Mm The nan was built In 1905 and has been up lrnled as and store since that time To provide the helmlu desired Gordons have modarnlzed he from the sum and doubled ihe lmcrlor nom spam new noun fund senServe 100d cabin has been installed as well as sell lervc Ice cream cnhlne Lou Knowles is In Chane nt lhc meal dnpnrlmcflL Wllbnr Forbes Wilbur Forbes ha been assum ed with the cod burlncsr or many yours having been with one 010111 adas lamest chain store for 10 years and operating his own slow for 18 years Coming In BunIo Inn spring Mr Forbes oak over the Irocnryj bmincs localcd In thu mndern bulldlng at 132 Pnnetnn Strut All lhrue stares ï¬re now estab lished anevslnp shnpplnl canlres with complete graccry mm and produce dupnrlmenux helylul pamphlet compiled lrom Code for Smnil DwellingL and that nver 500 at these hnci been mm to municipalities Bulldlni requirement would be effective relnrdiess oi thetym at area in which buildings were located In connection with the overlap ping ni nuihorliy ln soveni lov ernment departments dealing with property conlmls Mr thslon told the government oliiciuis the Georgian Bay Cumminlcn hnd re quested nier three year no that pubiirnlinn be prnvldnd consol idutlnu regulntlnnsana require ments in understandable iorm Mri Keefer said this had been received and an oiiicinl was working on had none to another department an overall summary but the ihtter and the project had been held up lie promised to see it the proposal could be revived Mr Pearson commented that it had been shown through simplified income my iorm how government regulations could bccnndensed Mr chlnr urged hat any pm bIcnu ol planning be fotwnrdcd the Plannlng Department and they Would be glad tolurnish he re qulrcdJniormnHDn ThrvlslUng ofllclnls were thanked by Cranmn on hphnl htmcellnl Revision of lhe curlstfnlder wn len whh me Taurlst Cnmmillez Socrclflry McCaul said he had rocolvcd acknowledgment or lhe script by guvcmmcm alllcinlx resoluuon or expansion or Lpnlcrvallom Dalton Jormcy Madame Deputy Reeve reparlcd lhnt the County Council Reforestation Commlmc hnd purrhascd all land nvnllnblc or reforcslallon Llnyd Lelhnrby MPP congru FISHING TACKLE WI ARI AUTHORIZED ISBUEEB 0P HUNTING AND mmNn LICENHEB WE HAVE THE RIOIIT EQUIPMENT AT 11 lunlll lluCE AT THE RIGHT TIMI2 And we hug the know how on the but type at tickle or YOWC requlrcnmm Ho cull In lndny um flxaa up with you nerd lur lucctulul llnhlnl Mr Cransmn give port at the Zone mï¬eflnz BaxHe held by the zovarnmcntIpunsored de velopmem commlulan meeting n1 me new organization would he held at Mfldlnnd he slated whcn plamwnuld he uflhelcd or In dusufnl prémollon 421 ml dishM uIlled the Conrmlsslonon the in erul show In thair activities Indicated the large mundane lh meet n1 He ald he would do whlll he could unher III aims The meeung enthusiastically en dorsed brie he ma before Rays Commlsxjon established to sludy the 9112 of the St Law rence Senwny on Cadenn shlm shipbuilding grain elevmon and rallied Induflrlex The brieY rend by Cran slnn was exlolled as masterly presentation by Marcel Belle vhumeur of Penetnnxulshene and Lluyd Letheth MPP at Cald wmr Secreinry Mccaul ald copies would go 051i irom his 01 ice the lollnwinz morning to the clerk in each municipality The brizi showed the iremenduul impedance at pmlectinl ihe exist lng economy of the GreeLLnkea Irel which look in 08 miilion pou piei or 40 of the pupulniion at North America There was not uniyan invesmienl oi hundreds of miillonn bi dniiars by industry but huge ux lnvenmeni by Can min whichcauld he placed in Jeopardy by main shipping uiier inu cheap services hand on law standard of living and freedom irnm inxna The very axingnc such own as Midland and Ca ilnuwoud win dmndnni lurzeiy an shipnlnl and allied mmmerceY he brie mowed ndyul Commiulnn will be asked lo hnldnday5 hearing In his urea was nnnoundcd that prospect for vacant Vlclorln Hnrbuhr Inc lory was lost due to higher trans pngnupn casts locally Continuation was ulven by chnlr mun Flshernnmon that the next meeting would bc Hillsdale Unllcd Cï¬urch May 01h nLMo pm when dlnncr will be served to members and Ihnlr gums Coun ty Asscssor Eric Simpson will be the xpéakcr an aspects Equnmnd Asscslmenl popular announcement was made by Madame Dupuly move Dalton Jermcy when he 11m ma as Madame was prlvlleul and haunted In have the Commission vment Kn the township compllmunl nry tickclsmould be pmvldbd STREET MIME pIXIEq SMOKE SHOP FISHERMEN Â¥on RODS LINES REELS CALL AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY 15113114 19 Community Centre dance May 1n Strand Hall pm Don and Ipu prizes Lunch provided Adv qllsslnn $100 5062 Rummlle lale Friday alter noun Ind evenlnbAprn 29 under the auspices of 39 Club at Burton Ave United Church 4450 Old tyme and modern dannlni every Wednesday modern dancing every Friday and Saturday at Club Joe MchHHzx Orchestra Senior Citizens Tea Ind Bazaar sale baking LTflgflnll 19 High 51 Wednesday May to pm Admission 25c 4950 Rummage saleln Essa Road Presbyterian Church on Snmrdny mnrninz Apr1130 at oclnck by the Eveninl Auxlllï¬ry 4950 Rummale In Central Unmd Church Schunl Hall Saturday mJr nlnE May Door npen at mm Ausplces Sunset Group WA 50 Dance tn Lloyd HnrbrIdfle and his Old Timers nlMldhursl Ha April 29 In aid at Midhum Sports Club Admisslon 509 49450 Cenml Unllcd Glee Club prel cm th1 musica cancer In Crown Hill United Church on Mmdny Mhy nl830 pm Admlsslun 50c 25c 50 Barrie Sknllng meetlmzv Wednesdn Council Chnmb Building Election zuneral buslnnss nrgynm Inlcrcxlcd PHONE 9051 FRENCH MOTORS YOUR DODGE EL DESOTO DEALER 75 Bradford St PHONE 5971 FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK Skating Club annual Wednesday May pm Chambers Municipal Election officers and Mexn er nnd cardlnlly In THERES EVERYTHING YOU NEED 38 Rummage salt to be held at Loyal me Blue Hall High 51 Saturdny April 30 Doors open lam AusplcEl Canndlnn Lady Foreslers 4950 Puppet Show Ind Film Trinity Parish Hull May 12 730 pm Ausplces ls Barrle Scouts and Cubs Tickets nvnllnble mm mem bers or at door 40 and under II 159 50 The Banla Kennel Shnw wlll hold their Eth nnnual DO Show at the Arena on Saturday May 21 Anyone interested In showing dog can nbtuln lnlnrmntlnn from the secretary Mrs Vlna Jpnes RR Anton Mllls Phone Banla 502B 4750 Thornlon Cnmmunlly are huld In An open house Orange Hall Thornton Wednesday Miy racelve contributions hr the Mc Quny nmlly as result re cent ï¬re not nble to attend conlrlhufluns may be sent Io Ivy E0 Thornton 90 and Allen Barrie Ladies please brlng lunch 50 WE NOWHAVE the NEW MODERN COME SEE COME SEE THATS RIGHT WALKER STORES Bullerick PRINTED PATHIRAS llnl ol lullems lhul nllm ynu II with ulmlan In all alegorln al Inxhlnn null lnmoux Oukk my mum rim UplaIhtMlnun Slyllng Pohgm and Md In my Mud my lax UNITED